[zcash-android-wallet-sdk](../../index.md) / [cash.z.wallet.sdk.data](../index.md) / [SdkSynchronizer](index.md) / [start](./start.md) # start `fun start(parentScope: CoroutineScope): `[`Synchronizer`](../-synchronizer/index.md) Overrides [Synchronizer.start](../-synchronizer/start.md) Starts this synchronizer within the given scope. For simplicity, attempting to start an instance that has already been started will throw a [SynchronizerException.FalseStart](../../cash.z.wallet.sdk.exception/-synchronizer-exception/-false-start.md) exception. This reduces the complexity of managing resources that must be recycled. Instead, each synchronizer is designed to have a long lifespan and should be started from an activity, application or session. ### Parameters `parentScope` - the scope to use for this synchronizer, typically something with a lifecycle such as an Activity for single-activity apps or a logged in user session. This scope is only used for launching this synchronzer's job as a child.