// // WalletStorageTests.swift // secantTests // // Created by Lukáš Korba on 10.03.2022. // import XCTest import MnemonicSwift import ZcashLightClientKit @testable import secant_testnet extension WalletStorage.WalletStorageError { var debugValue: String { switch self { case .alreadyImported: return "alreadyImported" case .uninitializedWallet: return "uninitializedWallet" case .storageError: return "storageError" case .unsupportedVersion: return "unsupportedVersion" case .unsupportedLanguage: return "unsupportedLanguage" } } } class WalletStorageTests: XCTestCase { let birthday = BlockHeight(12345678) let seedPhrase = "one two three" let language = MnemonicLanguageType.english var storage = WalletStorage(secItem: .live) override func setUp() { super.setUp() storage.zcashStoredWalletPrefix = "test_walletStorage_" deleteData(forKey: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashStoredWallet) } func testWalletStoredSuccessfully() throws { do { try storage.importWallet(bip39: seedPhrase, birthday: birthday) guard let data = data(forKey: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashStoredWallet) else { return XCTFail("Keychain: no data found for key: `zcashStoredWallet`.") } guard let walletReceived = try storage.decode(json: data, as: StoredWallet.self) else { return XCTFail("Keychain: `walletReceived` can't be decoded.") } XCTAssertEqual(birthday, walletReceived.birthday, "Keychain: stored birthday and retrieved one must be the same.") XCTAssertEqual(seedPhrase, walletReceived.seedPhrase, "Keychain: stored seed phrase and retrieved one must be the same.") } catch let err { XCTFail("Keychain: no error is expected for `testWalletStoredSuccessfully` but received. \(err)") } } func testWalletDuplicate() throws { do { try storage.importWallet(bip39: seedPhrase, birthday: birthday) try storage.importWallet(bip39: seedPhrase, birthday: birthday) XCTFail("Keychain: `testRecoveryPhraseDuplicate` is expected to throw a `duplicate` error but passed instead.") } catch { guard let error = error as? WalletStorage.WalletStorageError else { XCTFail("Keychain: the error is expected to be WalletStorageError but it's \(error).") return } XCTAssertEqual( error.debugValue, WalletStorage.WalletStorageError.alreadyImported.debugValue, "Keychain: error must be .alreadyImported but it's \(error)." ) } } func testUninitializedWallet() throws { do { _ = try storage.exportWallet() XCTFail("Keychain: `testUninitializedWallet` should fail but received some wallet.") } catch { guard let error = error as? WalletStorage.WalletStorageError else { return XCTFail("Keychain: the error is expected to be WalletStorageError but it's \(error).") } XCTAssertEqual( error.debugValue, WalletStorage.WalletStorageError.uninitializedWallet.debugValue, "Keychain: error must be .uninitializedWallet" ) } } func testDeleteWallet() throws { do { let wallet = StoredWallet( language: language, seedPhrase: seedPhrase, version: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashKeychainVersion, birthday: birthday, hasUserPassedPhraseBackupTest: false ) guard let walletData = try storage.encode(object: wallet) else { return XCTFail("`testDeleteWallet` encoding `walletData` failed.") } do { try setData(walletData, forKey: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashStoredWallet) } catch { XCTFail("`testDeleteWallet` storing `walletData` failed.") } storage.nukeWallet() let data = data(forKey: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashStoredWallet) XCTAssertEqual(data, nil, "Keychain: keychain is expected to not find anything for key `zcashStoredWallet` but received some data.") } } func testUpdateBirthdayOverNil() throws { let wallet = StoredWallet( language: language, seedPhrase: seedPhrase, version: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashKeychainVersion, birthday: nil, hasUserPassedPhraseBackupTest: false ) guard let walletData = try storage.encode(object: wallet) else { return XCTFail("`testUpdateBirthdayOverNil` encoding `walletData` failed.") } do { try setData(walletData, forKey: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashStoredWallet) } catch { XCTFail("`testUpdateBirthdayOverNil` storing `walletData` failed.") } do { try storage.updateBirthday(birthday) guard let data = data(forKey: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashStoredWallet) else { return XCTFail("Keychain: no data found for key: `zcashStoredWallet`.") } guard let walletReceived = try storage.decode(json: data, as: StoredWallet.self) else { return XCTFail("Keychain: `walletReceived` can't be decoded.") } XCTAssertEqual(birthday, walletReceived.birthday, "Keychain: stored birthday and retrieved one must be the same.") XCTAssertEqual(seedPhrase, walletReceived.seedPhrase, "Keychain: stored seed phrase and retrieved one must be the same.") } catch let err { XCTFail("Keychain: no error is expected for `testUpdateBirthdayOverNil` but received. \(err)") } } func testUpdateBirthdayOverSomeBirthday() throws { let wallet = StoredWallet( language: language, seedPhrase: seedPhrase, version: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashKeychainVersion, birthday: birthday, hasUserPassedPhraseBackupTest: false ) let newBirthday = BlockHeight(87654321) guard let walletData = try storage.encode(object: wallet) else { return XCTFail("`testUpdateBirthdayOverSomeBirthday` encoding `walletData` failed.") } do { try setData(walletData, forKey: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashStoredWallet) } catch { XCTFail("`testUpdateBirthdayOverSomeBirthday` storing `walletData` failed.") } do { try storage.updateBirthday(newBirthday) guard let data = data(forKey: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashStoredWallet) else { return XCTFail("Keychain: no data found for key: `zcashStoredWallet`.") } guard let walletReceived = try storage.decode(json: data, as: StoredWallet.self) else { return XCTFail("Keychain: `walletReceived` can't be decoded.") } XCTAssertEqual(newBirthday, walletReceived.birthday, "Keychain: stored birthday and retrieved one must be the same.") XCTAssertEqual(seedPhrase, walletReceived.seedPhrase, "Keychain: stored seed phrase and retrieved one must be the same.") } catch let err { XCTFail("Keychain: no error is expected for `testUpdateBirthdayOverNil` but received. \(err)") } } func testMarkUserPassedPhraseBackupTest() throws { let wallet = StoredWallet( language: language, seedPhrase: seedPhrase, version: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashKeychainVersion, birthday: birthday, hasUserPassedPhraseBackupTest: false ) guard let walletData = try storage.encode(object: wallet) else { return XCTFail("`testMarkUserPassedPhraseBackupTest` encoding `walletData` failed.") } do { try setData(walletData, forKey: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashStoredWallet) } catch { XCTFail("`testMarkUserPassedPhraseBackupTest` storing `walletData` failed.") } do { try storage.markUserPassedPhraseBackupTest() guard let data = data(forKey: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashStoredWallet) else { return XCTFail("Keychain: no data found for key: `zcashStoredWallet`.") } guard let walletReceived = try storage.decode(json: data, as: StoredWallet.self) else { return XCTFail("Keychain: `walletReceived` can't be decoded.") } XCTAssertTrue(walletReceived.hasUserPassedPhraseBackupTest, "Keychain: `hasUserPassedPhraseBackupTest` must be set to true.") XCTAssertEqual(seedPhrase, walletReceived.seedPhrase, "Keychain: stored seed phrase and retrieved one must be the same.") } catch let err { XCTFail("Keychain: no error is expected for `testMarkUserPassedPhraseBackupTest` but received. \(err)") } } func testUnsupportedVersion() throws { let wallet = StoredWallet( language: language, seedPhrase: seedPhrase, /// older version version: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashKeychainVersion - 1, birthday: birthday, hasUserPassedPhraseBackupTest: false ) guard let walletData = try storage.encode(object: wallet) else { return XCTFail("`testUnsupportedVersion` encoding `walletData` failed.") } do { try setData(walletData, forKey: WalletStorage.Constants.zcashStoredWallet) } catch { XCTFail("`testUnsupportedVersion` storing `walletData` failed.") } do { _ = try storage.exportWallet() XCTFail("Keychain: `testUnsupportedVersion` should fail but received some wallet with correct version.") } catch WalletStorage.WalletStorageError.unsupportedVersion(let version) { XCTAssertEqual( version + 1, WalletStorage.Constants.zcashKeychainVersion, "Keychain: version should be \(WalletStorage.Constants.zcashKeychainVersion) but stored version is \(version)" ) } catch { XCTFail("Keychain: `testUnsupportedVersion` should fail with `unsupportedVersion` error but threw \(error).") } } func testUnsupportedLanguage() throws { do { try storage.importWallet(bip39: seedPhrase, birthday: birthday, language: .chinese) XCTFail("Keychain: `testUnsupportedLanguage` should fail but imported chinese language.") } catch WalletStorage.WalletStorageError.unsupportedLanguage(let languageToStore) { XCTAssertEqual( MnemonicLanguageType.chinese, languageToStore, "Keychain: language should be english but received \(languageToStore)" ) } catch { XCTFail("Keychain: `testUnsupportedLanguage` should fail with `unsupportedLanguage` error but threw \(error).") } } } // MARK: - Misc /// The followings methods are here purposely to not rely on `WalletStorage` in order to test functionality of JUST ONE method at a time private extension WalletStorageTests { private func setData( account: String = "", _ data: Data, forKey: String ) throws { var query = storage.baseQuery(forAccount: account, andKey: forKey) query[kSecValueData as String] = data as AnyObject // TODO [#231]: - Mock the Keychain and write unit tests (https://github.com/zcash/secant-ios-wallet/issues/231) SecItemAdd(query as CFDictionary, nil) } private func data( forKey: String, account: String = "" ) -> Data? { let query = storage.restoreQuery(forAccount: account, andKey: forKey) var result: AnyObject? // TODO [#231]: - Mock the Keychain and write unit tests (https://github.com/zcash/secant-ios-wallet/issues/231) _ = SecItemCopyMatching(query as CFDictionary, &result) return result as? Data } @discardableResult private func deleteData( forKey: String, account: String = "" ) -> Bool { let query = storage.baseQuery(forAccount: account, andKey: forKey) // TODO [#231]: - Mock the Keychain and write unit tests (https://github.com/zcash/secant-ios-wallet/issues/231) let status = SecItemDelete(query as CFDictionary) return status == noErr } func updateData( _ data: Data, forKey: String, account: String = "" ) throws { let query = storage.baseQuery(forAccount: account, andKey: forKey) let attributes:[ String: AnyObject ] = [ kSecValueData as String: data as AnyObject ] // TODO [#231]: - Mock the Keychain and write unit tests (https://github.com/zcash/secant-ios-wallet/issues/231) _ = SecItemUpdate(query as CFDictionary, attributes as CFDictionary) } }