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2019-03-30 09:22:20 -07:00
[zcash-android-wallet-sdk](../../index.md) / [cash.z.wallet.sdk.data](../index.md) / [Twig](./index.md)
# Twig
`interface Twig`
A tiny log.
### Functions
| Name | Summary |
| [plus](plus.md) | `open operator fun plus(twig: `[`Twig`](./index.md)`): `[`Twig`](./index.md) |
| [twig](twig.md) | `abstract fun twig(logMessage: `[`String`](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-string/index.html)` = ""): `[`Unit`](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-unit/index.html) |
### Companion Object Functions
| Name | Summary |
| [clip](clip.md) | `fun clip(leaf: Leaf): `[`Boolean`](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-boolean/index.html)<br>Clip a leaf from the bush. Clipped leaves no longer appear in logs. |
| [plant](plant.md) | `fun plant(rootTwig: `[`Twig`](./index.md)`): `[`Unit`](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-unit/index.html)<br>Plants the twig, making it the one and only bush. Twigs can be bundled together to create the appearance of multiple bushes (i.e `Twig.plant(twigA + twigB + twigC)`) even though there's only ever one bush. |
| [sprout](sprout.md) | `fun sprout(leaf: Leaf): `[`Boolean`](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-boolean/index.html)<br>Generate a leaf on the bush. Leaves show up in every log message as tags until they are clipped. |
### Extension Functions
| Name | Summary |
| [twigTask](../twig-task.md) | `fun <R> `[`Twig`](./index.md)`.twigTask(logMessage: `[`String`](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-string/index.html)`, block: () -> `[`R`](../twig-task.md#R)`): `[`R`](../twig-task.md#R)<br>A tiny log task. Execute the block of code with some twigging around the outside. For silent twigs, this adds a small amount of overhead at the call site but still avoids logging. |
### Inheritors
| Name | Summary |
| [ActiveTransactionManager](../-active-transaction-manager/index.md) | `class ActiveTransactionManager : CoroutineScope, `[`Twig`](./index.md)<br>Manages active send/receive transactions. These are transactions that have been initiated but not completed with sufficient confirmations. All other transactions are stored in a separate [TransactionRepository](../-transaction-repository/index.md). |
| [CompactBlockProcessor](../-compact-block-processor/index.md) | `class CompactBlockProcessor : `[`Twig`](./index.md)<br>Responsible for processing the blocks on the stream. Saves them to the cacheDb and periodically scans for transactions. |
| [CompactBlockStream](../-compact-block-stream/index.md) | `class CompactBlockStream : `[`Twig`](./index.md)<br>Serves as a source of compact blocks received from the light wallet server. Once started, it will request all the appropriate blocks and then stream them into the channel returned when calling [start](../-compact-block-stream/start.md). |
| [CompositeTwig](../-composite-twig/index.md) | `open class CompositeTwig : `[`Twig`](./index.md)<br>Since there can only ever be one trunk on the bush of twigs, this class lets you cheat and make that trunk be a bundle of twigs. |
| [SilentTwig](../-silent-twig/index.md) | `class SilentTwig : `[`Twig`](./index.md)<br>A tiny log that does nothing. No one hears this twig fall in the woods. |
| [TroubleshootingTwig](../-troubleshooting-twig/index.md) | `open class TroubleshootingTwig : `[`Twig`](./index.md)<br>A tiny log for detecting troubles. Aim at your troubles and pull the twigger. |