
384 lines
14 KiB

//! *Parser for all defined Zcash address types.*
//! This crate implements address parsing as a two-phase process, built around the opaque
//! [`ZcashAddress`] type.
//! - [`ZcashAddress`] can be parsed from, and encoded to, strings.
//! - [`ZcashAddress::convert`] or [`ZcashAddress::convert_if_network`] can be used to
//! convert a parsed address into custom types that implement the [`TryFromAddress`] or
//! [`TryFromRawAddress`] traits.
//! - Custom types can be converted into a [`ZcashAddress`] via its implementation of the
//! [`ToAddress`] trait.
//! ```text
//! s.parse() .convert()
//! --------> --------->
//! Strings ZcashAddress Custom types
//! <-------- <---------
//! .encode() ToAddress
//! ```
//! It is important to note that this crate does not depend on any of the Zcash protocol
//! crates (e.g. `sapling-crypto` or `orchard`). This crate has minimal dependencies by
//! design; it focuses solely on parsing, handling those concerns for you, while exposing
//! APIs that enable you to convert the parsed data into the Rust types you want to use.
//! # Using this crate
//! ## I just need to validate Zcash addresses
//! ```
//! # use zcash_address::ZcashAddress;
//! fn is_valid_zcash_address(addr_string: &str) -> bool {
//! addr_string.parse::<ZcashAddress>().is_ok()
//! }
//! ```
//! ## I want to parse Zcash addresses in a Rust wallet app that uses the `zcash_primitives` transaction builder
//! Use `zcash_client_backend::address::RecipientAddress`, which implements the traits in
//! this crate to parse address strings into protocol types that work with the transaction
//! builder in the `zcash_primitives` crate (as well as the wallet functionality in the
//! `zcash_client_backend` crate itself).
//! > We intend to refactor the key and address types from the `zcash_client_backend` and
//! > `zcash_primitives` crates into a separate crate focused on dealing with Zcash key
//! > material. That crate will then be what you should use.
//! ## I want to parse Unified Addresses
//! See the [`unified::Address`] documentation for examples.
//! While the [`unified::Address`] type does have parsing methods, you should still parse
//! your address strings with [`ZcashAddress`] and then convert; this will ensure that for
//! other Zcash address types you get a [`ConversionError::Unsupported`], which is a
//! better error for your users.
//! ## I want to parse mainnet Zcash addresses in a language that supports C FFI
//! As an example, you could use static functions to create the address types in the
//! target language from the parsed data.
//! ```
//! use std::ffi::{CStr, c_char, c_void};
//! use std::ptr;
//! use zcash_address::{ConversionError, Network, TryFromRawAddress, ZcashAddress};
//! // Functions that return a pointer to a heap-allocated address of the given kind in
//! // the target language. These should be augmented to return any relevant errors.
//! extern {
//! fn addr_from_sapling(data: *const u8) -> *mut c_void;
//! fn addr_from_transparent_p2pkh(data: *const u8) -> *mut c_void;
//! }
//! struct ParsedAddress(*mut c_void);
//! impl TryFromRawAddress for ParsedAddress {
//! type Error = &'static str;
//! fn try_from_raw_sapling(
//! data: [u8; 43],
//! ) -> Result<Self, ConversionError<Self::Error>> {
//! let parsed = unsafe { addr_from_sapling(data[..].as_ptr()) };
//! if parsed.is_null() {
//! Err("Reason for the failure".into())
//! } else {
//! Ok(Self(parsed))
//! }
//! }
//! fn try_from_raw_transparent_p2pkh(
//! data: [u8; 20],
//! ) -> Result<Self, ConversionError<Self::Error>> {
//! let parsed = unsafe { addr_from_transparent_p2pkh(data[..].as_ptr()) };
//! if parsed.is_null() {
//! Err("Reason for the failure".into())
//! } else {
//! Ok(Self(parsed))
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! pub extern "C" fn parse_zcash_address(encoded: *const c_char) -> *mut c_void {
//! let encoded = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(encoded) }.to_str().expect("valid");
//! let addr = match ZcashAddress::try_from_encoded(encoded) {
//! Ok(addr) => addr,
//! Err(e) => {
//! // This was either an invalid address encoding, or not a Zcash address.
//! // You should pass this error back across the FFI.
//! return ptr::null_mut();
//! }
//! };
//! match addr.convert_if_network::<ParsedAddress>(Network::Main) {
//! Ok(parsed) => parsed.0,
//! Err(e) => {
//! // We didn't implement all of the methods of `TryFromRawAddress`, so if an
//! // address with one of those kinds is parsed, it will result in an error
//! // here that should be passed back across the FFI.
//! ptr::null_mut()
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! ```
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_auto_cfg))]
// Catch documentation errors caused by code changes.
mod convert;
mod encoding;
mod kind;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-dependencies"))]
pub mod test_vectors;
pub use convert::{
ConversionError, ToAddress, TryFromAddress, TryFromRawAddress, UnsupportedAddress,
pub use encoding::ParseError;
pub use kind::unified;
use kind::unified::Receiver;
pub use zcash_protocol::consensus::NetworkType as Network;
use zcash_protocol::{PoolType, ShieldedProtocol};
/// A Zcash address.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct ZcashAddress {
net: Network,
kind: AddressKind,
/// Known kinds of Zcash addresses.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
enum AddressKind {
Sprout([u8; 64]),
Sapling([u8; 43]),
P2pkh([u8; 20]),
P2sh([u8; 20]),
Tex([u8; 20]),
impl ZcashAddress {
/// Encodes this Zcash address in its canonical string representation.
/// This provides the encoded string representation of the address as defined by the
/// [Zcash protocol specification]( and/or
/// [ZIP 316]( The [`Display` implementation] can also
/// be used to produce this encoding using [`address.to_string()`].
/// [`Display` implementation]: std::fmt::Display
/// [`address.to_string()`]: std::string::ToString
pub fn encode(&self) -> String {
format!("{}", self)
/// Attempts to parse the given string as a Zcash address.
/// This simply calls [`s.parse()`], leveraging the [`FromStr` implementation].
/// [`s.parse()`]: std::primitive::str::parse
/// [`FromStr` implementation]: ZcashAddress#impl-FromStr
/// # Errors
/// - If the parser can detect that the string _must_ contain an address encoding used
/// by Zcash, [`ParseError::InvalidEncoding`] will be returned if any subsequent
/// part of that encoding is invalid.
/// - In all other cases, [`ParseError::NotZcash`] will be returned on failure.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use zcash_address::ZcashAddress;
/// let encoded = "zs1z7rejlpsa98s2rrrfkwmaxu53e4ue0ulcrw0h4x5g8jl04tak0d3mm47vdtahatqrlkngh9sly";
/// let addr = ZcashAddress::try_from_encoded(&encoded);
/// assert_eq!(encoded.parse(), addr);
/// ```
pub fn try_from_encoded(s: &str) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
/// Converts this address into another type.
/// `convert` can convert into any type that implements the [`TryFromAddress`] trait.
/// This enables `ZcashAddress` to be used as a common parsing and serialization
/// interface for Zcash addresses, while delegating operations on those addresses
/// (such as constructing transactions) to downstream crates.
/// If you want to get the encoded string for this address, use the [`encode`]
/// method or the [`Display` implementation] via [`address.to_string()`] instead.
/// [`encode`]: Self::encode
/// [`Display` implementation]: std::fmt::Display
/// [`address.to_string()`]: std::string::ToString
pub fn convert<T: TryFromAddress>(self) -> Result<T, ConversionError<T::Error>> {
match self.kind {
AddressKind::Sprout(data) => T::try_from_sprout(, data),
AddressKind::Sapling(data) => T::try_from_sapling(, data),
AddressKind::Unified(data) => T::try_from_unified(, data),
AddressKind::P2pkh(data) => T::try_from_transparent_p2pkh(, data),
AddressKind::P2sh(data) => T::try_from_transparent_p2sh(, data),
AddressKind::Tex(data) => T::try_from_tex(, data),
/// Converts this address into another type, if it matches the expected network.
/// `convert_if_network` can convert into any type that implements the
/// [`TryFromRawAddress`] trait. This enables `ZcashAddress` to be used as a common
/// parsing and serialization interface for Zcash addresses, while delegating
/// operations on those addresses (such as constructing transactions) to downstream
/// crates.
/// If you want to get the encoded string for this address, use the [`encode`]
/// method or the [`Display` implementation] via [`address.to_string()`] instead.
/// [`encode`]: Self::encode
/// [`Display` implementation]: std::fmt::Display
/// [`address.to_string()`]: std::string::ToString
pub fn convert_if_network<T: TryFromRawAddress>(
net: Network,
) -> Result<T, ConversionError<T::Error>> {
let network_matches = == net;
// The Sprout and transparent address encodings use the same prefix for testnet
// and regtest, so we need to allow parsing testnet addresses as regtest.
let regtest_exception =
network_matches || ( == Network::Test && net == Network::Regtest);
match self.kind {
AddressKind::Sprout(data) if regtest_exception => T::try_from_raw_sprout(data),
AddressKind::Sapling(data) if network_matches => T::try_from_raw_sapling(data),
AddressKind::Unified(data) if network_matches => T::try_from_raw_unified(data),
AddressKind::P2pkh(data) if regtest_exception => {
AddressKind::P2sh(data) if regtest_exception => T::try_from_raw_transparent_p2sh(data),
AddressKind::Tex(data) if network_matches => T::try_from_raw_tex(data),
_ => Err(ConversionError::IncorrectNetwork {
expected: net,
/// Returns whether this address has the ability to receive transfers of the given pool type.
pub fn can_receive_as(&self, pool_type: PoolType) -> bool {
use AddressKind::*;
match &self.kind {
Sprout(_) => false,
Sapling(_) => pool_type == PoolType::Shielded(ShieldedProtocol::Sapling),
Unified(addr) => addr.has_receiver_of_type(pool_type),
P2pkh(_) | P2sh(_) | Tex(_) => pool_type == PoolType::Transparent,
/// Returns whether this address can receive a memo.
pub fn can_receive_memo(&self) -> bool {
use AddressKind::*;
match &self.kind {
Sprout(_) | Sapling(_) => true,
Unified(addr) => addr.can_receive_memo(),
P2pkh(_) | P2sh(_) | Tex(_) => false,
/// Returns whether or not this address contains or corresponds to the given unified address
/// receiver.
pub fn matches_receiver(&self, receiver: &Receiver) -> bool {
match (&self.kind, receiver) {
(AddressKind::Unified(ua), r) => ua.contains_receiver(r),
(AddressKind::Sapling(d), Receiver::Sapling(r)) => r == d,
(AddressKind::P2pkh(d), Receiver::P2pkh(r)) => r == d,
(AddressKind::Tex(d), Receiver::P2pkh(r)) => r == d,
(AddressKind::P2sh(d), Receiver::P2sh(r)) => r == d,
_ => false,
#[cfg(feature = "test-dependencies")]
pub mod testing {
use std::convert::TryInto;
use proptest::{array::uniform20, collection::vec, prelude::any, prop_compose, prop_oneof};
use crate::{unified::address::testing::arb_unified_address, AddressKind, ZcashAddress};
use zcash_protocol::consensus::NetworkType;
prop_compose! {
fn arb_sprout_addr_kind()(
r_bytes in vec(any::<u8>(), 64)
) -> AddressKind {
prop_compose! {
fn arb_sapling_addr_kind()(
r_bytes in vec(any::<u8>(), 43)
) -> AddressKind {
prop_compose! {
fn arb_p2pkh_addr_kind()(
r_bytes in uniform20(any::<u8>())
) -> AddressKind {
prop_compose! {
fn arb_p2sh_addr_kind()(
r_bytes in uniform20(any::<u8>())
) -> AddressKind {
prop_compose! {
fn arb_unified_addr_kind()(
uaddr in arb_unified_address()
) -> AddressKind {
prop_compose! {
fn arb_tex_addr_kind()(
r_bytes in uniform20(any::<u8>())
) -> AddressKind {
prop_compose! {
/// Create an arbitrary, structurally-valid `ZcashAddress` value.
/// Note that the data contained in the generated address does _not_ necessarily correspond
/// to a valid address according to the Zcash protocol; binary data in the resulting value
/// is entirely random.
pub fn arb_address(net: NetworkType)(
kind in prop_oneof!(
) -> ZcashAddress {
ZcashAddress { net, kind }