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// WalletStorageInterface.swift
// secant-testnet
// Created by Lukáš Korba on 15.11.2022.
import ComposableArchitecture
import MnemonicSwift
import ZcashLightClientKit
extension DependencyValues {
var walletStorage: WalletStorageClient {
get { self[WalletStorageClient.self] }
set { self[WalletStorageClient.self] = newValue }
/// The `WalletStorageClient` is a wrapper around the `WalletStorage` type that allows for easy testing.
/// The `WalletStorage` Type is comprised of static functions that take and produce data. In order
/// to easily produce test data, all of these static functions have been wrapped in function
/// properties that live on the `WalletStorageClient` type. Because of this, you can instantiate
/// the `WalletStorageClient` with your own implementation of these functions for testing purposes,
/// or you can use one of the built in static versions of the `WalletStorageClient`.
struct WalletStorageClient {
/// Store recovery phrase and optionally even birthday to the secured and persistent storage.
/// This function creates an instance of `StoredWallet` and automatically handles versioning of the stored data.
/// - Parameters:
/// - bip39: Mnemonic/Seed phrase from `MnemonicSwift`
/// - birthday: BlockHeight from SDK
/// - language: Mnemonic's language
/// - hasUserPassedPhraseBackupTest: If user passed the puzzle phrase backup
/// - Throws:
/// - `WalletStorageError.unsupportedLanguage`: when mnemonic's language is anything other than English
/// - `WalletStorageError.alreadyImported` when valid wallet is already in the storage
/// - `WalletStorageError.storageError` when some unrecognized error occurred
let importWallet: (String, BlockHeight?, MnemonicLanguageType, Bool) throws -> Void
/// Load the representation of the wallet from the persistent and secured storage.
/// - Returns: the representation of the wallet from the persistent and secured storage.
/// - Throws:
/// - `WalletStorageError.uninitializedWallet`: when no wallet's data is found in the keychain.
/// - `WalletStorageError.storageError` when some unrecognized error occurred.
/// - `WalletStorageError.unsupportedVersion` when wallet's version stored in the keychain is outdated.
var exportWallet: () throws -> StoredWallet
/// Check if the wallet representation `StoredWallet` is present in the persistent storage.
/// - Returns: the information whether some wallet is stored or is not available
var areKeysPresent: () throws -> Bool
/// Update the birthday in the securely stored wallet.
/// - Parameters:
/// - birthday: BlockHeight from SDK
/// - Throws:
/// - `WalletStorage.KeychainError.encoding`: when encoding the wallet's data failed.
/// - `WalletStorageError.storageError` when some unrecognized error occurred.
let updateBirthday: (BlockHeight) throws -> Void
/// Update the information that user has passed the recovery phrase backup test.
/// The function doesn't take any parameters, default value is the user hasn't passed the test
/// and this function only sets the true = fact user passed.
/// - Throws:
/// - `WalletStorage.KeychainError.encoding`: when encoding the wallet's data failed.
/// - `WalletStorageError.storageError` when some unrecognized error occurred.
let markUserPassedPhraseBackupTest: (Bool) throws -> Void
/// Use carefully: deletes the stored wallet.
/// There's no fate but what we make for ourselves - Sarah Connor.
let nukeWallet: () -> Void