// // SendTests.swift // secantTests // // Created by Lukáš Korba on 02.05.2022. // import XCTest @testable import secant_testnet import ComposableArchitecture import ZcashLightClientKit // swiftlint:disable type_body_length class SendTests: XCTestCase { var storage = WalletStorage(secItem: .live) let usNumberFormatter = NumberFormatter() override func setUp() { super.setUp() storage.zcashStoredWalletPrefix = "test_send_" storage.deleteData(forKey: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashStoredWallet) usNumberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 8 usNumberFormatter.maximumIntegerDigits = 8 usNumberFormatter.numberStyle = .decimal usNumberFormatter.usesGroupingSeparator = true usNumberFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US") } @MainActor func testSendSucceeded() async throws { // the test needs to pass the exportWallet() so we simulate some in the keychain try storage.importWallet(bip39: "one two three", birthday: nil) // setup the store and environment to be fully mocked let testScheduler = DispatchQueue.test var initialState = SendFlowReducer.State.placeholder initialState.transactionAddressInputState = TransactionAddressTextFieldReducer.State( textFieldState: TCATextFieldReducer.State( validationType: nil, text: "ztestsapling1psqa06alcfj9t6s246hht3n7kcw5h900r6z40qnuu7l58qs55kzeqa98879z9hzy596dca4hmsr".redacted ) ) let store = TestStore( initialState: initialState, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) { dependencies in dependencies.derivationTool = .liveValue dependencies.mainQueue = testScheduler.eraseToAnyScheduler() dependencies.mnemonic = .liveValue dependencies.sdkSynchronizer = SDKSynchronizerDependency.mockWithSnapshot(.default) dependencies.walletStorage = .noOp } // simulate the sending confirmation button to be pressed _ = await store.send(.sendPressed) { state in // once sending is confirmed, the attempts to try to send again by pressing the button // needs to be eliminated, indicated by the flag `isSendingTransaction`, need to be true state.isSendingTransaction = true } await testScheduler.advance(by: 0.01) guard let memo = try? Memo(string: "") else { XCTFail("testSendSucceeded: memo is expected to be successfuly initialized.") return } let transactionState = TransactionState( expiryHeight: 40, memos: [memo], minedHeight: 50, shielded: true, zAddress: "tteafadlamnelkqe", fee: Zatoshi(10), id: "id", status: .paid(success: true), timestamp: 1234567, zecAmount: Zatoshi(10) ) // first it's expected that progress screen is showed await store.receive(.updateDestination(.inProgress)) { state in state.destination = .inProgress } // check the success transaction to be received back await store.receive(.sendTransactionResult(Result.success(transactionState))) { state in // from this moment on the sending next transaction is allowed again // the 'isSendingTransaction' needs to be false again state.isSendingTransaction = false } // all went well, the success screen is triggered await store.receive(.updateDestination(.success)) { state in state.destination = .success } } @MainActor func testSendSucceededWithoutMemo() async throws { // the test needs to pass the exportWallet() so we simulate some in the keychain try storage.importWallet(bip39: "one two three", birthday: nil) // setup the store and environment to be fully mocked let testScheduler = DispatchQueue.test var state = SendFlowReducer.State.placeholder state.addMemoState = false state.transactionAddressInputState = TransactionAddressTextFieldReducer.State( textFieldState: TCATextFieldReducer.State( validationType: nil, text: "ztestsapling1psqa06alcfj9t6s246hht3n7kcw5h900r6z40qnuu7l58qs55kzeqa98879z9hzy596dca4hmsr".redacted ) ) let store = TestStore( initialState: state, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) { dependencies in dependencies.derivationTool = .liveValue dependencies.mainQueue = testScheduler.eraseToAnyScheduler() dependencies.mnemonic = .liveValue dependencies.sdkSynchronizer = SDKSynchronizerDependency.mockWithSnapshot(.default) dependencies.walletStorage = .noOp } // simulate the sending confirmation button to be pressed _ = await store.send(.sendPressed) { state in // once sending is confirmed, the attempts to try to send again by pressing the button // needs to be eliminated, indicated by the flag `isSendingTransaction`, need to be true state.isSendingTransaction = true } await testScheduler.advance(by: 0.01) let transactionState = TransactionState( expiryHeight: 40, memos: [], minedHeight: 50, shielded: true, zAddress: "tteafadlamnelkqe", fee: Zatoshi(10), id: "id", status: .paid(success: true), timestamp: 1234567, zecAmount: Zatoshi(10) ) // first it's expected that progress screen is showed await store.receive(.updateDestination(.inProgress)) { state in state.destination = .inProgress } // check the success transaction to be received back await store.receive(.sendTransactionResult(Result.success(transactionState))) { state in // from this moment on the sending next transaction is allowed again // the 'isSendingTransaction' needs to be false again state.isSendingTransaction = false } // all went well, the success screen is triggered await store.receive(.updateDestination(.success)) { state in state.destination = .success } } @MainActor func testSendFailed() async throws { // the test needs to pass the exportWallet() so we simulate some in the keychain try storage.importWallet(bip39: "one two three", birthday: nil) // setup the store and environment to be fully mocked let testScheduler = DispatchQueue.test var initialState = SendFlowReducer.State.placeholder initialState.transactionAddressInputState = TransactionAddressTextFieldReducer.State( textFieldState: TCATextFieldReducer.State( validationType: nil, text: "ztestsapling1psqa06alcfj9t6s246hht3n7kcw5h900r6z40qnuu7l58qs55kzeqa98879z9hzy596dca4hmsr".redacted ) ) let store = TestStore( initialState: initialState, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) { dependencies in dependencies.derivationTool = .liveValue dependencies.mainQueue = testScheduler.eraseToAnyScheduler() dependencies.mnemonic = .liveValue dependencies.walletStorage = .noOp } // simulate the sending confirmation button to be pressed _ = await store.send(.sendPressed) { state in // once sending is confirmed, the attempts to try to send again by pressing the button // needs to be eliminated, indicated by the flag `isSendingTransaction`, need to be true state.isSendingTransaction = true } await testScheduler.advance(by: 0.01) // first it's expected that progress screen is showed await store.receive(.updateDestination(.inProgress)) { state in state.destination = .inProgress } // check the failure transaction to be received back await store.receive(.sendTransactionResult(Result.failure(SynchronizerError.criticalError as NSError))) { state in // from this moment on the sending next transaction is allowed again // the 'isSendingTransaction' needs to be false again state.isSendingTransaction = false } // the failure screen is triggered as expected await store.receive(.updateDestination(.failure)) { state in state.destination = .failure } } func testAddressValidation_Invalid() throws { let store = TestStore( initialState: .placeholder, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) { dependencies in dependencies.derivationTool = .noOp dependencies.derivationTool.isValidZcashAddress = { _ in false } } let address = "3HRG769ii3HDSJV5vNknQPzXqtL2mTSGnr".redacted store.send(.transactionAddressInput(.textField(.set(address)))) { state in state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.text = address // true is expected here because textField doesn't have any `validationType: String.ValidationType?` // isValid function returns true, `guard let validationType else { return true }` state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.valid = true state.transactionAddressInputState.isValidAddress = false XCTAssertTrue( state.isInvalidAddressFormat, "Send Tests: `testAddressValidation` is expected to be true but it's \(state.isInvalidAddressFormat)" ) } } func testAddressValidation_Valid() throws { let store = TestStore( initialState: .placeholder, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) { dependencies in dependencies.derivationTool = .noOp dependencies.derivationTool.isValidZcashAddress = { _ in true } } let address = "t1gXqfSSQt6WfpwyuCU3Wi7sSVZ66DYQ3Po".redacted store.send(.transactionAddressInput(.textField(.set(address)))) { state in state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.text = address // true is expected here because textField doesn't have any `validationType: String.ValidationType?` // isValid function returns true, `guard let validationType else { return true }` state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.valid = true state.transactionAddressInputState.isValidAddress = true XCTAssertFalse( state.isInvalidAddressFormat, "Send Tests: `testAddressValidation` is expected to be false but it's \(state.isInvalidAddressFormat)" ) } } func testInvalidAmountFormatEmptyInput() throws { let store = TestStore( initialState: .placeholder, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) { $0.numberFormatter = .noOp } // Checks the computed property `isInvalidAmountFormat` which controls the error message to be shown on the screen // With empty input it must be false store.send(.transactionAmountInput(.textField(.set("".redacted)))) store.receive(.transactionAmountInput(.updateAmount)) } func testInvalidAddressFormatEmptyInput() throws { let store = TestStore( initialState: .placeholder, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) { $0.derivationTool = .noOp } // Checks the computed property `isInvalidAddressFormat` which controls the error message to be shown on the screen // With empty input it must be false store.send(.transactionAddressInput(.textField(.set("".redacted)))) { state in state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.text = "".redacted // true is expected here because textField doesn't have any `validationType: String.ValidationType?` // isValid function returns true, `guard let validationType else { return true }` state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.valid = true XCTAssertFalse( state.isInvalidAddressFormat, "Send Tests: `testInvalidAddressFormatEmptyInput` is expected to be false but it's \(state.isInvalidAddressFormat)" ) } } func testFundsSufficiency_SufficientAmount() throws { let sendState = SendFlowReducer.State( addMemoState: true, memoState: .placeholder, scanState: .placeholder, transactionAddressInputState: .placeholder, transactionAmountInputState: TransactionAmountTextFieldReducer.State( currencySelectionState: CurrencySelectionReducer.State(), maxValue: Int64(501_300).redacted, textFieldState: TCATextFieldReducer.State( validationType: .customFloatingPoint(usNumberFormatter), text: "".redacted ) ) ) let store = TestStore( initialState: sendState, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) { dependencies in dependencies.numberFormatter = .noOp dependencies.numberFormatter.number = { _ in NSNumber(0.00501299) } } let address = "0.00501299".redacted store.send(.transactionAmountInput(.textField(.set(address)))) { state in state.transactionAmountInputState.textFieldState.text = address state.transactionAmountInputState.textFieldState.valid = true XCTAssertFalse( state.isInsufficientFunds, "Send Tests: `testFundsSufficiency` is expected to be false but it's \(state.isInsufficientFunds)" ) } store.receive(.transactionAmountInput(.updateAmount)) { state in state.transactionAmountInputState.amount = Int64(501_299).redacted } } func testFundsSufficiency_InsufficientAmount() throws { let sendState = SendFlowReducer.State( addMemoState: true, memoState: .placeholder, scanState: .placeholder, transactionAddressInputState: .placeholder, transactionAmountInputState: TransactionAmountTextFieldReducer.State( currencySelectionState: CurrencySelectionReducer.State(), maxValue: Int64(501_300).redacted, textFieldState: TCATextFieldReducer.State( validationType: .customFloatingPoint(usNumberFormatter), text: "".redacted ) ) ) let store = TestStore( initialState: sendState, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) { dependencies in dependencies.numberFormatter = .noOp dependencies.numberFormatter.number = { _ in NSNumber(0.00501301) } } let value = "0.00501301".redacted store.send(.transactionAmountInput(.textField(.set(value)))) { state in state.transactionAmountInputState.textFieldState.text = value state.transactionAmountInputState.textFieldState.valid = true XCTAssertFalse( state.isInsufficientFunds, "Send Tests: `testFundsSufficiency` is expected to be false but it's \(state.isInsufficientFunds)" ) } store.receive(.transactionAmountInput(.updateAmount)) { state in state.transactionAmountInputState.amount = Int64(501_301).redacted XCTAssertTrue( state.isInsufficientFunds, "Send Tests: `testFundsSufficiency` is expected to be true but it's \(state.isInsufficientFunds)" ) } } func testDifferentNumberFormats_LiveNumberFormatter() throws { try numberFormatTest("1.234", NSNumber(1.234)) try numberFormatTest("1,234", NSNumber(1_234)) try numberFormatTest("1 234", NSNumber(1_234)) try numberFormatTest("1,234.567", NSNumber(1_234.567)) try numberFormatTest("1.", NSNumber(1)) try numberFormatTest("1..", nil) try numberFormatTest("1,.", nil) try numberFormatTest("1.,", nil) try numberFormatTest("1,,", nil) try numberFormatTest("1,23", nil) try numberFormatTest("1 23", nil) try numberFormatTest("1.2.3", nil) } func testValidForm() throws { let sendState = SendFlowReducer.State( addMemoState: true, memoState: .placeholder, scanState: .placeholder, transactionAddressInputState: .placeholder, transactionAmountInputState: TransactionAmountTextFieldReducer.State( amount: Int64(501_301).redacted, currencySelectionState: CurrencySelectionReducer.State(), maxValue: Int64(501_302).redacted, textFieldState: TCATextFieldReducer.State( validationType: .customFloatingPoint(usNumberFormatter), text: "0.00501301".redacted ) ) ) let store = TestStore( initialState: sendState, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) { dependencies in dependencies.derivationTool = .noOp dependencies.derivationTool.isValidZcashAddress = { _ in true } } let address = "t1gXqfSSQt6WfpwyuCU3Wi7sSVZ66DYQ3Po".redacted store.send(.transactionAddressInput(.textField(.set(address)))) { state in state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.text = address // true is expected here because textField doesn't have any `validationType: String.ValidationType?` // isValid function returns true, `guard let validationType else { return true }` state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.valid = true state.transactionAddressInputState.isValidAddress = true XCTAssertTrue( state.isValidForm, "Send Tests: `testValidForm` is expected to be true but it's \(state.isValidForm)" ) } } func testInvalidForm_InsufficientFunds() throws { let sendState = SendFlowReducer.State( addMemoState: true, memoState: .placeholder, scanState: .placeholder, transactionAddressInputState: .placeholder, transactionAmountInputState: TransactionAmountTextFieldReducer.State( currencySelectionState: CurrencySelectionReducer.State(), maxValue: Int64(501_300).redacted, textFieldState: TCATextFieldReducer.State( validationType: .floatingPoint, text: "0.00501301".redacted ) ) ) let store = TestStore( initialState: sendState, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) { dependencies in dependencies.derivationTool = .noOp dependencies.derivationTool.isValidZcashAddress = { _ in true } } let address = "t1gXqfSSQt6WfpwyuCU3Wi7sSVZ66DYQ3Po".redacted store.send(.transactionAddressInput(.textField(.set(address)))) { state in state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.text = address // true is expected here because textField doesn't have any `validationType: String.ValidationType?` // isValid function returns true, `guard let validationType else { return true }` state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.valid = true state.transactionAddressInputState.isValidAddress = true XCTAssertFalse( state.isValidForm, "Send Tests: `testValidForm` is expected to be false but it's \(state.isValidForm)" ) } } func testInvalidForm_AddressFormat() throws { let sendState = SendFlowReducer.State( addMemoState: true, memoState: .placeholder, scanState: .placeholder, transactionAddressInputState: .placeholder, transactionAmountInputState: TransactionAmountTextFieldReducer.State( currencySelectionState: CurrencySelectionReducer.State(), maxValue: Int64(501_302).redacted, textFieldState: TCATextFieldReducer.State( validationType: .floatingPoint, text: "0.00501301".redacted ) ) ) let store = TestStore( initialState: sendState, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) { $0.derivationTool = .noOp } let address = "3HRG769ii3HDSJV5vNknQPzXqtL2mTSGnr".redacted store.send(.transactionAddressInput(.textField(.set(address)))) { state in state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.text = address // true is expected here because textField doesn't have any `validationType: String.ValidationType?` // isValid function returns true, `guard let validationType else { return true }` state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.valid = true state.transactionAddressInputState.isValidAddress = false XCTAssertFalse( state.isValidForm, "Send Tests: `testValidForm` is expected to be false but it's \(state.isValidForm)" ) } } func testInvalidForm_AmountFormat() throws { let sendState = SendFlowReducer.State( addMemoState: true, memoState: .placeholder, scanState: .placeholder, transactionAddressInputState: .placeholder, transactionAmountInputState: TransactionAmountTextFieldReducer.State( currencySelectionState: CurrencySelectionReducer.State(), maxValue: Int64(501_302).redacted, textFieldState: TCATextFieldReducer.State( validationType: .floatingPoint, text: "0.0.0501301".redacted ) ) ) let store = TestStore( initialState: sendState, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) { dependencies in dependencies.derivationTool = .noOp dependencies.derivationTool.isValidZcashAddress = { _ in true } } let address = "tmGh6ttAnQRJra81moqYcedFadW9XtUT5Eq".redacted store.send(.transactionAddressInput(.textField(.set(address)))) { state in state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.text = address // true is expected here because textField doesn't have any `validationType: String.ValidationType?` // isValid function returns true, `guard let validationType else { return true }` state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.valid = true state.transactionAddressInputState.isValidAddress = true XCTAssertFalse( state.isValidForm, "Send Tests: `testValidForm` is expected to be false but it's \(state.isValidForm)" ) } } func testInvalidForm_ExceededMemoCharLimit() throws { let sendState = SendFlowReducer.State( addMemoState: true, memoState: MultiLineTextFieldReducer.State(charLimit: 3), scanState: .placeholder, shieldedBalance: WalletBalance(verified: Zatoshi(1), total: Zatoshi(1)).redacted, transactionAddressInputState: TransactionAddressTextFieldReducer.State( isValidAddress: true, textFieldState: TCATextFieldReducer.State( validationType: .none, text: "t1gXqfSSQt6WfpwyuCU3Wi7sSVZ66DYQ3Po".redacted ) ), transactionAmountInputState: TransactionAmountTextFieldReducer.State( amount: Int64(100).redacted, currencySelectionState: CurrencySelectionReducer.State(), maxValue: Int64(501_302).redacted, textFieldState: TCATextFieldReducer.State( validationType: .floatingPoint, text: "0.0.0501301".redacted ) ) ) let store = TestStore( initialState: sendState, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) let value = "test".redacted store.send(.memo(.memoInputChanged(value))) { state in state.memoState.text = value XCTAssertFalse( state.isValidForm, "Send Tests: `testValidForm` is expected to be false but it's \(state.isValidForm)" ) } } func testMemoCharLimitSet() throws { let sendState = SendFlowReducer.State( addMemoState: true, memoState: .placeholder, scanState: .placeholder, transactionAddressInputState: .placeholder, transactionAmountInputState: TransactionAmountTextFieldReducer.State( currencySelectionState: CurrencySelectionReducer.State(), maxValue: Int64(501_302).redacted, textFieldState: TCATextFieldReducer.State( validationType: .floatingPoint, text: "0.0.0501301".redacted ) ) ) let store = TestStore( initialState: sendState, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) store.send(.onAppear) { state in state.memoState.charLimit = 512 } store.receive(.synchronizerStateChanged(.unknown)) // .onAppear action starts long living cancelable action .synchronizerStateChanged // .onDisappear cancels it, must have for the test to pass store.send(.onDisappear) } func testScannedAddress() throws { let sendState = SendFlowReducer.State( addMemoState: true, memoState: .placeholder, scanState: .placeholder, transactionAddressInputState: .placeholder, transactionAmountInputState: .placeholder ) let store = TestStore( initialState: sendState, reducer: SendFlowReducer() ) store.dependencies.audioServices = AudioServicesClient(systemSoundVibrate: { }) // We don't need to pass a valid address here, we just need to confirm some // found string is received and the `isValidAddress` flag is set to `true` let address = "address".redacted store.send(.scan(.found(address))) { state in state.transactionAddressInputState.textFieldState.text = address state.transactionAddressInputState.isValidAddress = true } store.receive(.updateDestination(nil)) } } private extension SendTests { func numberFormatTest( _ amount: String, _ expectedResult: NSNumber? ) throws { if let number = NumberFormatterClient.liveValue.number(amount) { XCTAssertEqual(number, expectedResult) return } else { XCTAssertEqual(nil, expectedResult, "NumberFormatterClient.liveValue.number(\(amount)) unexpected result.") } } }