
29 lines
805 B

// MnemonicInterface.swift
// secant-testnet
// Created by Lukáš Korba on 13.11.2022.
import ComposableArchitecture
extension DependencyValues {
var mnemonic: MnemonicClient {
get { self[MnemonicClient.self] }
set { self[MnemonicClient.self] = newValue }
struct MnemonicClient {
/// Random 24 words mnemonic phrase
var randomMnemonic: () throws -> String
/// Random 24 words mnemonic phrase as array of words
var randomMnemonicWords: () throws -> [String]
/// Generate deterministic seed from mnemonic phrase
var toSeed: (String) throws -> [UInt8]
/// Get this mnemonic phrase as array of words
var asWords: (String) -> [String]
/// Validates whether the given mnemonic is correct
var isValid: (String) throws -> Void