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package cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.demoapp
import android.app.Application
import androidx.lifecycle.AndroidViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import cash.z.ecc.android.bip39.Mnemonics
import cash.z.ecc.android.bip39.toSeed
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.Synchronizer
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.demoapp.util.fromResources
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.ext.onFirst
2023-02-06 14:36:28 -08:00
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.Twig
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.BlockHeight
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.ZcashNetwork
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.defaultForNetwork
[#615] Refactor lightwalletd client * [#615] Refactor lightwalletd client This moves the lightwalletd client code to a separate Gradle module, but does not yet do much clean up the public API (e.g. hiding generated GRPC objects). That will be a followon change via #673 I’ve prototyped a safer version of the API that would be implemented for #673 for two specific calls: obtaining the current block height and obtaining the light wallet info. These were the easiest endpoints to update and they provide a useful exploration for the future changes needed. * Fix benchmarking for networking module - Moved to fixture and build type check components to the new networking module, so it's accessible from all needed parts of the projects - Changed fixture return type to fit to all needed usages * Align with previous review comment * Fix wrong merge * Add basic sanity test - To satisfy tests requirements on emulators.wtf service * Remove grpc dependency from sdk-lib module * Repackage cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc to cash.z.wallet.sdk.internal.rpc * Fix BuildConfig path * Update demo-app paths to rpc * Fix broken grpc services locations - Our aim here is to change only the local services location (package name), the server location can't be changed due to backward compatibility. * Enhance GRPC Response model * Adopt enhanced GRPC response model - Adopted in a few endpoints * Enhance Connection failure type * Add simple fixture test * Refactor fetchTransaction() to work with Response - Refactored this server call to adopt our new Response mechanism - GrpsStatusResolver.resolveFailureFromStatus() now accepts Throwable input - Added Response.Failure.toThrowable() to satisfy subsequent server calls results processing - A few other minor refactoring changes * Remove commented out log * Unify return type of collection returning methods - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Sequence instead of List - Added a check on empty tAddress input * fetchUtxos returns flow - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Flow of Service.GetAddressUtxosReply - Internally it calls getAddressUtxosStream() instead of getAddressUtxos() from GRPC layer * Update unsafe suffix documentation * Address several minor change requests * Remove code parameter - Removed from the locally triggered failures with default codes. * Rename local variable * Switch from empty response to exception - Our server calls now rather throw IllegalArgumentException than return an empty response - Removed commented out log message - Updated javadocs * Update proto files - Plus related api changes adoption * Unify new clients instances name * AGP 7.4.0 changes - packagingOptions -> androidComponents in sdk-lib and lightwallet-client-lib modules * SDK version bump * Response resolver tests * Release build upload timeout increase * Release build upload timeout increase fix * Revert timeout - As Github has some infrastructure troubles and we need to wait * Add migrations documentation * Sort packaging filters * Remove private field from public documentation * Hide private variables * Remove package from Android Manifest * Throw exception instead of custom error - This step unify our approach to validation on client side across all server calls * Replace setAddresses index const with number * Fix indentation in proto file --------- Co-authored-by: Honza <rychnovsky.honza@gmail.com>
2023-02-01 02:14:55 -08:00
import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.ext.BenchmarkingExt
import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.fixture.BlockRangeFixture
import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.model.LightWalletEndpoint
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.awaitClose
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharingStarted
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.callbackFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.filter
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.filterIsInstance
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flatMapLatest
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flowOf
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.map
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.stateIn
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import java.util.UUID
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds
* Shared mutable state for the demo
class SharedViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
[#366] Fix Detekt warnings * Disable baseline file. Too many functions. * CurrencyFormatter.kt suppress too many functions * PersistentTransactionManager.kt suppress too many functions * OutboundTransactionManager suppress too many functions * Suppress long parameter list * Too many functions * Add log to avoid empty block warning * Fix several magic number warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Suppress too long method warnings * Suppress too complex method warnings * Suppress large class warning * Fixed empty catch block * Changed directory path to the file * Fix too generic and swallowed exception * Fix print stack trace warning * Suppressed single top level file name declaration * Change parameters name * Suppress Spread operator warning * Remove unused private code * Add Locale to suppress default locale used warning * Solve several forbidden TODOs warnings * Fixed another max line length warning * Simplify return statement * Suppress class to object change * Make DemoConstants variables const * Use error() instead of throwing an IllegalStateException * Solve too complex condition * Suppress intentionally generic and swallowed exception * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught * Solve or suppress several TooGenericExceptionCaught * Fix swallowed exception * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of PersistentTransactionManager * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of WalletTransactionEncoder * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught of SdkSynchronizer * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in SaplingParamTool * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockDownloader * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CheckpointTool * Fix TooGenericExceptionCaught in WalletService * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in DerivedDataDb * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockProcessor * Apply ktlint format after all the previous changes * Remove detekt baseline file * Set Android studio right margin * Address comments from review * Suppress failing tests on CI
2022-08-23 06:49:00 -07:00
private val _seedPhrase = MutableStateFlow(DemoConstants.INITIAL_SEED_WORDS)
private val _blockHeight = MutableStateFlow<BlockHeight?>(
runBlocking {
// publicly, this is read-only
val seedPhrase: StateFlow<String> get() = _seedPhrase
// publicly, this is read-only
val birthdayHeight: StateFlow<BlockHeight?> get() = _blockHeight
private val lockoutMutex = Mutex()
private val lockoutIdFlow = MutableStateFlow<UUID?>(null)
private val synchronizerOrLockout: Flow<InternalSynchronizerStatus> = lockoutIdFlow.flatMapLatest { lockoutId ->
if (null != lockoutId) {
} else {
callbackFlow<InternalSynchronizerStatus> {
// Use a BIP-39 library to convert a seed phrase into a byte array. Most wallets already
// have the seed stored
val seedBytes = Mnemonics.MnemonicCode(seedPhrase.value).toSeed()
val network = ZcashNetwork.fromResources(application)
val synchronizer = Synchronizer.new(
lightWalletEndpoint = LightWalletEndpoint.defaultForNetwork(network),
seed = seedBytes,
birthday = if (BenchmarkingExt.isBenchmarking()) {
[#615] Refactor lightwalletd client * [#615] Refactor lightwalletd client This moves the lightwalletd client code to a separate Gradle module, but does not yet do much clean up the public API (e.g. hiding generated GRPC objects). That will be a followon change via #673 I’ve prototyped a safer version of the API that would be implemented for #673 for two specific calls: obtaining the current block height and obtaining the light wallet info. These were the easiest endpoints to update and they provide a useful exploration for the future changes needed. * Fix benchmarking for networking module - Moved to fixture and build type check components to the new networking module, so it's accessible from all needed parts of the projects - Changed fixture return type to fit to all needed usages * Align with previous review comment * Fix wrong merge * Add basic sanity test - To satisfy tests requirements on emulators.wtf service * Remove grpc dependency from sdk-lib module * Repackage cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc to cash.z.wallet.sdk.internal.rpc * Fix BuildConfig path * Update demo-app paths to rpc * Fix broken grpc services locations - Our aim here is to change only the local services location (package name), the server location can't be changed due to backward compatibility. * Enhance GRPC Response model * Adopt enhanced GRPC response model - Adopted in a few endpoints * Enhance Connection failure type * Add simple fixture test * Refactor fetchTransaction() to work with Response - Refactored this server call to adopt our new Response mechanism - GrpsStatusResolver.resolveFailureFromStatus() now accepts Throwable input - Added Response.Failure.toThrowable() to satisfy subsequent server calls results processing - A few other minor refactoring changes * Remove commented out log * Unify return type of collection returning methods - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Sequence instead of List - Added a check on empty tAddress input * fetchUtxos returns flow - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Flow of Service.GetAddressUtxosReply - Internally it calls getAddressUtxosStream() instead of getAddressUtxos() from GRPC layer * Update unsafe suffix documentation * Address several minor change requests * Remove code parameter - Removed from the locally triggered failures with default codes. * Rename local variable * Switch from empty response to exception - Our server calls now rather throw IllegalArgumentException than return an empty response - Removed commented out log message - Updated javadocs * Update proto files - Plus related api changes adoption * Unify new clients instances name * AGP 7.4.0 changes - packagingOptions -> androidComponents in sdk-lib and lightwallet-client-lib modules * SDK version bump * Response resolver tests * Release build upload timeout increase * Release build upload timeout increase fix * Revert timeout - As Github has some infrastructure troubles and we need to wait * Add migrations documentation * Sort packaging filters * Remove private field from public documentation * Hide private variables * Remove package from Android Manifest * Throw exception instead of custom error - This step unify our approach to validation on client side across all server calls * Replace setAddresses index const with number * Fix indentation in proto file --------- Co-authored-by: Honza <rychnovsky.honza@gmail.com>
2023-02-01 02:14:55 -08:00
BlockHeight.new(ZcashNetwork.Mainnet, BlockRangeFixture.new().start)
} else {
awaitClose {
// Note that seed and birthday shouldn't be changed once a synchronizer is first collected
val synchronizerFlow: StateFlow<Synchronizer?> = synchronizerOrLockout.map {
when (it) {
is InternalSynchronizerStatus.Available -> it.synchronizer
is InternalSynchronizerStatus.Lockout -> null
SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(DEFAULT_ANDROID_STATE_TIMEOUT.inWholeMilliseconds, 0),
initialValue =
fun updateSeedPhrase(newPhrase: String?): Boolean {
return if (isValidSeedPhrase(newPhrase)) {
_seedPhrase.value = newPhrase!!
} else {
fun resetSDK() {
viewModelScope.launch {
lockoutMutex.withLock {
val lockoutId = UUID.randomUUID()
lockoutIdFlow.value = lockoutId
.filter { it.id == lockoutId }
.onFirst {
val didDelete = Synchronizer.erase(
appContext = getApplication(),
network = ZcashNetwork.fromResources(getApplication())
2023-02-06 14:36:28 -08:00
Twig.debug { "SDK erase result: $didDelete" }
lockoutIdFlow.value = null
private fun isValidSeedPhrase(phrase: String?): Boolean {
[#366] Fix Detekt warnings * Disable baseline file. Too many functions. * CurrencyFormatter.kt suppress too many functions * PersistentTransactionManager.kt suppress too many functions * OutboundTransactionManager suppress too many functions * Suppress long parameter list * Too many functions * Add log to avoid empty block warning * Fix several magic number warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Suppress too long method warnings * Suppress too complex method warnings * Suppress large class warning * Fixed empty catch block * Changed directory path to the file * Fix too generic and swallowed exception * Fix print stack trace warning * Suppressed single top level file name declaration * Change parameters name * Suppress Spread operator warning * Remove unused private code * Add Locale to suppress default locale used warning * Solve several forbidden TODOs warnings * Fixed another max line length warning * Simplify return statement * Suppress class to object change * Make DemoConstants variables const * Use error() instead of throwing an IllegalStateException * Solve too complex condition * Suppress intentionally generic and swallowed exception * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught * Solve or suppress several TooGenericExceptionCaught * Fix swallowed exception * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of PersistentTransactionManager * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of WalletTransactionEncoder * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught of SdkSynchronizer * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in SaplingParamTool * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockDownloader * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CheckpointTool * Fix TooGenericExceptionCaught in WalletService * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in DerivedDataDb * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockProcessor * Apply ktlint format after all the previous changes * Remove detekt baseline file * Set Android studio right margin * Address comments from review * Suppress failing tests on CI
2022-08-23 06:49:00 -07:00
if (phrase.isNullOrEmpty()) {
return false
return try {
[#366] Fix Detekt warnings * Disable baseline file. Too many functions. * CurrencyFormatter.kt suppress too many functions * PersistentTransactionManager.kt suppress too many functions * OutboundTransactionManager suppress too many functions * Suppress long parameter list * Too many functions * Add log to avoid empty block warning * Fix several magic number warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Suppress too long method warnings * Suppress too complex method warnings * Suppress large class warning * Fixed empty catch block * Changed directory path to the file * Fix too generic and swallowed exception * Fix print stack trace warning * Suppressed single top level file name declaration * Change parameters name * Suppress Spread operator warning * Remove unused private code * Add Locale to suppress default locale used warning * Solve several forbidden TODOs warnings * Fixed another max line length warning * Simplify return statement * Suppress class to object change * Make DemoConstants variables const * Use error() instead of throwing an IllegalStateException * Solve too complex condition * Suppress intentionally generic and swallowed exception * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught * Solve or suppress several TooGenericExceptionCaught * Fix swallowed exception * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of PersistentTransactionManager * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of WalletTransactionEncoder * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught of SdkSynchronizer * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in SaplingParamTool * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockDownloader * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CheckpointTool * Fix TooGenericExceptionCaught in WalletService * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in DerivedDataDb * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockProcessor * Apply ktlint format after all the previous changes * Remove detekt baseline file * Set Android studio right margin * Address comments from review * Suppress failing tests on CI
2022-08-23 06:49:00 -07:00
} catch (e: Mnemonics.WordCountException) {
2023-02-06 14:36:28 -08:00
Twig.debug { "Seed phrase validation failed with WordCountException: ${e.message}, cause: ${e.cause}" }
[#366] Fix Detekt warnings * Disable baseline file. Too many functions. * CurrencyFormatter.kt suppress too many functions * PersistentTransactionManager.kt suppress too many functions * OutboundTransactionManager suppress too many functions * Suppress long parameter list * Too many functions * Add log to avoid empty block warning * Fix several magic number warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Suppress too long method warnings * Suppress too complex method warnings * Suppress large class warning * Fixed empty catch block * Changed directory path to the file * Fix too generic and swallowed exception * Fix print stack trace warning * Suppressed single top level file name declaration * Change parameters name * Suppress Spread operator warning * Remove unused private code * Add Locale to suppress default locale used warning * Solve several forbidden TODOs warnings * Fixed another max line length warning * Simplify return statement * Suppress class to object change * Make DemoConstants variables const * Use error() instead of throwing an IllegalStateException * Solve too complex condition * Suppress intentionally generic and swallowed exception * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught * Solve or suppress several TooGenericExceptionCaught * Fix swallowed exception * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of PersistentTransactionManager * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of WalletTransactionEncoder * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught of SdkSynchronizer * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in SaplingParamTool * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockDownloader * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CheckpointTool * Fix TooGenericExceptionCaught in WalletService * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in DerivedDataDb * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockProcessor * Apply ktlint format after all the previous changes * Remove detekt baseline file * Set Android studio right margin * Address comments from review * Suppress failing tests on CI
2022-08-23 06:49:00 -07:00
} catch (e: Mnemonics.InvalidWordException) {
2023-02-06 14:36:28 -08:00
Twig.debug { "Seed phrase validation failed with InvalidWordException: ${e.message}, cause: ${e.cause}" }
[#366] Fix Detekt warnings * Disable baseline file. Too many functions. * CurrencyFormatter.kt suppress too many functions * PersistentTransactionManager.kt suppress too many functions * OutboundTransactionManager suppress too many functions * Suppress long parameter list * Too many functions * Add log to avoid empty block warning * Fix several magic number warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Suppress too long method warnings * Suppress too complex method warnings * Suppress large class warning * Fixed empty catch block * Changed directory path to the file * Fix too generic and swallowed exception * Fix print stack trace warning * Suppressed single top level file name declaration * Change parameters name * Suppress Spread operator warning * Remove unused private code * Add Locale to suppress default locale used warning * Solve several forbidden TODOs warnings * Fixed another max line length warning * Simplify return statement * Suppress class to object change * Make DemoConstants variables const * Use error() instead of throwing an IllegalStateException * Solve too complex condition * Suppress intentionally generic and swallowed exception * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught * Solve or suppress several TooGenericExceptionCaught * Fix swallowed exception * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of PersistentTransactionManager * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of WalletTransactionEncoder * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught of SdkSynchronizer * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in SaplingParamTool * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockDownloader * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CheckpointTool * Fix TooGenericExceptionCaught in WalletService * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in DerivedDataDb * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockProcessor * Apply ktlint format after all the previous changes * Remove detekt baseline file * Set Android studio right margin * Address comments from review * Suppress failing tests on CI
2022-08-23 06:49:00 -07:00
} catch (e: Mnemonics.ChecksumException) {
2023-02-06 14:36:28 -08:00
Twig.debug { "Seed phrase validation failed with ChecksumException: ${e.message}, cause: ${e.cause}" }
[#366] Fix Detekt warnings * Disable baseline file. Too many functions. * CurrencyFormatter.kt suppress too many functions * PersistentTransactionManager.kt suppress too many functions * OutboundTransactionManager suppress too many functions * Suppress long parameter list * Too many functions * Add log to avoid empty block warning * Fix several magic number warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Solve max line length warnings * Suppress too long method warnings * Suppress too complex method warnings * Suppress large class warning * Fixed empty catch block * Changed directory path to the file * Fix too generic and swallowed exception * Fix print stack trace warning * Suppressed single top level file name declaration * Change parameters name * Suppress Spread operator warning * Remove unused private code * Add Locale to suppress default locale used warning * Solve several forbidden TODOs warnings * Fixed another max line length warning * Simplify return statement * Suppress class to object change * Make DemoConstants variables const * Use error() instead of throwing an IllegalStateException * Solve too complex condition * Suppress intentionally generic and swallowed exception * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught * Solve or suppress several TooGenericExceptionCaught * Fix swallowed exception * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of PersistentTransactionManager * Suppress warning TooGenericExceptionCaught of WalletTransactionEncoder * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught of SdkSynchronizer * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in SaplingParamTool * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockDownloader * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CheckpointTool * Fix TooGenericExceptionCaught in WalletService * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in DerivedDataDb * Suppress TooGenericExceptionCaught in CompactBlockProcessor * Apply ktlint format after all the previous changes * Remove detekt baseline file * Set Android studio right margin * Address comments from review * Suppress failing tests on CI
2022-08-23 06:49:00 -07:00
private sealed class InternalSynchronizerStatus {
class Available(val synchronizer: Synchronizer) : InternalSynchronizerStatus()
class Lockout(val id: UUID) : InternalSynchronizerStatus()
companion object {
private val DEFAULT_ANDROID_STATE_TIMEOUT = 5.seconds