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2021-10-05 06:10:56 -07:00
// swiftlint:disable all
// Generated using SwiftGen
import SwiftUI
#if os(macOS)
import AppKit
#elseif os(iOS)
import UIKit
#elseif os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
import UIKit
// Deprecated typealiases
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "ColorAsset.SystemColor", message: "This typealias will be removed in SwiftGen 7.0")
internal typealias AssetColorTypeAlias = ColorAsset.SystemColor
// swiftlint:disable superfluous_disable_command file_length implicit_return
// MARK: - Asset Catalogs
// swiftlint:disable identifier_name line_length nesting type_body_length type_name
internal enum Asset {
internal enum Assets {
internal enum Colors {
internal static let primaryButton = ColorAsset(name: "PrimaryButton")
internal static let primaryButtonDisabled = ColorAsset(name: "PrimaryButtonDisabled")
internal static let primaryButtonPressed = ColorAsset(name: "PrimaryButtonPressed")
// swiftlint:enable identifier_name line_length nesting type_body_length type_name
// MARK: - Implementation Details
internal final class ColorAsset {
internal fileprivate(set) var name: String
#if os(macOS)
internal typealias SystemColor = NSColor
#elseif os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
internal typealias SystemColor = UIColor
@available(iOS 11.0, tvOS 11.0, watchOS 4.0, macOS 10.13, *)
internal private(set) lazy var systemColor: SystemColor = {
guard let color = SystemColor(asset: self) else {
fatalError("Unable to load color asset named \(name).")
return color
internal private(set) lazy var color: Color = {
fileprivate init(name: String) { = name
internal extension ColorAsset.SystemColor {
@available(iOS 11.0, tvOS 11.0, watchOS 4.0, macOS 10.13, *)
convenience init?(asset: ColorAsset) {
let bundle = BundleToken.bundle
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
self.init(named:, in: bundle, compatibleWith: nil)
#elseif os(macOS)
self.init(named: NSColor.Name(, bundle: bundle)
#elseif os(watchOS)
// swiftlint:disable convenience_type
private final class BundleToken {
static let bundle: Bundle = {
return Bundle.module
return Bundle(for: BundleToken.self)
// swiftlint:enable convenience_type