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//! This module contains implementations for the Tweedledum and Tweedledee
//! elliptic curve groups.
use core::cmp;
use core::fmt::Debug;
use core::ops::{Add, Mul, Neg, Sub};
use ff::Field;
use subtle::{Choice, ConditionallySelectable, ConstantTimeEq, CtOption};
use super::{Fp, Fq};
use crate::arithmetic::{Curve, CurveAffine, FieldExt, Group};
macro_rules! new_curve_impl {
($name:ident, $name_affine:ident, $base:ident, $scalar:ident) => {
/// Represents a point in the projective coordinate space.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct $name {
x: $base,
y: $base,
z: $base,
impl $name {
const fn curve_constant_b() -> $base {
// NOTE: this is specific to b = 5
$base::from_raw([5, 0, 0, 0])
/// Represents a point in the affine coordinate space (or the point at
/// infinity).
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct $name_affine {
x: $base,
y: $base,
infinity: Choice,
impl Curve for $name {
type Affine = $name_affine;
type Scalar = $scalar;
type Base = $base;
fn zero() -> Self {
Self {
x: $base::zero(),
y: $base::zero(),
z: $base::zero(),
fn one() -> Self {
// NOTE: This is specific to b = 5
const NEGATIVE_ONE: $base = $base::neg(&$base::one());
const TWO: $base = $base::from_raw([2, 0, 0, 0]);
Self {
y: TWO,
z: $base::one(),
fn is_zero(&self) -> Choice {
fn to_affine(&self) -> Self::Affine {
let zinv = self.z.invert().unwrap_or($base::zero());
let zinv2 = zinv.square();
let x = self.x * zinv2;
let zinv3 = zinv2 * zinv;
let y = self.y * zinv3;
let tmp = $name_affine {
infinity: Choice::from(0u8),
$name_affine::conditional_select(&tmp, &$name_affine::zero(), zinv.ct_is_zero())
fn double(&self) -> Self {
// There are no points of order 2.
let a = self.x.square();
let b = self.y.square();
let c = b.square();
let d = self.x + b;
let d = d.square();
let d = d - a - c;
let d = d + d;
let e = a + a + a;
let f = e.square();
let z3 = self.z * self.y;
let z3 = z3 + z3;
let x3 = f - (d + d);
let c = c + c;
let c = c + c;
let c = c + c;
let y3 = e * (d - x3) - c;
let tmp = $name {
x: x3,
y: y3,
z: z3,
$name::conditional_select(&tmp, &$name::zero(), self.is_zero())
/// Apply the curve endomorphism by multiplying the x-coordinate
/// by an element of multiplicative order 3.
fn endo(&self) -> Self {
$name {
x: self.x * $base::ZETA,
y: self.y,
z: self.z,
fn b() -> Self::Base {
fn is_on_curve(&self) -> Choice {
// Y^2 - X^3 = 5(Z^6)
(self.y.square() - (self.x.square() * self.x))
.ct_eq(&((self.z.square() * self.z).square() * $name::curve_constant_b()))
| self.z.ct_is_zero()
fn batch_to_affine(p: &[Self], q: &mut [Self::Affine]) {
assert_eq!(p.len(), q.len());
let mut acc = $base::one();
for (p, q) in p.iter().zip(q.iter_mut()) {
// We use the `x` field of $name_affine to store the product
// of previous z-coordinates seen.
q.x = acc;
// We will end up skipping all identities in p
acc = $base::conditional_select(&(acc * p.z), &acc, p.is_zero());
// This is the inverse, as all z-coordinates are nonzero and the ones
// that are not are skipped.
acc = acc.invert().unwrap();
for (p, q) in p.iter().rev().zip(q.iter_mut().rev()) {
let skip = p.is_zero();
// Compute tmp = 1/z
let tmp = q.x * acc;
// Cancel out z-coordinate in denominator of `acc`
acc = $base::conditional_select(&(acc * p.z), &acc, skip);
// Set the coordinates to the correct value
let tmp2 = tmp.square();
let tmp3 = tmp2 * tmp;
q.x = p.x * tmp2;
q.y = p.y * tmp3;
q.infinity = Choice::from(0u8);
*q = $name_affine::conditional_select(&q, &$name_affine::zero(), skip);
impl<'a> From<&'a $name_affine> for $name {
fn from(p: &'a $name_affine) -> $name {
impl From<$name_affine> for $name {
fn from(p: $name_affine) -> $name {
impl Default for $name {
fn default() -> $name {
impl ConstantTimeEq for $name {
fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> Choice {
// Is (xz^2, yz^3, z) equal to (x'z'^2, yz'^3, z') when converted to affine?
let z = other.z.square();
let x1 = self.x * z;
let z = z * other.z;
let y1 = self.y * z;
let z = self.z.square();
let x2 = other.x * z;
let z = z * self.z;
let y2 = other.y * z;
let self_is_zero = self.is_zero();
let other_is_zero = other.is_zero();
(self_is_zero & other_is_zero) // Both point at infinity
| ((!self_is_zero) & (!other_is_zero) & x1.ct_eq(&x2) & y1.ct_eq(&y2))
// Neither point at infinity, coordinates are the same
impl PartialEq for $name {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl cmp::Eq for $name {}
impl ConditionallySelectable for $name {
fn conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self {
$name {
x: $base::conditional_select(&a.x, &b.x, choice),
y: $base::conditional_select(&a.y, &b.y, choice),
z: $base::conditional_select(&a.z, &b.z, choice),
impl<'a> Neg for &'a $name {
type Output = $name;
fn neg(self) -> $name {
$name {
x: self.x,
y: -self.y,
z: self.z,
impl Neg for $name {
type Output = $name;
fn neg(self) -> $name {
impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'a $name> for &'b $name {
type Output = $name;
fn add(self, rhs: &'a $name) -> $name {
if bool::from(self.is_zero()) {
} else if bool::from(rhs.is_zero()) {
} else {
let z1z1 = self.z.square();
let z2z2 = rhs.z.square();
let u1 = self.x * z2z2;
let u2 = rhs.x * z1z1;
let s1 = self.y * z2z2 * rhs.z;
let s2 = rhs.y * z1z1 * self.z;
if u1 == u2 {
if s1 == s2 {
} else {
} else {
let h = u2 - u1;
let i = (h + h).square();
let j = h * i;
let r = s2 - s1;
let r = r + r;
let v = u1 * i;
let x3 = r.square() - j - v - v;
let s1 = s1 * j;
let s1 = s1 + s1;
let y3 = r * (v - x3) - s1;
let z3 = (self.z + rhs.z).square() - z1z1 - z2z2;
let z3 = z3 * h;
$name {
x: x3, y: y3, z: z3
impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'a $name_affine> for &'b $name {
type Output = $name;
fn add(self, rhs: &'a $name_affine) -> $name {
if bool::from(self.is_zero()) {
} else if bool::from(rhs.is_zero()) {
} else {
let z1z1 = self.z.square();
let u2 = rhs.x * z1z1;
let s2 = rhs.y * z1z1 * self.z;
if self.x == u2 {
if self.y == s2 {
} else {
} else {
let h = u2 - self.x;
let hh = h.square();
let i = hh + hh;
let i = i + i;
let j = h * i;
let r = s2 - self.y;
let r = r + r;
let v = self.x * i;
let x3 = r.square() - j - v - v;
let j = self.y * j;
let j = j + j;
let y3 = r * (v - x3) - j;
let z3 = (self.z + h).square() - z1z1 - hh;
$name {
x: x3, y: y3, z: z3
impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'a $name> for &'b $name {
type Output = $name;
fn sub(self, other: &'a $name) -> $name {
self + (-other)
impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'a $name_affine> for &'b $name {
type Output = $name;
fn sub(self, other: &'a $name_affine) -> $name {
self + (-other)
impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b $scalar> for &'a $name {
type Output = $name;
fn mul(self, other: &'b $scalar) -> Self::Output {
// TODO: make this faster
let mut acc = $name::zero();
// This is a simple double-and-add implementation of point
// multiplication, moving from most significant to least
// significant bit of the scalar.
// NOTE: We skip the leading bit because it's always unset.
for bit in other
.flat_map(|byte| (0..8).rev().map(move |i| Choice::from((byte >> i) & 1u8)))
acc = acc.double();
acc = $name::conditional_select(&acc, &(acc + self), bit);
impl<'a> Neg for &'a $name_affine {
type Output = $name_affine;
fn neg(self) -> $name_affine {
$name_affine {
x: self.x,
y: -self.y,
infinity: self.infinity,
impl Neg for $name_affine {
type Output = $name_affine;
fn neg(self) -> $name_affine {
impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'a $name> for &'b $name_affine {
type Output = $name;
fn add(self, rhs: &'a $name) -> $name {
rhs + self
impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'a $name_affine> for &'b $name_affine {
type Output = $name;
fn add(self, rhs: &'a $name_affine) -> $name {
if bool::from(self.is_zero()) {
} else if bool::from(rhs.is_zero()) {
} else {
if self.x == rhs.x {
if self.y == rhs.y {
} else {
} else {
let h = rhs.x - self.x;
let hh = h.square();
let i = hh + hh;
let i = i + i;
let j = h * i;
let r = rhs.y - self.y;
let r = r + r;
let v = self.x * i;
let x3 = r.square() - j - v - v;
let j = self.y * j;
let j = j + j;
let y3 = r * (v - x3) - j;
let z3 = h + h;
$name {
x: x3, y: y3, z: z3
impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'a $name_affine> for &'b $name_affine {
type Output = $name;
fn sub(self, other: &'a $name_affine) -> $name {
self + (-other)
impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'a $name> for &'b $name_affine {
type Output = $name;
fn sub(self, other: &'a $name) -> $name {
self + (-other)
impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b $scalar> for &'a $name_affine {
type Output = $name;
fn mul(self, other: &'b $scalar) -> Self::Output {
// TODO: make this faster
let mut acc = $name::zero();
// This is a simple double-and-add implementation of point
// multiplication, moving from most significant to least
// significant bit of the scalar.
// NOTE: We skip the leading bit because it's always unset.
for bit in other
.flat_map(|byte| (0..8).rev().map(move |i| Choice::from((byte >> i) & 1u8)))
acc = acc.double();
acc = $name::conditional_select(&acc, &(acc + self), bit);
impl CurveAffine for $name_affine {
type Projective = $name;
type Scalar = $scalar;
type Base = $base;
fn zero() -> Self {
Self {
x: $base::zero(),
y: $base::zero(),
infinity: Choice::from(1u8),
fn one() -> Self {
// NOTE: This is specific to b = 5
const NEGATIVE_ONE: $base = $base::neg(&$base::from_raw([1, 0, 0, 0]));
const TWO: $base = $base::from_raw([2, 0, 0, 0]);
Self {
y: TWO,
infinity: Choice::from(0u8),
fn is_zero(&self) -> Choice {
fn is_on_curve(&self) -> Choice {
// y^2 - x^3 ?= b
(self.y.square() - (self.x.square() * self.x)).ct_eq(&$name::curve_constant_b())
| self.infinity
fn to_projective(&self) -> Self::Projective {
$name {
x: self.x,
y: self.y,
z: $base::conditional_select(&$base::one(), &$base::zero(), self.infinity),
fn get_xy(&self) -> CtOption<(Self::Base, Self::Base)> {
CtOption::new((self.x, self.y), !self.is_zero())
fn from_xy(x: Self::Base, y: Self::Base) -> CtOption<Self> {
let p = $name_affine {
x, y, infinity: 0u8.into()
CtOption::new(p, p.is_on_curve())
fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8; 32]) -> CtOption<Self> {
let mut tmp = *bytes;
let ysign = Choice::from(tmp[31] >> 7);
tmp[31] &= 0b0111_1111;
$base::from_bytes(&tmp).and_then(|x| {
CtOption::new(Self::zero(), x.ct_is_zero() & (!ysign)).or_else(|| {
let x3 = x.square() * x;
(x3 + $name::curve_constant_b()).sqrt().and_then(|y| {
let sign = Choice::from(y.to_bytes()[0] & 1);
let y = $base::conditional_select(&y, &-y, ysign ^ sign);
$name_affine {
infinity: Choice::from(0u8),
fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
// TODO: not constant time
if bool::from(self.is_zero()) {
[0; 32]
} else {
let (x, y) = (self.x, self.y);
let sign = (y.to_bytes()[0] & 1) << 7;
let mut xbytes = x.to_bytes();
xbytes[31] |= sign;
fn from_bytes_wide(bytes: &[u8; 64]) -> CtOption<Self> {
let mut xbytes = [0u8; 32];
let mut ybytes = [0u8; 32];
$base::from_bytes(&xbytes).and_then(|x| {
$base::from_bytes(&ybytes).and_then(|y| {
CtOption::new(Self::zero(), x.ct_is_zero() & y.ct_is_zero()).or_else(|| {
let on_curve =
(x * x.square() + $name::curve_constant_b()).ct_eq(&y.square());
$name_affine {
infinity: Choice::from(0u8),
fn to_bytes_wide(&self) -> [u8; 64] {
// TODO: not constant time
if bool::from(self.is_zero()) {
[0; 64]
} else {
let mut out = [0u8; 64];
(&mut out[0..32]).copy_from_slice(&self.x.to_bytes());
(&mut out[32..64]).copy_from_slice(&self.y.to_bytes());
fn b() -> Self::Base {
impl Default for $name_affine {
fn default() -> $name_affine {
impl<'a> From<&'a $name> for $name_affine {
fn from(p: &'a $name) -> $name_affine {
impl From<$name> for $name_affine {
fn from(p: $name) -> $name_affine {
impl ConstantTimeEq for $name_affine {
fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> Choice {
let z1 = self.infinity;
let z2 = other.infinity;
(z1 & z2) | ((!z1) & (!z2) & (self.x.ct_eq(&other.x)) & (self.y.ct_eq(&other.y)))
impl PartialEq for $name_affine {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl cmp::Eq for $name_affine {}
impl ConditionallySelectable for $name_affine {
fn conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self {
$name_affine {
x: $base::conditional_select(&a.x, &b.x, choice),
y: $base::conditional_select(&a.y, &b.y, choice),
infinity: Choice::conditional_select(&a.infinity, &b.infinity, choice),
impl_binops_additive!($name, $name);
impl_binops_additive!($name, $name_affine);
impl_binops_additive_specify_output!($name_affine, $name_affine, $name);
impl_binops_additive_specify_output!($name_affine, $name, $name);
impl_binops_multiplicative!($name, $scalar);
impl_binops_multiplicative_mixed!($name_affine, $scalar, $name);
impl Group for $name {
type Scalar = $scalar;
fn group_zero() -> Self {
fn group_add(&mut self, rhs: &Self) {
*self = *self + *rhs;
fn group_sub(&mut self, rhs: &Self) {
*self = *self - *rhs;
fn group_scale(&mut self, by: &Self::Scalar) {
*self = *self * (*by);
new_curve_impl!(Ep, EpAffine, Fp, Fq);
new_curve_impl!(Eq, EqAffine, Fq, Fp);