//! This module contains implementations for the Pallas and Vesta elliptic curve //! groups. use core::cmp; use core::fmt; use core::iter::Sum; use core::ops::{Add, Mul, Neg, Sub}; #[cfg(feature = "std")] use std::boxed::Box; use ff::{Field, PrimeField}; use group::{ cofactor::{CofactorCurve, CofactorGroup}, prime::{PrimeCurve, PrimeCurveAffine, PrimeGroup}, Curve as _, Group as _, GroupEncoding, }; use rand::RngCore; use subtle::{Choice, ConditionallySelectable, ConstantTimeEq, CtOption}; use super::{Fp, Fq}; #[cfg(feature = "std")] use crate::arithmetic::{Coordinates, CurveAffine, CurveExt, FieldExt, Group}; macro_rules! new_curve_impl { (($($privacy:tt)*), $name:ident, $name_affine:ident, $iso:ident, $base:ident, $scalar:ident, $curve_id:literal, $a_raw:expr, $b_raw:expr, $curve_type:ident) => { /// Represents a point in the projective coordinate space. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] $($privacy)* struct $name { x: $base, y: $base, z: $base, } impl $name { const fn curve_constant_a() -> $base { $base::from_raw($a_raw) } const fn curve_constant_b() -> $base { $base::from_raw($b_raw) } } /// Represents a point in the affine coordinate space (or the point at /// infinity). #[derive(Copy, Clone)] $($privacy)* struct $name_affine { x: $base, y: $base, infinity: Choice, } impl fmt::Debug for $name_affine { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { if self.infinity.into() { write!(f, "Infinity") } else { write!(f, "({:?}, {:?})", self.x, self.y) } } } impl group::Group for $name { type Scalar = $scalar; fn random(mut rng: impl RngCore) -> Self { loop { let x = $base::random(&mut rng); let ysign = (rng.next_u32() % 2) as u8; let x3 = x.square() * x; let y = (x3 + $name::curve_constant_b()).sqrt(); if let Some(y) = Option::<$base>::from(y) { let sign = y.is_odd().unwrap_u8(); let y = if ysign ^ sign == 0 { y } else { -y }; let p = $name_affine { x, y, infinity: Choice::from(0u8), }; break p.to_curve(); } } } impl_projective_curve_specific!($name, $base, $curve_type); fn identity() -> Self { Self { x: $base::zero(), y: $base::zero(), z: $base::zero(), } } fn is_identity(&self) -> Choice { self.z.is_zero() } } #[cfg(feature = "std")] impl group::WnafGroup for $name { fn recommended_wnaf_for_num_scalars(num_scalars: usize) -> usize { // Copied from bls12_381::g1, should be updated. const RECOMMENDATIONS: [usize; 12] = [1, 3, 7, 20, 43, 120, 273, 563, 1630, 3128, 7933, 62569]; let mut ret = 4; for r in &RECOMMENDATIONS { if num_scalars > *r { ret += 1; } else { break; } } ret } } #[cfg(feature = "std")] impl CurveExt for $name { type ScalarExt = $scalar; type Base = $base; type AffineExt = $name_affine; const CURVE_ID: &'static str = $curve_id; impl_projective_curve_ext!($name, $iso, $base, $curve_type); fn a() -> Self::Base { $name::curve_constant_a() } fn b() -> Self::Base { $name::curve_constant_b() } fn new_jacobian(x: Self::Base, y: Self::Base, z: Self::Base) -> CtOption { let p = $name { x, y, z }; CtOption::new(p, p.is_on_curve()) } fn jacobian_coordinates(&self) -> ($base, $base, $base) { (self.x, self.y, self.z) } fn is_on_curve(&self) -> Choice { // Y^2 = X^3 + AX(Z^4) + b(Z^6) // Y^2 - (X^2 + A(Z^4))X = b(Z^6) let z2 = self.z.square(); let z4 = z2.square(); let z6 = z4 * z2; (self.y.square() - (self.x.square() + $name::curve_constant_a() * z4) * self.x) .ct_eq(&(z6 * $name::curve_constant_b())) | self.z.is_zero() } } impl group::Curve for $name { type AffineRepr = $name_affine; fn batch_normalize(p: &[Self], q: &mut [Self::AffineRepr]) { assert_eq!(p.len(), q.len()); let mut acc = $base::one(); for (p, q) in p.iter().zip(q.iter_mut()) { // We use the `x` field of $name_affine to store the product // of previous z-coordinates seen. q.x = acc; // We will end up skipping all identities in p acc = $base::conditional_select(&(acc * p.z), &acc, p.is_identity()); } // This is the inverse, as all z-coordinates are nonzero and the ones // that are not are skipped. acc = acc.invert().unwrap(); for (p, q) in p.iter().rev().zip(q.iter_mut().rev()) { let skip = p.is_identity(); // Compute tmp = 1/z let tmp = q.x * acc; // Cancel out z-coordinate in denominator of `acc` acc = $base::conditional_select(&(acc * p.z), &acc, skip); // Set the coordinates to the correct value let tmp2 = tmp.square(); let tmp3 = tmp2 * tmp; q.x = p.x * tmp2; q.y = p.y * tmp3; q.infinity = Choice::from(0u8); *q = $name_affine::conditional_select(&q, &$name_affine::identity(), skip); } } fn to_affine(&self) -> Self::AffineRepr { let zinv = self.z.invert().unwrap_or($base::zero()); let zinv2 = zinv.square(); let x = self.x * zinv2; let zinv3 = zinv2 * zinv; let y = self.y * zinv3; let tmp = $name_affine { x, y, infinity: Choice::from(0u8), }; $name_affine::conditional_select(&tmp, &$name_affine::identity(), zinv.is_zero()) } } impl PrimeGroup for $name {} impl CofactorGroup for $name { type Subgroup = $name; fn clear_cofactor(&self) -> Self { // This is a prime-order group, with a cofactor of 1. *self } fn into_subgroup(self) -> CtOption { // Nothing to do here. CtOption::new(self, 1.into()) } fn is_torsion_free(&self) -> Choice { // Shortcut: all points in a prime-order group are torsion free. 1.into() } } impl PrimeCurve for $name { type Affine = $name_affine; } impl CofactorCurve for $name { type Affine = $name_affine; } impl GroupEncoding for $name { type Repr = [u8; 32]; fn from_bytes(bytes: &Self::Repr) -> CtOption { $name_affine::from_bytes(bytes).map(Self::from) } fn from_bytes_unchecked(bytes: &Self::Repr) -> CtOption { // We can't avoid curve checks when parsing a compressed encoding. $name_affine::from_bytes(bytes).map(Self::from) } fn to_bytes(&self) -> Self::Repr { $name_affine::from(self).to_bytes() } } impl<'a> From<&'a $name_affine> for $name { fn from(p: &'a $name_affine) -> $name { p.to_curve() } } impl From<$name_affine> for $name { fn from(p: $name_affine) -> $name { p.to_curve() } } impl Default for $name { fn default() -> $name { $name::identity() } } impl ConstantTimeEq for $name { fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> Choice { // Is (xz^2, yz^3, z) equal to (x'z'^2, yz'^3, z') when converted to affine? let z = other.z.square(); let x1 = self.x * z; let z = z * other.z; let y1 = self.y * z; let z = self.z.square(); let x2 = other.x * z; let z = z * self.z; let y2 = other.y * z; let self_is_zero = self.is_identity(); let other_is_zero = other.is_identity(); (self_is_zero & other_is_zero) // Both point at infinity | ((!self_is_zero) & (!other_is_zero) & x1.ct_eq(&x2) & y1.ct_eq(&y2)) // Neither point at infinity, coordinates are the same } } impl PartialEq for $name { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.ct_eq(other).into() } } impl cmp::Eq for $name {} impl ConditionallySelectable for $name { fn conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self { $name { x: $base::conditional_select(&a.x, &b.x, choice), y: $base::conditional_select(&a.y, &b.y, choice), z: $base::conditional_select(&a.z, &b.z, choice), } } } impl<'a> Neg for &'a $name { type Output = $name; fn neg(self) -> $name { $name { x: self.x, y: -self.y, z: self.z, } } } impl Neg for $name { type Output = $name; fn neg(self) -> $name { -&self } } impl Sum for $name where T: core::borrow::Borrow<$name>, { fn sum(iter: I) -> Self where I: Iterator, { iter.fold(Self::identity(), |acc, item| acc + item.borrow()) } } impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'a $name> for &'b $name { type Output = $name; fn add(self, rhs: &'a $name) -> $name { if bool::from(self.is_identity()) { *rhs } else if bool::from(rhs.is_identity()) { *self } else { let z1z1 = self.z.square(); let z2z2 = rhs.z.square(); let u1 = self.x * z2z2; let u2 = rhs.x * z1z1; let s1 = self.y * z2z2 * rhs.z; let s2 = rhs.y * z1z1 * self.z; if u1 == u2 { if s1 == s2 { self.double() } else { $name::identity() } } else { let h = u2 - u1; let i = (h + h).square(); let j = h * i; let r = s2 - s1; let r = r + r; let v = u1 * i; let x3 = r.square() - j - v - v; let s1 = s1 * j; let s1 = s1 + s1; let y3 = r * (v - x3) - s1; let z3 = (self.z + rhs.z).square() - z1z1 - z2z2; let z3 = z3 * h; $name { x: x3, y: y3, z: z3 } } } } } impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'a $name_affine> for &'b $name { type Output = $name; fn add(self, rhs: &'a $name_affine) -> $name { if bool::from(self.is_identity()) { rhs.to_curve() } else if bool::from(rhs.is_identity()) { *self } else { let z1z1 = self.z.square(); let u2 = rhs.x * z1z1; let s2 = rhs.y * z1z1 * self.z; if self.x == u2 { if self.y == s2 { self.double() } else { $name::identity() } } else { let h = u2 - self.x; let hh = h.square(); let i = hh + hh; let i = i + i; let j = h * i; let r = s2 - self.y; let r = r + r; let v = self.x * i; let x3 = r.square() - j - v - v; let j = self.y * j; let j = j + j; let y3 = r * (v - x3) - j; let z3 = (self.z + h).square() - z1z1 - hh; $name { x: x3, y: y3, z: z3 } } } } } impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'a $name> for &'b $name { type Output = $name; fn sub(self, other: &'a $name) -> $name { self + (-other) } } impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'a $name_affine> for &'b $name { type Output = $name; fn sub(self, other: &'a $name_affine) -> $name { self + (-other) } } #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b $scalar> for &'a $name { type Output = $name; fn mul(self, other: &'b $scalar) -> Self::Output { // TODO: make this faster let mut acc = $name::identity(); // This is a simple double-and-add implementation of point // multiplication, moving from most significant to least // significant bit of the scalar. // // NOTE: We skip the leading bit because it's always unset. for bit in other .to_repr() .iter() .rev() .flat_map(|byte| (0..8).rev().map(move |i| Choice::from((byte >> i) & 1u8))) .skip(1) { acc = acc.double(); acc = $name::conditional_select(&acc, &(acc + self), bit); } acc } } impl<'a> Neg for &'a $name_affine { type Output = $name_affine; fn neg(self) -> $name_affine { $name_affine { x: self.x, y: -self.y, infinity: self.infinity, } } } impl Neg for $name_affine { type Output = $name_affine; fn neg(self) -> $name_affine { -&self } } impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'a $name> for &'b $name_affine { type Output = $name; fn add(self, rhs: &'a $name) -> $name { rhs + self } } impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'a $name_affine> for &'b $name_affine { type Output = $name; fn add(self, rhs: &'a $name_affine) -> $name { if bool::from(self.is_identity()) { rhs.to_curve() } else if bool::from(rhs.is_identity()) { self.to_curve() } else { if self.x == rhs.x { if self.y == rhs.y { self.to_curve().double() } else { $name::identity() } } else { let h = rhs.x - self.x; let hh = h.square(); let i = hh + hh; let i = i + i; let j = h * i; let r = rhs.y - self.y; let r = r + r; let v = self.x * i; let x3 = r.square() - j - v - v; let j = self.y * j; let j = j + j; let y3 = r * (v - x3) - j; let z3 = h + h; $name { x: x3, y: y3, z: z3 } } } } } impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'a $name_affine> for &'b $name_affine { type Output = $name; fn sub(self, other: &'a $name_affine) -> $name { self + (-other) } } impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'a $name> for &'b $name_affine { type Output = $name; fn sub(self, other: &'a $name) -> $name { self + (-other) } } #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b $scalar> for &'a $name_affine { type Output = $name; fn mul(self, other: &'b $scalar) -> Self::Output { // TODO: make this faster let mut acc = $name::identity(); // This is a simple double-and-add implementation of point // multiplication, moving from most significant to least // significant bit of the scalar. // // NOTE: We skip the leading bit because it's always unset. for bit in other .to_repr() .iter() .rev() .flat_map(|byte| (0..8).rev().map(move |i| Choice::from((byte >> i) & 1u8))) .skip(1) { acc = acc.double(); acc = $name::conditional_select(&acc, &(acc + self), bit); } acc } } impl PrimeCurveAffine for $name_affine { type Curve = $name; type Scalar = $scalar; impl_affine_curve_specific!($name, $base, $curve_type); fn identity() -> Self { Self { x: $base::zero(), y: $base::zero(), infinity: Choice::from(1u8), } } fn is_identity(&self) -> Choice { self.infinity } fn to_curve(&self) -> Self::Curve { $name { x: self.x, y: self.y, z: $base::conditional_select(&$base::one(), &$base::zero(), self.infinity), } } } impl group::cofactor::CofactorCurveAffine for $name_affine { type Curve = $name; type Scalar = $scalar; fn identity() -> Self { ::identity() } fn generator() -> Self { ::generator() } fn is_identity(&self) -> Choice { ::is_identity(self) } fn to_curve(&self) -> Self::Curve { ::to_curve(self) } } impl GroupEncoding for $name_affine { type Repr = [u8; 32]; fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8; 32]) -> CtOption { let mut tmp = *bytes; let ysign = Choice::from(tmp[31] >> 7); tmp[31] &= 0b0111_1111; $base::from_repr(tmp).and_then(|x| { CtOption::new(Self::identity(), x.is_zero() & (!ysign)).or_else(|| { let x3 = x.square() * x; (x3 + $name::curve_constant_b()).sqrt().and_then(|y| { let sign = y.is_odd(); let y = $base::conditional_select(&y, &-y, ysign ^ sign); CtOption::new( $name_affine { x, y, infinity: Choice::from(0u8), }, Choice::from(1u8), ) }) }) }) } fn from_bytes_unchecked(bytes: &Self::Repr) -> CtOption { // We can't avoid curve checks when parsing a compressed encoding. Self::from_bytes(bytes) } fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] { // TODO: not constant time if bool::from(self.is_identity()) { [0; 32] } else { let (x, y) = (self.x, self.y); let sign = y.is_odd().unwrap_u8() << 7; let mut xbytes = x.to_repr(); xbytes[31] |= sign; xbytes } } } #[cfg(feature = "std")] impl CurveAffine for $name_affine { type ScalarExt = $scalar; type Base = $base; type CurveExt = $name; fn is_on_curve(&self) -> Choice { // y^2 - x^3 - ax ?= b (self.y.square() - (self.x.square() + &$name::curve_constant_a()) * self.x).ct_eq(&$name::curve_constant_b()) | self.infinity } fn coordinates(&self) -> CtOption> { CtOption::new(Coordinates { x: self.x, y: self.y }, !self.is_identity()) } fn from_xy(x: Self::Base, y: Self::Base) -> CtOption { let p = $name_affine { x, y, infinity: 0u8.into() }; CtOption::new(p, p.is_on_curve()) } fn a() -> Self::Base { $name::curve_constant_a() } fn b() -> Self::Base { $name::curve_constant_b() } } impl Default for $name_affine { fn default() -> $name_affine { $name_affine::identity() } } impl<'a> From<&'a $name> for $name_affine { fn from(p: &'a $name) -> $name_affine { p.to_affine() } } impl From<$name> for $name_affine { fn from(p: $name) -> $name_affine { p.to_affine() } } impl ConstantTimeEq for $name_affine { fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> Choice { let z1 = self.infinity; let z2 = other.infinity; (z1 & z2) | ((!z1) & (!z2) & (self.x.ct_eq(&other.x)) & (self.y.ct_eq(&other.y))) } } impl PartialEq for $name_affine { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.ct_eq(other).into() } } impl cmp::Eq for $name_affine {} impl ConditionallySelectable for $name_affine { fn conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self { $name_affine { x: $base::conditional_select(&a.x, &b.x, choice), y: $base::conditional_select(&a.y, &b.y, choice), infinity: Choice::conditional_select(&a.infinity, &b.infinity, choice), } } } impl_binops_additive!($name, $name); impl_binops_additive!($name, $name_affine); impl_binops_additive_specify_output!($name_affine, $name_affine, $name); impl_binops_additive_specify_output!($name_affine, $name, $name); impl_binops_multiplicative!($name, $scalar); impl_binops_multiplicative_mixed!($name_affine, $scalar, $name); #[cfg(feature = "std")] impl Group for $name { type Scalar = $scalar; fn group_zero() -> Self { Self::identity() } fn group_add(&mut self, rhs: &Self) { *self += *rhs; } fn group_sub(&mut self, rhs: &Self) { *self -= *rhs; } fn group_scale(&mut self, by: &Self::Scalar) { *self *= *by; } } }; } macro_rules! impl_projective_curve_specific { ($name:ident, $base:ident, special_a0_b5) => { fn generator() -> Self { // NOTE: This is specific to b = 5 const NEGATIVE_ONE: $base = $base::neg(&$base::one()); const TWO: $base = $base::from_raw([2, 0, 0, 0]); Self { x: NEGATIVE_ONE, y: TWO, z: $base::one(), } } fn double(&self) -> Self { // http://www.hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian-0.html#doubling-dbl-2009-l // // There are no points of order 2. let a = self.x.square(); let b = self.y.square(); let c = b.square(); let d = self.x + b; let d = d.square(); let d = d - a - c; let d = d + d; let e = a + a + a; let f = e.square(); let z3 = self.z * self.y; let z3 = z3 + z3; let x3 = f - (d + d); let c = c + c; let c = c + c; let c = c + c; let y3 = e * (d - x3) - c; let tmp = $name { x: x3, y: y3, z: z3, }; $name::conditional_select(&tmp, &$name::identity(), self.is_identity()) } }; ($name:ident, $base:ident, general) => { /// Unimplemented: there is no standard generator for this curve. fn generator() -> Self { unimplemented!() } fn double(&self) -> Self { // http://www.hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian.html#doubling-dbl-2007-bl // // There are no points of order 2. let xx = self.x.square(); let yy = self.y.square(); let a = yy.square(); let zz = self.z.square(); let s = ((self.x + yy).square() - xx - a).double(); let m = xx.double() + xx + $name::curve_constant_a() * zz.square(); let x3 = m.square() - s.double(); let a = a.double(); let a = a.double(); let a = a.double(); let y3 = m * (s - x3) - a; let z3 = (self.y + self.z).square() - yy - zz; let tmp = $name { x: x3, y: y3, z: z3, }; $name::conditional_select(&tmp, &$name::identity(), self.is_identity()) } }; } #[cfg(feature = "std")] macro_rules! impl_projective_curve_ext { ($name:ident, $iso:ident, $base:ident, special_a0_b5) => { fn hash_to_curve<'a>(domain_prefix: &'a str) -> Box Self + 'a> { use super::hashtocurve; Box::new(move |message| { let mut us = [Field::zero(); 2]; hashtocurve::hash_to_field($name::CURVE_ID, domain_prefix, message, &mut us); let q0 = hashtocurve::map_to_curve_simple_swu::<$base, $name, $iso>( &us[0], $name::THETA, $name::Z, ); let q1 = hashtocurve::map_to_curve_simple_swu::<$base, $name, $iso>( &us[1], $name::THETA, $name::Z, ); let r = q0 + &q1; debug_assert!(bool::from(r.is_on_curve())); hashtocurve::iso_map::<$base, $name, $iso>(&r, &$name::ISOGENY_CONSTANTS) }) } /// Apply the curve endomorphism by multiplying the x-coordinate /// by an element of multiplicative order 3. fn endo(&self) -> Self { $name { x: self.x * $base::ZETA, y: self.y, z: self.z, } } }; ($name:ident, $iso:ident, $base:ident, general) => { /// Unimplemented: hashing to this curve is not supported fn hash_to_curve<'a>(_domain_prefix: &'a str) -> Box Self + 'a> { unimplemented!() } /// Unimplemented: no endomorphism is supported for this curve. fn endo(&self) -> Self { unimplemented!() } }; } macro_rules! impl_affine_curve_specific { ($name:ident, $base:ident, special_a0_b5) => { fn generator() -> Self { // NOTE: This is specific to b = 5 const NEGATIVE_ONE: $base = $base::neg(&$base::from_raw([1, 0, 0, 0])); const TWO: $base = $base::from_raw([2, 0, 0, 0]); Self { x: NEGATIVE_ONE, y: TWO, infinity: Choice::from(0u8), } } }; ($name:ident, $base:ident, general) => { /// Unimplemented: there is no standard generator for this curve. fn generator() -> Self { unimplemented!() } }; } new_curve_impl!( (pub), Ep, EpAffine, IsoEp, Fp, Fq, "pallas", [0, 0, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0, 0], special_a0_b5 ); new_curve_impl!( (pub), Eq, EqAffine, IsoEq, Fq, Fp, "vesta", [0, 0, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0, 0], special_a0_b5 ); new_curve_impl!( (pub(crate)), IsoEp, IsoEpAffine, Ep, Fp, Fq, "iso-pallas", [ 0x92bb4b0b657a014b, 0xb74134581a27a59f, 0x49be2d7258370742, 0x18354a2eb0ea8c9c, ], [1265, 0, 0, 0], general ); new_curve_impl!( (pub(crate)), IsoEq, IsoEqAffine, Eq, Fq, Fp, "iso-vesta", [ 0xc515ad7242eaa6b1, 0x9673928c7d01b212, 0x81639c4d96f78773, 0x267f9b2ee592271a, ], [1265, 0, 0, 0], general ); impl Ep { /// Constants used for computing the isogeny from IsoEp to Ep. pub const ISOGENY_CONSTANTS: [Fp; 13] = [ Fp::from_raw([ 0x775f6034aaaaaaab, 0x4081775473d8375b, 0xe38e38e38e38e38e, 0x0e38e38e38e38e38, ]), Fp::from_raw([ 0x8cf863b02814fb76, 0x0f93b82ee4b99495, 0x267c7ffa51cf412a, 0x3509afd51872d88e, ]), Fp::from_raw([ 0x0eb64faef37ea4f7, 0x380af066cfeb6d69, 0x98c7d7ac3d98fd13, 0x17329b9ec5253753, ]), Fp::from_raw([ 0xeebec06955555580, 0x8102eea8e7b06eb6, 0xc71c71c71c71c71c, 0x1c71c71c71c71c71, ]), Fp::from_raw([ 0xc47f2ab668bcd71f, 0x9c434ac1c96b6980, 0x5a607fcce0494a79, 0x1d572e7ddc099cff, ]), Fp::from_raw([ 0x2aa3af1eae5b6604, 0xb4abf9fb9a1fc81c, 0x1d13bf2a7f22b105, 0x325669becaecd5d1, ]), Fp::from_raw([ 0x5ad985b5e38e38e4, 0x7642b01ad461bad2, 0x4bda12f684bda12f, 0x1a12f684bda12f68, ]), Fp::from_raw([ 0xc67c31d8140a7dbb, 0x07c9dc17725cca4a, 0x133e3ffd28e7a095, 0x1a84d7ea8c396c47, ]), Fp::from_raw([ 0x02e2be87d225b234, 0x1765e924f7459378, 0x303216cce1db9ff1, 0x3fb98ff0d2ddcadd, ]), Fp::from_raw([ 0x93e53ab371c71c4f, 0x0ac03e8e134eb3e4, 0x7b425ed097b425ed, 0x025ed097b425ed09, ]), Fp::from_raw([ 0x5a28279b1d1b42ae, 0x5941a3a4a97aa1b3, 0x0790bfb3506defb6, 0x0c02c5bcca0e6b7f, ]), Fp::from_raw([ 0x4d90ab820b12320a, 0xd976bbfabbc5661d, 0x573b3d7f7d681310, 0x17033d3c60c68173, ]), Fp::from_raw([ 0x992d30ecfffffde5, 0x224698fc094cf91b, 0x0000000000000000, 0x4000000000000000, ]), ]; /// Z = -13 pub const Z: Fp = Fp::from_raw([ 0x992d30ecfffffff4, 0x224698fc094cf91b, 0x0000000000000000, 0x4000000000000000, ]); /// `(F::ROOT_OF_UNITY.invert().unwrap() * z).sqrt().unwrap()` pub const THETA: Fp = Fp::from_raw([ 0xca330bcc09ac318e, 0x51f64fc4dc888857, 0x4647aef782d5cdc8, 0x0f7bdb65814179b4, ]); } impl Eq { /// Constants used for computing the isogeny from IsoEq to Eq. pub const ISOGENY_CONSTANTS: [Fq; 13] = [ Fq::from_raw([ 0x43cd42c800000001, 0x0205dd51cfa0961a, 0x8e38e38e38e38e39, 0x38e38e38e38e38e3, ]), Fq::from_raw([ 0x8b95c6aaf703bcc5, 0x216b8861ec72bd5d, 0xacecf10f5f7c09a2, 0x1d935247b4473d17, ]), Fq::from_raw([ 0xaeac67bbeb586a3d, 0xd59d03d23b39cb11, 0xed7ee4a9cdf78f8f, 0x18760c7f7a9ad20d, ]), Fq::from_raw([ 0xfb539a6f0000002b, 0xe1c521a795ac8356, 0x1c71c71c71c71c71, 0x31c71c71c71c71c7, ]), Fq::from_raw([ 0xb7284f7eaf21a2e9, 0xa3ad678129b604d3, 0x1454798a5b5c56b2, 0x0a2de485568125d5, ]), Fq::from_raw([ 0xf169c187d2533465, 0x30cd6d53df49d235, 0x0c621de8b91c242a, 0x14735171ee542778, ]), Fq::from_raw([ 0x6bef1642aaaaaaab, 0x5601f4709a8adcb3, 0xda12f684bda12f68, 0x12f684bda12f684b, ]), Fq::from_raw([ 0x8bee58e5fb81de63, 0x21d910aefb03b31d, 0xd6767887afbe04d1, 0x2ec9a923da239e8b, ]), Fq::from_raw([ 0x4986913ab4443034, 0x97a3ca5c24e9ea63, 0x66d1466e9de10e64, 0x19b0d87e16e25788, ]), Fq::from_raw([ 0x8f64842c55555533, 0x8bc32d36fb21a6a3, 0x425ed097b425ed09, 0x1ed097b425ed097b, ]), Fq::from_raw([ 0x58dfecce86b2745e, 0x06a767bfc35b5bac, 0x9e7eb64f890a820c, 0x2f44d6c801c1b8bf, ]), Fq::from_raw([ 0xd43d449776f99d2f, 0x926847fb9ddd76a1, 0x252659ba2b546c7e, 0x3d59f455cafc7668, ]), Fq::from_raw([ 0x8c46eb20fffffde5, 0x224698fc0994a8dd, 0x0000000000000000, 0x4000000000000000, ]), ]; /// Z = -13 pub const Z: Fq = Fq::from_raw([ 0x8c46eb20fffffff4, 0x224698fc0994a8dd, 0x0000000000000000, 0x4000000000000000, ]); /// `(F::ROOT_OF_UNITY.invert().unwrap() * z).sqrt().unwrap()` pub const THETA: Fq = Fq::from_raw([ 0x632cae9872df1b5d, 0x38578ccadf03ac27, 0x53c3808d9e2f2357, 0x2b3483a1ee9a382f, ]); }