//! The Orchard Action circuit implementation. use core::fmt; use group::{Curve, GroupEncoding}; use halo2_proofs::{ circuit::{floor_planner, Layouter}, plonk::{ self, Advice, Column, Constraints, Expression, Instance as InstanceColumn, Selector, SingleVerifier, }, poly::Rotation, transcript::{Blake2bRead, Blake2bWrite}, }; use memuse::DynamicUsage; use pasta_curves::{arithmetic::CurveAffine, pallas, vesta}; use rand::RngCore; use self::{ commit_ivk::{CommitIvkChip, CommitIvkConfig}, gadget::{ add_chip::{AddChip, AddConfig}, assign_free_advice, }, note_commit::{NoteCommitChip, NoteCommitConfig}, }; use crate::{ constants::{ OrchardCommitDomains, OrchardFixedBases, OrchardFixedBasesFull, OrchardHashDomains, MERKLE_DEPTH_ORCHARD, }, keys::{ CommitIvkRandomness, DiversifiedTransmissionKey, NullifierDerivingKey, SpendValidatingKey, }, note::{ commitment::{NoteCommitTrapdoor, NoteCommitment}, nullifier::Nullifier, ExtractedNoteCommitment, }, primitives::redpallas::{SpendAuth, VerificationKey}, spec::NonIdentityPallasPoint, tree::{Anchor, MerkleHashOrchard}, value::{NoteValue, ValueCommitTrapdoor, ValueCommitment}, }; use halo2_gadgets::{ ecc::{ chip::{EccChip, EccConfig}, FixedPoint, NonIdentityPoint, Point, ScalarFixed, ScalarFixedShort, ScalarVar, }, poseidon::{primitives as poseidon, Pow5Chip as PoseidonChip, Pow5Config as PoseidonConfig}, sinsemilla::{ chip::{SinsemillaChip, SinsemillaConfig}, merkle::{ chip::{MerkleChip, MerkleConfig}, MerklePath, }, }, utilities::lookup_range_check::LookupRangeCheckConfig, }; mod commit_ivk; pub mod gadget; mod note_commit; /// Size of the Orchard circuit. const K: u32 = 11; // Absolute offsets for public inputs. const ANCHOR: usize = 0; const CV_NET_X: usize = 1; const CV_NET_Y: usize = 2; const NF_OLD: usize = 3; const RK_X: usize = 4; const RK_Y: usize = 5; const CMX: usize = 6; const ENABLE_SPEND: usize = 7; const ENABLE_OUTPUT: usize = 8; /// Configuration needed to use the Orchard Action circuit. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Config { primary: Column, q_orchard: Selector, advices: [Column; 10], add_config: AddConfig, ecc_config: EccConfig, poseidon_config: PoseidonConfig, merkle_config_1: MerkleConfig, merkle_config_2: MerkleConfig, sinsemilla_config_1: SinsemillaConfig, sinsemilla_config_2: SinsemillaConfig, commit_ivk_config: CommitIvkConfig, old_note_commit_config: NoteCommitConfig, new_note_commit_config: NoteCommitConfig, } /// The Orchard Action circuit. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct Circuit { pub(crate) path: Option<[MerkleHashOrchard; MERKLE_DEPTH_ORCHARD]>, pub(crate) pos: Option, pub(crate) g_d_old: Option, pub(crate) pk_d_old: Option, pub(crate) v_old: Option, pub(crate) rho_old: Option, pub(crate) psi_old: Option, pub(crate) rcm_old: Option, pub(crate) cm_old: Option, pub(crate) alpha: Option, pub(crate) ak: Option, pub(crate) nk: Option, pub(crate) rivk: Option, pub(crate) g_d_new: Option, pub(crate) pk_d_new: Option, pub(crate) v_new: Option, pub(crate) psi_new: Option, pub(crate) rcm_new: Option, pub(crate) rcv: Option, } impl plonk::Circuit for Circuit { type Config = Config; type FloorPlanner = floor_planner::V1; fn without_witnesses(&self) -> Self { Self::default() } fn configure(meta: &mut plonk::ConstraintSystem) -> Self::Config { // Advice columns used in the Orchard circuit. let advices = [ meta.advice_column(), meta.advice_column(), meta.advice_column(), meta.advice_column(), meta.advice_column(), meta.advice_column(), meta.advice_column(), meta.advice_column(), meta.advice_column(), meta.advice_column(), ]; // Constrain v_old - v_new = magnitude * sign // Either v_old = 0, or calculated root = anchor // Constrain v_old = 0 or enable_spends = 1. // Constrain v_new = 0 or enable_outputs = 1. let q_orchard = meta.selector(); meta.create_gate("Orchard circuit checks", |meta| { let q_orchard = meta.query_selector(q_orchard); let v_old = meta.query_advice(advices[0], Rotation::cur()); let v_new = meta.query_advice(advices[1], Rotation::cur()); let magnitude = meta.query_advice(advices[2], Rotation::cur()); let sign = meta.query_advice(advices[3], Rotation::cur()); let root = meta.query_advice(advices[4], Rotation::cur()); let anchor = meta.query_advice(advices[5], Rotation::cur()); let enable_spends = meta.query_advice(advices[6], Rotation::cur()); let enable_outputs = meta.query_advice(advices[7], Rotation::cur()); let one = Expression::Constant(pallas::Base::one()); Constraints::with_selector( q_orchard, [ ( "v_old - v_new = magnitude * sign", v_old.clone() - v_new.clone() - magnitude * sign, ), ( "Either v_old = 0, or root = anchor", v_old.clone() * (root - anchor), ), ( "v_old = 0 or enable_spends = 1", v_old * (one.clone() - enable_spends), ), ( "v_new = 0 or enable_outputs = 1", v_new * (one - enable_outputs), ), ], ) }); // Addition of two field elements. let add_config = AddChip::configure(meta, advices[7], advices[8], advices[6]); // Fixed columns for the Sinsemilla generator lookup table let table_idx = meta.lookup_table_column(); let lookup = ( table_idx, meta.lookup_table_column(), meta.lookup_table_column(), ); // Instance column used for public inputs let primary = meta.instance_column(); meta.enable_equality(primary); // Permutation over all advice columns. for advice in advices.iter() { meta.enable_equality(*advice); } // Poseidon requires four advice columns, while ECC incomplete addition requires // six, so we could choose to configure them in parallel. However, we only use a // single Poseidon invocation, and we have the rows to accommodate it serially. // Instead, we reduce the proof size by sharing fixed columns between the ECC and // Poseidon chips. let lagrange_coeffs = [ meta.fixed_column(), meta.fixed_column(), meta.fixed_column(), meta.fixed_column(), meta.fixed_column(), meta.fixed_column(), meta.fixed_column(), meta.fixed_column(), ]; let rc_a = lagrange_coeffs[2..5].try_into().unwrap(); let rc_b = lagrange_coeffs[5..8].try_into().unwrap(); // Also use the first Lagrange coefficient column for loading global constants. // It's free real estate :) meta.enable_constant(lagrange_coeffs[0]); // We have a lot of free space in the right-most advice columns; use one of them // for all of our range checks. let range_check = LookupRangeCheckConfig::configure(meta, advices[9], table_idx); // Configuration for curve point operations. // This uses 10 advice columns and spans the whole circuit. let ecc_config = EccChip::::configure(meta, advices, lagrange_coeffs, range_check); // Configuration for the Poseidon hash. let poseidon_config = PoseidonChip::configure::( meta, // We place the state columns after the partial_sbox column so that the // pad-and-add region can be laid out more efficiently. advices[6..9].try_into().unwrap(), advices[5], rc_a, rc_b, ); // Configuration for a Sinsemilla hash instantiation and a // Merkle hash instantiation using this Sinsemilla instance. // Since the Sinsemilla config uses only 5 advice columns, // we can fit two instances side-by-side. let (sinsemilla_config_1, merkle_config_1) = { let sinsemilla_config_1 = SinsemillaChip::configure( meta, advices[..5].try_into().unwrap(), advices[6], lagrange_coeffs[0], lookup, range_check, ); let merkle_config_1 = MerkleChip::configure(meta, sinsemilla_config_1.clone()); (sinsemilla_config_1, merkle_config_1) }; // Configuration for a Sinsemilla hash instantiation and a // Merkle hash instantiation using this Sinsemilla instance. // Since the Sinsemilla config uses only 5 advice columns, // we can fit two instances side-by-side. let (sinsemilla_config_2, merkle_config_2) = { let sinsemilla_config_2 = SinsemillaChip::configure( meta, advices[5..].try_into().unwrap(), advices[7], lagrange_coeffs[1], lookup, range_check, ); let merkle_config_2 = MerkleChip::configure(meta, sinsemilla_config_2.clone()); (sinsemilla_config_2, merkle_config_2) }; // Configuration to handle decomposition and canonicity checking // for CommitIvk. let commit_ivk_config = CommitIvkChip::configure(meta, advices); // Configuration to handle decomposition and canonicity checking // for NoteCommit_old. let old_note_commit_config = NoteCommitChip::configure(meta, advices, sinsemilla_config_1.clone()); // Configuration to handle decomposition and canonicity checking // for NoteCommit_new. let new_note_commit_config = NoteCommitChip::configure(meta, advices, sinsemilla_config_2.clone()); Config { primary, q_orchard, advices, add_config, ecc_config, poseidon_config, merkle_config_1, merkle_config_2, sinsemilla_config_1, sinsemilla_config_2, commit_ivk_config, old_note_commit_config, new_note_commit_config, } } #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn synthesize( &self, config: Self::Config, mut layouter: impl Layouter, ) -> Result<(), plonk::Error> { // Load the Sinsemilla generator lookup table used by the whole circuit. SinsemillaChip::load(config.sinsemilla_config_1.clone(), &mut layouter)?; // Construct the ECC chip. let ecc_chip = config.ecc_chip(); // Witness private inputs that are used across multiple checks. let (psi_old, rho_old, cm_old, g_d_old, ak_P, nk, v_old, v_new) = { // Witness psi_old let psi_old = assign_free_advice( layouter.namespace(|| "witness psi_old"), config.advices[0], self.psi_old, )?; // Witness rho_old let rho_old = assign_free_advice( layouter.namespace(|| "witness rho_old"), config.advices[0], self.rho_old.map(|rho| rho.0), )?; // Witness cm_old let cm_old = Point::new( ecc_chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "cm_old"), self.cm_old.as_ref().map(|cm| cm.inner().to_affine()), )?; // Witness g_d_old let g_d_old = NonIdentityPoint::new( ecc_chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "gd_old"), self.g_d_old.as_ref().map(|gd| gd.to_affine()), )?; // Witness ak_P. let ak_P: Option = self.ak.as_ref().map(|ak| ak.into()); let ak_P = NonIdentityPoint::new( ecc_chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "witness ak_P"), ak_P.map(|ak_P| ak_P.to_affine()), )?; // Witness nk. let nk = assign_free_advice( layouter.namespace(|| "witness nk"), config.advices[0], self.nk.map(|nk| nk.inner()), )?; // Witness v_old. let v_old = assign_free_advice( layouter.namespace(|| "witness v_old"), config.advices[0], self.v_old, )?; // Witness v_new. let v_new = assign_free_advice( layouter.namespace(|| "witness v_new"), config.advices[0], self.v_new, )?; (psi_old, rho_old, cm_old, g_d_old, ak_P, nk, v_old, v_new) }; // Merkle path validity check. let root = { let path = self .path .map(|typed_path| typed_path.map(|node| node.inner())); let merkle_inputs = MerklePath::construct( [config.merkle_chip_1(), config.merkle_chip_2()], OrchardHashDomains::MerkleCrh, self.pos, path, ); let leaf = cm_old.extract_p().inner().clone(); merkle_inputs.calculate_root(layouter.namespace(|| "Merkle path"), leaf)? }; // Value commitment integrity. let v_net_magnitude_sign = { // Witness the magnitude and sign of v_net = v_old - v_new let v_net_magnitude_sign = { let magnitude_sign = self.v_old.zip(self.v_new).map(|(v_old, v_new)| { let v_net = v_old - v_new; let (magnitude, sign) = v_net.magnitude_sign(); ( // magnitude is guaranteed to be an unsigned 64-bit value. // Therefore, we can move it into the base field. pallas::Base::from(magnitude), match sign { crate::value::Sign::Positive => pallas::Base::one(), crate::value::Sign::Negative => -pallas::Base::one(), }, ) }); let magnitude = assign_free_advice( layouter.namespace(|| "v_net magnitude"), config.advices[9], magnitude_sign.map(|m_s| m_s.0), )?; let sign = assign_free_advice( layouter.namespace(|| "v_net sign"), config.advices[9], magnitude_sign.map(|m_s| m_s.1), )?; (magnitude, sign) }; let v_net = ScalarFixedShort::new( ecc_chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "v_net"), v_net_magnitude_sign.clone(), )?; let rcv = ScalarFixed::new( ecc_chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "rcv"), self.rcv.as_ref().map(|rcv| rcv.inner()), )?; let cv_net = gadget::value_commit_orchard( layouter.namespace(|| "cv_net = ValueCommit^Orchard_rcv(v_net)"), ecc_chip.clone(), v_net, rcv, )?; // Constrain cv_net to equal public input layouter.constrain_instance(cv_net.inner().x().cell(), config.primary, CV_NET_X)?; layouter.constrain_instance(cv_net.inner().y().cell(), config.primary, CV_NET_Y)?; // Return the magnitude and sign so we can use them in the Orchard gate. v_net_magnitude_sign }; // Nullifier integrity let nf_old = { let nf_old = gadget::derive_nullifier( layouter.namespace(|| "nf_old = DeriveNullifier_nk(rho_old, psi_old, cm_old)"), config.poseidon_chip(), config.add_chip(), ecc_chip.clone(), rho_old.clone(), &psi_old, &cm_old, nk.clone(), )?; // Constrain nf_old to equal public input layouter.constrain_instance(nf_old.inner().cell(), config.primary, NF_OLD)?; nf_old }; // Spend authority { let alpha = ScalarFixed::new(ecc_chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "alpha"), self.alpha)?; // alpha_commitment = [alpha] SpendAuthG let (alpha_commitment, _) = { let spend_auth_g = OrchardFixedBasesFull::SpendAuthG; let spend_auth_g = FixedPoint::from_inner(ecc_chip.clone(), spend_auth_g); spend_auth_g.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "[alpha] SpendAuthG"), alpha)? }; // [alpha] SpendAuthG + ak_P let rk = alpha_commitment.add(layouter.namespace(|| "rk"), &ak_P)?; // Constrain rk to equal public input layouter.constrain_instance(rk.inner().x().cell(), config.primary, RK_X)?; layouter.constrain_instance(rk.inner().y().cell(), config.primary, RK_Y)?; } // Diversified address integrity. let pk_d_old = { let ivk = { let ak = ak_P.extract_p().inner().clone(); let rivk = ScalarFixed::new( ecc_chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "rcv"), self.rivk.map(|rivk| rivk.inner()), )?; gadget::commit_ivk( config.sinsemilla_chip_1(), ecc_chip.clone(), config.commit_ivk_chip(), layouter.namespace(|| "CommitIvk"), ak, nk, rivk, )? }; let ivk = ScalarVar::from_base(ecc_chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "ivk"), ivk.inner())?; // [ivk] g_d_old // The scalar value is passed through and discarded. let (derived_pk_d_old, _ivk) = g_d_old.mul(layouter.namespace(|| "[ivk] g_d_old"), ivk)?; // Constrain derived pk_d_old to equal witnessed pk_d_old // // This equality constraint is technically superfluous, because the assigned // value of `derived_pk_d_old` is an equivalent witness. But it's nice to see // an explicit connection between circuit-synthesized values, and explicit // prover witnesses. We could get the best of both worlds with a write-on-copy // abstraction (https://github.com/zcash/halo2/issues/334). let pk_d_old = NonIdentityPoint::new( ecc_chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "witness pk_d_old"), self.pk_d_old.map(|pk_d_old| pk_d_old.inner().to_affine()), )?; derived_pk_d_old .constrain_equal(layouter.namespace(|| "pk_d_old equality"), &pk_d_old)?; pk_d_old }; // Old note commitment integrity. { let rcm_old = ScalarFixed::new( ecc_chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "rcm_old"), self.rcm_old.as_ref().map(|rcm_old| rcm_old.inner()), )?; // g★_d || pk★_d || i2lebsp_{64}(v) || i2lebsp_{255}(rho) || i2lebsp_{255}(psi) let derived_cm_old = gadget::note_commit( layouter.namespace(|| { "g★_d || pk★_d || i2lebsp_{64}(v) || i2lebsp_{255}(rho) || i2lebsp_{255}(psi)" }), config.sinsemilla_chip_1(), config.ecc_chip(), config.note_commit_chip_old(), g_d_old.inner(), pk_d_old.inner(), v_old.clone(), rho_old, psi_old, rcm_old, )?; // Constrain derived cm_old to equal witnessed cm_old derived_cm_old.constrain_equal(layouter.namespace(|| "cm_old equality"), &cm_old)?; } // New note commitment integrity. { // Witness g_d_new let g_d_new = { let g_d_new = self.g_d_new.map(|g_d_new| g_d_new.to_affine()); NonIdentityPoint::new( ecc_chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "witness g_d_new_star"), g_d_new, )? }; // Witness pk_d_new let pk_d_new = { let pk_d_new = self.pk_d_new.map(|pk_d_new| pk_d_new.inner().to_affine()); NonIdentityPoint::new( ecc_chip.clone(), layouter.namespace(|| "witness pk_d_new"), pk_d_new, )? }; // ρ^new = nf^old let rho_new = nf_old.inner().clone(); // Witness psi_new let psi_new = assign_free_advice( layouter.namespace(|| "witness psi_new"), config.advices[0], self.psi_new, )?; let rcm_new = ScalarFixed::new( ecc_chip, layouter.namespace(|| "rcm_old"), self.rcm_new.as_ref().map(|rcm_new| rcm_new.inner()), )?; // g★_d || pk★_d || i2lebsp_{64}(v) || i2lebsp_{255}(rho) || i2lebsp_{255}(psi) let cm_new = gadget::note_commit( layouter.namespace(|| { "g★_d || pk★_d || i2lebsp_{64}(v) || i2lebsp_{255}(rho) || i2lebsp_{255}(psi)" }), config.sinsemilla_chip_2(), config.ecc_chip(), config.note_commit_chip_new(), g_d_new.inner(), pk_d_new.inner(), v_new.clone(), rho_new, psi_new, rcm_new, )?; let cmx = cm_new.extract_p(); // Constrain cmx to equal public input layouter.constrain_instance(cmx.inner().cell(), config.primary, CMX)?; } // Constrain the remaining Orchard circuit checks. layouter.assign_region( || "Orchard circuit checks", |mut region| { v_old.copy_advice(|| "v_old", &mut region, config.advices[0], 0)?; v_new.copy_advice(|| "v_new", &mut region, config.advices[1], 0)?; v_net_magnitude_sign.0.copy_advice( || "v_net magnitude", &mut region, config.advices[2], 0, )?; v_net_magnitude_sign.1.copy_advice( || "v_net sign", &mut region, config.advices[3], 0, )?; root.copy_advice(|| "calculated root", &mut region, config.advices[4], 0)?; region.assign_advice_from_instance( || "pub input anchor", config.primary, ANCHOR, config.advices[5], 0, )?; region.assign_advice_from_instance( || "enable spends", config.primary, ENABLE_SPEND, config.advices[6], 0, )?; region.assign_advice_from_instance( || "enable outputs", config.primary, ENABLE_OUTPUT, config.advices[7], 0, )?; config.q_orchard.enable(&mut region, 0) }, )?; Ok(()) } } /// The verifying key for the Orchard Action circuit. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct VerifyingKey { params: halo2_proofs::poly::commitment::Params, vk: plonk::VerifyingKey, } impl VerifyingKey { /// Builds the verifying key. pub fn build() -> Self { let params = halo2_proofs::poly::commitment::Params::new(K); let circuit: Circuit = Default::default(); let vk = plonk::keygen_vk(¶ms, &circuit).unwrap(); VerifyingKey { params, vk } } } /// The proving key for the Orchard Action circuit. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ProvingKey { params: halo2_proofs::poly::commitment::Params, pk: plonk::ProvingKey, } impl ProvingKey { /// Builds the proving key. pub fn build() -> Self { let params = halo2_proofs::poly::commitment::Params::new(K); let circuit: Circuit = Default::default(); let vk = plonk::keygen_vk(¶ms, &circuit).unwrap(); let pk = plonk::keygen_pk(¶ms, vk, &circuit).unwrap(); ProvingKey { params, pk } } } /// Public inputs to the Orchard Action circuit. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Instance { pub(crate) anchor: Anchor, pub(crate) cv_net: ValueCommitment, pub(crate) nf_old: Nullifier, pub(crate) rk: VerificationKey, pub(crate) cmx: ExtractedNoteCommitment, pub(crate) enable_spend: bool, pub(crate) enable_output: bool, } impl Instance { /// Constructs an [`Instance`] from its constituent parts. /// /// This API can be used in combination with [`Proof::verify`] to build verification /// pipelines for many proofs, where you don't want to pass around the full bundle. /// Use [`Bundle::verify_proof`] instead if you have the full bundle. /// /// [`Bundle::verify_proof`]: crate::Bundle::verify_proof pub fn from_parts( anchor: Anchor, cv_net: ValueCommitment, nf_old: Nullifier, rk: VerificationKey, cmx: ExtractedNoteCommitment, enable_spend: bool, enable_output: bool, ) -> Self { Instance { anchor, cv_net, nf_old, rk, cmx, enable_spend, enable_output, } } fn to_halo2_instance(&self) -> [[vesta::Scalar; 9]; 1] { let mut instance = [vesta::Scalar::zero(); 9]; instance[ANCHOR] = self.anchor.inner(); instance[CV_NET_X] = self.cv_net.x(); instance[CV_NET_Y] = self.cv_net.y(); instance[NF_OLD] = self.nf_old.0; let rk = pallas::Point::from_bytes(&self.rk.clone().into()) .unwrap() .to_affine() .coordinates() .unwrap(); instance[RK_X] = *rk.x(); instance[RK_Y] = *rk.y(); instance[CMX] = self.cmx.inner(); instance[ENABLE_SPEND] = vesta::Scalar::from(u64::from(self.enable_spend)); instance[ENABLE_OUTPUT] = vesta::Scalar::from(u64::from(self.enable_output)); [instance] } } /// A proof of the validity of an Orchard [`Bundle`]. /// /// [`Bundle`]: crate::bundle::Bundle #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Proof(Vec); impl fmt::Debug for Proof { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { if f.alternate() { f.debug_tuple("Proof").field(&self.0).finish() } else { // By default, only show the proof length, not its contents. f.debug_tuple("Proof") .field(&format_args!("{} bytes", self.0.len())) .finish() } } } impl AsRef<[u8]> for Proof { fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { &self.0 } } impl DynamicUsage for Proof { fn dynamic_usage(&self) -> usize { self.0.dynamic_usage() } fn dynamic_usage_bounds(&self) -> (usize, Option) { self.0.dynamic_usage_bounds() } } impl Proof { /// Creates a proof for the given circuits and instances. pub fn create( pk: &ProvingKey, circuits: &[Circuit], instances: &[Instance], mut rng: impl RngCore, ) -> Result { let instances: Vec<_> = instances.iter().map(|i| i.to_halo2_instance()).collect(); let instances: Vec> = instances .iter() .map(|i| i.iter().map(|c| &c[..]).collect()) .collect(); let instances: Vec<_> = instances.iter().map(|i| &i[..]).collect(); let mut transcript = Blake2bWrite::<_, vesta::Affine, _>::init(vec![]); plonk::create_proof( &pk.params, &pk.pk, circuits, &instances, &mut rng, &mut transcript, )?; Ok(Proof(transcript.finalize())) } /// Verifies this proof with the given instances. pub fn verify(&self, vk: &VerifyingKey, instances: &[Instance]) -> Result<(), plonk::Error> { let instances: Vec<_> = instances.iter().map(|i| i.to_halo2_instance()).collect(); let instances: Vec> = instances .iter() .map(|i| i.iter().map(|c| &c[..]).collect()) .collect(); let instances: Vec<_> = instances.iter().map(|i| &i[..]).collect(); let strategy = SingleVerifier::new(&vk.params); let mut transcript = Blake2bRead::init(&self.0[..]); plonk::verify_proof(&vk.params, &vk.vk, strategy, &instances, &mut transcript) } /// Constructs a new Proof value. pub fn new(bytes: Vec) -> Self { Proof(bytes) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use core::iter; use ff::Field; use halo2_proofs::dev::MockProver; use pasta_curves::pallas; use rand::{rngs::OsRng, RngCore}; use super::{Circuit, Instance, Proof, ProvingKey, VerifyingKey, K}; use crate::{ keys::SpendValidatingKey, note::Note, tree::MerklePath, value::{ValueCommitTrapdoor, ValueCommitment}, }; fn generate_circuit_instance(mut rng: R) -> (Circuit, Instance) { let (_, fvk, spent_note) = Note::dummy(&mut rng, None); let sender_address = spent_note.recipient(); let nk = *fvk.nk(); let rivk = fvk.rivk(fvk.scope_for_address(&spent_note.recipient()).unwrap()); let nf_old = spent_note.nullifier(&fvk); let ak: SpendValidatingKey = fvk.into(); let alpha = pallas::Scalar::random(&mut rng); let rk = ak.randomize(&alpha); let (_, _, output_note) = Note::dummy(&mut rng, Some(nf_old)); let cmx = output_note.commitment().into(); let value = spent_note.value() - output_note.value(); let rcv = ValueCommitTrapdoor::random(&mut rng); let cv_net = ValueCommitment::derive(value, rcv.clone()); let path = MerklePath::dummy(&mut rng); let anchor = path.root(spent_note.commitment().into()); ( Circuit { path: Some(path.auth_path()), pos: Some(path.position()), g_d_old: Some(sender_address.g_d()), pk_d_old: Some(*sender_address.pk_d()), v_old: Some(spent_note.value()), rho_old: Some(spent_note.rho()), psi_old: Some(spent_note.rseed().psi(&spent_note.rho())), rcm_old: Some(spent_note.rseed().rcm(&spent_note.rho())), cm_old: Some(spent_note.commitment()), alpha: Some(alpha), ak: Some(ak), nk: Some(nk), rivk: Some(rivk), g_d_new: Some(output_note.recipient().g_d()), pk_d_new: Some(*output_note.recipient().pk_d()), v_new: Some(output_note.value()), psi_new: Some(output_note.rseed().psi(&output_note.rho())), rcm_new: Some(output_note.rseed().rcm(&output_note.rho())), rcv: Some(rcv), }, Instance { anchor, cv_net, nf_old, rk, cmx, enable_spend: true, enable_output: true, }, ) } // TODO: recast as a proptest #[test] fn round_trip() { let mut rng = OsRng; let (circuits, instances): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = iter::once(()) .map(|()| generate_circuit_instance(&mut rng)) .unzip(); let vk = VerifyingKey::build(); // Test that the pinned verification key (representing the circuit) // is as expected. { // panic!("{:#?}", vk.vk.pinned()); assert_eq!( format!("{:#?}\n", vk.vk.pinned()), include_str!("circuit_description").replace("\r\n", "\n") ); } // Test that the proof size is as expected. let expected_proof_size = { let circuit_cost = halo2_proofs::dev::CircuitCost::::measure( K as usize, &circuits[0], ); assert_eq!(usize::from(circuit_cost.proof_size(1)), 4992); assert_eq!(usize::from(circuit_cost.proof_size(2)), 7264); usize::from(circuit_cost.proof_size(instances.len())) }; for (circuit, instance) in circuits.iter().zip(instances.iter()) { assert_eq!( MockProver::run( K, circuit, instance .to_halo2_instance() .iter() .map(|p| p.to_vec()) .collect() ) .unwrap() .verify(), Ok(()) ); } let pk = ProvingKey::build(); let proof = Proof::create(&pk, &circuits, &instances, &mut rng).unwrap(); assert!(proof.verify(&vk, &instances).is_ok()); assert_eq!(proof.0.len(), expected_proof_size); } #[test] fn serialized_proof_test_case() { use std::io::{Read, Write}; let vk = VerifyingKey::build(); fn write_test_case( mut w: W, instance: &Instance, proof: &Proof, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { w.write_all(&instance.anchor.to_bytes())?; w.write_all(&instance.cv_net.to_bytes())?; w.write_all(&instance.nf_old.to_bytes())?; w.write_all(&<[u8; 32]>::from(instance.rk.clone()))?; w.write_all(&instance.cmx.to_bytes())?; w.write_all(&[ if instance.enable_spend { 1 } else { 0 }, if instance.enable_output { 1 } else { 0 }, ])?; w.write_all(proof.as_ref())?; Ok(()) } fn read_test_case(mut r: R) -> std::io::Result<(Instance, Proof)> { let read_32_bytes = |r: &mut R| { let mut ret = [0u8; 32]; r.read_exact(&mut ret).unwrap(); ret }; let read_bool = |r: &mut R| { let mut byte = [0u8; 1]; r.read_exact(&mut byte).unwrap(); match byte { [0] => false, [1] => true, _ => panic!("Unexpected non-boolean byte"), } }; let anchor = crate::Anchor::from_bytes(read_32_bytes(&mut r)).unwrap(); let cv_net = ValueCommitment::from_bytes(&read_32_bytes(&mut r)).unwrap(); let nf_old = crate::note::Nullifier::from_bytes(&read_32_bytes(&mut r)).unwrap(); let rk = read_32_bytes(&mut r).try_into().unwrap(); let cmx = crate::note::ExtractedNoteCommitment::from_bytes(&read_32_bytes(&mut r)).unwrap(); let enable_spend = read_bool(&mut r); let enable_output = read_bool(&mut r); let instance = Instance::from_parts(anchor, cv_net, nf_old, rk, cmx, enable_spend, enable_output); let mut proof_bytes = vec![]; r.read_to_end(&mut proof_bytes)?; let proof = Proof::new(proof_bytes); Ok((instance, proof)) } if std::env::var_os("ORCHARD_CIRCUIT_TEST_GENERATE_NEW_PROOF").is_some() { let create_proof = || -> std::io::Result<()> { let mut rng = OsRng; let (circuit, instance) = generate_circuit_instance(OsRng); let instances = &[instance.clone()]; let pk = ProvingKey::build(); let proof = Proof::create(&pk, &[circuit], instances, &mut rng).unwrap(); assert!(proof.verify(&vk, instances).is_ok()); let file = std::fs::File::create("circuit_proof_test_case.bin")?; write_test_case(file, &instance, &proof) }; create_proof().expect("should be able to write new proof"); } // Parse the hardcoded proof test case. let (instance, proof) = { let test_case_bytes = include_bytes!("circuit_proof_test_case.bin"); read_test_case(&test_case_bytes[..]).expect("proof must be valid") }; assert_eq!(proof.0.len(), 4992); assert!(proof.verify(&vk, &[instance]).is_ok()); } #[cfg(feature = "dev-graph")] #[test] fn print_action_circuit() { use plotters::prelude::*; let root = BitMapBackend::new("action-circuit-layout.png", (1024, 768)).into_drawing_area(); root.fill(&WHITE).unwrap(); let root = root .titled("Orchard Action Circuit", ("sans-serif", 60)) .unwrap(); let circuit = Circuit { path: None, pos: None, g_d_old: None, pk_d_old: None, v_old: None, rho_old: None, psi_old: None, rcm_old: None, cm_old: None, alpha: None, ak: None, nk: None, rivk: None, g_d_new: None, pk_d_new: None, v_new: None, psi_new: None, rcm_new: None, rcv: None, }; halo2_proofs::dev::CircuitLayout::default() .show_labels(false) .view_height(0..(1 << 11)) .render(K, &circuit, &root) .unwrap(); } }