
259 lines
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//! This module contains the `Field` abstraction that allows us to write
//! code that generalizes over a pair of fields.
use core::mem::size_of;
use static_assertions::const_assert;
#[cfg(feature = "sqrt-table")]
use alloc::{boxed::Box, vec::Vec};
#[cfg(feature = "sqrt-table")]
use core::marker::PhantomData;
#[cfg(feature = "sqrt-table")]
use subtle::Choice;
const_assert!(size_of::<usize>() >= 4);
/// An internal trait that exposes additional operations related to calculating square roots of
/// prime-order finite fields.
pub(crate) trait SqrtTableHelpers: ff::PrimeField {
/// Raise this field element to the power $(t-1)/2$.
/// Field implementations may override this to use an efficient addition chain.
fn pow_by_t_minus1_over2(&self) -> Self;
/// Gets the lower 32 bits of this field element when expressed
/// canonically.
fn get_lower_32(&self) -> u32;
/// Parameters for a perfect hash function used in square root computation.
#[cfg(feature = "sqrt-table")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "sqrt-table")))]
struct SqrtHasher<F: SqrtTableHelpers> {
hash_xor: u32,
hash_mod: usize,
marker: PhantomData<F>,
#[cfg(feature = "sqrt-table")]
impl<F: SqrtTableHelpers> SqrtHasher<F> {
/// Returns a perfect hash of x for use with SqrtTables::inv.
fn hash(&self, x: &F) -> usize {
// This is just the simplest constant-time perfect hash construction that could
// possibly work. The 32 low-order bits are unique within the 2^S order subgroup,
// then the xor acts as "salt" to injectively randomize the output when taken modulo
// `hash_mod`. Since the table is small, we do not need anything more complicated.
((x.get_lower_32() ^ self.hash_xor) as usize) % self.hash_mod
/// Tables used for square root computation.
#[cfg(feature = "sqrt-table")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "sqrt-table")))]
pub(crate) struct SqrtTables<F: SqrtTableHelpers> {
hasher: SqrtHasher<F>,
inv: Vec<u8>,
g0: Box<[F; 256]>,
g1: Box<[F; 256]>,
g2: Box<[F; 256]>,
g3: Box<[F; 129]>,
#[cfg(feature = "sqrt-table")]
impl<F: SqrtTableHelpers> SqrtTables<F> {
/// Build tables given parameters for the perfect hash.
pub fn new(hash_xor: u32, hash_mod: usize) -> Self {
use alloc::vec;
let hasher = SqrtHasher {
marker: PhantomData,
let mut gtab = (0..4).scan(F::ROOT_OF_UNITY, |gi, _| {
// gi == ROOT_OF_UNITY^(256^i)
let gtab_i: Vec<F> = (0..256)
.scan(F::ONE, |acc, _| {
let res = *acc;
*acc *= *gi;
*gi = gtab_i[255] * *gi;
let gtab_0 =;
let gtab_1 =;
let gtab_2 =;
let mut gtab_3 =;
assert_eq!(, None);
// Now invert gtab[3].
let mut inv: Vec<u8> = vec![1; hash_mod];
for (j, gtab_3_j) in gtab_3.iter().enumerate() {
let hash = hasher.hash(gtab_3_j);
// 1 is the last value to be assigned, so this ensures there are no collisions.
assert!(inv[hash] == 1);
inv[hash] = ((256 - j) & 0xFF) as u8;
SqrtTables::<F> {
g0: gtab_0.into_boxed_slice().try_into().unwrap(),
g1: gtab_1.into_boxed_slice().try_into().unwrap(),
g2: gtab_2.into_boxed_slice().try_into().unwrap(),
g3: gtab_3.into_boxed_slice().try_into().unwrap(),
/// Computes:
/// * (true, sqrt(num/div)), if num and div are nonzero and num/div is a square in the field;
/// * (true, 0), if num is zero;
/// * (false, 0), if num is nonzero and div is zero;
/// * (false, sqrt(ROOT_OF_UNITY * num/div)), if num and div are nonzero and num/div is a nonsquare in the field;
/// where ROOT_OF_UNITY is a generator of the order 2^n subgroup (and therefore a nonsquare).
/// The choice of root from sqrt is unspecified.
pub fn sqrt_ratio(&self, num: &F, div: &F) -> (Choice, F) {
// Based on:
// * [Sarkar2020](
// * [BDLSY2012](
// We need to calculate uv and v, where v = u^((T-1)/2), u = num/div, and p-1 = T * 2^S.
// We can rewrite as follows:
// v = (num/div)^((T-1)/2)
// = num^((T-1)/2) * div^(p-1 - (T-1)/2) [Fermat's Little Theorem]
// = " * div^(T * 2^S - (T-1)/2)
// = " * div^((2^(S+1) - 1)*(T-1)/2 + 2^S)
// = (num * div^(2^(S+1) - 1))^((T-1)/2) * div^(2^S)
// Let w = (num * div^(2^(S+1) - 1))^((T-1)/2) * div^(2^S - 1).
// Then v = w * div, and uv = num * v / div = num * w.
// We calculate:
// s = div^(2^S - 1) using an addition chain
// t = div^(2^(S+1) - 1) = s^2 * div
// w = (num * t)^((T-1)/2) * s using another addition chain
// then u and uv as above. The addition chains are given in
// .
// The overall cost of this part is similar to a single full-width exponentiation,
// regardless of S.
let sqr = |x: F, i: u32| (0..i).fold(x, |x, _| x.square());
// s = div^(2^S - 1)
let s = (0..5).fold(*div, |d: F, i| sqr(d, 1 << i) * d);
// t == div^(2^(S+1) - 1)
let t = s.square() * div;
// w = (num * t)^((T-1)/2) * s
let w = (t * num).pow_by_t_minus1_over2() * s;
// v == u^((T-1)/2)
let v = w * div;
// uv = u * v
let uv = w * num;
let res = self.sqrt_common(&uv, &v);
let sqdiv = res.square() * div;
let is_square = (sqdiv - num).is_zero();
let is_nonsquare = (sqdiv - F::ROOT_OF_UNITY * num).is_zero();
num.is_zero() | div.is_zero() | (is_square ^ is_nonsquare)
(is_square, res)
/// Same as sqrt_ratio(u, one()) but more efficient.
pub fn sqrt_alt(&self, u: &F) -> (Choice, F) {
let v = u.pow_by_t_minus1_over2();
let uv = *u * v;
let res = self.sqrt_common(&uv, &v);
let sq = res.square();
let is_square = (sq - u).is_zero();
let is_nonsquare = (sq - F::ROOT_OF_UNITY * u).is_zero();
assert!(bool::from(u.is_zero() | (is_square ^ is_nonsquare)));
(is_square, res)
/// Common part of sqrt_ratio and sqrt_alt: return their result given v = u^((T-1)/2) and uv = u * v.
fn sqrt_common(&self, uv: &F, v: &F) -> F {
let sqr = |x: F, i: u32| (0..i).fold(x, |x, _| x.square());
let inv = |x: F| self.inv[self.hasher.hash(&x)] as usize;
let x3 = *uv * v;
let x2 = sqr(x3, 8);
let x1 = sqr(x2, 8);
let x0 = sqr(x1, 8);
// i = 0, 1
let mut t_ = inv(x0); // = t >> 16
// 1 == x0 * ROOT_OF_UNITY^(t_ << 24)
assert!(t_ < 0x100);
let alpha = x1 * self.g2[t_];
// i = 2
t_ += inv(alpha) << 8; // = t >> 8
// 1 == x1 * ROOT_OF_UNITY^(t_ << 16)
assert!(t_ < 0x10000);
let alpha = x2 * self.g1[t_ & 0xFF] * self.g2[t_ >> 8];
// i = 3
t_ += inv(alpha) << 16; // = t
// 1 == x2 * ROOT_OF_UNITY^(t_ << 8)
assert!(t_ < 0x1000000);
let alpha = x3 * self.g0[t_ & 0xFF] * self.g1[(t_ >> 8) & 0xFF] * self.g2[t_ >> 16];
t_ += inv(alpha) << 24; // = t << 1
// 1 == x3 * ROOT_OF_UNITY^t_
t_ = (((t_ as u64) + 1) >> 1) as usize;
assert!(t_ <= 0x80000000);
*uv * self.g0[t_ & 0xFF]
* self.g1[(t_ >> 8) & 0xFF]
* self.g2[(t_ >> 16) & 0xFF]
* self.g3[t_ >> 24]
/// Compute a + b + carry, returning the result and the new carry over.
pub(crate) const fn adc(a: u64, b: u64, carry: u64) -> (u64, u64) {
let ret = (a as u128) + (b as u128) + (carry as u128);
(ret as u64, (ret >> 64) as u64)
/// Compute a - (b + borrow), returning the result and the new borrow.
pub(crate) const fn sbb(a: u64, b: u64, borrow: u64) -> (u64, u64) {
let ret = (a as u128).wrapping_sub((b as u128) + ((borrow >> 63) as u128));
(ret as u64, (ret >> 64) as u64)
/// Compute a + (b * c) + carry, returning the result and the new carry over.
pub(crate) const fn mac(a: u64, b: u64, c: u64, carry: u64) -> (u64, u64) {
let ret = (a as u128) + ((b as u128) * (c as u128)) + (carry as u128);
(ret as u64, (ret >> 64) as u64)