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package co.electriccoin.zcash.ui
2022-05-11 13:24:52 -07:00
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
2021-12-06 12:31:39 -08:00
import android.content.Context
2022-02-17 05:08:06 -08:00
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.Bundle
2021-12-03 05:19:15 -08:00
import android.os.SystemClock
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.activity.viewModels
2021-12-03 05:19:15 -08:00
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
2021-12-09 12:18:18 -08:00
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.collectAsState
2021-12-09 12:18:18 -08:00
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
2021-12-03 05:19:15 -08:00
import androidx.core.splashscreen.SplashScreen.Companion.installSplashScreen
2021-12-06 12:31:39 -08:00
import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope
import androidx.navigation.NavHostController
import androidx.navigation.compose.NavHost
import androidx.navigation.compose.composable
import androidx.navigation.compose.rememberNavController
2022-02-17 05:08:06 -08:00
import cash.z.ecc.sdk.model.ZecRequest
import cash.z.ecc.sdk.send
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.about.WrapAbout
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.backup.WrapBackup
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.backup.copyToClipboard
2022-06-13 09:47:22 -07:00
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.home.WrapHome
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.home.model.spendableBalance
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.home.viewmodel.CheckUpdateViewModel
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.home.viewmodel.SecretState
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.home.viewmodel.WalletViewModel
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.onboarding.WrapOnboarding
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.profile.WrapProfile
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.request.view.Request
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.scan.WrapScan
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.seed.view.Seed
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.send.view.Send
2022-06-13 09:47:22 -07:00
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.settings.WrapSettings
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.update.AppUpdateCheckerImp
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.update.WrapUpdate
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.update.model.UpdateState
import co.electriccoin.zcash.ui.screen.wallet_address.view.WalletAddresses
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
2021-12-06 12:31:39 -08:00
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
2021-12-03 05:19:15 -08:00
import kotlin.time.Duration
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE)
val walletViewModel by viewModels<WalletViewModel>()
// TODO [#382]:
// TODO [#403]:
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE)
val checkUpdateViewModel by viewModels<CheckUpdateViewModel> {
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.NONE)
lateinit var navControllerForTesting: NavHostController
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE)
val configurationOverrideFlow = MutableStateFlow<ConfigurationOverride?>(null)
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
2021-12-03 05:19:15 -08:00
2021-12-03 05:19:15 -08:00
private fun setupSplashScreen() {
2021-12-09 12:18:18 -08:00
val splashScreen = installSplashScreen()
val start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime().milliseconds
splashScreen.setKeepOnScreenCondition {
2021-12-09 12:18:18 -08:00
val now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime().milliseconds
2021-12-03 05:19:15 -08:00
2021-12-09 12:18:18 -08:00
// This delay is for debug purposes only; do not enable for production usage.
if (now - start < SPLASH_SCREEN_DELAY) {
return@setKeepOnScreenCondition true
2021-12-09 12:18:18 -08:00
2021-12-03 05:19:15 -08:00
2021-12-09 12:18:18 -08:00
SecretState.Loading == walletViewModel.secretState.value
2021-12-03 05:19:15 -08:00
2021-12-06 12:31:39 -08:00
private fun setupUiContent() {
setContent {
Override(configurationOverrideFlow) {
ZcashTheme {
) {
when (val secretState = walletViewModel.secretState.collectAsState().value) {
SecretState.Loading -> {
// For now, keep displaying splash screen using condition above.
// In the future, we might consider displaying something different here.
SecretState.None -> {
is SecretState.NeedsBackup -> WrapBackup(
onBackupComplete = { walletViewModel.persistBackupComplete() }
is SecretState.Ready -> Navigation()
2021-12-09 12:18:18 -08:00
2021-12-06 12:31:39 -08:00
// Force collection to improve performance; sync can start happening while
// the user is going through the backup flow. Don't use eager collection in the view model,
// so that the collection is still tied to UI lifecycle.
lifecycleScope.launch {
walletViewModel.synchronizer.collect {
2021-12-06 12:31:39 -08:00
2021-12-03 05:19:15 -08:00
private fun Navigation() {
val navController = rememberNavController().also {
2022-05-11 13:24:52 -07:00
// This suppress is necessary, as this is how we set up the nav controller for tests.
navControllerForTesting = it
NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = NAV_HOME) {
composable(NAV_HOME) {
goScan = { navController.navigate(NAV_SCAN) },
goProfile = { navController.navigate(NAV_PROFILE) },
goSend = { navController.navigate(NAV_SEND) },
2022-02-17 05:08:06 -08:00
goRequest = { navController.navigate(NAV_REQUEST) }
2022-06-13 09:47:22 -07:00
composable(NAV_PROFILE) {
2022-01-13 09:49:08 -08:00
onBack = { navController.popBackStack() },
onAddressDetails = { navController.navigate(NAV_WALLET_ADDRESS_DETAILS) },
2022-01-13 09:49:08 -08:00
onAddressBook = { },
onSettings = { navController.navigate(NAV_SETTINGS) },
onCoinholderVote = { },
onSupport = { navController.navigate(NAV_SUPPORT) },
onAbout = { navController.navigate(NAV_ABOUT) }
2022-01-13 09:49:08 -08:00
goBack = {
composable(NAV_SETTINGS) {
goBack = {
goWalletBackup = {
composable(NAV_SEED) {
goBack = {
2022-02-17 05:08:06 -08:00
composable(NAV_REQUEST) {
WrapRequest(goBack = { navController.popBackStack() })
composable(NAV_SEND) {
WrapSend(goBack = { navController.popBackStack() })
composable(NAV_SUPPORT) {
// Pop back stack won't be right if we deep link into support
WrapSupport(goBack = { navController.popBackStack() })
composable(NAV_ABOUT) {
WrapAbout(goBack = { navController.popBackStack() })
composable(NAV_SCAN) {
[#313] scan qr screen functional * [#312] [#309] Scaffold Scan QR Screen - Screen scaffolding. - Model classes. - Screen states handling. - Needed dependencies added. - Camera permission handling. Redirect to Settings. - Added SettingsUtilTest class. - Added view classes tests. - Renamed tag class in update package. - Fix the scan frame size while changing the screen orientation. - Use local variable for cameraProvider. - Use UUID for source of randomness. - Eliminate blocking call for camera. - Fix preview name. - Remove Google Guava dependency. - Suppress Lint warning. - Improved calculation of the camera frame size. Moved it into Constraint layout. - Added custom image analyser class. - Implemented logic for the QR scan screen while QR code is found. - Manual tests added. - New module with integration tests for QR Scan screen. Added 3 integration and 4 view tests. - Simplify QR Scan screen view basic tests. - Switched from pure compose permission handling to Accompanist way of handling CAMERA permission. - Added validation of Zcash wallet address from QR scanning result. - Fix the integration tests for the CI WTF emulator runs. - Add comment on RTL test result. - Improve waitForDeviceIdle() method. Use it on the other test too. - Change the integration test module main manifest package name. - Debounce scans. - Improve thread safety of scan collection. - Added instructions on how to set up an emulator in manual tests. - Replace compose collectAsState() with coroutine launch(). - Add sample() to get rid of several callback events at the same time. - Stop updating the scanState when it's already in Scanning state. - Fix condition on navigation. - Remove validateJob check. - Speed up the integration test - Wrap ImageAnalysis.qrCodeFlow to remember. - Auto-close the camera image when we're done with it in all cases. - Update minimal SDK version to 24 for WTF emulators. - Update Architecture documentation. - Removed extra blank space in ui-design module definition. - Add ui-integration-test-lib. - Update Mermaid diagram with newly added module. - Move UI modules into one wrap in the diagram. - Move sdk-ext-lib and sdk-ext-ui under the same modules section. - Update camera dependencies. Co-authored-by: Carter Jernigan <>
2022-06-02 04:35:51 -07:00
onScanValid = {
// TODO [#449]
if (navController.currentDestination?.route == NAV_SCAN) {
navController.navigate(NAV_SEND) {
popUpTo(NAV_HOME) { inclusive = false }
goBack = { navController.popBackStack() }
[#313] scan qr screen functional * [#312] [#309] Scaffold Scan QR Screen - Screen scaffolding. - Model classes. - Screen states handling. - Needed dependencies added. - Camera permission handling. Redirect to Settings. - Added SettingsUtilTest class. - Added view classes tests. - Renamed tag class in update package. - Fix the scan frame size while changing the screen orientation. - Use local variable for cameraProvider. - Use UUID for source of randomness. - Eliminate blocking call for camera. - Fix preview name. - Remove Google Guava dependency. - Suppress Lint warning. - Improved calculation of the camera frame size. Moved it into Constraint layout. - Added custom image analyser class. - Implemented logic for the QR scan screen while QR code is found. - Manual tests added. - New module with integration tests for QR Scan screen. Added 3 integration and 4 view tests. - Simplify QR Scan screen view basic tests. - Switched from pure compose permission handling to Accompanist way of handling CAMERA permission. - Added validation of Zcash wallet address from QR scanning result. - Fix the integration tests for the CI WTF emulator runs. - Add comment on RTL test result. - Improve waitForDeviceIdle() method. Use it on the other test too. - Change the integration test module main manifest package name. - Debounce scans. - Improve thread safety of scan collection. - Added instructions on how to set up an emulator in manual tests. - Replace compose collectAsState() with coroutine launch(). - Add sample() to get rid of several callback events at the same time. - Stop updating the scanState when it's already in Scanning state. - Fix condition on navigation. - Remove validateJob check. - Speed up the integration test - Wrap ImageAnalysis.qrCodeFlow to remember. - Auto-close the camera image when we're done with it in all cases. - Update minimal SDK version to 24 for WTF emulators. - Update Architecture documentation. - Removed extra blank space in ui-design module definition. - Add ui-integration-test-lib. - Update Mermaid diagram with newly added module. - Move UI modules into one wrap in the diagram. - Move sdk-ext-lib and sdk-ext-ui under the same modules section. - Update camera dependencies. Co-authored-by: Carter Jernigan <>
2022-06-02 04:35:51 -07:00
private fun WrapScanValidator(
onScanValid: (address: String) -> Unit,
goBack: () -> Unit
) {
val synchronizer = walletViewModel.synchronizer.collectAsState().value
if (synchronizer == null) {
// Display loading indicator
} else {
onScanDone = { result ->
lifecycleScope.launch {
val isAddressValid = !synchronizer.validateAddress(result).isNotValid
if (isAddressValid) {
goBack = goBack
private fun WrapCheckForUpdate() {
val updateInfo = checkUpdateViewModel.updateInfo.collectAsState().value
updateInfo?.let {
if (it.appUpdateInfo != null && it.state == UpdateState.Prepared) {
// Check for an app update asynchronously. We create an effect that matches the activity
// lifecycle. If the wrapping compose recomposes, the check shouldn't run again.
LaunchedEffect(true) {
2021-12-03 05:19:15 -08:00
private fun WrapWalletAddresses(
goBack: () -> Unit,
) {
val walletAddresses = walletViewModel.addresses.collectAsState().value
if (null == walletAddresses) {
// Display loading indicator
} else {
private fun WrapSeed(
goBack: () -> Unit
) {
val persistableWallet = run {
val secretState = walletViewModel.secretState.collectAsState().value
if (secretState is SecretState.Ready) {
} else {
val synchronizer = walletViewModel.synchronizer.collectAsState().value
if (null == synchronizer || null == persistableWallet) {
// Display loading indicator
} else {
persistableWallet = persistableWallet,
onBack = goBack,
onCopyToClipboard = {
copyToClipboard(applicationContext, persistableWallet)
2022-02-17 05:08:06 -08:00
private fun WrapRequest(
goBack: () -> Unit
) {
val walletAddresses = walletViewModel.addresses.collectAsState().value
if (null == walletAddresses) {
// Display loading indicator
} else {
goBack = goBack,
onCreateAndSend = {
val chooserIntent = Intent.createChooser(it.newShareIntent(applicationContext), null)
private fun WrapSend(
goBack: () -> Unit
) {
val synchronizer = walletViewModel.synchronizer.collectAsState().value
val spendableBalance = walletViewModel.walletSnapshot.collectAsState().value?.spendableBalance()
val spendingKey = walletViewModel.spendingKey.collectAsState().value
if (null == synchronizer || null == spendableBalance || null == spendingKey) {
// Display loading indicator
} else {
mySpendableBalance = spendableBalance,
goBack = goBack,
onCreateAndSend = {
synchronizer.send(spendingKey, it)
2021-12-03 05:19:15 -08:00
companion object {
internal val SPLASH_SCREEN_DELAY = 0.seconds
const val NAV_HOME = "home"
const val NAV_PROFILE = "profile"
const val NAV_WALLET_ADDRESS_DETAILS = "wallet_address_details"
const val NAV_SETTINGS = "settings"
const val NAV_SEED = "seed"
2022-02-17 05:08:06 -08:00
const val NAV_REQUEST = "request"
const val NAV_SEND = "send"
const val NAV_SUPPORT = "support"
const val NAV_ABOUT = "about"
const val NAV_SCAN = "scan"
2021-12-03 05:19:15 -08:00
2021-12-06 12:31:39 -08:00
private fun ZecRequest.newShareIntent(context: Context) = runBlocking {
Intent().apply {
action = Intent.ACTION_SEND
putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, context.getString(R.string.request_template_format, toUri()))
type = "text/plain"
2022-02-17 05:08:06 -08:00