package import import import import import import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.IO import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext /** * Class responsible for encoding a transaction in a consistent way. This bridges the gap by * behaving like a stateless API so that callers can request [createTransaction] and receive a * result, even though there are intermediate database interactions. * * @property rustBackend the instance of RustBackendWelding to use for creating and validating. * @property repository the repository that stores information about the transactions being created * such as the raw bytes and raw txId. */ class WalletTransactionEncoder( private val rustBackend: RustBackendWelding, private val repository: TransactionRepository ) : TransactionEncoder { /** * Creates a transaction, throwing an exception whenever things are missing. When the provided * wallet implementation doesn't throw an exception, we wrap the issue into a descriptive * exception ourselves (rather than using double-bangs for things). * * @param spendingKey the key associated with the notes that will be spent. * @param zatoshi the amount of zatoshi to send. * @param toAddress the recipient's address. * @param memo the optional memo to include as part of the transaction. * @param fromAccountIndex the optional account id to use. By default, the 1st account is used. * * @return the successfully encoded transaction or an exception */ override suspend fun createTransaction( spendingKey: String, zatoshi: Long, toAddress: String, memo: ByteArray?, fromAccountIndex: Int ): EncodedTransaction = withContext(IO) { val transactionId = createSpend(spendingKey, zatoshi, toAddress, memo) repository.findEncodedTransactionById(transactionId) ?: throw TransactionEncoderException.TransactionNotFoundException(transactionId) } override suspend fun createShieldingTransaction( spendingKey: String, transparentSecretKey: String, memo: ByteArray? ): EncodedTransaction = withContext(IO) { val transactionId = createShieldingSpend(spendingKey, transparentSecretKey, memo) repository.findEncodedTransactionById(transactionId) ?: throw TransactionEncoderException.TransactionNotFoundException(transactionId) } /** * Utility function to help with validation. This is not called during [createTransaction] * because this class asserts that all validation is done externally by the UI, for now. * * @param address the address to validate * * @return true when the given address is a valid z-addr */ override suspend fun isValidShieldedAddress(address: String): Boolean = withContext(IO) { rustBackend.isValidShieldedAddr(address) } /** * Utility function to help with validation. This is not called during [createTransaction] * because this class asserts that all validation is done externally by the UI, for now. * * @param address the address to validate * * @return true when the given address is a valid t-addr */ override suspend fun isValidTransparentAddress(address: String): Boolean = withContext(IO) { rustBackend.isValidTransparentAddr(address) } override suspend fun getConsensusBranchId(): Long { val height = repository.lastScannedHeight() if (height < throw TransactionEncoderException.IncompleteScanException(height) return rustBackend.getBranchIdForHeight(height) } /** * Does the proofs and processing required to create a transaction to spend funds and inserts * the result in the database. On average, this call takes over 10 seconds. * * @param spendingKey the key associated with the notes that will be spent. * @param zatoshi the amount of zatoshi to send. * @param toAddress the recipient's address. * @param memo the optional memo to include as part of the transaction. * @param fromAccountIndex the optional account id to use. By default, the 1st account is used. * * @return the row id in the transactions table that contains the spend transaction or -1 if it * failed. */ private suspend fun createSpend( spendingKey: String, zatoshi: Long, toAddress: String, memo: ByteArray? = byteArrayOf(), fromAccountIndex: Int = 0 ): Long = withContext(IO) { twigTask( "creating transaction to spend $zatoshi zatoshi to" + " ${toAddress.masked()} with memo $memo" ) { try { val branchId = getConsensusBranchId() SaplingParamTool.ensureParams((rustBackend as RustBackend).pathParamsDir) twig("params exist! attempting to send with consensus branchId $branchId...") rustBackend.createToAddress( branchId, fromAccountIndex, spendingKey, toAddress, zatoshi, memo ) } catch (t: Throwable) { twig("${t.message}") throw t } }.also { result -> twig("result of sendToAddress: $result") } } private suspend fun createShieldingSpend( spendingKey: String, transparentSecretKey: String, memo: ByteArray? = byteArrayOf() ): Long = withContext(IO) { twigTask("creating transaction to shield all UTXOs") { try { SaplingParamTool.ensureParams((rustBackend as RustBackend).pathParamsDir) twig("params exist! attempting to shield...") rustBackend.shieldToAddress( spendingKey, transparentSecretKey, memo ) } catch (t: Throwable) { // TODO: if this error matches: Insufficient balance (have 0, need 1000 including fee) // then consider custom error that says no UTXOs existed to shield twig("Shield failed due to: ${t.message}") throw t } }.also { result -> twig("result of shieldToAddress: $result") } } }