// // ZatoshiTests.swift // secantTests // // Created by Lukáš Korba on 26.05.2022. // import XCTest @testable import secant_testnet import ZcashLightClientKit class ZatoshiTests: XCTestCase { let usNumberFormatter = NumberFormatter() override func setUp() { super.setUp() usNumberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 8 usNumberFormatter.maximumIntegerDigits = 8 usNumberFormatter.numberStyle = .decimal usNumberFormatter.usesGroupingSeparator = true usNumberFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US") } func testLowerBound() throws { let number = Zatoshi(-Zatoshi.Constants.maxZatoshi - 1) XCTAssertEqual( -Zatoshi.Constants.maxZatoshi, number.amount, "Zatoshi tests: `testLowerBound` the value is expected to be clamped to lower bound but it's \(number.amount)" ) } func testUpperBound() throws { let number = Zatoshi(Zatoshi.Constants.maxZatoshi + 1) XCTAssertEqual( Zatoshi.Constants.maxZatoshi, number.amount, "Zatoshi tests: `testUpperBound` the value is expected to be clamped to upper bound but it's \(number.amount)" ) } func testAddingZatoshi() throws { let numberA1 = Zatoshi(100_000) let numberB1 = Zatoshi(200_000) let result1 = numberA1 + numberB1 XCTAssertEqual( result1.amount, Zatoshi(300_000).amount, "Zatoshi tests: `testAddingZatoshi` the value is expected to be 300_000 but it's \(result1.amount)" ) let numberA2 = Zatoshi(-100_000) let numberB2 = Zatoshi(200_000) let result2 = numberA2 + numberB2 XCTAssertEqual( result2.amount, Zatoshi(100_000).amount, "Zatoshi tests: `testAddingZatoshi` the value is expected to be 100_000 but it's \(result2.amount)" ) let numberA3 = Zatoshi(100_000) let numberB3 = Zatoshi(-200_000) let result3 = numberA3 + numberB3 XCTAssertEqual( result3.amount, Zatoshi(-100_000).amount, "Zatoshi tests: `testAddingZatoshi` the value is expected to be -100_000 but it's \(result3.amount)" ) let number = Zatoshi(Zatoshi.Constants.maxZatoshi) let result4 = number + number XCTAssertEqual( result4.amount, Zatoshi.Constants.maxZatoshi, "Zatoshi tests: `testAddingZatoshi` the value is expected to be clamped to upper bound but it's \(result4.amount)" ) } func testSubtractingZatoshi() throws { let numberA1 = Zatoshi(100_000) let numberB1 = Zatoshi(200_000) let result1 = numberA1 - numberB1 XCTAssertEqual( result1.amount, Zatoshi(-100_000).amount, "Zatoshi tests: `testSubtractingZatoshi` the value is expected to be -100_000 but it's \(result1.amount)" ) let numberA2 = Zatoshi(-100_000) let numberB2 = Zatoshi(200_000) let result2 = numberA2 - numberB2 XCTAssertEqual( result2.amount, Zatoshi(-300_000).amount, "Zatoshi tests: `testSubtractingZatoshi` the value is expected to be -300_000 but it's \(result2.amount)" ) let numberA3 = Zatoshi(100_000) let numberB3 = Zatoshi(-200_000) let result3 = numberA3 - numberB3 XCTAssertEqual( result3.amount, Zatoshi(300_000).amount, "Zatoshi tests: `testSubtractingZatoshi` the value is expected to be 300_000 but it's \(result3.amount)" ) let number = Zatoshi(-Zatoshi.Constants.maxZatoshi) let result4 = number + number XCTAssertEqual( result4.amount, -Zatoshi.Constants.maxZatoshi, "Zatoshi tests: `testSubtractingZatoshi` the value is expected to be clamped to lower bound but it's \(result4.amount)" ) } func testHumanReadable() throws { // result of this division is 1.4285714285714285714285714285714285714 let number = Zatoshi.from(decimal: Decimal(200.0 / 140.0)) // IMPORTANT: the INTERNAL value of number is still 1.4285714285714285714285714285714285714!!! // but decimalString is rounding it to maximumFractionDigits set to be 8 // We can't compare it to double value 1.42857143 (or even Decimal(1.42857143)) // so we convert it to string, in that case we are proving it to be rendered // to the user exactly the way we want XCTAssertEqual( number.decimalString(formatter: usNumberFormatter), "1.42857143", "Zatoshi tests: the value is expected to be 1.42857143 but it's \(number.decimalString())" ) } func testUSDtoZecToUSD() throws { // The price of zec is $140, we want to send $200 let usd2zec = NSDecimalNumber(decimal: 200.0 / 140.0) XCTAssertEqual( usd2zec.decimalString, "1.42857143", "Zatoshi tests: `testUSDtoZatoshiToUSD` the value is expected to be 1.42857143 but it's \(usd2zec.decimalString)" ) // convert it back let zec2usd = NSDecimalNumber(decimal: usd2zec.decimalValue * 140.0) XCTAssertEqual( zec2usd.decimalString, "200", "Zatoshi tests: `testUSDtoZatoshiToUSD` the value is expected to be 200 but it's \(zec2usd.decimalString)" ) } func testStringToZatoshi() throws { if let number = Zatoshi.from(decimalString: "200.0", formatter: usNumberFormatter) { XCTAssertEqual( number.decimalString(formatter: usNumberFormatter), "200", "Zatoshi tests: `testStringToZec` the value is expected to be 200 but it's \(number.decimalString())" ) } else { XCTFail("Zatoshi tests: `testStringToZatoshi` failed to convert number.") } if let number = Zatoshi.from(decimalString: "0.02836478949923", formatter: usNumberFormatter) { XCTAssertEqual( number.amount, 2_836_479, "Zatoshi tests: the value is expected to be 2_836_478 but it's \(number.amount)" ) } else { XCTFail("Zatoshi tests: `testStringToZatoshi` failed to convert number.") } } }