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// SendTests.swift
// secantTests
// Created by Lukáš Korba on 02.05.2022.
import XCTest
@testable import secant_testnet
import ComposableArchitecture
import ZcashLightClientKit
class SendTests: XCTestCase {
var storage = WalletStorage(secItem: .live)
override func setUp() {
storage.zcashStoredWalletPrefix = "test_"
storage.deleteData(forKey: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashStoredWallet)
func testSendSucceeded() throws {
// the test needs to pass the exportWallet() so we simulate some in the keychain
try storage.importWallet(bip39: "one two three", birthday: nil)
// setup the store and environment to be fully mocked
let testScheduler = DispatchQueue.test
let testEnvironment = SendEnvironment(
mnemonicSeedPhraseProvider: .mock,
scheduler: testScheduler.eraseToAnyScheduler(),
walletStorage: .live(walletStorage: storage),
wrappedDerivationTool: .live(),
wrappedSDKSynchronizer: MockWrappedSDKSynchronizer()
let store = TestStore(
initialState: .placeholder,
reducer: SendReducer.default,
environment: testEnvironment
// simulate the sending confirmation button to be pressed
store.send(.sendConfirmationPressed) { state in
// once sending is confirmed, the attemts to try to send again by pressing the button
// needs to be eliminated, indicated by the flag `isSendingTransaction`, need to be true
state.isSendingTransaction = true
testScheduler.advance(by: 0.01)
let transactionState = TransactionState(
expirationHeight: 40,
memo: "test",
minedHeight: 50,
shielded: true,
zAddress: "tteafadlamnelkqe",
date: Date.init(timeIntervalSince1970: 1234567),
id: "id",
status: .paid(success: true),
subtitle: "sub",
zecAmount: 10
// check the success transaction to be received back
store.receive(.sendTransactionResult(Result.success(transactionState))) { state in
// from this moment on the sending next transaction is allowed again
// the 'isSendingTransaction' needs to be false again
state.isSendingTransaction = false
// all went well, the success screen is triggered
store.receive(.updateRoute(.success)) { state in
state.route = .success
func testSendFailed() throws {
// the test needs to pass the exportWallet() so we simulate some in the keychain
try storage.importWallet(bip39: "one two three", birthday: nil)
// setup the store and environment to be fully mocked
let testScheduler = DispatchQueue.test
let testEnvironment = SendEnvironment(
mnemonicSeedPhraseProvider: .mock,
scheduler: testScheduler.eraseToAnyScheduler(),
walletStorage: .live(walletStorage: storage),
wrappedDerivationTool: .live(),
wrappedSDKSynchronizer: TestWrappedSDKSynchronizer()
let store = TestStore(
initialState: .placeholder,
reducer: SendReducer.default,
environment: testEnvironment
// simulate the sending confirmation button to be pressed
store.send(.sendConfirmationPressed) { state in
// once sending is confirmed, the attemts to try to send again by pressing the button
// needs to be eliminated, indicated by the flag `isSendingTransaction`, need to be true
state.isSendingTransaction = true
testScheduler.advance(by: 0.01)
// check the failure transaction to be received back
store.receive(.sendTransactionResult(Result.failure(SynchronizerError.criticalError as NSError))) { state in
// from this moment on the sending next transaction is allowed again
// the 'isSendingTransaction' needs to be false again
state.isSendingTransaction = false
// the failure screen is triggered as expected
store.receive(.updateRoute(.failure)) { state in
state.route = .failure