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package cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.darkside.reorgs // package cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.integration
// import androidx.test.platform.app.InstrumentationRegistry
// import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.Initializer
// import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.SdkSynchronizer
// import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.Synchronizer
// import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.test.ScopedTest
// import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.ext.import
2021-10-13 07:20:13 -07:00
// import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.twig
[#615] Refactor lightwalletd client * [#615] Refactor lightwalletd client This moves the lightwalletd client code to a separate Gradle module, but does not yet do much clean up the public API (e.g. hiding generated GRPC objects). That will be a followon change via #673 I’ve prototyped a safer version of the API that would be implemented for #673 for two specific calls: obtaining the current block height and obtaining the light wallet info. These were the easiest endpoints to update and they provide a useful exploration for the future changes needed. * Fix benchmarking for networking module - Moved to fixture and build type check components to the new networking module, so it's accessible from all needed parts of the projects - Changed fixture return type to fit to all needed usages * Align with previous review comment * Fix wrong merge * Add basic sanity test - To satisfy tests requirements on emulators.wtf service * Remove grpc dependency from sdk-lib module * Repackage cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc to cash.z.wallet.sdk.internal.rpc * Fix BuildConfig path * Update demo-app paths to rpc * Fix broken grpc services locations - Our aim here is to change only the local services location (package name), the server location can't be changed due to backward compatibility. * Enhance GRPC Response model * Adopt enhanced GRPC response model - Adopted in a few endpoints * Enhance Connection failure type * Add simple fixture test * Refactor fetchTransaction() to work with Response - Refactored this server call to adopt our new Response mechanism - GrpsStatusResolver.resolveFailureFromStatus() now accepts Throwable input - Added Response.Failure.toThrowable() to satisfy subsequent server calls results processing - A few other minor refactoring changes * Remove commented out log * Unify return type of collection returning methods - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Sequence instead of List - Added a check on empty tAddress input * fetchUtxos returns flow - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Flow of Service.GetAddressUtxosReply - Internally it calls getAddressUtxosStream() instead of getAddressUtxos() from GRPC layer * Update unsafe suffix documentation * Address several minor change requests * Remove code parameter - Removed from the locally triggered failures with default codes. * Rename local variable * Switch from empty response to exception - Our server calls now rather throw IllegalArgumentException than return an empty response - Removed commented out log message - Updated javadocs * Update proto files - Plus related api changes adoption * Unify new clients instances name * AGP 7.4.0 changes - packagingOptions -> androidComponents in sdk-lib and lightwallet-client-lib modules * SDK version bump * Response resolver tests * Release build upload timeout increase * Release build upload timeout increase fix * Revert timeout - As Github has some infrastructure troubles and we need to wait * Add migrations documentation * Sort packaging filters * Remove private field from public documentation * Hide private variables * Remove package from Android Manifest * Throw exception instead of custom error - This step unify our approach to validation on client side across all server calls * Replace setAddresses index const with number * Fix indentation in proto file --------- Co-authored-by: Honza <rychnovsky.honza@gmail.com>
2023-02-01 02:14:55 -08:00
// import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.internal.DarksideApi
// import io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException
// import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
// import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.filter
// import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.first
// import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onEach
// import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
// import org.junit.Assert.*
// import org.junit.Before
// import org.junit.BeforeClass
// import org.junit.Test
// class ReorgHandlingTest : ScopedTest() {
// @Before
// fun setup() {
// timeout(30_000L) {
// synchronizer.awaitSync()
// }
// }
// @Test
// fun testBeforeReorg_minHeight() = timeout(30_000L) {
// // validate that we are synced, at least to the birthday height
// synchronizer.validateMinSyncHeight(birthdayHeight)
// }
// @Test
// fun testBeforeReorg_maxHeight() = timeout(30_000L) {
// // validate that we are not synced beyond the target height
// synchronizer.validateMaxSyncHeight(targetHeight)
// }
// @Test
// fun testBeforeReorg_latestBlockHash() = timeout(30_000L) {
// val latestBlock = getBlock(targetHeight)
// assertEquals("foo", latestBlock.header.toStringUtf8())
// }
// @Test
// fun testAfterSmallReorg_callbackTriggered() = timeout(30_000L) {
// hadReorg = false
// triggerSmallReorg()
// assertTrue(hadReorg)
// }
// @Test
// fun testAfterSmallReorg_callbackTriggered() = timeout(30_000L) {
// hadReorg = false
// triggerSmallReorg()
// assertTrue(hadReorg)
// }
// // @Test
// // fun testSync_100Blocks()= timeout(10_000L) {
// // // validate that we are synced below the target height, at first
// // synchronizer.validateMaxSyncHeight(targetHeight - 1)
// // // then trigger and await more blocks
// // synchronizer.awaitHeight(targetHeight)
// // // validate that we are above the target height afterward
// // synchronizer.validateMinSyncHeight(targetHeight)
// // }
// private fun Synchronizer.awaitSync() = runBlocking<Unit> {
// twig("*** Waiting for sync ***")
// status.onEach {
// twig("got processor status $it")
// assertTrue("Error: Cannot complete test because the server is disconnected.", it != Synchronizer.Status.DISCONNECTED)
// delay(1000)
// }.filter { it == Synchronizer.Status.SYNCED }.first()
// twig("*** Done waiting for sync! ***")
// }
// private fun Synchronizer.awaitHeight(height: Int) = runBlocking<Unit> {
// twig("*** Waiting for block $height ***")
// // processorInfo.first { it.lastScannedHeight >= height }
// processorInfo.onEach {
// twig("got processor info $it")
// delay(1000)
// }.first { it.lastScannedHeight >= height }
// twig("*** Done waiting for block $height! ***")
// }
// private fun Synchronizer.validateMinSyncHeight(minHeight: Int) = runBlocking<Unit> {
// val info = processorInfo.first()
// val lastDownloadedHeight = info.lastDownloadedHeight
// assertTrue("Expected to be synced beyond $minHeight but the last downloaded block was" +
// " $lastDownloadedHeight details: $info", lastDownloadedHeight >= minHeight)
// }
// private fun Synchronizer.validateMaxSyncHeight(maxHeight: Int) = runBlocking<Unit> {
// val lastDownloadedHeight = processorInfo.first().lastScannedHeight
// assertTrue("Did not expect to be synced beyond $maxHeight but we are synced to" +
// " $lastDownloadedHeight", lastDownloadedHeight <= maxHeight)
// }
// private fun getBlock(height: Int) =
// lightwalletd.getBlockRange(height..height).first()
// private val lightwalletd
[#615] Refactor lightwalletd client * [#615] Refactor lightwalletd client This moves the lightwalletd client code to a separate Gradle module, but does not yet do much clean up the public API (e.g. hiding generated GRPC objects). That will be a followon change via #673 I’ve prototyped a safer version of the API that would be implemented for #673 for two specific calls: obtaining the current block height and obtaining the light wallet info. These were the easiest endpoints to update and they provide a useful exploration for the future changes needed. * Fix benchmarking for networking module - Moved to fixture and build type check components to the new networking module, so it's accessible from all needed parts of the projects - Changed fixture return type to fit to all needed usages * Align with previous review comment * Fix wrong merge * Add basic sanity test - To satisfy tests requirements on emulators.wtf service * Remove grpc dependency from sdk-lib module * Repackage cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc to cash.z.wallet.sdk.internal.rpc * Fix BuildConfig path * Update demo-app paths to rpc * Fix broken grpc services locations - Our aim here is to change only the local services location (package name), the server location can't be changed due to backward compatibility. * Enhance GRPC Response model * Adopt enhanced GRPC response model - Adopted in a few endpoints * Enhance Connection failure type * Add simple fixture test * Refactor fetchTransaction() to work with Response - Refactored this server call to adopt our new Response mechanism - GrpsStatusResolver.resolveFailureFromStatus() now accepts Throwable input - Added Response.Failure.toThrowable() to satisfy subsequent server calls results processing - A few other minor refactoring changes * Remove commented out log * Unify return type of collection returning methods - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Sequence instead of List - Added a check on empty tAddress input * fetchUtxos returns flow - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Flow of Service.GetAddressUtxosReply - Internally it calls getAddressUtxosStream() instead of getAddressUtxos() from GRPC layer * Update unsafe suffix documentation * Address several minor change requests * Remove code parameter - Removed from the locally triggered failures with default codes. * Rename local variable * Switch from empty response to exception - Our server calls now rather throw IllegalArgumentException than return an empty response - Removed commented out log message - Updated javadocs * Update proto files - Plus related api changes adoption * Unify new clients instances name * AGP 7.4.0 changes - packagingOptions -> androidComponents in sdk-lib and lightwallet-client-lib modules * SDK version bump * Response resolver tests * Release build upload timeout increase * Release build upload timeout increase fix * Revert timeout - As Github has some infrastructure troubles and we need to wait * Add migrations documentation * Sort packaging filters * Remove private field from public documentation * Hide private variables * Remove package from Android Manifest * Throw exception instead of custom error - This step unify our approach to validation on client side across all server calls * Replace setAddresses index const with number * Fix indentation in proto file --------- Co-authored-by: Honza <rychnovsky.honza@gmail.com>
2023-02-01 02:14:55 -08:00
// get() = (synchronizer as SdkSynchronizer).processor.downloader.lightWalletClient
// companion object {
// private const val port = 9067
// private const val birthdayHeight = 663150
// private const val targetHeight = 663200
// private const val seedPhrase = "still champion voice habit trend flight survey between bitter process artefact blind carbon truly provide dizzy crush flush breeze blouse charge solid fish spread"
// private val context = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().context
// private val initializer = Initializer(context, host, port, "ReorgHandlingTests")
// private lateinit var synchronizer: Synchronizer
// private lateinit var sithLord: DarksideApi
// @BeforeClass
// @JvmStatic
// fun startOnce() {
// sithLord = DarksideApi(context, host, port)
// enterTheDarkside()
// // don't start until after we enter the darkside (otherwise the we find no blocks to begin with and sleep for an interval)
// synchronizer.start(classScope)
// }
// private fun enterTheDarkside() = runBlocking<Unit> {
// // verify that we are on the darkside
// try {
// twig("entering the darkside")
// var info = synchronizer.getServerInfo()
// assertTrue(
// "Error: not on the darkside",
// info.chainName.contains("darkside")
// or info.vendor.toLowerCase().contains("darkside", true)
// )
// twig("initiating the darkside")
// sithLord.initiate(birthdayHeight + 10)
// info = synchronizer.getServerInfo()
// assertTrue(
// "Error: server not configured for the darkside. Expected initial height of" +
// " $birthdayHeight but found ${info.blockHeight}", birthdayHeight <= info.blockHeight)
// twig("darkside initiation complete!")
// } catch (error: StatusRuntimeException) {
// fail("Error while fetching server status. Testing cannot begin due to:" +
// " ${error.message}. Verify that the server is running")
// }
// }
// }
// /*
// beginning to process new blocks (with lower bound: 663050)...
// downloading blocks in range 663202..663202
// found 1 missing blocks, downloading in 1 batches of 100...
// downloaded 663202..663202 (batch 1 of 1) [663202..663202] | 10ms
// validating blocks in range 663202..663202 in db: /data/user/0/cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.test/databases/ReorgTest22_Cache.db
// offset = min(100, 10 * (1)) = 10
// lowerBound = max(663201 - 10, 663050) = 663191
// handling chain error at 663201 by rewinding to block 663191
// chain error detected at height: 663201. Rewinding to: 663191
// beginning to process new blocks (with lower bound: 663050)...
// downloading blocks in range 663192..663202
// found 11 missing blocks, downloading in 1 batches of 100...
// downloaded 663192..663202 (batch 1 of 1) [663192..663202] | 8ms
// validating blocks in range 663192..663202 in db: /data/user/0/cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.test/databases/ReorgTest22_Cache.db
// offset = min(100, 10 * (2)) = 20
// lowerBound = max(663191 - 20, 663050) = 663171
// handling chain error at 663191 by rewinding to block 663171
// chain error detected at height: 663191. Rewinding to: 663171
// beginning to process new blocks (with lower bound: 663050)...
// downloading blocks in range 663172..663202
// found 31 missing blocks, downloading in 1 batches of 100...
// downloaded 663172..663202 (batch 1 of 1) [663172..663202] | 15ms
// validating blocks in range 663172..663202 in db: /data/user/0/cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.test/databases/ReorgTest22_Cache.db
// scanning blocks for range 663172..663202 in batches
// batch scanned: 663202/663202
// batch scan complete!
// Successfully processed new blocks. Sleeping for 20000ms
// */
// //
// // @Test
// // fun testHeightChange() {
// // setTargetHeight(targetHeight)
// // synchronizer.validateSyncedTo(targetHeight)
// // }
// //
// // @Test
// // fun testSmallReorgSync() {
// // verifyReorgSync(smallReorgSize)
// // }
// //
// // @Test
// // fun testSmallReorgCallback() {
// // verifyReorgCallback(smallReorgSize)
// // }
// //
// // @Test
// // fun testLargeReorgSync() {
// // verifyReorgSync(largeReorgSize)
// // }
// //
// // @Test
// // fun testLargeReorgCallback() {
// // verifyReorgCallback(largeReorgSize)
// // }
// //
// //
// // //
// // // Helper Functions
// // //
// //
// // fun verifyReorgSync(reorgSize: Int) {
// // setTargetHeight(targetHeight)
// // synchronizer.validateSyncedTo(targetHeight)
// // getHash(targetHeight).let { initialHash ->
// // setReorgHeight(targetHeight - reorgSize)
// // synchronizer.validateSyncedTo(targetHeight)
// // assertNotEquals("Hash should change after a reorg", initialHash, getHash(targetHeight))
// // }
// // }
// //
// // fun verifyReorgCallback(reorgSize: Int) {
// // setTargetHeight(targetHeight)
// // synchronizer.validateSyncedTo(targetHeight)
// // getHash(targetHeight).let { initialHash ->
// // setReorgHeight(targetHeight - 10)
// // synchronizer.validateReorgCallback()
// // }
// // }
// }