removed prop_test for issue

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Paul 2022-09-08 21:15:48 +03:00
parent 97d8d8a240
commit a6567f40a9
1 changed files with 9 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -76,59 +76,6 @@ impl IssueAction {
/// Generators for property testing.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-dependencies"))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "test-dependencies")))]
pub(crate) mod testing {
use super::IssueAction;
use crate::{note::testing::arb_note, value::NoteValue};
use nonempty::NonEmpty;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use crate::keys::testing::arb_spending_key;
prop_compose! {
/// Generate an issue action with a single note and without authorization data.
pub fn arb_unauthorized_issue_action(output_value: NoteValue)(
_sk in arb_spending_key(),
vec in prop::collection::vec(any::<u8>(), 0..=255),
note in arb_note(output_value),
) -> IssueAction {
// let isk: IssuerAuthorizingKey = (&sk).into();
// let ik: IssuerValidatingKey = (&isk).into();
let asset_desc = String::from_utf8(vec).unwrap();
IssueAction {
notes: NonEmpty::new(note), //todo: replace note type
finalize: false,
// prop_compose! {
// /// Generate an issue action with invalid (random) authorization data.
// pub fn arb_issue_action(output_value: NoteValue)(
// sk in arb_spending_key(),
// vec in prop::collection::vec(any::<u8>(), 0..=255),
// note in arb_note(output_value),
// rng_seed in prop::array::uniform32(prop::num::u8::ANY),
// fake_sighash in prop::array::uniform32(prop::num::u8::ANY),
// ) -> IssueAction {
// let mut rng = StdRng::from_seed(rng_seed);
// let isk: IssuerAuthorizingKey = (&sk).into();
// let ik: IssuerValidatingKey = (&isk).into();
// IssueAction {
// asset_desc: String::from_utf8(vec).unwrap(),
// notes: NonEmpty::new(note), //todo: replace note type
// finalize: false,
// }
// }
// }
/// An issue action applied to the global ledger.
/// Externally, this creates new zsa notes (adding a commitment to the global ledger).
@ -406,9 +353,9 @@ pub enum Error {
/// Verification errors:
/// Invalid signature
/// Invalid signature.
/// Invalid signature
/// The provided `NoteType` has been previously finalized.
@ -417,8 +364,13 @@ pub enum Error {
// impl fmt::Display for Error {
// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// match self {
// //Self::MalformedSigningKey => write!(f, "Malformed signing key encoding."),
// Error::IssueActionAlreadyFinalized => {write!(f, "unable to add note to the IssueAction since it has already been finalized")}
// Error::IssueActionNotFound => {}
// Error::IssueActionIncorrectNoteType => {}
// Error::IssueBundleIkMismatchNoteType => {}
// Error::WrongAssetDescSize => {}
// IssueBundleInvalidSignature(_) => {}
// IssueActionPreviouslyFinalizedNoteType(_) => {}
// }
// }
// }