
254 lines
11 KiB

//! Error types for problems that may arise when reading or storing wallet data to SQLite.
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use shardtree::error::ShardTreeError;
use zcash_address::ParseError;
use zcash_client_backend::PoolType;
use zcash_keys::keys::AddressGenerationError;
use zcash_primitives::zip32;
use zcash_primitives::{consensus::BlockHeight, transaction::components::amount::BalanceError};
use crate::wallet::commitment_tree;
use crate::AccountId;
use crate::PRUNING_DEPTH;
#[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")]
use {
zcash_primitives::{legacy::TransparentAddress, transaction::TxId},
/// The primary error type for the SQLite wallet backend.
pub enum SqliteClientError {
/// Decoding of a stored value from its serialized form has failed.
/// An error occurred decoding a protobuf message.
/// The rcm value for a note cannot be decoded to a valid JubJub point.
/// Illegal attempt to reinitialize an already-initialized wallet database.
/// A Zcash key or address decoding error
/// An error produced in legacy transparent address derivation
#[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")]
/// An error encountered in decoding a transparent address from its
/// serialized form.
#[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")]
/// Wrapper for rusqlite errors.
/// Wrapper for errors from the IO subsystem
/// A received memo cannot be interpreted as a UTF-8 string.
/// An attempt to update block data would overwrite the current hash for a block with a
/// different hash. This indicates that a required rewind was not performed.
/// A range of blocks provided to the database as a unit was non-sequential
/// A requested rewind would violate invariants of the storage layer. The payload returned with
/// this error is (safe rewind height, requested height).
RequestedRewindInvalid(BlockHeight, BlockHeight),
/// An error occurred in generating a Zcash address.
/// The account for which information was requested does not belong to the wallet.
/// The account being added collides with an existing account in the wallet with the given ID.
/// The collision can be on the seed and ZIP-32 account index, or a shared FVK component.
/// The account was imported, and ZIP-32 derivation information is not known for it.
/// An error occurred deriving a spending key from a seed and a ZIP-32 account index.
/// An error occurred while processing an account due to a failure in deriving the account's keys.
/// A caller attempted to initialize the accounts table with a discontinuous
/// set of account identifiers.
/// A caller attempted to construct a new account with an invalid account identifier.
/// The address associated with a record being inserted was not recognized as
/// belonging to the wallet.
#[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")]
/// An error occurred in inserting data into or accessing data from one of the wallet's note
/// commitment trees.
/// The block at the specified height was not available from the block cache.
/// The height of the chain was not available; a call to [`WalletWrite::update_chain_tip`] is
/// required before the requested operation can succeed.
/// [`WalletWrite::update_chain_tip`]:
/// zcash_client_backend::data_api::WalletWrite::update_chain_tip
/// Unsupported pool type
/// An error occurred in computing wallet balance
/// The proposal cannot be constructed until transactions with previously reserved
/// ephemeral address outputs have been mined. The parameters are the account id and
/// the index that could not safely be reserved.
#[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")]
ReachedGapLimit(AccountId, u32),
/// An ephemeral address would be reused. The parameters are the address in string
/// form, and the txid of the earliest transaction in which it is known to have been
/// used.
#[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")]
EphemeralAddressReuse(String, TxId),
impl error::Error for SqliteClientError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
match &self {
SqliteClientError::InvalidMemo(e) => Some(e),
SqliteClientError::DbError(e) => Some(e),
SqliteClientError::Io(e) => Some(e),
SqliteClientError::BalanceError(e) => Some(e),
SqliteClientError::AddressGeneration(e) => Some(e),
_ => None,
impl fmt::Display for SqliteClientError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match &self {
SqliteClientError::CorruptedData(reason) => {
write!(f, "Data DB is corrupted: {}", reason)
SqliteClientError::Protobuf(e) => write!(f, "Failed to parse protobuf-encoded record: {}", e),
SqliteClientError::InvalidNote => write!(f, "Invalid note"),
SqliteClientError::RequestedRewindInvalid(h, r) =>
write!(f, "A rewind must be either of less than {} blocks, or at least back to block {} for your wallet; the requested height was {}.", PRUNING_DEPTH, h, r),
SqliteClientError::DecodingError(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
#[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")]
SqliteClientError::TransparentDerivation(e) => write!(f, "{:?}", e),
#[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")]
SqliteClientError::TransparentAddress(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
SqliteClientError::TableNotEmpty => write!(f, "Table is not empty"),
SqliteClientError::DbError(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
SqliteClientError::Io(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
SqliteClientError::InvalidMemo(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
SqliteClientError::BlockConflict(h) => write!(f, "A block hash conflict occurred at height {}; rewind required.", u32::from(*h)),
SqliteClientError::NonSequentialBlocks => write!(f, "`put_blocks` requires that the provided block range be sequential"),
SqliteClientError::AddressGeneration(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
SqliteClientError::AccountUnknown => write!(f, "The account with the given ID does not belong to this wallet."),
SqliteClientError::UnknownZip32Derivation => write!(f, "ZIP-32 derivation information is not known for this account."),
SqliteClientError::KeyDerivationError(acct_id) => write!(f, "Key derivation failed for account {}", u32::from(*acct_id)),
SqliteClientError::BadAccountData(e) => write!(f, "Failed to add account: {}", e),
SqliteClientError::AccountIdDiscontinuity => write!(f, "Wallet account identifiers must be sequential."),
SqliteClientError::AccountIdOutOfRange => write!(f, "Wallet account identifiers must be less than 0x7FFFFFFF."),
SqliteClientError::AccountCollision(id) => write!(f, "An account corresponding to the data provided already exists in the wallet with internal identifier {}.", id.0),
#[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")]
SqliteClientError::AddressNotRecognized(_) => write!(f, "The address associated with a received txo is not identifiable as belonging to the wallet."),
SqliteClientError::CommitmentTree(err) => write!(f, "An error occurred accessing or updating note commitment tree data: {}.", err),
SqliteClientError::CacheMiss(height) => write!(f, "Requested height {} does not exist in the block cache.", height),
SqliteClientError::ChainHeightUnknown => write!(f, "Chain height unknown; please call `update_chain_tip`"),
SqliteClientError::UnsupportedPoolType(t) => write!(f, "Pool type is not currently supported: {}", t),
SqliteClientError::BalanceError(e) => write!(f, "Balance error: {}", e),
#[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")]
SqliteClientError::ReachedGapLimit(account_id, bad_index) => write!(f,
"The proposal cannot be constructed until transactions with previously reserved ephemeral address outputs have been mined. \
The ephemeral address in account {account_id:?} at index {bad_index} could not be safely reserved.",
#[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")]
SqliteClientError::EphemeralAddressReuse(address_str, txid) => write!(f, "The ephemeral address {address_str} previously used in txid {txid} would be reused."),
impl From<rusqlite::Error> for SqliteClientError {
fn from(e: rusqlite::Error) -> Self {
impl From<std::io::Error> for SqliteClientError {
fn from(e: std::io::Error) -> Self {
impl From<ParseError> for SqliteClientError {
fn from(e: ParseError) -> Self {
impl From<prost::DecodeError> for SqliteClientError {
fn from(e: prost::DecodeError) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")]
impl From<bip32::Error> for SqliteClientError {
fn from(e: bip32::Error) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "transparent-inputs")]
impl From<TransparentCodecError> for SqliteClientError {
fn from(e: TransparentCodecError) -> Self {
impl From<zcash_primitives::memo::Error> for SqliteClientError {
fn from(e: zcash_primitives::memo::Error) -> Self {
impl From<ShardTreeError<commitment_tree::Error>> for SqliteClientError {
fn from(e: ShardTreeError<commitment_tree::Error>) -> Self {
impl From<BalanceError> for SqliteClientError {
fn from(e: BalanceError) -> Self {
impl From<AddressGenerationError> for SqliteClientError {
fn from(e: AddressGenerationError) -> Self {