// // MultiLineTextFieldTests.swift // secantTests // // Created by Lukáš Korba on 01.08.2022. // import XCTest @testable import secant_testnet import ComposableArchitecture class MultiLineTextFieldTests: XCTestCase { func testIsCharLimited() throws { let store = TestStore( initialState: MultiLineTextFieldReducer.State(charLimit: 1), reducer: MultiLineTextFieldReducer() ) store.send(.binding(.set(\.$text, "test"))) { state in state.text = "test" XCTAssertTrue( state.isCharLimited, "Multiline TextFiler tests: `testIsCharLimited` is expected to be true but it is \(state.isCharLimited)" ) } } func testIsNotCharLimited() throws { let store = TestStore( initialState: MultiLineTextFieldReducer.State(), reducer: MultiLineTextFieldReducer() ) store.send(.binding(.set(\.$text, "test"))) { state in state.text = "test" XCTAssertFalse( state.isCharLimited, "Multiline TextFiler tests: `testIsNotCharLimited` is expected to be false but it is \(state.isCharLimited)" ) } } func testTextLength() throws { let store = TestStore( initialState: MultiLineTextFieldReducer.State(), reducer: MultiLineTextFieldReducer() ) store.send(.binding(.set(\.$text, "test"))) { state in state.text = "test" XCTAssertEqual( 4, state.textLength, "Multiline TextFiler tests: `testTextLength` is expected to be 4 but it is \(state.textLength)" ) } } func testIsValid_CharLimit() throws { let store = TestStore( initialState: MultiLineTextFieldReducer.State(charLimit: 4), reducer: MultiLineTextFieldReducer() ) store.send(.binding(.set(\.$text, "test"))) { state in state.text = "test" XCTAssertTrue( state.isValid, "Multiline TextFiler tests: `testIsValid_CharLimit` is expected to be true but it is \(state.isValid)" ) } } func testIsValid_NoCharLimit() throws { let store = TestStore( initialState: MultiLineTextFieldReducer.State(), reducer: MultiLineTextFieldReducer() ) store.send(.binding(.set(\.$text, "test"))) { state in state.text = "test" XCTAssertTrue( state.isValid, "Multiline TextFiler tests: `testIsValid_NoCharLimit` is expected to be true but it is \(state.isValid)" ) } } func testIsInvalid() throws { let store = TestStore( initialState: MultiLineTextFieldReducer.State(charLimit: 3), reducer: MultiLineTextFieldReducer() ) store.send(.binding(.set(\.$text, "test"))) { state in state.text = "test" XCTAssertFalse( state.isValid, "Multiline TextFiler tests: `testIsInvalid` is expected to be false but it is \(state.isValid)" ) } } func testCharLimitText_NoCharLimit() throws { let store = TestStore( initialState: MultiLineTextFieldReducer.State(), reducer: MultiLineTextFieldReducer() ) store.send(.binding(.set(\.$text, "test"))) { state in state.text = "test" XCTAssertEqual( "", state.charLimitText, "Multiline TextFiler tests: `testCharLimitText_NoCharLimit` is expected to be \"\" but it is \(state.charLimitText)" ) } } func testCharLimitText_CharLimit_LessCharacters() throws { let store = TestStore( initialState: MultiLineTextFieldReducer.State(charLimit: 5), reducer: MultiLineTextFieldReducer() ) store.send(.binding(.set(\.$text, "test"))) { state in state.text = "test" XCTAssertEqual( "4/5", state.charLimitText, "Multiline TextFiler tests: `testCharLimitText_CharLimit_LessCharacters` is expected to be \"4/5\" but it is \(state.charLimitText)" ) } } func testCharLimitText_CharLimit_Exceeded() throws { let store = TestStore( initialState: MultiLineTextFieldReducer.State(charLimit: 3), reducer: MultiLineTextFieldReducer() ) store.send(.binding(.set(\.$text, "test"))) { state in state.text = "test" XCTAssertEqual( "char limit exceeded 4/3", state.charLimitText, "Multiline TextFiler tests: `testCharLimitText_CharLimit_Exceeded` is expected to be \"4/5\" but it is \(state.charLimitText)" ) } } }