# Speed up builds. Keep these flags here for quick debugging of issues. org.gradle.vfs.watch=true org.gradle.configureondemand=false org.gradle.caching=true org.gradle.parallel=true org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2g kapt.include.compile.classpath=false kapt.incremental.apt=true kapt.use.worker.api=true android.useAndroidX=true android.builder.sdkDownload=true # Publishing LIBRARY_VERSION=1.3.0-beta18 POM_NAME=Zcash Android Wallet SDK POM_ARTIFACT_ID=zcash-android-sdk POM_DESCRIPTION=This lightweight SDK connects Android to Zcash. It welds together Rust and Kotlin in a minimal way, allowing third-party Android apps to send and receive shielded transactions easily, securely and privately. POM_INCEPTION_YEAR=2018 POM_URL=https://github.com/zcash/zcash-android-wallet-sdk/ POM_SCM_URL=https://github.com/zcash/zcash-android-wallet-sdk/ POM_SCM_CONNECTION=scm:git:git://github.com/zcash/zcash-android-wallet-sdk.git POM_SCM_DEV_CONNECTION=scm:git:ssh://git@github.com/zcash/zcash-android-wallet-sdk.git POM_LICENCE_NAME=The MIT License POM_LICENCE_URL=http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT POM_LICENCE_DIST=repo POM_DEVELOPER_ID=gmale POM_DEVELOPER_NAME=Kevin Gorham POM_DEVELOPER_URL=https://github.com/gmale/ # Kotlin compiler warnings can be considered errors, failing the build. # Currently set to false, because this project has a lot of warnings to fix first. IS_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=false # Optionally configure code coverage, as historically Jacoco has at times been buggy with respect to new Kotlin versions IS_COVERAGE_ENABLED=false # Optionally configure test orchestrator. # It is disabled by default, because it causes tests to take about 2x longer to run. IS_USE_TEST_ORCHESTRATOR=false # Optionally configure minification IS_MINIFY_ENABLED=false # Set keystore details to enable build signing. Typically these # are overridden via ~/.gradle/gradle.properties to allow secure injection. # Debug keystore is useful if using Google Maps or Firebase, which require API keys to be linked # to a signing key. Without a debug keystore, the default Android debug keystore will be used. ZCASH_DEBUG_KEYSTORE_PATH= # Versions ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION=16 ANDROID_TARGET_SDK_VERSION=31 ANDROID_COMPILE_SDK_VERSION=31 # Note: When updating the NDK version here, be sure to update the version on the CI server as well ANDROID_NDK_VERSION=21.1.6352462 ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN_VERSION=7.0.2 DETEKT_VERSION=1.18.1 DOKKA_VERSION=1.4.30 KTLINT_VERSION=0.42.1 OWASP_DEPENDENCY_CHECK_VERSION=6.3.1 PROTOBUF_GRADLE_PLUGIN_VERSION=0.8.17 GRPC_VERSION=1.38.1 JACOCO_VERSION=0.8.7 KOTLIN_VERSION=1.5.10 PROTOC_VERSION=3.14.0 # This shouldn't be changed, as Android doesn't support targets beyond Java 8 ANDROID_JVM_TARGET=1.8