
277 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

pluginManagement {
repositories {
val isRepoRestrictionEnabled = true
mavenCentral {
if (isRepoRestrictionEnabled) {
content {
plugins {
2022-01-26 04:27:04 -08:00
val androidGradlePluginVersion = extra["ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN_VERSION"].toString()
val detektVersion = extra["DETEKT_VERSION"].toString()
val dokkaVersion = extra["DOKKA_VERSION"].toString()
val emulatorWtfGradlePluginVersion = extra["EMULATOR_WTF_GRADLE_PLUGIN_VERSION"].toString()
2022-04-05 05:05:32 -07:00
val fulladleVersion = extra["FULLADLE_VERSION"].toString()
val gradleVersionsPluginVersion = extra["GRADLE_VERSIONS_PLUGIN_VERSION"].toString()
val kotlinVersion = extra["KOTLIN_VERSION"].toString()
val kspVersion = extra["KSP_VERSION"].toString()
val protobufVersion = extra["PROTOBUF_GRADLE_PLUGIN_VERSION"].toString()
val toolchainResolverVersion = extra["FOOJAY_TOOLCHAIN_RESOLVER_VERSION"].toString()
2022-01-26 04:27:04 -08:00
id("com.android.application") version (androidGradlePluginVersion) apply (false)
id("com.android.library") version (androidGradlePluginVersion) apply (false)
id("com.android.test") version (androidGradlePluginVersion) apply (false)
id("com.github.ben-manes.versions") version (gradleVersionsPluginVersion) apply (false)
id("com.google.devtools.ksp") version(kspVersion) apply (false)
id("com.google.protobuf") version (protobufVersion) apply (false)
id("com.osacky.fulladle") version (fulladleVersion) apply (false)
id("io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt") version (detektVersion) apply (false)
id("org.gradle.toolchains.foojay-resolver-convention") version(toolchainResolverVersion) apply (false)
id("org.jetbrains.dokka") version (dokkaVersion) apply (false)
2022-01-26 04:27:04 -08:00
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.android") version (kotlinVersion) apply (false)
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.allopen") version (kotlinVersion) apply (false)
id("wtf.emulator.gradle") version (emulatorWtfGradlePluginVersion) apply (false)
plugins {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
val isRepoRestrictionEnabled = true
maven("https://maven.emulator.wtf/releases/") {
if (isRepoRestrictionEnabled) {
content {
@Suppress("UnstableApiUsage", "MaxLineLength")
versionCatalogs {
create("libs") {
val androidGradlePluginVersion = extra["ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxActivityVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_ACTIVITY_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxAnnotationVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_ANNOTATION_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxAppcompatVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_APPCOMPAT_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxComposeCompilerVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_COMPOSE_COMPILER_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxComposeMaterial3Version = extra["ANDROIDX_COMPOSE_MATERIAL3_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxComposeMaterialIconsVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_COMPOSE_MATERIAL_ICONS_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxComposeVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_COMPOSE_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxConstraintLayoutVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxCoreVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_CORE_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxDatabaseVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_DATABASE_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxEspressoVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_ESPRESSO_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxLifecycleVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_LIFECYCLE_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxMultidexVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_MULTIDEX_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxNavigationVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_NAVIGATION_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxNavigationComposeVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_NAVIGATION_COMPOSE_VERSION"].toString()
2022-12-14 07:49:13 -08:00
val androidxNavigationFragmentVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_NAVIGATION_FRAGMENT_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxPagingVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_PAGING_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxProfileInstallerVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_PROFILE_INSTALLER_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxRoomVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_ROOM_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxSecurityCryptoVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_SECURITY_CRYPTO_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxTestJunitVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_TEST_JUNIT_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxTestMacrobenchmarkVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_TEST_MACROBENCHMARK_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxTestOrchestratorVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_TEST_ORCHESTRATOR_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxTestCoreVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_TEST_CORE_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxTestRunnerVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_TEST_RUNNER_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxTracingVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_TRACING_VERSION"].toString()
val androidxUiAutomatorVersion = extra["ANDROIDX_UI_AUTOMATOR_VERSION"].toString()
val bip39Version = extra["BIP39_VERSION"].toString()
val coroutinesOkhttpVersion = extra["COROUTINES_OKHTTP"].toString()
2022-04-05 05:05:32 -07:00
val flankVersion = extra["FLANK_VERSION"].toString()
val googleMaterialVersion = extra["GOOGLE_MATERIAL_VERSION"].toString()
[#615] Refactor lightwalletd client * [#615] Refactor lightwalletd client This moves the lightwalletd client code to a separate Gradle module, but does not yet do much clean up the public API (e.g. hiding generated GRPC objects). That will be a followon change via #673 I’ve prototyped a safer version of the API that would be implemented for #673 for two specific calls: obtaining the current block height and obtaining the light wallet info. These were the easiest endpoints to update and they provide a useful exploration for the future changes needed. * Fix benchmarking for networking module - Moved to fixture and build type check components to the new networking module, so it's accessible from all needed parts of the projects - Changed fixture return type to fit to all needed usages * Align with previous review comment * Fix wrong merge * Add basic sanity test - To satisfy tests requirements on emulators.wtf service * Remove grpc dependency from sdk-lib module * Repackage cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc to cash.z.wallet.sdk.internal.rpc * Fix BuildConfig path * Update demo-app paths to rpc * Fix broken grpc services locations - Our aim here is to change only the local services location (package name), the server location can't be changed due to backward compatibility. * Enhance GRPC Response model * Adopt enhanced GRPC response model - Adopted in a few endpoints * Enhance Connection failure type * Add simple fixture test * Refactor fetchTransaction() to work with Response - Refactored this server call to adopt our new Response mechanism - GrpsStatusResolver.resolveFailureFromStatus() now accepts Throwable input - Added Response.Failure.toThrowable() to satisfy subsequent server calls results processing - A few other minor refactoring changes * Remove commented out log * Unify return type of collection returning methods - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Sequence instead of List - Added a check on empty tAddress input * fetchUtxos returns flow - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Flow of Service.GetAddressUtxosReply - Internally it calls getAddressUtxosStream() instead of getAddressUtxos() from GRPC layer * Update unsafe suffix documentation * Address several minor change requests * Remove code parameter - Removed from the locally triggered failures with default codes. * Rename local variable * Switch from empty response to exception - Our server calls now rather throw IllegalArgumentException than return an empty response - Removed commented out log message - Updated javadocs * Update proto files - Plus related api changes adoption * Unify new clients instances name * AGP 7.4.0 changes - packagingOptions -> androidComponents in sdk-lib and lightwallet-client-lib modules * SDK version bump * Response resolver tests * Release build upload timeout increase * Release build upload timeout increase fix * Revert timeout - As Github has some infrastructure troubles and we need to wait * Add migrations documentation * Sort packaging filters * Remove private field from public documentation * Hide private variables * Remove package from Android Manifest * Throw exception instead of custom error - This step unify our approach to validation on client side across all server calls * Replace setAddresses index const with number * Fix indentation in proto file --------- Co-authored-by: Honza <rychnovsky.honza@gmail.com>
2023-02-01 02:14:55 -08:00
val grpcJavaVersion = extra["GRPC_VERSION"].toString()
val grpcKotlinVersion = extra["GRPC_KOTLIN_VERSION"].toString()
val gsonVersion = extra["GSON_VERSION"].toString()
val javaVersion = extra["ANDROID_JVM_TARGET"].toString()
val javaxAnnotationVersion = extra["JAVAX_ANNOTATION_VERSION"].toString()
val junitVersion = extra["JUNIT_VERSION"].toString()
val kotlinVersion = extra["KOTLIN_VERSION"].toString()
val kotlinxCoroutinesVersion = extra["KOTLINX_COROUTINES_VERSION"].toString()
val kotlinxDateTimeVersion = extra["KOTLINX_DATETIME_VERSION"].toString()
val mockitoKotlinVersion = extra["MOCKITO_KOTLIN_VERSION"].toString()
val mockitoVersion = extra["MOCKITO_VERSION"].toString()
val protocVersion = extra["PROTOC_VERSION"].toString()
val rustGradlePluginVersion = extra["RUST_GRADLE_PLUGIN_VERSION"].toString()
val zcashWalletPluginVersion = extra["ZCASH_WALLET_PLUGINS_VERSION"].toString()
// Standalone versions
2022-04-05 05:05:32 -07:00
version("flank", flankVersion)
[#615] Refactor lightwalletd client * [#615] Refactor lightwalletd client This moves the lightwalletd client code to a separate Gradle module, but does not yet do much clean up the public API (e.g. hiding generated GRPC objects). That will be a followon change via #673 I’ve prototyped a safer version of the API that would be implemented for #673 for two specific calls: obtaining the current block height and obtaining the light wallet info. These were the easiest endpoints to update and they provide a useful exploration for the future changes needed. * Fix benchmarking for networking module - Moved to fixture and build type check components to the new networking module, so it's accessible from all needed parts of the projects - Changed fixture return type to fit to all needed usages * Align with previous review comment * Fix wrong merge * Add basic sanity test - To satisfy tests requirements on emulators.wtf service * Remove grpc dependency from sdk-lib module * Repackage cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc to cash.z.wallet.sdk.internal.rpc * Fix BuildConfig path * Update demo-app paths to rpc * Fix broken grpc services locations - Our aim here is to change only the local services location (package name), the server location can't be changed due to backward compatibility. * Enhance GRPC Response model * Adopt enhanced GRPC response model - Adopted in a few endpoints * Enhance Connection failure type * Add simple fixture test * Refactor fetchTransaction() to work with Response - Refactored this server call to adopt our new Response mechanism - GrpsStatusResolver.resolveFailureFromStatus() now accepts Throwable input - Added Response.Failure.toThrowable() to satisfy subsequent server calls results processing - A few other minor refactoring changes * Remove commented out log * Unify return type of collection returning methods - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Sequence instead of List - Added a check on empty tAddress input * fetchUtxos returns flow - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Flow of Service.GetAddressUtxosReply - Internally it calls getAddressUtxosStream() instead of getAddressUtxos() from GRPC layer * Update unsafe suffix documentation * Address several minor change requests * Remove code parameter - Removed from the locally triggered failures with default codes. * Rename local variable * Switch from empty response to exception - Our server calls now rather throw IllegalArgumentException than return an empty response - Removed commented out log message - Updated javadocs * Update proto files - Plus related api changes adoption * Unify new clients instances name * AGP 7.4.0 changes - packagingOptions -> androidComponents in sdk-lib and lightwallet-client-lib modules * SDK version bump * Response resolver tests * Release build upload timeout increase * Release build upload timeout increase fix * Revert timeout - As Github has some infrastructure troubles and we need to wait * Add migrations documentation * Sort packaging filters * Remove private field from public documentation * Hide private variables * Remove package from Android Manifest * Throw exception instead of custom error - This step unify our approach to validation on client side across all server calls * Replace setAddresses index const with number * Fix indentation in proto file --------- Co-authored-by: Honza <rychnovsky.honza@gmail.com>
2023-02-01 02:14:55 -08:00
version("grpc", grpcJavaVersion)
version("java", javaVersion)
version("kotlin", kotlinVersion)
version("protoc", protocVersion)
// Aliases
// Gradle plugins
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("gradle-plugin-android", "com.android.tools.build:gradle:$androidGradlePluginVersion")
library("gradle-plugin-navigation", "androidx.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:$androidxNavigationVersion")
library("gradle-plugin-rust", "org.mozilla.rust-android-gradle:plugin:$rustGradlePluginVersion")
// Special cases used by the grpc gradle plugin
[#615] Refactor lightwalletd client * [#615] Refactor lightwalletd client This moves the lightwalletd client code to a separate Gradle module, but does not yet do much clean up the public API (e.g. hiding generated GRPC objects). That will be a followon change via #673 I’ve prototyped a safer version of the API that would be implemented for #673 for two specific calls: obtaining the current block height and obtaining the light wallet info. These were the easiest endpoints to update and they provide a useful exploration for the future changes needed. * Fix benchmarking for networking module - Moved to fixture and build type check components to the new networking module, so it's accessible from all needed parts of the projects - Changed fixture return type to fit to all needed usages * Align with previous review comment * Fix wrong merge * Add basic sanity test - To satisfy tests requirements on emulators.wtf service * Remove grpc dependency from sdk-lib module * Repackage cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc to cash.z.wallet.sdk.internal.rpc * Fix BuildConfig path * Update demo-app paths to rpc * Fix broken grpc services locations - Our aim here is to change only the local services location (package name), the server location can't be changed due to backward compatibility. * Enhance GRPC Response model * Adopt enhanced GRPC response model - Adopted in a few endpoints * Enhance Connection failure type * Add simple fixture test * Refactor fetchTransaction() to work with Response - Refactored this server call to adopt our new Response mechanism - GrpsStatusResolver.resolveFailureFromStatus() now accepts Throwable input - Added Response.Failure.toThrowable() to satisfy subsequent server calls results processing - A few other minor refactoring changes * Remove commented out log * Unify return type of collection returning methods - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Sequence instead of List - Added a check on empty tAddress input * fetchUtxos returns flow - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Flow of Service.GetAddressUtxosReply - Internally it calls getAddressUtxosStream() instead of getAddressUtxos() from GRPC layer * Update unsafe suffix documentation * Address several minor change requests * Remove code parameter - Removed from the locally triggered failures with default codes. * Rename local variable * Switch from empty response to exception - Our server calls now rather throw IllegalArgumentException than return an empty response - Removed commented out log message - Updated javadocs * Update proto files - Plus related api changes adoption * Unify new clients instances name * AGP 7.4.0 changes - packagingOptions -> androidComponents in sdk-lib and lightwallet-client-lib modules * SDK version bump * Response resolver tests * Release build upload timeout increase * Release build upload timeout increase fix * Revert timeout - As Github has some infrastructure troubles and we need to wait * Add migrations documentation * Sort packaging filters * Remove private field from public documentation * Hide private variables * Remove package from Android Manifest * Throw exception instead of custom error - This step unify our approach to validation on client side across all server calls * Replace setAddresses index const with number * Fix indentation in proto file --------- Co-authored-by: Honza <rychnovsky.honza@gmail.com>
2023-02-01 02:14:55 -08:00
library("protoc-compiler", "com.google.protobuf:protoc:$protocVersion")
library("protoc-gen-java", "io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:$grpcJavaVersion")
library("protoc-gen-kotlin", "io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-kotlin:$grpcKotlinVersion")
// Libraries
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("androidx-annotation", "androidx.annotation:annotation:$androidxAnnotationVersion")
library("androidx-activity-compose", "androidx.activity:activity-compose:$androidxActivityVersion")
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("androidx-appcompat", "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:$androidxAppcompatVersion")
library("androidx-constraintlayout", "androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:$androidxConstraintLayoutVersion")
library("androidx-core", "androidx.core:core-ktx:$androidxCoreVersion")
library("androidx-lifecycle-common", "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-common-java8:$androidxLifecycleVersion")
library("androidx-lifecycle-compose", "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-compose:$androidxLifecycleVersion")
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("androidx-lifecycle-runtime", "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx:$androidxLifecycleVersion")
library("androidx-multidex", "androidx.multidex:multidex:$androidxMultidexVersion")
library("androidx-navigation-compose", "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:$androidxNavigationComposeVersion")
2022-12-14 07:49:13 -08:00
library("androidx-navigation-fragment", "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:$androidxNavigationFragmentVersion")
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("androidx-navigation-ui", "androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:$androidxNavigationVersion")
library("androidx-paging", "androidx.paging:paging-runtime-ktx:$androidxPagingVersion")
library("androidx-profileinstaller", "androidx.profileinstaller:profileinstaller:$androidxProfileInstallerVersion")
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("androidx-room-compiler", "androidx.room:room-compiler:$androidxRoomVersion")
library("androidx-room-core", "androidx.room:room-ktx:$androidxRoomVersion")
library("androidx-sqlite", "androidx.sqlite:sqlite-ktx:${androidxDatabaseVersion}")
library("androidx-sqlite-framework", "androidx.sqlite:sqlite-framework:${androidxDatabaseVersion}")
library("androidx-viewmodel-compose", "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose:$androidxLifecycleVersion")
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("bip39", "cash.z.ecc.android:kotlin-bip39:$bip39Version")
[#615] Refactor lightwalletd client * [#615] Refactor lightwalletd client This moves the lightwalletd client code to a separate Gradle module, but does not yet do much clean up the public API (e.g. hiding generated GRPC objects). That will be a followon change via #673 I’ve prototyped a safer version of the API that would be implemented for #673 for two specific calls: obtaining the current block height and obtaining the light wallet info. These were the easiest endpoints to update and they provide a useful exploration for the future changes needed. * Fix benchmarking for networking module - Moved to fixture and build type check components to the new networking module, so it's accessible from all needed parts of the projects - Changed fixture return type to fit to all needed usages * Align with previous review comment * Fix wrong merge * Add basic sanity test - To satisfy tests requirements on emulators.wtf service * Remove grpc dependency from sdk-lib module * Repackage cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc to cash.z.wallet.sdk.internal.rpc * Fix BuildConfig path * Update demo-app paths to rpc * Fix broken grpc services locations - Our aim here is to change only the local services location (package name), the server location can't be changed due to backward compatibility. * Enhance GRPC Response model * Adopt enhanced GRPC response model - Adopted in a few endpoints * Enhance Connection failure type * Add simple fixture test * Refactor fetchTransaction() to work with Response - Refactored this server call to adopt our new Response mechanism - GrpsStatusResolver.resolveFailureFromStatus() now accepts Throwable input - Added Response.Failure.toThrowable() to satisfy subsequent server calls results processing - A few other minor refactoring changes * Remove commented out log * Unify return type of collection returning methods - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Sequence instead of List - Added a check on empty tAddress input * fetchUtxos returns flow - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Flow of Service.GetAddressUtxosReply - Internally it calls getAddressUtxosStream() instead of getAddressUtxos() from GRPC layer * Update unsafe suffix documentation * Address several minor change requests * Remove code parameter - Removed from the locally triggered failures with default codes. * Rename local variable * Switch from empty response to exception - Our server calls now rather throw IllegalArgumentException than return an empty response - Removed commented out log message - Updated javadocs * Update proto files - Plus related api changes adoption * Unify new clients instances name * AGP 7.4.0 changes - packagingOptions -> androidComponents in sdk-lib and lightwallet-client-lib modules * SDK version bump * Response resolver tests * Release build upload timeout increase * Release build upload timeout increase fix * Revert timeout - As Github has some infrastructure troubles and we need to wait * Add migrations documentation * Sort packaging filters * Remove private field from public documentation * Hide private variables * Remove package from Android Manifest * Throw exception instead of custom error - This step unify our approach to validation on client side across all server calls * Replace setAddresses index const with number * Fix indentation in proto file --------- Co-authored-by: Honza <rychnovsky.honza@gmail.com>
2023-02-01 02:14:55 -08:00
library("grpc-android", "io.grpc:grpc-android:$grpcJavaVersion")
library("grpc-kotlin", "com.google.protobuf:protobuf-kotlin-lite:$protocVersion")
library("grpc-kotlin-stub", "io.grpc:grpc-kotlin-stub:$grpcKotlinVersion")
library("grpc-okhttp", "io.grpc:grpc-okhttp:$grpcJavaVersion")
library("grpc-protobuf", "io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite:$grpcJavaVersion")
library("grpc-stub", "io.grpc:grpc-stub:$grpcJavaVersion")
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("gson", "com.google.code.gson:gson:$gsonVersion")
library("javax-annotation", "javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api:$javaxAnnotationVersion")
library("kotlin-reflect", "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlinVersion")
2023-01-17 13:00:51 -08:00
library("kotlin-stdlib", "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlinVersion")
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("kotlinx-coroutines-android", "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:$kotlinxCoroutinesVersion")
library("kotlinx-coroutines-core", "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:$kotlinxCoroutinesVersion")
library("kotlinx-datetime", "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-datetime:$kotlinxDateTimeVersion")
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("material", "com.google.android.material:material:$googleMaterialVersion")
library("zcashwalletplgn", "com.github.zcash:zcash-android-wallet-plugins:$zcashWalletPluginVersion")
// Demo app
library("androidx-compose-foundation", "androidx.compose.foundation:foundation:$androidxComposeVersion")
library("androidx-compose-material3", "androidx.compose.material3:material3:$androidxComposeMaterial3Version")
library("androidx-compose-material-icons-core", "androidx.compose.material:material-icons-core:$androidxComposeMaterialIconsVersion")
library("androidx-compose-material-icons-extended", "androidx.compose.material:material-icons-extended:$androidxComposeMaterialIconsVersion")
library("androidx-compose-tooling", "androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling:$androidxComposeVersion")
library("androidx-compose-ui", "androidx.compose.ui:ui:$androidxComposeVersion")
library("androidx-compose-ui-fonts", "androidx.compose.ui:ui-text-google-fonts:$androidxComposeVersion")
library("androidx-compose-compiler", "androidx.compose.compiler:compiler:$androidxComposeCompilerVersion")
library("androidx-security-crypto", "androidx.security:security-crypto-ktx:$androidxSecurityCryptoVersion")
// Test libraries
library("androidx-compose-test-junit", "androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-junit4:$androidxComposeVersion")
library("androidx-compose-test-manifest", "androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest:$androidxComposeVersion")
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("androidx-espresso-contrib", "androidx.test.espresso:espresso-contrib:$androidxEspressoVersion")
library("androidx-espresso-core", "androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:$androidxEspressoVersion")
library("androidx-espresso-intents", "androidx.test.espresso:espresso-intents:$androidxEspressoVersion")
library("androidx-test-core", "androidx.test:core:$androidxTestCoreVersion")
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("androidx-test-junit", "androidx.test.ext:junit:$androidxTestJunitVersion")
library("androidx-test-macrobenchmark", "androidx.benchmark:benchmark-macro-junit4:$androidxTestMacrobenchmarkVersion")
library("androidx-test-runner", "androidx.test:runner:$androidxTestRunnerVersion")
library("androidx-test-orchestrator", "androidx.test:orchestrator:$androidxTestOrchestratorVersion")
library("androidx-tracing", "androidx.tracing:tracing:$androidxTracingVersion")
library("androidx-uiAutomator", "androidx.test.uiautomator:uiautomator:$androidxUiAutomatorVersion")
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("coroutines-okhttp", "ru.gildor.coroutines:kotlin-coroutines-okhttp:$coroutinesOkhttpVersion")
[#615] Refactor lightwalletd client * [#615] Refactor lightwalletd client This moves the lightwalletd client code to a separate Gradle module, but does not yet do much clean up the public API (e.g. hiding generated GRPC objects). That will be a followon change via #673 I’ve prototyped a safer version of the API that would be implemented for #673 for two specific calls: obtaining the current block height and obtaining the light wallet info. These were the easiest endpoints to update and they provide a useful exploration for the future changes needed. * Fix benchmarking for networking module - Moved to fixture and build type check components to the new networking module, so it's accessible from all needed parts of the projects - Changed fixture return type to fit to all needed usages * Align with previous review comment * Fix wrong merge * Add basic sanity test - To satisfy tests requirements on emulators.wtf service * Remove grpc dependency from sdk-lib module * Repackage cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc to cash.z.wallet.sdk.internal.rpc * Fix BuildConfig path * Update demo-app paths to rpc * Fix broken grpc services locations - Our aim here is to change only the local services location (package name), the server location can't be changed due to backward compatibility. * Enhance GRPC Response model * Adopt enhanced GRPC response model - Adopted in a few endpoints * Enhance Connection failure type * Add simple fixture test * Refactor fetchTransaction() to work with Response - Refactored this server call to adopt our new Response mechanism - GrpsStatusResolver.resolveFailureFromStatus() now accepts Throwable input - Added Response.Failure.toThrowable() to satisfy subsequent server calls results processing - A few other minor refactoring changes * Remove commented out log * Unify return type of collection returning methods - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Sequence instead of List - Added a check on empty tAddress input * fetchUtxos returns flow - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Flow of Service.GetAddressUtxosReply - Internally it calls getAddressUtxosStream() instead of getAddressUtxos() from GRPC layer * Update unsafe suffix documentation * Address several minor change requests * Remove code parameter - Removed from the locally triggered failures with default codes. * Rename local variable * Switch from empty response to exception - Our server calls now rather throw IllegalArgumentException than return an empty response - Removed commented out log message - Updated javadocs * Update proto files - Plus related api changes adoption * Unify new clients instances name * AGP 7.4.0 changes - packagingOptions -> androidComponents in sdk-lib and lightwallet-client-lib modules * SDK version bump * Response resolver tests * Release build upload timeout increase * Release build upload timeout increase fix * Revert timeout - As Github has some infrastructure troubles and we need to wait * Add migrations documentation * Sort packaging filters * Remove private field from public documentation * Hide private variables * Remove package from Android Manifest * Throw exception instead of custom error - This step unify our approach to validation on client side across all server calls * Replace setAddresses index const with number * Fix indentation in proto file --------- Co-authored-by: Honza <rychnovsky.honza@gmail.com>
2023-02-01 02:14:55 -08:00
library("grpc-testing", "io.grpc:grpc-testing:$grpcJavaVersion")
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("junit-api", "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:$junitVersion")
library("junit-engine", "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:$junitVersion")
library("junit-migration", "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-migrationsupport:$junitVersion")
library("kotlin-test", "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test:$kotlinVersion")
2022-04-04 07:44:18 -07:00
library("kotlinx-coroutines-test", "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test:$kotlinxCoroutinesVersion")
library("mockito-android", "org.mockito:mockito-android:$mockitoVersion")
library("mockito-junit", "org.mockito:mockito-junit-jupiter:$mockitoVersion")
library("mockito-kotlin", "com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2:mockito-kotlin:$mockitoKotlinVersion")
// Bundles
[#615] Refactor lightwalletd client * [#615] Refactor lightwalletd client This moves the lightwalletd client code to a separate Gradle module, but does not yet do much clean up the public API (e.g. hiding generated GRPC objects). That will be a followon change via #673 I’ve prototyped a safer version of the API that would be implemented for #673 for two specific calls: obtaining the current block height and obtaining the light wallet info. These were the easiest endpoints to update and they provide a useful exploration for the future changes needed. * Fix benchmarking for networking module - Moved to fixture and build type check components to the new networking module, so it's accessible from all needed parts of the projects - Changed fixture return type to fit to all needed usages * Align with previous review comment * Fix wrong merge * Add basic sanity test - To satisfy tests requirements on emulators.wtf service * Remove grpc dependency from sdk-lib module * Repackage cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc to cash.z.wallet.sdk.internal.rpc * Fix BuildConfig path * Update demo-app paths to rpc * Fix broken grpc services locations - Our aim here is to change only the local services location (package name), the server location can't be changed due to backward compatibility. * Enhance GRPC Response model * Adopt enhanced GRPC response model - Adopted in a few endpoints * Enhance Connection failure type * Add simple fixture test * Refactor fetchTransaction() to work with Response - Refactored this server call to adopt our new Response mechanism - GrpsStatusResolver.resolveFailureFromStatus() now accepts Throwable input - Added Response.Failure.toThrowable() to satisfy subsequent server calls results processing - A few other minor refactoring changes * Remove commented out log * Unify return type of collection returning methods - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Sequence instead of List - Added a check on empty tAddress input * fetchUtxos returns flow - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Flow of Service.GetAddressUtxosReply - Internally it calls getAddressUtxosStream() instead of getAddressUtxos() from GRPC layer * Update unsafe suffix documentation * Address several minor change requests * Remove code parameter - Removed from the locally triggered failures with default codes. * Rename local variable * Switch from empty response to exception - Our server calls now rather throw IllegalArgumentException than return an empty response - Removed commented out log message - Updated javadocs * Update proto files - Plus related api changes adoption * Unify new clients instances name * AGP 7.4.0 changes - packagingOptions -> androidComponents in sdk-lib and lightwallet-client-lib modules * SDK version bump * Response resolver tests * Release build upload timeout increase * Release build upload timeout increase fix * Revert timeout - As Github has some infrastructure troubles and we need to wait * Add migrations documentation * Sort packaging filters * Remove private field from public documentation * Hide private variables * Remove package from Android Manifest * Throw exception instead of custom error - This step unify our approach to validation on client side across all server calls * Replace setAddresses index const with number * Fix indentation in proto file --------- Co-authored-by: Honza <rychnovsky.honza@gmail.com>
2023-02-01 02:14:55 -08:00
rootProject.name = "zcash-android-sdk"
[#615] Refactor lightwalletd client * [#615] Refactor lightwalletd client This moves the lightwalletd client code to a separate Gradle module, but does not yet do much clean up the public API (e.g. hiding generated GRPC objects). That will be a followon change via #673 I’ve prototyped a safer version of the API that would be implemented for #673 for two specific calls: obtaining the current block height and obtaining the light wallet info. These were the easiest endpoints to update and they provide a useful exploration for the future changes needed. * Fix benchmarking for networking module - Moved to fixture and build type check components to the new networking module, so it's accessible from all needed parts of the projects - Changed fixture return type to fit to all needed usages * Align with previous review comment * Fix wrong merge * Add basic sanity test - To satisfy tests requirements on emulators.wtf service * Remove grpc dependency from sdk-lib module * Repackage cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc to cash.z.wallet.sdk.internal.rpc * Fix BuildConfig path * Update demo-app paths to rpc * Fix broken grpc services locations - Our aim here is to change only the local services location (package name), the server location can't be changed due to backward compatibility. * Enhance GRPC Response model * Adopt enhanced GRPC response model - Adopted in a few endpoints * Enhance Connection failure type * Add simple fixture test * Refactor fetchTransaction() to work with Response - Refactored this server call to adopt our new Response mechanism - GrpsStatusResolver.resolveFailureFromStatus() now accepts Throwable input - Added Response.Failure.toThrowable() to satisfy subsequent server calls results processing - A few other minor refactoring changes * Remove commented out log * Unify return type of collection returning methods - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Sequence instead of List - Added a check on empty tAddress input * fetchUtxos returns flow - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Flow of Service.GetAddressUtxosReply - Internally it calls getAddressUtxosStream() instead of getAddressUtxos() from GRPC layer * Update unsafe suffix documentation * Address several minor change requests * Remove code parameter - Removed from the locally triggered failures with default codes. * Rename local variable * Switch from empty response to exception - Our server calls now rather throw IllegalArgumentException than return an empty response - Removed commented out log message - Updated javadocs * Update proto files - Plus related api changes adoption * Unify new clients instances name * AGP 7.4.0 changes - packagingOptions -> androidComponents in sdk-lib and lightwallet-client-lib modules * SDK version bump * Response resolver tests * Release build upload timeout increase * Release build upload timeout increase fix * Revert timeout - As Github has some infrastructure troubles and we need to wait * Add migrations documentation * Sort packaging filters * Remove private field from public documentation * Hide private variables * Remove package from Android Manifest * Throw exception instead of custom error - This step unify our approach to validation on client side across all server calls * Replace setAddresses index const with number * Fix indentation in proto file --------- Co-authored-by: Honza <rychnovsky.honza@gmail.com>
2023-02-01 02:14:55 -08:00
[#615] Refactor lightwalletd client * [#615] Refactor lightwalletd client This moves the lightwalletd client code to a separate Gradle module, but does not yet do much clean up the public API (e.g. hiding generated GRPC objects). That will be a followon change via #673 I’ve prototyped a safer version of the API that would be implemented for #673 for two specific calls: obtaining the current block height and obtaining the light wallet info. These were the easiest endpoints to update and they provide a useful exploration for the future changes needed. * Fix benchmarking for networking module - Moved to fixture and build type check components to the new networking module, so it's accessible from all needed parts of the projects - Changed fixture return type to fit to all needed usages * Align with previous review comment * Fix wrong merge * Add basic sanity test - To satisfy tests requirements on emulators.wtf service * Remove grpc dependency from sdk-lib module * Repackage cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc to cash.z.wallet.sdk.internal.rpc * Fix BuildConfig path * Update demo-app paths to rpc * Fix broken grpc services locations - Our aim here is to change only the local services location (package name), the server location can't be changed due to backward compatibility. * Enhance GRPC Response model * Adopt enhanced GRPC response model - Adopted in a few endpoints * Enhance Connection failure type * Add simple fixture test * Refactor fetchTransaction() to work with Response - Refactored this server call to adopt our new Response mechanism - GrpsStatusResolver.resolveFailureFromStatus() now accepts Throwable input - Added Response.Failure.toThrowable() to satisfy subsequent server calls results processing - A few other minor refactoring changes * Remove commented out log * Unify return type of collection returning methods - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Sequence instead of List - Added a check on empty tAddress input * fetchUtxos returns flow - Switched fetchUtxos() to return Flow of Service.GetAddressUtxosReply - Internally it calls getAddressUtxosStream() instead of getAddressUtxos() from GRPC layer * Update unsafe suffix documentation * Address several minor change requests * Remove code parameter - Removed from the locally triggered failures with default codes. * Rename local variable * Switch from empty response to exception - Our server calls now rather throw IllegalArgumentException than return an empty response - Removed commented out log message - Updated javadocs * Update proto files - Plus related api changes adoption * Unify new clients instances name * AGP 7.4.0 changes - packagingOptions -> androidComponents in sdk-lib and lightwallet-client-lib modules * SDK version bump * Response resolver tests * Release build upload timeout increase * Release build upload timeout increase fix * Revert timeout - As Github has some infrastructure troubles and we need to wait * Add migrations documentation * Sort packaging filters * Remove private field from public documentation * Hide private variables * Remove package from Android Manifest * Throw exception instead of custom error - This step unify our approach to validation on client side across all server calls * Replace setAddresses index const with number * Fix indentation in proto file --------- Co-authored-by: Honza <rychnovsky.honza@gmail.com>
2023-02-01 02:14:55 -08:00