# Security Disclaimer #### :warning: WARNING: This is an *early preview* under active development and *anything may change at anytime!* ---- In the spirit of transparency, we provide this as a window into what we are actively developing. This is an alpha build, not yet intended for 3rd party use. Please be advised of the following: * 🛑 This code currently is not audited 🛑 * ❌ This is a public, active branch with **no support** * ❌ The code **does not have** documentation that is reviewed and approved by our Documentation team * ❌ The code **does not have** adequate unit tests, acceptance tests and stress tests * ❌ The code **does not have** automated tests that use the officially supported CI system * ❌ The code **has not been subjected to thorough review** by engineers at the Electric Coin Company * ❌ This product **does not run** compatibly with the latest version of zcashd * ❌ The product **may be** majorly broken in several ways * ❌ The app **only runs** on testnet * ❌ The app **does not run** on mainnet and **cannot** run on regtest * ❌ We **are actively changing** the codebase and adding features where/when needed * ❌ We **do not** undertake appropriate security coverage (threat models, review, response, etc.) * :heavy_check_mark: There is a product manager for this app * :heavy_check_mark: Electric Coin Company maintains the app as we discover bugs and do network upgrades/minor releases * :heavy_check_mark: Users can expect to get a response within a few weeks after submitting an issue * ❌ The User Support team **had not yet been briefed** on the features provided to users and the functionality of the associated test-framework * ❌ The code is **unpolished** * ❌ The code is **not documented** * ❌ The code **is not yet published** (to Bintray/Maven Central) * ❌ Requires external lightwalletd server ### 🛑 Use of this code may lead to a loss of funds 🛑 Use of this code in its current form or with modifications may lead to loss of funds, loss of "expected" privacy, or denial of service for a large portion of users, or a bug which could leverage any of those kinds of attacks (especially a "0 day" where we suspect few people know about the vulnerability). ### :eyes: At this time, this is for preview purposes only. :eyes: # Zcash Android Reference Wallet - Proof of Concept [![Build Status](https://app.bitrise.io/app/3f9040b242d98534/status.svg?token=AxoSmdULfUeBgW_GpS6VWg&branch=feature/revert-gradle-kotlin-dsl)](https://app.bitrise.io/app/3f9040b242d98534) [Download to device](https://dply.me/n4br57#install) Proof of concept for shielded-only Zcash wallet. Additional documentation will be added in a future milestone. [![Zcash Reference Wallet Demo](https://img.youtube.com/vi/BgNO5Wn-9r0/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgNO5Wn-9r0)