package import android.content.Context import androidx.annotation.AnyThread import androidx.annotation.MainThread import co.electriccoin.zcash.crash.ReportableException import import import import co.electriccoin.zcash.spackle.Twig import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.SupervisorJob import kotlinx.coroutines.launch object CrashReporter { private val crashReportingScope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.Main) @Volatile private var applicationContext: Context? = null /** * Call to register detection of uncaught exceptions. * * This must should only be called once for the entire lifetime of an application's process. */ @MainThread fun register(context: Context) { AndroidUncaughtExceptionHandler.register(context) applicationContext = context.applicationContext } /** * Report a caught exception, e.g. within a try-catch. * * Be sure to call [register] before calling this method. */ @AnyThread fun reportCaughtException(exception: Throwable) { // This method relies on a global Context reference, because often Context is not available // in various places where we'd like to capture an exception from a try-catch. applicationContext?.let { crashReportingScope.launch { AndroidExceptionReporter.reportException(it,, exception, false)) } } ?: run { Twig.warn { "Unable to log exception; Call `register(Context)` prior to reportCaughtException(Throwable)" } } } }