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package co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.send.view
[#808] Use Dimens Across App * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * [#705] Instrumentation coverage generation fails locally * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * Address review comments
2023-04-04 05:21:18 -07:00
import androidx.compose.material.icons.Icons
import androidx.compose.material.icons.outlined.QrCodeScanner
import androidx.compose.material3.Icon
import androidx.compose.material3.IconButton
import androidx.compose.material3.Scaffold
import androidx.compose.material3.Text
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.rememberSaveable
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalContext
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.testTag
import androidx.compose.ui.res.painterResource
import androidx.compose.ui.res.stringResource
import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.KeyboardType
import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview
2023-02-17 03:05:23 -08:00
2023-02-17 03:05:23 -08:00
import cash.z.ecc.sdk.fixture.MemoFixture
import cash.z.ecc.sdk.fixture.ZatoshiFixture
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.R
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.common.test.CommonTag
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.send.SendTag
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.send.ext.ABBREVIATION_INDEX
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.send.ext.abbreviated
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.send.ext.valueOrEmptyChar
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.send.model.SendArgumentsWrapper
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.send.model.SendStage
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
private fun PreviewSendForm() {
ZcashTheme(forceDarkMode = false) {
GradientSurface {
mySpendableBalance =,
sendArgumentsWrapper = null,
sendStage = SendStage.Form,
onSendStageChange = {},
zecSend = null,
onZecSendChange = {},
onCreateAndSend = {},
onQrScannerOpen = {},
onBack = {},
onSettings = {},
hasCameraFeature = true
private fun PreviewSendSuccessful() {
ZcashTheme(forceDarkMode = false) {
GradientSurface {
zecSend =
destination = runBlocking { WalletAddressFixture.sapling() },
amount =,
memo =
onDone = {}
private fun PreviewSendFailure() {
ZcashTheme(forceDarkMode = false) {
GradientSurface {
zecSend =
destination = runBlocking { WalletAddressFixture.sapling() },
amount =,
memo =
onDone = {}
private fun PreviewSendConfirmation() {
ZcashTheme(forceDarkMode = false) {
GradientSurface {
zecSend =
destination = runBlocking { WalletAddressFixture.sapling() },
amount =,
memo =
onConfirmation = {}
fun Send(
mySpendableBalance: Zatoshi,
sendArgumentsWrapper: SendArgumentsWrapper?,
sendStage: SendStage,
onSendStageChange: (SendStage) -> Unit,
zecSend: ZecSend?,
onZecSendChange: (ZecSend) -> Unit,
onBack: () -> Unit,
onSettings: () -> Unit,
onCreateAndSend: (ZecSend) -> Unit,
onQrScannerOpen: () -> Unit,
hasCameraFeature: Boolean
) {
Scaffold(topBar = {
onBack = onBack,
onSettings = onSettings,
showBackNavigationButton = (sendStage != SendStage.Sending && sendStage != SendStage.Form)
}) { paddingValues ->
myBalance = mySpendableBalance,
sendArgumentsWrapper = sendArgumentsWrapper,
onBack = onBack,
sendStage = sendStage,
onSendStageChange = onSendStageChange,
zecSend = zecSend,
onZecSendChange = onZecSendChange,
onSendSubmit = onCreateAndSend,
onQrScannerOpen = onQrScannerOpen,
hasCameraFeature = hasCameraFeature,
modifier =
top = paddingValues.calculateTopPadding() + dimens.spacingDefault,
bottom = paddingValues.calculateBottomPadding() + dimens.spacingHuge,
start = dimens.screenHorizontalSpacing,
end = dimens.screenHorizontalSpacing
private fun SendTopAppBar(
onBack: () -> Unit,
onSettings: () -> Unit,
showBackNavigationButton: Boolean = true
) {
titleText = stringResource(id = R.string.send_title),
onBack = onBack,
backText =
if (showBackNavigationButton) {
stringResource(id = R.string.send_back)
} else {
backContentDescriptionText = stringResource(id = R.string.send_back_content_description),
hamburgerMenuActions = {
onClick = onSettings,
modifier = Modifier.testTag(CommonTag.SETTINGS_TOP_BAR_BUTTON)
) {
painter = painterResource(id =,
contentDescription = stringResource(id = R.string.settings_menu_content_description)
private fun SendMainContent(
myBalance: Zatoshi,
sendArgumentsWrapper: SendArgumentsWrapper?,
zecSend: ZecSend?,
onZecSendChange: (ZecSend) -> Unit,
onBack: () -> Unit,
sendStage: SendStage,
onSendStageChange: (SendStage) -> Unit,
onSendSubmit: (ZecSend) -> Unit,
onQrScannerOpen: () -> Unit,
hasCameraFeature: Boolean,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
when {
(sendStage == SendStage.Form || null == zecSend) -> {
myBalance = myBalance,
sendArgumentsWrapper = sendArgumentsWrapper,
previousZecSend = zecSend,
onCreateZecSend = {
onQrScannerOpen = onQrScannerOpen,
hasCameraFeature = hasCameraFeature,
modifier = modifier
(sendStage == SendStage.Confirmation) -> {
zecSend = zecSend,
onConfirmation = {
modifier = modifier
(sendStage == SendStage.Sending) -> {
zecSend = zecSend,
modifier = modifier
(sendStage == SendStage.SendSuccessful) -> {
zecSend = zecSend,
onDone = onBack,
modifier = modifier,
(sendStage == SendStage.SendFailure) -> {
zecSend = zecSend,
onDone = onBack,
modifier = modifier,
// TODO [#217]: Need to handle changing of Locale after user input, but before submitting the button.
// TODO [#288]: TextField component can't do long-press backspace.
// TODO [#294]: DetektAll failed LongMethod
@Suppress("LongMethod", "LongParameterList")
private fun SendForm(
myBalance: Zatoshi,
sendArgumentsWrapper: SendArgumentsWrapper?,
previousZecSend: ZecSend?,
onCreateZecSend: (ZecSend) -> Unit,
onQrScannerOpen: () -> Unit,
hasCameraFeature: Boolean,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
val context = LocalContext.current
val monetarySeparators = MonetarySeparators.current()
val allowedCharacters = ZecString.allowedCharacters(monetarySeparators)
// TODO [#809]: Fix ZEC balance on Send screen
// TODO [#809]:
var amountZecString by rememberSaveable {
mutableStateOf(previousZecSend?.amount?.toZecString() ?: "")
var recipientAddressString by rememberSaveable {
mutableStateOf(previousZecSend?.destination?.address ?: "")
var memoString by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(previousZecSend?.memo?.value ?: "") }
var validation by rememberSaveable {
[#808] Use Dimens Across App * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * [#705] Instrumentation coverage generation fails locally * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * Address review comments
2023-04-04 05:21:18 -07:00
// TODO [#826]: SendArgumentsWrapper object properties validation
// TODO [#826]:
if (sendArgumentsWrapper?.recipientAddress != null) {
recipientAddressString = sendArgumentsWrapper.recipientAddress
if (sendArgumentsWrapper?.amount != null) {
amountZecString = sendArgumentsWrapper.amount
if (sendArgumentsWrapper?.memo != null) {
memoString = sendArgumentsWrapper.memo
modifier = modifier,
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
) {
text = stringResource(id = R.string.send_balance, myBalance.toZecString()),
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
text = stringResource(id = R.string.send_balance_subtitle),
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(dimens.spacingLarge))
value = recipientAddressString,
onValueChange = { recipientAddressString = it },
label = { Text(stringResource(id = R.string.send_to)) },
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
trailingIcon =
if (hasCameraFeature) {
onClick = onQrScannerOpen,
content = {
imageVector = Icons.Outlined.QrCodeScanner,
contentDescription = stringResource(R.string.send_scan_content_description)
} else {
value = amountZecString,
onValueChange = { newValue ->
if (!ZecStringExt.filterContinuous(context, monetarySeparators, newValue)) {
amountZecString = newValue.filter { allowedCharacters.contains(it) }
keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(keyboardType = KeyboardType.Number),
label = { Text(stringResource(id = R.string.send_amount)) },
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
// TODO [#810]: Disable Memo UI field in case of Transparent address
// TODO [#810]:
value = memoString,
onValueChange = {
if (Memo.isWithinMaxLength(it)) {
memoString = it
label = { Text(stringResource(id = R.string.send_memo)) },
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
[#808] Use Dimens Across App * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * [#705] Instrumentation coverage generation fails locally * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * Address review comments
2023-04-04 05:21:18 -07:00
modifier =
[#808] Use Dimens Across App * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * [#705] Instrumentation coverage generation fails locally * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * Address review comments
2023-04-04 05:21:18 -07:00
if (validation.isNotEmpty()) {
* Note: this is not localized in that it uses the enum constant name and joins the string
* without regard for RTL. This will get resolved once we do proper validation for
* the fields.
text = validation.joinToString(", "),
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(dimens.spacingDefault))
onClick = {
val zecSendValidation =
when (zecSendValidation) {
is ZecSendExt.ZecSendValidation.Valid -> onCreateZecSend(zecSendValidation.zecSend)
is ZecSendExt.ZecSendValidation.Invalid -> validation = zecSendValidation.validationErrors
text = stringResource(id = R.string.send_create),
// Check for ABBREVIATION_INDEX goes away once proper address validation is in place.
// For now, it just prevents a crash on the confirmation screen.
[#808] Use Dimens Across App * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * [#705] Instrumentation coverage generation fails locally * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * Address review comments
2023-04-04 05:21:18 -07:00
enabled = amountZecString.isNotBlank() && recipientAddressString.length > ABBREVIATION_INDEX,
outerPaddingValues = PaddingValues(top = dimens.spacingNone),
modifier = Modifier.testTag(SendTag.SEND_FORM_BUTTON)
private fun SendConfirmation(
zecSend: ZecSend,
onConfirmation: () -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
modifier = modifier,
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
) {
if (zecSend.memo.value.isNotEmpty()) {
modifier =
modifier =
.padding(top = dimens.spacingSmall)
onClick = onConfirmation,
[#808] Use Dimens Across App * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * [#705] Instrumentation coverage generation fails locally * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * Address review comments
2023-04-04 05:21:18 -07:00
text = stringResource(id = R.string.send_confirmation_button),
outerPaddingValues = PaddingValues(top = dimens.spacingSmall)
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(dimens.spacingDefault))
private fun Sending(
zecSend: ZecSend,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
[#808] Use Dimens Across App * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * [#705] Instrumentation coverage generation fails locally * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * Address review comments
2023-04-04 05:21:18 -07:00
Column(modifier) {
text =
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
text = zecSend.destination.abbreviated(),
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
if (zecSend.memo.value.isNotEmpty()) {
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
modifier =
modifier =
.padding(vertical = dimens.spacingSmall)
text = stringResource(R.string.send_in_progress_wait),
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
private fun SendSuccessful(
zecSend: ZecSend,
onDone: () -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
modifier = modifier,
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
) {
text = stringResource(R.string.send_successful_title),
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
modifier =
modifier =
modifier =
.padding(top = dimens.spacingSmall)
text = stringResource(R.string.send_successful_button),
[#808] Use Dimens Across App * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * [#705] Instrumentation coverage generation fails locally * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * Address review comments
2023-04-04 05:21:18 -07:00
onClick = onDone,
outerPaddingValues = PaddingValues(top = dimens.spacingSmall)
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(dimens.spacingDefault))
private fun SendFailure(
zecSend: ZecSend,
onDone: () -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
modifier = modifier,
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
) {
text = stringResource(R.string.send_failure_title),
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
modifier =
modifier =
modifier =
.padding(top = dimens.spacingSmall)
text = stringResource(R.string.send_failure_button),
[#808] Use Dimens Across App * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * [#705] Instrumentation coverage generation fails locally * [#808] Use Dimens across the app - Shorter Onboarding screen design enhanced * Shorter New Wallet Backup screen UI enhanced * Home screen UI enhance * Seed screen UI enhance * Link SendArgumentsWrapper issue * Move custom buttons paddings to PaddingValues - Optional Modifier parameter should have a default value of Modifier - Thanks to this we introduced the outerPaddingValues parameter to all our buttons with default paddings - Also notice the difference between e.g. ShortOnboardingView and ShortNewWalletBackupView. In the backup, we have the bottom button to be part of Scaffold’s bottomBar, which is maybe a better pattern than stretching the buttons with spacers in case of part of the screen content view, but it has also its tradeoffs. * Settings screen enhance * Support screen UI enhance * About screen UI enhance * Scan screen UI enhance - Move modifiers to the caller’s side - Match texts to predefined styles - Add color to Small text component + reorder parameters * Send screen UI enahnce - Lifted out some modifiers arguments to the caller’s side - Fixed button’s horizontal paddings * Scan move BackHandler to Android class * Update screen UI enhance * Receive screen UI enhance * Address screen UI enhance * Ignore AndroidUpdate back action test - Will be refactored soon * Remove TODO as already implemented * Restore screens UI enhance * Create UpdateViewAndroidTest * [#807][Design system] Remove deprecated Paddings * Address review comments
2023-04-04 05:21:18 -07:00
onClick = onDone,
outerPaddingValues = PaddingValues(top = dimens.spacingSmall)
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(dimens.spacingDefault))