import SwiftUI import ComposableArchitecture struct SettingsView: View { let store: SettingsStore var body: some View { WithViewStore(store) { viewStore in VStack(spacing: 40) { Toggle( L10n.Settings.crashReporting, isOn: viewStore.binding(\.$isCrashReportingOn) ) Button( action: { viewStore.send(.backupWalletAccessRequest) }, label: { Text(L10n.Settings.backupWallet) } ) .activeButtonStyle .frame(height: 50) Button( action: { viewStore.send(.exportLogs(.start)) }, label: { if viewStore.exportLogsState.exportLogsDisabled { HStack { ProgressView() Text(L10n.Settings.exporting) } } else { Text(L10n.Settings.exportLogs) } } ) .activeButtonStyle .frame(height: 50) .disabled(viewStore.exportLogsState.exportLogsDisabled) Button( action: { viewStore.send(.sendSupportMail) }, label: { Text( } ) .activeButtonStyle .frame(height: 50) Spacer() } .padding(.horizontal, 30) .navigationTitle(L10n.Settings.title) .applyScreenBackground() .navigationLinkEmpty( isActive: viewStore.bindingForBackupPhrase, destination: { RecoveryPhraseDisplayView(store: store.backupPhraseStore()) } ) .onAppear { viewStore.send(.onAppear) } .alert( \.alert), dismiss: .dismissAlert) .alert( state: \.exportLogsState.alert, action: { (_: ExportLogsReducer.Action) in return .exportLogs(.dismissAlert) } ), dismiss: .dismissAlert ) shareLogsView(viewStore) if let supportData = viewStore.supportData { UIMailDialogView( supportData: supportData, completion: { viewStore.send(.sendSupportMailFinished) } ) // UIMailDialogView only wraps MFMailComposeViewController presentation // so frame is set to 0 to not break SwiftUIs layout .frame(width: 0, height: 0) } } } @ViewBuilder func shareLogsView(_ viewStore: SettingsViewStore) -> some View { if viewStore.exportLogsState.isSharingLogs { UIShareDialogView( activityItems: [ viewStore.exportLogsState.tempSDKDir, viewStore.exportLogsState.tempWalletDir, viewStore.exportLogsState.tempTCADir ] ) { viewStore.send(.exportLogs(.shareFinished)) } // UIShareDialogView only wraps UIActivityViewController presentation // so frame is set to 0 to not break SwiftUIs layout .frame(width: 0, height: 0) } else { EmptyView() } } } // MARK: - Previews struct SettingsView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { SettingsView(store: .placeholder) } }