
168 lines
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// SettingsTests.swift
// secantTests
// Created by Lukáš Korba on 21.07.2022.
import XCTest
@testable import secant_testnet
import ComposableArchitecture
class SettingsTests: XCTestCase {
func testBackupWalletAccessRequest_AuthenticateSuccessPath() async throws {
let mnemonic =
still champion voice habit trend flight \
survey between bitter process artefact blind \
carbon truly provide dizzy crush flush \
breeze blouse charge solid fish spread
let mockedWalletStorage = WalletStorageClient(
importWallet: { _, _, _, _ in
throw WalletStorage.WalletStorageError.alreadyImported
exportWallet: {
language: .english,
seedPhrase: mnemonic,
version: 1,
hasUserPassedPhraseBackupTest: true
areKeysPresent: {
throw WalletStorage.WalletStorageError.uninitializedWallet
updateBirthday: { _ in
throw WalletStorage.KeychainError.encoding
markUserPassedPhraseBackupTest: {
throw WalletStorage.KeychainError.encoding
nukeWallet: { }
let store = TestStore(
initialState: SettingsReducer.State(phraseDisplayState: RecoveryPhraseDisplayReducer.State(phrase: nil)),
reducer: SettingsReducer()
) { dependencies in
dependencies.localAuthentication = .mockAuthenticationSucceeded
dependencies.mnemonic = .noOp
dependencies.mnemonic.asWords = { _ in mnemonic.components(separatedBy: " ") }
dependencies.walletStorage = mockedWalletStorage
_ = await store.send(.backupWalletAccessRequest)
await store.receive(.backupWallet) { state in
state.phraseDisplayState.phrase = RecoveryPhrase(words: mnemonic.components(separatedBy: " "))
await store.receive(.updateDestination(.backupPhrase)) { state in
state.destination = .backupPhrase
func testBackupWalletAccessRequest_AuthenticateFailedPath() async throws {
let store = TestStore(
initialState: .placeholder,
reducer: SettingsReducer()
) {
$0.localAuthentication = .mockAuthenticationFailed
_ = await store.send(.backupWalletAccessRequest)
await store.finish()
func testRescanBlockchain() async throws {
let store = TestStore(
initialState: .placeholder,
reducer: SettingsReducer()
_ = await store.send(.rescanBlockchain) { state in
state.rescanDialog = .init(
title: TextState("Rescan"),
message: TextState("Select the rescan you want"),
buttons: [
.default(TextState("Quick rescan"), action: .send(.quickRescan)),
.default(TextState("Full rescan"), action: .send(.fullRescan)),
func testRescanBlockchain_Cancelling() async throws {
let store = TestStore(
initialState: SettingsReducer.State(
phraseDisplayState: .init(),
rescanDialog: .init(
title: TextState("Rescan"),
message: TextState("Select the rescan you want"),
buttons: [
.default(TextState("Quick rescan"), action: .send(.quickRescan)),
.default(TextState("Full rescan"), action: .send(.fullRescan)),
destination: nil
reducer: SettingsReducer()
_ = await store.send(.cancelRescan) { state in
state.rescanDialog = nil
func testRescanBlockchain_QuickRescanClearance() async throws {
let store = TestStore(
initialState: SettingsReducer.State(
phraseDisplayState: .init(),
rescanDialog: .init(
title: TextState("Rescan"),
message: TextState("Select the rescan you want"),
buttons: [
.default(TextState("Quick rescan"), action: .send(.quickRescan)),
.default(TextState("Full rescan"), action: .send(.fullRescan)),
destination: nil
reducer: SettingsReducer()
_ = await store.send(.quickRescan) { state in
state.rescanDialog = nil
func testRescanBlockchain_FullRescanClearance() async throws {
let store = TestStore(
initialState: SettingsReducer.State(
phraseDisplayState: .init(),
rescanDialog: .init(
title: TextState("Rescan"),
message: TextState("Select the rescan you want"),
buttons: [
.default(TextState("Quick rescan"), action: .send(.quickRescan)),
.default(TextState("Full rescan"), action: .send(.fullRescan)),
destination: nil
reducer: SettingsReducer()
_ = await store.send(.fullRescan) { state in
state.rescanDialog = nil