#![feature(i128_type)] #![cfg_attr(test, feature(test))] #[cfg(test)] extern crate test; extern crate rand; extern crate byteorder; #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests; pub mod bls12_381; pub mod wnaf; use std::fmt; /// An "engine" is a collection of types (fields, elliptic curve groups, etc.) /// with well-defined relationships. In particular, the G1/G2 curve groups are /// of prime order `r`, and are equipped with a bilinear pairing function. pub trait Engine { /// This is the scalar field of the G1/G2 groups. type Fr: PrimeField; /// The projective representation of an element in G1. type G1: CurveProjective + From; /// The affine representation of an element in G1. type G1Affine: CurveAffine + From; /// The projective representation of an element in G2. type G2: CurveProjective + From; /// The affine representation of an element in G2. type G2Affine: CurveAffine + From; /// The base field that hosts G1. type Fq: PrimeField + SqrtField; /// The extension field that hosts G2. type Fqe: SqrtField; /// The extension field that hosts the target group of the pairing. type Fqk: Field; /// Perform a miller loop with some number of (G1, G2) pairs. fn miller_loop<'a, I>(i: I) -> Self::Fqk where I: IntoIterator::Prepared, &'a ::Prepared )>; /// Perform final exponentiation of the result of a miller loop. fn final_exponentiation(&Self::Fqk) -> Option; /// Performs a complete pairing operation `(p, q)`. fn pairing(p: G1, q: G2) -> Self::Fqk where G1: Into, G2: Into { Self::final_exponentiation(&Self::miller_loop( [( &(p.into().prepare()), &(q.into().prepare()) )].into_iter() )).unwrap() } } /// Projective representation of an elliptic curve point guaranteed to be /// in the correct prime order subgroup. pub trait CurveProjective: PartialEq + Eq + Sized + Copy + Clone + Send + Sync + fmt::Debug + rand::Rand + 'static { type Scalar: PrimeField; type Base: SqrtField; type Affine: CurveAffine; /// Returns the additive identity. fn zero() -> Self; /// Returns a fixed generator of unknown exponent. fn one() -> Self; /// Determines if this point is the point at infinity. fn is_zero(&self) -> bool; /// Normalizes a slice of projective elements so that /// conversion to affine is cheap. fn batch_normalization(v: &mut [Self]); /// Checks if the point is already "normalized" so that /// cheap affine conversion is possible. fn is_normalized(&self) -> bool; /// Doubles this element. fn double(&mut self); /// Adds another element to this element. fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self); /// Subtracts another element from this element. fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: &Self) { let mut tmp = *other; tmp.negate(); self.add_assign(&tmp); } /// Adds an affine element to this element. fn add_assign_mixed(&mut self, other: &Self::Affine); /// Negates this element. fn negate(&mut self); /// Performs scalar multiplication of this element. fn mul_assign::Repr>>(&mut self, other: S); /// Converts this element into its affine representation. fn into_affine(&self) -> Self::Affine; /// Recommends a wNAF window table size given a scalar. Returns `None` if normal /// scalar multiplication is encouraged. If `Some` is returned, it will be between /// 2 and 22, inclusive. fn recommended_wnaf_for_scalar(scalar: ::Repr) -> Option; /// Recommends a wNAF window size given the number of scalars you intend to multiply /// a base by. Always returns a number between 2 and 22, inclusive. fn recommended_wnaf_for_num_scalars(num_scalars: usize) -> usize; } /// Affine representation of an elliptic curve point guaranteed to be /// in the correct prime order subgroup. pub trait CurveAffine: Copy + Clone + Sized + Send + Sync + fmt::Debug + PartialEq + Eq + 'static { type Scalar: PrimeField; type Base: SqrtField; type Projective: CurveProjective; type Prepared: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static; type Uncompressed: EncodedPoint; type Compressed: EncodedPoint; /// Returns the additive identity. fn zero() -> Self; /// Returns a fixed generator of unknown exponent. fn one() -> Self; /// Determines if this point represents the point at infinity; the /// additive identity. fn is_zero(&self) -> bool; /// Determines if this point is on the curve and in the correct subgroup. fn is_valid(&self) -> bool; /// Negates this element. fn negate(&mut self); /// Performs scalar multiplication of this element with mixed addition. fn mul::Repr>>(&self, other: S) -> Self::Projective; /// Prepares this element for pairing purposes. fn prepare(&self) -> Self::Prepared; /// Converts this element into its affine representation. fn into_projective(&self) -> Self::Projective; /// Converts this element into its compressed encoding, so long as it's not /// the point at infinity. fn into_compressed(&self) -> Result { ::from_affine(*self) } /// Converts this element into its uncompressed encoding, so long as it's not /// the point at infinity. fn into_uncompressed(&self) -> Result { ::from_affine(*self) } } /// An encoded elliptic curve point, which should essentially wrap a `[u8; N]`. pub trait EncodedPoint: Sized + Send + Sync + AsRef<[u8]> + AsMut<[u8]> + 'static { type Affine: CurveAffine; /// Creates an empty representation. fn empty() -> Self; /// Returns the number of bytes consumed by this representation. fn size() -> usize; /// Converts an `EncodedPoint` into a `CurveAffine` element, /// if the point is valid. fn into_affine(&self) -> Result { let affine = self.into_affine_unchecked()?; if affine.is_valid() { Ok(affine) } else { Err(()) } } /// Converts an `EncodedPoint` into a `CurveAffine` element, /// without checking if it's a valid point. Caller must be careful /// when using this, as misuse can violate API invariants. fn into_affine_unchecked(&self) -> Result; /// Creates an `EncodedPoint` from an affine point, as long as the /// point is not the point at infinity. fn from_affine(affine: Self::Affine) -> Result; } /// This trait represents an element of a field. pub trait Field: Sized + Eq + Copy + Clone + Send + Sync + fmt::Debug + 'static + rand::Rand { /// Returns the zero element of the field, the additive identity. fn zero() -> Self; /// Returns the one element of the field, the multiplicative identity. fn one() -> Self; /// Returns true iff this element is zero. fn is_zero(&self) -> bool; /// Squares this element. fn square(&mut self); /// Doubles this element. fn double(&mut self); /// Negates this element. fn negate(&mut self); /// Adds another element to this element. fn add_assign(&mut self, other: &Self); /// Subtracts another element from this element. fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: &Self); /// Multiplies another element by this element. fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: &Self); /// Computes the multiplicative inverse of this element, if nonzero. fn inverse(&self) -> Option; /// Exponentiates this element by a power of the base prime modulus via /// the Frobenius automorphism. fn frobenius_map(&mut self, power: usize); /// Exponentiates this element by a number represented with `u64` limbs, /// least significant digit first. fn pow>(&self, exp: S) -> Self { let mut res = Self::one(); let mut found_one = false; for i in BitIterator::new(exp) { if found_one { res.square(); } else { found_one = i; } if i { res.mul_assign(self); } } res } } /// This trait represents an element of a field that has a square root operation described for it. pub trait SqrtField: Field { /// Returns the square root of the field element, if it is /// quadratic residue. fn sqrt(&self) -> Option; } /// This trait represents a wrapper around a biginteger which can encode any element of a particular /// prime field. It is a smart wrapper around a sequence of `u64` limbs, least-significant digit /// first. pub trait PrimeFieldRepr: Sized + Copy + Clone + Eq + Ord + Send + Sync + fmt::Debug + 'static + rand::Rand + AsRef<[u64]> + From { /// Subtract another reprensetation from this one, returning the borrow bit. fn sub_noborrow(&mut self, other: &Self) -> bool; /// Add another representation to this one, returning the carry bit. fn add_nocarry(&mut self, other: &Self) -> bool; /// Compute the number of bits needed to encode this number. fn num_bits(&self) -> u32; /// Returns true iff this number is zero. fn is_zero(&self) -> bool; /// Returns true iff this number is odd. fn is_odd(&self) -> bool; /// Returns true iff this number is even. fn is_even(&self) -> bool; /// Performs a rightwise bitshift of this number, effectively dividing /// it by 2. fn div2(&mut self); /// Performs a rightwise bitshift of this number by some amount. fn divn(&mut self, amt: usize); /// Performs a leftwise bitshift of this number, effectively multiplying /// it by 2. Overflow is ignored. fn mul2(&mut self); } /// This represents an element of a prime field. pub trait PrimeField: Field { /// The prime field can be converted back and forth into this biginteger /// representation. type Repr: PrimeFieldRepr + From; /// Convert this prime field element into a biginteger representation. fn from_repr(Self::Repr) -> Result; /// Convert a biginteger reprensentation into a prime field element, if /// the number is an element of the field. fn into_repr(&self) -> Self::Repr; /// Returns the field characteristic; the modulus. fn char() -> Self::Repr; /// Returns how many bits are needed to represent an element of this /// field. fn num_bits() -> u32; /// Returns how many bits of information can be reliably stored in the /// field element. fn capacity() -> u32; /// Returns the multiplicative generator of `char()` - 1 order. This element /// must also be quadratic nonresidue. fn multiplicative_generator() -> Self; /// Returns s such that 2^s * t = `char()` - 1 with t odd. fn s() -> usize; /// Returns the 2^s root of unity computed by exponentiating the `multiplicative_generator()` /// by t. fn root_of_unity() -> Self; } pub struct BitIterator { t: E, n: usize } impl> BitIterator { pub fn new(t: E) -> Self { let n = t.as_ref().len() * 64; BitIterator { t: t, n: n } } } impl> Iterator for BitIterator { type Item = bool; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.n == 0 { None } else { self.n -= 1; let part = self.n / 64; let bit = self.n - (64 * part); Some(self.t.as_ref()[part] & (1 << bit) > 0) } } } #[test] fn test_bit_iterator() { let mut a = BitIterator::new([0xa953d79b83f6ab59, 0x6dea2059e200bd39]); let expected = "01101101111010100010000001011001111000100000000010111101001110011010100101010011110101111001101110000011111101101010101101011001"; for e in expected.chars() { assert!(a.next().unwrap() == (e == '1')); } assert!(a.next().is_none()); let expected = "1010010101111110101010000101101011101000011101110101001000011001100100100011011010001011011011010001011011101100110100111011010010110001000011110100110001100110011101101000101100011100100100100100001010011101010111110011101011000011101000111011011101011001"; let mut a = BitIterator::new([0x429d5f3ac3a3b759, 0xb10f4c66768b1c92, 0x92368b6d16ecd3b4, 0xa57ea85ae8775219]); for e in expected.chars() { assert!(a.next().unwrap() == (e == '1')); } assert!(a.next().is_none()); } /// Calculate a - b - borrow, returning the result and modifying /// the borrow value. #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn sbb(a: u64, b: u64, borrow: &mut u64) -> u64 { let tmp = (1u128 << 64) + (a as u128) - (b as u128) - (*borrow as u128); *borrow = if tmp >> 64 == 0 { 1 } else { 0 }; tmp as u64 } /// Calculate a + b + carry, returning the sum and modifying the /// carry value. #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn adc(a: u64, b: u64, carry: &mut u64) -> u64 { let tmp = (a as u128) + (b as u128) + (*carry as u128); *carry = (tmp >> 64) as u64; tmp as u64 } /// Calculate a + (b * c) + carry, returning the least significant digit /// and setting carry to the most significant digit. #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn mac_with_carry(a: u64, b: u64, c: u64, carry: &mut u64) -> u64 { let tmp = (a as u128) + (b as u128) * (c as u128) + (*carry as u128); *carry = (tmp >> 64) as u64; tmp as u64 }