# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to Rust's notion of [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ### Added - `orchard::builder::bundle` - `orchard::builder::BundleType` - `orchard::builder::OutputInfo` - `orchard::bundle::Flags::{ENABLED, SPENDS_DISABLED, OUTPUTS_DISABLED}` ### Changed - `orchard::builder::Builder::new` now takes the bundle type to be used in bundle construction, instead of taking the flags and anchor separately. - `orchard::builder::Builder::add_recipient` has been renamed to `add_output` in order to clarify than more than one output of a given transaction may be sent to the same recipient. - `orchard::builder::Builder::build` now takes an additional `BundleType` argument that specifies how actions should be padded, instead of using hardcoded padding. It also now returns a `Result>, ...>` instead of a `Result, ...>`. - `orchard::builder::BuildError` has additional variants: - `SpendsDisabled` - `OutputsDisabled` - `AnchorMismatch` - `orchard::builder::SpendInfo::new` now returns a `Result` instead of an `Option`. ### Removed - `orchard::bundle::Flags::from_parts` ## [0.6.0] - 2023-09-08 ### Changed - MSRV is now 1.65.0. - Migrated to `incrementalmerkletree 0.5`. ## [0.5.0] - 2023-06-06 ### Changed - Migrated to `zcash_note_encryption 0.4`, `incrementalmerkletree 0.4`, `bridgetree 0.3`. `bridgetree` is now exclusively a test dependency. ## [0.4.0] - 2023-04-11 ### Added - `orchard::builder`: - `{SpendInfo::new, InputView, OutputView}` - `Builder::{spends, outputs}` - `SpendError` - `OutputError` ### Changed - MSRV is now 1.60.0. - Migrated to `ff 0.13`, `group 0.13`, `pasta_curves 0.5`, `halo2_proofs 0.3`, `halo2_gadgets 0.3`, `reddsa 0.5`, `zcash_note_encryption 0.3`. - `orchard::builder`: - `Builder::{add_spend, add_output}` now use concrete error types instead of `&'static str`s. - `Error` has been renamed to `BuildError` to differentiate from new error types. - `BuildError` now implements `std::error::Error` and `std::fmt::Display`. ### Fixed - Several bugs have been fixed that were preventing Orchard bundles from being created or verified on 32-bit platforms, or with recent versions of Rust. ## [0.3.0] - 2022-10-19 ### Added - `orchard::Proof::add_to_batch` - `orchard::address::Address::diversifier` - `orchard::keys:`: - `Diversifier::from_bytes` - `PreparedEphemeralPublicKey` - `PreparedIncomingViewingKey` - `orchard::note`: - `RandomSeed` - `Note::{from_parts, rseed}` - `impl memuse::DynamicUsage for Nullifier` - `orchard::note_encryption`: - `impl memuse::DynamicUsage for OrchardDomain` - `orchard::circuit::Circuit::from_action_context` - impls of `Eq` for: - `orchard::zip32::ChildIndex` - `orchard::value::ValueSum` ### Changed - Migrated to `zcash_note_encryption 0.2`. ## [0.2.0] - 2022-06-24 ### Added - `orchard::bundle::BatchValidator` - `orchard::builder::Builder::value_balance` - `orchard::note_encryption`: - `CompactAction::from_parts` - `CompactAction::nullifier` - `OrchardDomain::for_nullifier` - Low-level APIs in `orchard::value` for handling `ValueCommitment`s. These are useful in code that constructs proof witnesses itself, but note that doing so requires a detailed knowledge of the Zcash protocol to avoid privacy and correctness pitfalls. - `ValueCommitTrapdoor` - `ValueCommitment::derive` ### Changed - Migrated to `halo2_proofs 0.2`. ## [0.1.0] - 2022-05-10 ### Changed - Migrated to `bitvec 1`, `ff 0.12`, `group 0.12`, `incrementalmerkletree 0.3`, `pasta_curves 0.4`, `halo2_proofs 0.1`, `reddsa 0.3`. - `orchard::bundle`: - `Action` has been moved to `orchard::Action`. - `Bundle::{try_}authorize` have been renamed to `Bundle::{try_}map_authorization`. - `Flags::from_byte` now returns `Option` instead of `io::Result`. - `impl Sub for orchard::value::NoteValue` now returns `ValueSum` instead of `Option`, as the result is guaranteed to be within the valid range of `ValueSum`. ## [0.1.0-beta.3] - 2022-04-06 ### Added - `orchard::keys`: - `Scope` enum, for distinguishing external and internal scopes for viewing keys and addresses. - `FullViewingKey::{to_ivk, to_ovk}`, which each take a `Scope` argument. - `FullViewingKey::scope_for_address` ### Changed - Migrated to `halo2_proofs 0.1.0-beta.4`, `incrementalmerkletree 0.3.0-beta.2`. - `orchard::builder`: - `Builder::add_spend` now requires that the `FullViewingKey` matches the given `Note`, and handles any scoping itself (instead of requiring the caller to pass the `FullViewingKey` for the correct scope). - `orchard::keys`: - `FullViewingKey::{address, address_at}` now each take a `Scope` argument. ### Removed - `orchard::keys`: - `FullViewingKey::derive_internal` - `impl From<&FullViewingKey> for IncomingViewingKey` (use `FullViewingKey::to_ivk` instead). - `impl From<&FullViewingKey> for OutgoingViewingKey` (use `FullViewingKey::to_ovk` instead). ## [0.1.0-beta.2] - 2022-03-22 ### Added - `orchard::keys`: - `DiversifierIndex::to_bytes` - `FullViewingKey::derive_internal` - `IncomingViewingKey::diversifier_index` - `orchard::note`: - `impl PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord for Nullifier` - `orchard::primitives::redpallas::VerificationKey::verify` - `orchard::tree`: - `MerklePath::from_parts` - `impl PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord for MerkleHashOrchard` - `impl From for [u8; 32]` - `Clone` impls for various structs: - `orchard::Bundle::{recover_outputs_with_ovks, recover_output_with_ovk}` - `orchard::builder`: - `InProgress, SigningMetadata, SigningParts, Unauthorized, Unproven` - `orchard::circuit::Circuit` - `orchard::keys::SpendAuthorizingKey` - `orchard::primitives::redpallas::SigningKey` ### Changed - MSRV is now 1.56.1. - Bumped dependencies to `pasta_curves 0.3`, `halo2_proofs 0.1.0-beta.3`. - The following methods now have an additional `rng: impl RngCore` argument: - `orchard::builder::Bundle::create_proof` - `orchard::builder::InProgress::create_proof` - `orchard::circuit::Proof::create` - `orchard::Bundle::commitment` now requires the bound `V: Copy + Into` instead of `i64: From<&'a V>`. - `orchard::Bundle::binding_validating_key` now requires the bound `V: Into` instead of `V: Into`. - `orchard::builder::InProgressSignatures` and `orchard::bundle::Authorization` now have `Debug` bounds on themselves and their associated types. ### Removed - `orchard::bundle`: - `commitments::hash_bundle_txid_data` (use `Bundle::commitment` instead). - `commitments::hash_bundle_auth_data` (use `Bundle::authorizing_commitment` instead). - `orchard::keys`: - `FullViewingKey::default_address` - `IncomingViewingKey::default_address` - `DiversifierKey` (use the APIs on `FullViewingKey` and `IncomingViewingKey` instead). - `impl std::hash::Hash for orchard::tree::MerkleHashOrchard` (use `BTreeMap` instead of `HashMap`). - `orchard::value::ValueSum::from_raw` ## [0.1.0-beta.1] - 2021-12-17 Initial release!