[#1130] Initial Suggested Ranges Parsing

* [#1130] Initial suggested ranges parsing
This commit is contained in:
Honza Rychnovský 2023-07-24 09:42:37 +02:00 committed by Honza
parent b811305e53
commit c8b481a12f
1 changed files with 136 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.ext.toHexReversed
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.model.BlockBatch
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.model.DbTransactionOverview
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.model.JniBlockMeta
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.model.ScanRange
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.model.SubtreeRoot
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.model.ext.from
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.model.ext.toBlockHeight
@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ class CompactBlockProcessor internal constructor(
* Download compact blocks, verify and scan them until [stop] is called.
@Suppress("LongMethod", "CyclomaticComplexMethod")
suspend fun start() {
@ -194,7 +195,7 @@ class CompactBlockProcessor internal constructor(
// Download note commitment tree data from lightwalletd to decide if we communicate with linear
// or non-linear node
val subTreeRootList = getSubtreeRoots(downloader, network)
Twig.info { "Fetched SubTreeRoot list: $subTreeRootList" }
Twig.info { "Fetched SubTreeRoot list size: ${subTreeRootList?.size ?: 0}" }
Twig.debug { "Setup verified. Processor starting..." }
@ -221,6 +222,8 @@ class CompactBlockProcessor internal constructor(
BlockProcessingResult.NoBlocksToProcess -> {
// TODO [#1129]: Refactor work with lastSyncRange and lastSyncedHeight
// TODO [#1129]: https://github.com/zcash/zcash-android-wallet-sdk/issues/1129
val noWorkDone = _processorInfo.value.lastSyncRange?.isEmpty() ?: true
val summary = if (noWorkDone) {
"Nothing to process: no new blocks to sync"
@ -344,6 +347,31 @@ class CompactBlockProcessor internal constructor(
internal sealed class SuggestScanRangesResult {
data class Success(val ranges: List<ScanRange>) : SuggestScanRangesResult()
// Fix it: consider failed at height parameter and more concrete exception type
data class Failure(val exception: Throwable) : SuggestScanRangesResult()
internal enum class SuggestScanRangePriority(val priority: Long) {
companion object {
fun fromPriority(priority: Long): SuggestScanRangePriority {
Twig.verbose { "Current suggested scan range priority: $priority" }
return values().firstOrNull { it.priority == priority } ?: Scanned
private suspend fun processNewBlocksInNonLinearOrder(subTreeRootList: List<SubtreeRoot>): BlockProcessingResult {
Twig.debug {
"Beginning to process new blocks with DAG approach (with roots: $subTreeRootList, and lower " +
@ -367,14 +395,98 @@ class CompactBlockProcessor internal constructor(
return BlockProcessingResult.Reconnecting
// Note: print to suppress unused warning
Twig.debug { "${chainTip.value}" }
// Notify the wallet of the updated chain tip.
// 4) Notify the wallet of the updated chain tip.
// wallet_db.update_chain_tip(tip_height).map_err(Error::Wallet)?;
// Get the suggested scan ranges from the wallet database
when (val suggestedRangesResult = suggestScanRanges(backend)) {
is SuggestScanRangesResult.Failure -> {
Twig.error { "Process suggested scan ranges failure: ${suggestedRangesResult.exception}" }
// Fix it: process failure
is SuggestScanRangesResult.Success -> {
Twig.debug { "Process suggested scan ranges result: ${suggestedRangesResult.ranges}" }
// 5) Get the suggested scan ranges from the wallet database
// let mut scan_ranges = wallet_db.suggest_scan_ranges().map_err(Error::Wallet)?;
if (suggestedRangesResult.ranges.isEmpty()) {
// Nothing to sync - break out of the processing
return BlockProcessingResult.NoBlocksToProcess
} else {
val firstRangePriority = SuggestScanRangePriority.fromPriority(
when (firstRangePriority) {
SuggestScanRangePriority.Verify -> {}
SuggestScanRangePriority.ChainTip -> {}
SuggestScanRangePriority.FoundNote -> {}
SuggestScanRangePriority.OpenAdjacent -> {}
SuggestScanRangePriority.Historic -> {}
SuggestScanRangePriority.Scanned -> {}
// Run the following loop until the wallet's view of the chain tip as of the previous wallet session is valid
// loop {
// // If there is a range of blocks that needs to be verified, it will always be returned as
// // the first element of the vector of suggested ranges.
// match scan_ranges.first() {
// Some(scan_range) if scan_range.priority() == ScanPriority::Verify => {
// // Download the blocks in `scan_range` into the block source, overwriting any
// // existing blocks in this range.
// unimplemented!();
// // Scan the downloaded blocks
// let scan_result = scan_cached_blocks(
// &network,
// &block_source,
// &mut wallet_db,
// scan_range.block_range().start,
// scan_range.len()
// );
// // Check for scanning errors that indicate that the wallet's chain tip is out of
// // sync with blockchain history.
// match scan_result {
// Ok(_) => {
// // At this point, the cache and scanned data are locally consistent (though
// // not necessarily consistent with the latest chain tip - this would be
// // discovered the next time this codepath is executed after new blocks are
// // received) so we can break out of the loop.
// break;
// }
// Err(Error::Scan(err)) if err.is_continuity_error() => {
// // Pick a height to rewind to, which must be at least one block before
// // the height at which the error occurred, but may be an earlier height
// // determined based on heuristics such as the platform, available bandwidth,
// // size of recent CompactBlocks, etc.
// let rewind_height = err.at_height().saturating_sub(10);
// // Rewind to the chosen height.
// wallet_db.truncate_to_height(rewind_height).map_err(Error::Wallet)?;
// // Delete cached blocks from rewind_height onwards.
// //
// // This does imply that assumed-valid blocks will be re-downloaded, but it
// // is also possible that in the intervening time, a chain reorg has
// // occurred that orphaned some of those blocks.
// unimplemented!();
// }
// Err(other) => {
// // Handle or return other errors
// }
// }
// // Truncation will have updated the suggested scan ranges, so we now
// // re_request
// scan_ranges = wallet_db.suggest_scan_ranges().map_err(Error::Wallet)?;
// }
// _ => {
// // Nothing to verify; break out of the loop
// break;
// }
// }
// }
return BlockProcessingResult.NoBlocksToProcess
@ -801,6 +913,20 @@ class CompactBlockProcessor internal constructor(
return subTreeRootList
internal suspend fun suggestScanRanges(backend: TypesafeBackend): SuggestScanRangesResult {
return runCatching {
}.onSuccess { ranges ->
Twig.info { "Successfully got newly suggested ranges: $ranges" }
}.onFailure { exception ->
Twig.error { "Failed to get newly suggested ranges with: $exception" }
onSuccess = { SuggestScanRangesResult.Success(it) },
onFailure = { SuggestScanRangesResult.Failure(it) }
* Requests, processes and persists all blocks from the given range.
@ -1610,6 +1736,8 @@ class CompactBlockProcessor internal constructor(
* @param firstUnenhancedHeight the height in which the enhancing should start, or null in case of no previous
* transaction enhancing done yet
// TODO [#1129]: Refactor work with lastSyncRange and lastSyncedHeight
// TODO [#1129]: https://github.com/zcash/zcash-android-wallet-sdk/issues/1129
data class ProcessorInfo(
val networkBlockHeight: BlockHeight?,
val lastSyncedHeight: BlockHeight?,