
245 lines
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// WalletEventsSnapshotTests.swift
// secantTests
// Created by Lukáš Korba on 27.06.2022.
import XCTest
@testable import secant_testnet
import ComposableArchitecture
import ZcashLightClientKit
class WalletEventsSnapshotTests: XCTestCase {
func testFullWalletEventsSnapshot() throws {
let store = WalletEventsFlowStore(
initialState: .placeHolder,
reducer: WalletEventsFlowReducer()
// landing wallet events screen
name: "\(#function)_initial",
WalletEventsFlowView(store: store)
func testWalletEventDetailSnapshot_sent() throws {
let memo = try? Memo(string:
Testing some long memo so I can see many lines of text \
instead of just one. This can take some time and I'm \
bored to write all this stuff.
guard let memo else {
XCTFail("testWalletEventDetailSnapshot_sent: memo is expected to be successfuly initialized")
let transaction = TransactionState(
memos: [memo],
minedHeight: 1_875_256,
zAddress: "t1gXqfSSQt6WfpwyuCU3Wi7sSVZ66DYQ3Po",
fee: Zatoshi(1_000_000),
id: "ff3927e1f83df9b1b0dc75540ddc59ee435eecebae914d2e6dfe8576fbedc9a8",
status: .paid(success: true),
timestamp: 1234567,
zecAmount: Zatoshi(25_000_000)
let walletEvent = WalletEvent(id:, state: .send(transaction), timestamp: transaction.timestamp)
let balance = WalletBalance(verified: 12_345_000, total: 12_345_000)
let store = HomeStore(
initialState: .init(
balanceBreakdownState: .placeholder,
profileState: .placeholder,
scanState: .placeholder,
sendState: .placeholder,
settingsState: .placeholder,
shieldedBalance: balance.redacted,
synchronizerStatusSnapshot: .default,
walletConfig: .default,
walletEventsState: .init(walletEvents: IdentifiedArrayOf(uniqueElements: [walletEvent]))
reducer: HomeReducer()
let walletEventsStore = WalletEventsFlowStore(
initialState: .placeHolder,
reducer: WalletEventsFlowReducer()
name: "\(#function)_WalletEventDetail",
TransactionDetailView(transaction: transaction, store: walletEventsStore)
func testWalletEventDetailSnapshot_received() throws {
let memo = try? Memo(string:
Testing some long memo so I can see many lines of text \
instead of just one. This can take some time and I'm \
bored to write all this stuff.
guard let memo else {
XCTFail("testWalletEventDetailSnapshot_received: memo is expected to be successfuly initialized")
let transaction = TransactionState(
memos: [memo],
minedHeight: 1_875_256,
zAddress: "t1gXqfSSQt6WfpwyuCU3Wi7sSVZ66DYQ3Po",
fee: Zatoshi(1_000_000),
id: "ff3927e1f83df9b1b0dc75540ddc59ee435eecebae914d2e6dfe8576fbedc9a8",
status: .received,
timestamp: 1234567,
zecAmount: Zatoshi(25_000_000)
let walletEvent = WalletEvent(id:, state: .send(transaction), timestamp: transaction.timestamp)
let balance = WalletBalance(verified: 12_345_000, total: 12_345_000)
let store = HomeStore(
initialState: .init(
balanceBreakdownState: .placeholder,
profileState: .placeholder,
scanState: .placeholder,
sendState: .placeholder,
settingsState: .placeholder,
shieldedBalance: balance.redacted,
synchronizerStatusSnapshot: .default,
walletConfig: .default,
walletEventsState: .init(walletEvents: IdentifiedArrayOf(uniqueElements: [walletEvent]))
reducer: HomeReducer()
let walletEventsStore = WalletEventsFlowStore(
initialState: .placeHolder,
reducer: WalletEventsFlowReducer()
name: "\(#function)_WalletEventDetail",
TransactionDetailView(transaction: transaction, store: walletEventsStore)
func testWalletEventDetailSnapshot_pending() throws {
let memo = try? Memo(string:
Testing some long memo so I can see many lines of text \
instead of just one. This can take some time and I'm \
bored to write all this stuff.
guard let memo else {
XCTFail("testWalletEventDetailSnapshot_pending: memo is expected to be successfuly initialized")
let transaction = TransactionState(
memos: [memo],
minedHeight: 1_875_256,
zAddress: "t1gXqfSSQt6WfpwyuCU3Wi7sSVZ66DYQ3Po",
fee: Zatoshi(1_000_000),
id: "ff3927e1f83df9b1b0dc75540ddc59ee435eecebae914d2e6dfe8576fbedc9a8",
status: .pending,
timestamp: 1234567,
zecAmount: Zatoshi(25_000_000)
let walletEvent = WalletEvent(id:, state: .send(transaction), timestamp: transaction.timestamp)
let balance = WalletBalance(verified: 12_345_000, total: 12_345_000)
let store = HomeStore(
initialState: .init(
balanceBreakdownState: .placeholder,
profileState: .placeholder,
scanState: .placeholder,
sendState: .placeholder,
settingsState: .placeholder,
shieldedBalance: balance.redacted,
synchronizerStatusSnapshot: .default,
walletConfig: .default,
walletEventsState: .init(walletEvents: IdentifiedArrayOf(uniqueElements: [walletEvent]))
reducer: HomeReducer()
let walletEventsState = WalletEventsFlowReducer.State(
requiredTransactionConfirmations: 10,
walletEvents: .placeholder
let walletEventsStore = WalletEventsFlowStore(
initialState: walletEventsState,
reducer: WalletEventsFlowReducer()
name: "\(#function)_WalletEventDetail",
TransactionDetailView(transaction: transaction, store: walletEventsStore)
func testWalletEventDetailSnapshot_failed() throws {
let memo = try? Memo(string:
Testing some long memo so I can see many lines of text \
instead of just one. This can take some time and I'm \
bored to write all this stuff.
guard let memo else {
XCTFail("testWalletEventDetailSnapshot_failed: memo is expected to be successfuly initialized")
let transaction = TransactionState(
errorMessage: "possible roll back",
memos: [memo],
minedHeight: 1_875_256,
zAddress: "t1gXqfSSQt6WfpwyuCU3Wi7sSVZ66DYQ3Po",
fee: Zatoshi(1_000_000),
id: "ff3927e1f83df9b1b0dc75540ddc59ee435eecebae914d2e6dfe8576fbedc9a8",
status: .failed,
timestamp: 1234567,
zecAmount: Zatoshi(25_000_000)
let walletEvent = WalletEvent(id:, state: .send(transaction), timestamp: transaction.timestamp)
let balance = WalletBalance(verified: 12_345_000, total: 12_345_000)
let store = HomeStore(
initialState: .init(
balanceBreakdownState: .placeholder,
profileState: .placeholder,
scanState: .placeholder,
sendState: .placeholder,
settingsState: .placeholder,
shieldedBalance: balance.redacted,
synchronizerStatusSnapshot: .default,
walletConfig: .default,
walletEventsState: .init(walletEvents: IdentifiedArrayOf(uniqueElements: [walletEvent]))
reducer: HomeReducer()
let walletEventsStore = WalletEventsFlowStore(
initialState: .placeHolder,
reducer: WalletEventsFlowReducer()
name: "\(#function)_WalletEventDetail",
TransactionDetailView(transaction: transaction, store: walletEventsStore)