
249 lines
12 KiB

// MARK: - Welcome Screen
"welcomeScreen.title" = "Powered by Zcash";
"welcomeScreen.subtitle" = "Just Loading, one sec";
// MARK: - Onboarding Flow
"onboarding.step1.title" = "Welcome!";
"onboarding.step1.description" = "As a privacy focused wallet, we shield by default. Your wallet uses the shielded address for sending and moves transparent funds to that address automatically.\n\nIn other words, the 'privacy-please' sign is on the knob.";
"onboarding.step2.title" = "Unified Addresses";
"onboarding.step2.description" = "You now have a unified address that includes and up-to-date shielded address for legacy systems.\n\nThis makes your wallet friendlier, and gives you and address that you won't have to upgrade again.";
"onboarding.step3.title" = "And so much more...";
"onboarding.step3.description" = "Due to Zcash's increased popularity, we are optimizing our syncing schemes to be faster and more efficient!\n\nThe future is fast!";
"onboarding.step4.title" = "Let's get started";
"onboarding.step4.description" = "Choose between creating a new wallet and importing and existing Secret Recovery Phrase";
"onboarding.button.newWallet" = "Create New Wallet";
"onboarding.button.importWallet" = "Import an Existing Wallet";
// MARK: - Secret Recovery Phrase Display
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.title" = "Your Secret Recovery Phrase";
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.description" = "The following 24 words represent your funds and the security used to protect them. Back them up now!";
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.button.wroteItDown" = "I wrote it down!";
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.button.copyToBuffer" = "Copy To Buffer";
"recoveryPhraseDisplay.noWords" = "Oops no words";
// MARK: - Recovery Phrase Backup Validation & Success/Failed
"recoveryPhraseBackupValidation.title" = "Verify Your Backup";
"recoveryPhraseBackupValidation.description" = "Drag the words below to match your backed-up copy.";
"recoveryPhraseBackupValidation.successResult" = "Congratulations! You validated your secret recovery phrase.";
"recoveryPhraseBackupValidation.failedResult" = "Your placed words did not match your secret recovery phrase";
"validationSuccess.title" = "Success!";
"validationSuccess.description" = "Place that backup somewhere safe and venture forth in security.";
"validationSuccess.button.goToWallet" = "Take me to my wallet!";
"validationSuccess.button.phraseAgain" = "Show me my phrase again";
"validationFailed.title" = "Ouch, sorry, no.";
"validationFailed.description" = "Your placed words did not match your secret recovery phrase.";
"validationFailed.incorrectBackupDescription" = "Remember, you can't recover your funds if you lose (or incorrectly save) these 24 words.";
"validationFailed.button.tryAgain" = "Try again";
// MARK: - Recovery Phrase Test Preamble
"recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.title" = "First things first";
"recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.paragraph1" = "It is important to understand that you are in charge here. Great, right? YOU get to be the bank!";
"recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.paragraph2" = "But it also means that YOU are the customer, and you need to be self-reliant.";
"recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.paragraph3" = "So how do you recover funds that you've hidden on a completely decentralized and private block-chain?";
"recoveryPhraseTestPreamble.button.goNext" = "By understanding and preparing";
// MARK: - Import Wallet Screen
"importWallet.title" = "Wallet Import";
"importWallet.description" = "Enter your secret backup seed phrase.";
"importWallet.button.restoreWallet" = "Restore wallet";
"importWallet.button.importPrivateKey" = "Import a private or viewing key";
"importWallet.birthday.description" = "Do you know the wallet's creation date? This will allow a faster sync. If you don't know the wallet's birthday, don't worry!";
"importWallet.birthday.placeholder" = "Enter birthday height";
"importWallet.seed.valid" = "VALID SEED PHRASE";
"importWallet.alert.success.title" = "Success";
"importWallet.alert.success.message" = "The wallet has been successfully recovered.";
"importWallet.alert.failed.title" = "Failed to restore wallet";
"importWallet.alert.failed.message" = "Error: %@";
// MARK: - Home Screen
"home.sendZec" = "Send ZEC";
"home.receiveZec" = "Receive ZEC";
"home.transactionHistory" = "See transaction history";
"home.title" = "Secant Wallet";
// MARK: - Receive ZEC (Formerly Profile Screen)
"receiveZec.yourAddress" = "Your Address";
"receiveZec.error.cantExtractUnifiedAddress" = "could not extract UA";
// MARK: - Address Details
"" = "Unified Address";
"" = "Sapling Address";
"addressDetails.ta" = "Transparent Address";
"addressDetails.error.cantExtractUnifiedAddress" = "could not extract UA";
"addressDetails.error.cantExtractTransparentAddress" = "could not extract transparent receiver from UA";
"addressDetails.error.cantExtractSaplingAddress" = "could not extract sapling receiver from UA";
// MARK: - Balance Breakdown
"balanceBreakdown.blockId" = "Block: %@";
"balanceBreakdown.shieldedZec" = "SHIELDED ZEC (SPENDABLE)";
"balanceBreakdown.transparentBalance" = "TRANSPARENT BALANCE";
"balanceBreakdown.totalBalance" = "TOTAL BALANCE";
"balanceBreakdown.autoShieldingThreshold" = "Auto Shielding Threshold: %@ ZEC";
// MARK: - Scan
"" = "We will validate any Zcash URI and take you to the appropriate action.";
"scan.scanning" = "Scanning...";
"scan.alert.cantInitializeCamera.title" = "Can't initialize the camera";
"scan.alert.cantInitializeCamera.message" = "Error: %@";
// MARK: - Send
"send.title" = "Send Zcash";
"send.fundsInfo" = "Aditional funds may be in transit";
"send.memoPlaceholder" = "Write a private message here";
"send.failed" = "Sending transaction failed";
"send.succeeded" = "Sending transaction succeeded";
"send.sendingTo" = "Sending %@ ZEC to";
"send.amount" = "amount: %@";
"send.address" = " address: %@";
"send.memo" = " memo: %@";
// MARK: - Settings
"settings.crashReporting" = "Enable Crash Reporting";
"settings.backupWallet" = "Backup Wallet";
"settings.exporting" = "Exporting...";
"settings.exportLogs" = "Export & share logs";
"" = "Send us feedback!";
"settings.title" = "Settings";
"settings.alert.cantBackupWallet.title" = "Can't backup wallet";
"settings.alert.cantBackupWallet.message" = "Error: %@";
"settings.alert.cantSendEmail.title" = "Can't send email";
"settings.alert.cantSendEmail.message" = "It looks like that you don't have any email account configured on your device. Therefore it's not possible to send a support email.";
// MARK: - Sync message
"sync.message.enhancing" = "Enhancing tx";
"sync.message.fetchingUTXO" = "fetching UTXOs";
"sync.message.disconnected" = "disconnected";
"sync.message.stopped" = "Stopped";
"sync.message.uptodate" = "Up-To-Date";
"sync.message.unprepared" = "Unprepared";
"sync.message.error" = "Error: %@";
"sync.message.sync" = "%@ Synced";
// MARK: - Transactions
"transactions.title" = "Transactions";
"transaction.sent" = "Sent";
"transaction.sending" = "Sending";
"transaction.received" = "Received";
"transaction.failed" = "Failed";
"transaction.youSent" = "You sent %@ ZEC";
"transaction.youAreSending" = "You are sending %@ ZEC";
"transaction.youReceived" = "You received %@ ZEC";
"transaction.youDidNotSent" = "You DID NOT send %@ ZEC";
"transaction.pending" = "PENDING";
"transaction.confirmed" = "Confirmed";
"transaction.confirmedTimes" = "%@ times";
"transaction.confirming" = "Confirming ~%@mins";
"transaction.withMemo" = "With memo:";
"transaction.from" = "from";
"" = "to";
"transaction.unconfirmed" = "unconfirmed";
"transactionDetail.title" = "Transaction detail";
// MARK: - Not Enough Free Space
"nefs.message" = "Not enough space on disk to do synchronisation!";
// MARK: - Errors
"error.rollBack" = "possible roll back";
// MARK: - Common & Shared
"general.back" = "Back";
"general.skip" = "Skip";
"" = "Next";
"general.send" = "Send";
"general.clear" = "Clear";
"general.close" = "Close";
"general.max" = "Max";
"general.ok" = "Ok";
"general.yes" = "Yes";
"" = "No";
"general.cancel" = "Cancel";
"general.success" = "Success";
"general.unknown" = "Unknown";
"balance" = "%@ ZEC";
"balance.available" = "%@ ZEC Available";
"qrCodeFor" = "QR Code for %@";
"general.dateNotAvailable" = "date not available";
// MARK: - Wallet event
"walletEvent.row.shielded" = "shielded wallet event %@";
"walletEvent.row.import" = "wallet import wallet event";
"walletEvent.detail.shielded" = "shielded %@ detail";
"walletEvent.detail.import" = "wallet import wallet event";
"walletEvent.alert.leavingApp.title" = "You are exiting your wallet";
"walletEvent.alert.leavingApp.message" = "While usually an acceptable risk, you will possibly exposing your behavior and interest in this transaction by going online. OH NOES! What will you do?";
"walletEvent.alert.leavingApp.button.nevermind" = "NEVERMIND";
"walletEvent.alert.leavingApp.button.seeOnline" = "SEE TX ONLINE";
// MARK: - Local authentication
"localAuthentication.reason" = "The Following content requires authentication.";
// MARK: - Support Data
"supportData.timeItem.time" = "Current time";
"supportData.appVersionItem.bundleIdentifier" = "App identifier";
"supportData.appVersionItem.version" = "App version";
"supportData.systemVersionItem.version" = "iOS version";
"supportData.deviceModelItem.device" = "Device";
"supportData.localeItem.locale" = "Locale";
"supportData.localeItem.groupingSeparator" = "Currency grouping separator";
"supportData.localeItem.decimalSeparator" = "Currency decimal separator";
"supportData.freeDiskSpaceItem.freeDiskSpace" = "Usable storage";
"supportData.permissionItem.permissions" = "Permissions";
"" = "Camera access";
"supportData.permissionItem.faceID" = "FaceID available";
"supportData.permissionItem.touchID" = "TouchID available";
// MARK: - Root
"root.initialization.alert.failed.title" = "Wallet initialisation failed.";
"root.initialization.alert.error.message" = "Error: %@";
"root.initialization.alert.sdkInitFailed.title" = "Failed to initialize the SDK";
"root.initialization.alert.walletStateFailed.message" = "App initialisation state: %@.";
"root.initialization.alert.cantLoadSeedPhrase.message" = "Can't load seed phrase from local storage.";
"root.initialization.alert.cantCreateNewWallet.message" = "Can't create new wallet. Error: %@";
"root.initialization.alert.cantStoreThatUserPassedPhraseBackupTest.message" = "Can't store information that user passed phrase backup test. Error: %@";
"root.initialization.alert.wipe.title" = "Wipe of the wallet";
"root.initialization.alert.wipe.message" = "Are you sure?";
"root.initialization.alert.wipeFailed.title" = "Nuke of the wallet failed";
"root.destination.alert.failedToProcessDeeplink.title" = "Failed to process deeplink.";
"root.destination.alert.failedToProcessDeeplink.message" = "Deeplink: \(%@))\nError: \(%@)";
"root.debug.title" = "Debug options";
"root.debug.navigationTitle" = "Startup";
"root.debug.option.gotoSandbox" = "Go To Sandbox (navigation proof)";
"root.debug.option.gotoOnboarding" = "Go To Onboarding";
"root.debug.option.gotoPhraseValidationDemo" = "Go To Phrase Validation Demo";
"root.debug.option.restartApp" = "Restart the app";
"root.debug.option.testCrashReporter" = "Test Crash Reporter";
"root.debug.option.rescanBlockchain" = "Rescan Blockchain";
"root.debug.option.nukeWallet" = "[Be careful] Nuke Wallet";
"root.debug.option.exportLogs" = "Export logs";
"root.debug.featureFlags" = "Feature flags";
"root.debug.dialog.rescan.title" = "Rescan";
"root.debug.dialog.rescan.message" = "Select the rescan you want";
"root.debug.dialog.rescan.option.quick" = "Quick rescan";
"root.debug.dialog.rescan.option.full" = "Full rescan";
"root.debug.alert.rewind.failed.title" = "Rewind failed";
"root.debug.alert.rewind.failed.message" = "Error: %@";
"root.debug.alert.rewind.cantStartSync.title" = "Can't start sync process after rewind";
"root.debug.alert.rewind.cantStartSync.message" = "Error: %@";
"root.debug.error.rewind.sdkSynchronizerNotInitialized" = "SDKSynchronizer not initilized. rewindPublisher is nil";
// MARK: - Export logs
"exportLogs.alert.failed.title" = "Error when exporting logs";
"exportLogs.alert.failed.message" = "Error: %@";
// MARK: - Text Fields
"field.multiline.charLimitExceeded" = "char limit exceeded";
"field.transactionAddress.validZcashAddress" = "Valid Zcash Address";
"" = "To:";
"field.transactionAmount.zecAmount" = "ZEC Amount";
"field.transactionAmount.amount" = "Amount:";