
240 lines
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// RecoveryPhraseValidation.swift
// secant-testnet
// Created by Francisco Gindre on 10/29/21.
import Foundation
import ComposableArchitecture
import SwiftUI
typealias RecoveryPhraseValidationStore = Store<RecoveryPhraseValidationState, RecoveryPhraseValidationAction>
typealias RecoveryPhraseValidationViewStore = ViewStore<RecoveryPhraseValidationState, RecoveryPhraseValidationAction>
/// Represents the data of a word that has been placed into an empty position, that will be used
/// to validate the completed phrase when all ValidationWords have been placed.
struct ValidationWord: Equatable {
var groupIndex: Int
var word: String
// MARK: - State
struct RecoveryPhraseValidationState: Equatable {
enum Route: Equatable, CaseIterable {
case validation
case success
case failure
static let wordGroupSize = 6
static let phraseChunks = 4
var phrase: RecoveryPhrase
var missingIndices: [Int]
var missingWordChips: [PhraseChip.Kind]
var validationWords: [ValidationWord]
var route: Route?
var isComplete: Bool {
!validationWords.isEmpty && validationWords.count == missingIndices.count
var isValid: Bool {
guard let resultingPhrase = self.resultingPhrase else { return false }
return resultingPhrase == phrase.words
extension RecoveryPhraseValidationState {
/// creates an initial `RecoveryPhraseValidationState` with no completions and random missing indices.
/// - Note: Use this function to create a random validation puzzle for a given phrase.
static func random(phrase: RecoveryPhrase) -> Self {
let missingIndices = Self.randomIndices()
let missingWordChipKind = phrase.words(fromMissingIndices: missingIndices)
return RecoveryPhraseValidationState(
phrase: phrase,
missingIndices: missingIndices,
missingWordChips: missingWordChipKind,
validationWords: []
extension RecoveryPhraseValidationState {
/// Given an array of RecoveryPhraseStepCompletion, missing indices, original phrase and the number of groups it was split into,
/// assembly the resulting phrase. This comes up with the "proposed solution" for the recovery phrase validation challenge.
/// - returns:an array of String containing the recovery phrase words ordered by the original phrase order, or `nil`
/// if a resulting phrase can't be formed because the validation state is not complete.
var resultingPhrase: [String]? {
guard missingIndices.count == validationWords.count else { return nil }
guard validationWords.count == Self.phraseChunks else { return nil }
var words = phrase.words
let groupLength = words.count / Self.phraseChunks
// iterate based on the completions the user did on the UI
for validationWord in validationWords {
// figure out which phrase group (chunk) this completion belongs to
let groupIndex = validationWord.groupIndex
// validate that's the right number
assert(groupIndex < Self.phraseChunks)
// get the missing index that the user did this completion for on the given group
let missingIndex = missingIndices[groupIndex]
// figure out what this means in terms of the whole recovery phrase
let concreteIndex = groupIndex * groupLength + missingIndex
assert(concreteIndex < words.count)
// replace the word on the copy of the original phrase with the completion the user did
words[concreteIndex] = validationWord.word
return words
static func randomIndices() -> [Int] {
return (0..<phraseChunks).map { _ in
Int.random(in: 0 ..< wordGroupSize)
extension RecoveryPhrase.Group {
/// Returns an array of words where the word at the missing index will be an empty string
func words(with missingIndex: Int) -> [String] {
assert(missingIndex >= 0)
assert(missingIndex < self.words.count)
var wordsApplyingMissing = self.words
wordsApplyingMissing[missingIndex] = ""
return wordsApplyingMissing
// MARK: - Action
enum RecoveryPhraseValidationAction: Equatable {
case updateRoute(RecoveryPhraseValidationState.Route?)
case reset
case move(wordChip: PhraseChip.Kind, intoGroup: Int)
case succeed
case fail
case failureFeedback
case proceedToHome
case displayBackedUpPhrase
// MARK: - Reducer
typealias RecoveryPhraseValidationReducer = Reducer<RecoveryPhraseValidationState, RecoveryPhraseValidationAction, BackupPhraseEnvironment>
extension RecoveryPhraseValidationReducer {
static let `default` = RecoveryPhraseValidationReducer { state, action, environment in
switch action {
case .reset:
state = RecoveryPhraseValidationState.random(phrase: state.phrase)
state.route = .validation
// FIXME: Resetting causes route to be nil = preamble screen, hence setting the .validation. The transition back is not animated though (issue 186)
case let .move(wordChip, group):
case let PhraseChip.Kind.unassigned(word, color) = wordChip,
let missingChipIndex = state.missingWordChips.firstIndex(of: wordChip)
else { return .none }
state.missingWordChips[missingChipIndex] = .empty
state.validationWords.append(ValidationWord(groupIndex: group, word: word))
if state.isComplete {
let value: RecoveryPhraseValidationAction = state.isValid ? .succeed : .fail
let effect = Effect<RecoveryPhraseValidationAction, Never>(value: value)
.delay(for: 1, scheduler: environment.mainQueue)
if value == .succeed {
return effect
} else {
return .concatenate(
Effect(value: .failureFeedback),
return .none
case .succeed:
state.route = .success
case .fail:
state.route = .failure
case .failureFeedback:
case .updateRoute(let route):
guard let route = route else {
state = RecoveryPhraseValidationState.random(phrase: state.phrase)
return .none
state.route = route
case .proceedToHome:
case .displayBackedUpPhrase:
return .none
// MARK: - ViewStore
extension RecoveryPhraseValidationViewStore {
func bindingForRoute(_ route: RecoveryPhraseValidationState.Route) -> Binding<Bool> {
get: { $0.route == route },
send: { isActive in
return .updateRoute(isActive ? route : nil)
extension RecoveryPhraseValidationViewStore {
var bindingForValidation: Binding<Bool> {
get: { $0.route != nil },
send: { isActive in
return .updateRoute(isActive ? .validation : nil)
var bindingForSuccess: Binding<Bool> {
get: { $0.route == .success },
send: { isActive in
return .updateRoute(isActive ? .success : .validation)
var bindingForFailure: Binding<Bool> {
get: { $0.route == .failure },
send: { isActive in
return .updateRoute(isActive ? .failure : .validation)