//! Key structures for Orchard. use std::convert::TryInto; use std::mem; use aes::Aes256; use blake2b_simd::{Hash as Blake2bHash, Params}; use fpe::ff1::{BinaryNumeralString, FF1}; use group::GroupEncoding; use halo2::arithmetic::FieldExt; use pasta_curves::pallas; use rand::RngCore; use subtle::ConstantTimeEq; use subtle::CtOption; use zcash_note_encryption::EphemeralKeyBytes; use crate::{ address::Address, primitives::redpallas::{self, SpendAuth}, spec::{ commit_ivk, diversify_hash, extract_p, ka_orchard, prf_nf, to_base, to_scalar, NonIdentityPallasPoint, NonZeroPallasBase, NonZeroPallasScalar, PrfExpand, }, }; const KDF_ORCHARD_PERSONALIZATION: &[u8; 16] = b"Zcash_OrchardKDF"; /// A spending key, from which all key material is derived. /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct SpendingKey([u8; 32]); impl SpendingKey { /// Generates a random spending key. /// /// This is only used when generating dummy notes. Real spending keys should be /// derived according to [ZIP 32]. /// /// [ZIP 32]: https://zips.z.cash/zip-0032 pub(crate) fn random(rng: &mut impl RngCore) -> Self { loop { let mut bytes = [0; 32]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes); let sk = SpendingKey::from_bytes(bytes); if sk.is_some().into() { break sk.unwrap(); } } } /// Constructs an Orchard spending key from uniformly-random bytes. /// /// Returns `None` if the bytes do not correspond to a valid Orchard spending key. pub fn from_bytes(sk: [u8; 32]) -> CtOption { let sk = SpendingKey(sk); // If ask = 0, discard this key. We call `derive_inner` rather than // `SpendAuthorizingKey::from` here because we only need to know // whether ask = 0; the adjustment to potentially negate ask is not // needed. Also, `from` would panic on ask = 0. let ask = SpendAuthorizingKey::derive_inner(&sk); // If ivk = ⊥, discard this key. let ivk = KeyAgreementPrivateKey::derive_inner(&(&sk).into()); CtOption::new(sk, !(ask.ct_is_zero() | ivk.is_none())) } } /// A spend authorizing key, used to create spend authorization signatures. /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SpendAuthorizingKey(redpallas::SigningKey); impl SpendAuthorizingKey { /// Derives ask from sk. Internal use only, does not enforce all constraints. fn derive_inner(sk: &SpendingKey) -> pallas::Scalar { to_scalar(PrfExpand::OrchardAsk.expand(&sk.0)) } /// Randomizes this spend authorizing key with the given `randomizer`. /// /// The resulting key can be used to actually sign a spend. pub fn randomize(&self, randomizer: &pallas::Scalar) -> redpallas::SigningKey { self.0.randomize(randomizer) } } impl From<&SpendingKey> for SpendAuthorizingKey { fn from(sk: &SpendingKey) -> Self { let ask = Self::derive_inner(sk); // SpendingKey cannot be constructed such that this assertion would fail. assert!(!bool::from(ask.ct_is_zero())); // TODO: Add TryFrom for SpendAuthorizingKey. let ret = SpendAuthorizingKey(ask.to_bytes().try_into().unwrap()); // If the last bit of repr_P(ak) is 1, negate ask. if (<[u8; 32]>::from(SpendValidatingKey::from(&ret).0)[31] >> 7) == 1 { SpendAuthorizingKey((-ask).to_bytes().try_into().unwrap()) } else { ret } } } /// A key used to validate spend authorization signatures. /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// Note that this is $\mathsf{ak}^\mathbb{P}$, which by construction is equivalent to /// $\mathsf{ak}$ but stored here as a RedPallas verification key. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct SpendValidatingKey(redpallas::VerificationKey); impl From<&SpendAuthorizingKey> for SpendValidatingKey { fn from(ask: &SpendAuthorizingKey) -> Self { SpendValidatingKey((&ask.0).into()) } } impl PartialEq for SpendValidatingKey { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { <[u8; 32]>::from(&self.0).eq(&<[u8; 32]>::from(&other.0)) } } impl SpendValidatingKey { /// Randomizes this spend validating key with the given `randomizer`. pub fn randomize(&self, randomizer: &pallas::Scalar) -> redpallas::VerificationKey { self.0.randomize(randomizer) } } /// A key used to derive [`Nullifier`]s from [`Note`]s. /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [`Nullifier`]: crate::note::Nullifier /// [`Note`]: crate::note::Note /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub(crate) struct NullifierDerivingKey(pallas::Base); impl From<&SpendingKey> for NullifierDerivingKey { fn from(sk: &SpendingKey) -> Self { NullifierDerivingKey(to_base(PrfExpand::OrchardNk.expand(&sk.0))) } } impl NullifierDerivingKey { pub(crate) fn prf_nf(&self, rho: pallas::Base) -> pallas::Base { prf_nf(self.0, rho) } } /// The randomness for $\mathsf{Commit}^\mathsf{ivk}$. /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct CommitIvkRandomness(pallas::Scalar); impl From<&SpendingKey> for CommitIvkRandomness { fn from(sk: &SpendingKey) -> Self { CommitIvkRandomness(to_scalar(PrfExpand::OrchardRivk.expand(&sk.0))) } } /// A key that provides the capability to view incoming and outgoing transactions. /// /// This key is useful anywhere you need to maintain accurate balance, but do not want the /// ability to spend funds (such as a view-only wallet). /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct FullViewingKey { ak: SpendValidatingKey, nk: NullifierDerivingKey, rivk: CommitIvkRandomness, } impl From<&SpendingKey> for FullViewingKey { fn from(sk: &SpendingKey) -> Self { FullViewingKey { ak: (&SpendAuthorizingKey::from(sk)).into(), nk: sk.into(), rivk: sk.into(), } } } impl From for SpendValidatingKey { fn from(fvk: FullViewingKey) -> Self { fvk.ak } } impl FullViewingKey { pub(crate) fn nk(&self) -> &NullifierDerivingKey { &self.nk } /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents fn derive_dk_ovk(&self) -> (DiversifierKey, OutgoingViewingKey) { let k = self.rivk.0.to_bytes(); let b = [(&self.ak.0).into(), self.nk.0.to_bytes()]; let r = PrfExpand::OrchardDkOvk.with_ad_slices(&k, &[&b[0][..], &b[1][..]]); ( DiversifierKey(r[..32].try_into().unwrap()), OutgoingViewingKey(r[32..].try_into().unwrap()), ) } /// Returns the default payment address for this key. pub fn default_address(&self) -> Address { IncomingViewingKey::from(self).default_address() } /// Returns the payment address for this key at the given index. pub fn address_at(&self, j: impl Into) -> Address { IncomingViewingKey::from(self).address_at(j) } /// Returns the payment address for this key corresponding to the given diversifier. pub fn address(&self, d: Diversifier) -> Address { // Shortcut: we don't need to derive DiversifierKey. KeyAgreementPrivateKey::from(self).address(d) } } /// A key that provides the capability to derive a sequence of diversifiers. /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents #[derive(Debug)] pub struct DiversifierKey([u8; 32]); impl From<&FullViewingKey> for DiversifierKey { fn from(fvk: &FullViewingKey) -> Self { fvk.derive_dk_ovk().0 } } /// The index for a particular diversifier. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct DiversifierIndex([u8; 11]); macro_rules! di_from { ($n:ident) => { impl From<$n> for DiversifierIndex { fn from(j: $n) -> Self { let mut j_bytes = [0; 11]; j_bytes[..mem::size_of::<$n>()].copy_from_slice(&j.to_le_bytes()); DiversifierIndex(j_bytes) } } }; } di_from!(u32); di_from!(u64); di_from!(usize); impl DiversifierKey { /// Returns the diversifier at index 0. pub fn default_diversifier(&self) -> Diversifier { self.get(0u32) } /// Returns the diversifier at the given index. pub fn get(&self, j: impl Into) -> Diversifier { let ff = FF1::::new(&self.0, 2).expect("valid radix"); let enc = ff .encrypt(&[], &BinaryNumeralString::from_bytes_le(&j.into().0[..])) .unwrap(); Diversifier(enc.to_bytes_le().try_into().unwrap()) } } /// A diversifier that can be used to derive a specific [`Address`] from a /// [`FullViewingKey`] or [`IncomingViewingKey`]. /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Diversifier([u8; 11]); impl Diversifier { pub(crate) fn from_bytes(d: [u8; 11]) -> Self { Diversifier(d) } /// Returns the byte array corresponding to this diversifier. pub fn as_array(&self) -> &[u8; 11] { &self.0 } } /// The private key $\mathsf{ivk}$ used in $KA^{Orchard}$, for decrypting incoming notes. /// /// In Sapling this is what was encoded as an incoming viewing key. For Orchard, we store /// both this and [`DiversifierKey`] inside [`IncomingViewingKey`] for usability (to /// enable deriving the default address for an incoming viewing key), while this separate /// type represents $\mathsf{ivk}$. /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents /// /// # Implementation notes /// /// We store $\mathsf{ivk}$ in memory as a scalar instead of a base, so that we aren't /// incurring an expensive serialize-and-parse step every time we use it (e.g. for trial /// decryption of notes). When we actually want to serialize ivk, we're guaranteed to get /// a valid base field element encoding, because we always construct ivk from an integer /// in the correct range. #[derive(Debug)] struct KeyAgreementPrivateKey(NonZeroPallasScalar); impl From<&FullViewingKey> for KeyAgreementPrivateKey { fn from(fvk: &FullViewingKey) -> Self { // KeyAgreementPrivateKey cannot be constructed such that this unwrap would fail. let ivk = KeyAgreementPrivateKey::derive_inner(fvk).unwrap(); KeyAgreementPrivateKey(ivk.into()) } } impl KeyAgreementPrivateKey { /// Derives ivk from fvk. Internal use only, does not enforce all constraints. fn derive_inner(fvk: &FullViewingKey) -> CtOption { let ak = extract_p(&pallas::Point::from_bytes(&(&fvk.ak.0).into()).unwrap()); commit_ivk(&ak, &fvk.nk.0, &fvk.rivk.0) } /// Returns the payment address for this key corresponding to the given diversifier. fn address(&self, d: Diversifier) -> Address { let pk_d = DiversifiedTransmissionKey::derive_inner(self, &d); Address::from_parts(d, pk_d) } } /// A key that provides the capability to detect and decrypt incoming notes from the block /// chain, without being able to spend the notes or detect when they are spent. /// /// This key is useful in situations where you only need the capability to detect inbound /// payments, such as merchant terminals. /// /// This key is not suitable for use on its own in a wallet, as it cannot maintain /// accurate balance. You should use a [`FullViewingKey`] instead. /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § Orchard Raw Incoming Viewing Keys][orchardinviewingkeyencoding]. /// /// [orchardinviewingkeyencoding]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardinviewingkeyencoding #[derive(Debug)] pub struct IncomingViewingKey { dk: DiversifierKey, ivk: KeyAgreementPrivateKey, } impl From<&FullViewingKey> for IncomingViewingKey { fn from(fvk: &FullViewingKey) -> Self { IncomingViewingKey { dk: fvk.into(), ivk: fvk.into(), } } } impl IncomingViewingKey { /// Parses an Orchard incoming viewing key from its raw encoding. pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8; 64]) -> CtOption { NonZeroPallasBase::from_bytes(bytes[32..].try_into().unwrap()).map(|ivk| { IncomingViewingKey { dk: DiversifierKey(bytes[..32].try_into().unwrap()), ivk: KeyAgreementPrivateKey(ivk.into()), } }) } /// Returns the default payment address for this key. pub fn default_address(&self) -> Address { self.address(self.dk.default_diversifier()) } /// Returns the payment address for this key at the given index. pub fn address_at(&self, j: impl Into) -> Address { self.address(self.dk.get(j)) } /// Returns the payment address for this key corresponding to the given diversifier. pub fn address(&self, d: Diversifier) -> Address { self.ivk.address(d) } } /// A key that provides the capability to recover outgoing transaction information from /// the block chain. /// /// This key is not suitable for use on its own in a wallet, as it cannot maintain /// accurate balance. You should use a [`FullViewingKey`] instead. /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct OutgoingViewingKey([u8; 32]); impl From<&FullViewingKey> for OutgoingViewingKey { fn from(fvk: &FullViewingKey) -> Self { fvk.derive_dk_ovk().1 } } impl From<[u8; 32]> for OutgoingViewingKey { fn from(ovk: [u8; 32]) -> Self { OutgoingViewingKey(ovk) } } impl AsRef<[u8; 32]> for OutgoingViewingKey { fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8; 32] { &self.0 } } /// The diversified transmission key for a given payment address. /// /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct DiversifiedTransmissionKey(NonIdentityPallasPoint); impl DiversifiedTransmissionKey { /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § 4.2.3: Orchard Key Components][orchardkeycomponents]. /// /// [orchardkeycomponents]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#orchardkeycomponents pub(crate) fn derive(ivk: &IncomingViewingKey, d: &Diversifier) -> Self { Self::derive_inner(&ivk.ivk, d) } fn derive_inner(ivk: &KeyAgreementPrivateKey, d: &Diversifier) -> Self { let g_d = diversify_hash(&d.as_array()); DiversifiedTransmissionKey(ka_orchard(&ivk.0, &g_d)) } /// $abst_P(bytes)$ pub(crate) fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8; 32]) -> CtOption { NonIdentityPallasPoint::from_bytes(bytes).map(DiversifiedTransmissionKey) } /// $repr_P(self)$ pub(crate) fn to_bytes(self) -> [u8; 32] { self.0.to_bytes() } } /// An ephemeral secret key used to encrypt an output note on-chain. /// /// `esk` is "ephemeral" in the sense that each secret key is only used once. In /// practice, `esk` is derived deterministically from the note that it is encrypting. /// /// $\mathsf{KA}^\mathsf{Orchard}.\mathsf{Private} := \mathbb{F}^{\ast}_{r_P}$ /// /// Defined in [section Orchard Key Agreement][concreteorchardkeyagreement]. /// /// [concreteorchardkeyagreement]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#concreteorchardkeyagreement #[derive(Debug)] pub struct EphemeralSecretKey(pub(crate) NonZeroPallasScalar); impl ConstantTimeEq for EphemeralSecretKey { fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> subtle::Choice { self.0.ct_eq(&other.0) } } impl EphemeralSecretKey { pub(crate) fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8; 32]) -> CtOption { NonZeroPallasScalar::from_bytes(bytes).map(EphemeralSecretKey) } pub(crate) fn derive_public(&self, g_d: NonIdentityPallasPoint) -> EphemeralPublicKey { EphemeralPublicKey(ka_orchard(&self.0, &g_d)) } pub(crate) fn agree(&self, pk_d: &DiversifiedTransmissionKey) -> SharedSecret { SharedSecret(ka_orchard(&self.0, &pk_d.0)) } } /// An ephemeral public key used to encrypt an output note on-chain. /// /// `epk` is "ephemeral" in the sense that each public key is only used once. In practice, /// `epk` is derived deterministically from the note that it is encrypting. /// /// $\mathsf{KA}^\mathsf{Orchard}.\mathsf{Public} := \mathbb{P}^{\ast}$ /// /// Defined in [section Orchard Key Agreement][concreteorchardkeyagreement]. /// /// [concreteorchardkeyagreement]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#concreteorchardkeyagreement #[derive(Debug)] pub struct EphemeralPublicKey(NonIdentityPallasPoint); impl EphemeralPublicKey { pub(crate) fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8; 32]) -> CtOption { NonIdentityPallasPoint::from_bytes(bytes).map(EphemeralPublicKey) } pub(crate) fn to_bytes(&self) -> EphemeralKeyBytes { EphemeralKeyBytes(self.0.to_bytes()) } pub(crate) fn agree(&self, ivk: &IncomingViewingKey) -> SharedSecret { SharedSecret(ka_orchard(&ivk.ivk.0, &self.0)) } } /// $\mathsf{KA}^\mathsf{Orchard}.\mathsf{SharedSecret} := \mathbb{P}^{\ast}$ /// /// Defined in [section Orchard Key Agreement][concreteorchardkeyagreement]. /// /// [concreteorchardkeyagreement]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#concreteorchardkeyagreement #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SharedSecret(NonIdentityPallasPoint); impl SharedSecret { /// For checking test vectors only. #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] { self.0.to_bytes() } /// Defined in [Zcash Protocol Spec § Orchard Key Agreement][concreteorchardkdf]. /// /// [concreteorchardkdf]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#concreteorchardkdf pub(crate) fn kdf_orchard(self, ephemeral_key: &EphemeralKeyBytes) -> Blake2bHash { Params::new() .hash_length(32) .personal(KDF_ORCHARD_PERSONALIZATION) .to_state() .update(&self.0.to_bytes()) .update(&ephemeral_key.0) .finalize() } } /// Generators for property testing. #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-dependencies"))] pub mod testing { use proptest::prelude::*; use super::{EphemeralSecretKey, SpendingKey}; prop_compose! { /// Generate a uniformly distributed fake note commitment value. pub fn arb_spending_key()( key in prop::array::uniform32(prop::num::u8::ANY) .prop_map(SpendingKey::from_bytes) .prop_filter( "Values must correspond to valid Orchard spending keys.", |opt| bool::from(opt.is_some()) ) ) -> SpendingKey { key.unwrap() } } prop_compose! { /// Generate a uniformly distributed fake note commitment value. pub fn arb_esk()( esk in prop::array::uniform32(prop::num::u8::ANY) .prop_map(|b| EphemeralSecretKey::from_bytes(&b)) .prop_filter( "Values must correspond to valid Orchard ephemeral secret keys.", |opt| bool::from(opt.is_some()) ) ) -> EphemeralSecretKey { esk.unwrap() } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use ff::PrimeField; use proptest::prelude::*; use super::{ testing::{arb_esk, arb_spending_key}, *, }; use crate::{ note::{ExtractedNoteCommitment, Nullifier, RandomSeed}, value::NoteValue, Note, }; #[test] fn parsers_reject_invalid() { assert!(bool::from( EphemeralSecretKey::from_bytes(&[0xff; 32]).is_none() )); assert!(bool::from( EphemeralPublicKey::from_bytes(&[0xff; 32]).is_none() )); } proptest! { #[test] fn key_agreement( sk in arb_spending_key(), esk in arb_esk(), ) { let ivk = IncomingViewingKey::from(&(&sk).into()); let addr = ivk.default_address(); let epk = esk.derive_public(addr.g_d()); assert!(bool::from( esk.agree(addr.pk_d()).0.ct_eq(&epk.agree(&ivk).0) )); } } #[test] fn test_vectors() { for tv in crate::test_vectors::keys::test_vectors() { let sk = SpendingKey::from_bytes(tv.sk).unwrap(); let ask: SpendAuthorizingKey = (&sk).into(); assert_eq!(<[u8; 32]>::from(&ask.0), tv.ask); let ak: SpendValidatingKey = (&ask).into(); assert_eq!(<[u8; 32]>::from(ak.0), tv.ak); let nk: NullifierDerivingKey = (&sk).into(); assert_eq!(nk.0.to_repr(), tv.nk); let rivk: CommitIvkRandomness = (&sk).into(); assert_eq!(rivk.0.to_repr(), tv.rivk); let fvk: FullViewingKey = (&sk).into(); assert_eq!(<[u8; 32]>::from(&fvk.ak.0), tv.ak); assert_eq!(fvk.nk().0.to_repr(), tv.nk); assert_eq!(fvk.rivk.0.to_repr(), tv.rivk); let ivk: KeyAgreementPrivateKey = (&fvk).into(); assert_eq!(ivk.0.to_repr(), tv.ivk); let diversifier = Diversifier(tv.default_d); let addr = fvk.address(diversifier); assert_eq!(&addr.pk_d().to_bytes(), &tv.default_pk_d); let rho = Nullifier::from_bytes(&tv.note_rho).unwrap(); let note = Note::from_parts( addr, NoteValue::from_raw(tv.note_v), rho, RandomSeed::from_bytes(tv.note_rseed, &rho).unwrap(), ); let cmx: ExtractedNoteCommitment = note.commitment().into(); assert_eq!(cmx.to_bytes(), tv.note_cmx); assert_eq!(note.nullifier(&fvk).to_bytes(), tv.note_nf); } } }