# Gathering Code Coverage The app consists of different Gradle module types (e.g. Kotlin Multiplatform, Android). Generating coverage for these different module types requires different command line invocations. ## Kotlin Multiplatform Kotlin Multiplatform does not support coverage for all platforms. Most of our code lives under commonMain, with a JVM target. This effectively allows generation of coverage reports with Jacoco. Due to some quirks with the Jacoco integration, coverage must be generated in two Gradle invocations like this: `./gradlew test -x connectedCheck -PIS_COVERAGE_ENABLED=true; ./gradlew jacocoTestReport -PIS_COVERAGE_ENABLED=true` ## Android The Android Gradle plugin supports code coverage with Jacoco. This integration can sometimes be buggy. For that reason, coverage is disabled by default and can be enabled on a case-by-case basis, by passing `-PIS_COVERAGE_ENABLED=true` as a command line argument for Gradle builds. For example: `./gradlew :app:connectedCheck -PIS_COVERAGE_ENABLED=true`. When coverage is enabled, running instrumentation tests will automatically generate coverage reports stored under `build/reports/coverage`.