package import android.content.ComponentName import android.content.Intent import androidx.benchmark.macro.CompilationMode import androidx.benchmark.macro.ExperimentalMetricApi import androidx.benchmark.macro.MacrobenchmarkScope import androidx.benchmark.macro.StartupMode import androidx.benchmark.macro.StartupTimingMetric import androidx.benchmark.macro.TraceSectionMetric import androidx.benchmark.macro.junit4.MacrobenchmarkRule import androidx.test.uiautomator.By import androidx.test.uiautomator.Until import import import import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test import java.util.regex.Pattern import kotlin.time.Duration import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds // TODO [#809]: Enable macrobenchmark on CI // TODO [#809]: /** * Purpose of this class is to provide a basic startup measurements, and captured system traces for investigating the * app's performance. It navigates to the device's home screen, and launches the default activity. * * Run this benchmark from Android Studio only against the Benchmark build type set in all modules. * * We ideally run this against a physical device with Android SDK level 29, at least, as profiling is provided by this * version and later on. */ class StartupBenchmark : UiTestPrerequisites() { companion object { private const val APP_TARGET_PACKAGE_NAME = "" // NON-NLS private const val APP_TARGET_ACTIVITY_NAME = "" // NON-NLS private const val ADDRESS_SCREEN_SECTION = "ADDRESS_SCREEN" // NON-NLS private const val UNIFIED_ADDRESS_SECTION = "UNIFIED_ADDRESS" // NON-NLS private const val SAPLING_ADDRESS_SECTION = "SAPLING_ADDRESS" // NON-NLS private const val TRANSPARENT_ADDRESS_SECTION = "TRANSPARENT_ADDRESS" // NON-NLS } private val unifiedAddressPattern = "^[a-z0-9]{141}$".toPattern() // NON-NLS private val saplingAddressPattern = "^[a-z0-9]{78}$".toPattern() // NON-NLS private val transparentAddressPattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9]{35}$".toPattern() // NON-NLS @get:Rule val benchmarkRule = MacrobenchmarkRule() /** * This test starts the Demo-app on Home screen and measures its metrics. */ @Test fun appStartup() = benchmarkRule.measureRepeated( packageName = APP_TARGET_PACKAGE_NAME, metrics = listOf(StartupTimingMetric()), iterations = 5, startupMode = StartupMode.COLD, setupBlock = { // Press home button before each run to ensure the starting activity isn't visible pressHome() } ) { startLegacyActivityAndWait() } /** * Advanced trace events startup test, which starts the Demo-app on the Home screen and then navigates to the * Get Address screen. Logic for providing addresses from SDK is measured here. */ @Test @OptIn(ExperimentalMetricApi::class) fun tracesSdkStartup() = benchmarkRule.measureRepeated( packageName = APP_TARGET_PACKAGE_NAME, metrics = listOf( TraceSectionMetric(ADDRESS_SCREEN_SECTION, TraceSectionMetric.Mode.First, false), TraceSectionMetric(UNIFIED_ADDRESS_SECTION, TraceSectionMetric.Mode.First, false), TraceSectionMetric(SAPLING_ADDRESS_SECTION, TraceSectionMetric.Mode.First, false), TraceSectionMetric(TRANSPARENT_ADDRESS_SECTION, TraceSectionMetric.Mode.First, false) ), compilationMode = CompilationMode.Full(), startupMode = StartupMode.COLD, iterations = 5, measureBlock = { startLegacyActivityAndWait() gotoAddressScreen() waitForAddressScreen() closeAddressScreen() } ) private fun MacrobenchmarkScope.closeAddressScreen() { // To close the Address screen and disconnect from SDK Synchronizer device.pressBack() } private fun MacrobenchmarkScope.waitForAddressScreen() { val timeoutSeconds = 5.seconds check( waitForAddressAppear(unifiedAddressPattern, timeoutSeconds) && waitForAddressAppear(saplingAddressPattern, timeoutSeconds) && waitForAddressAppear(transparentAddressPattern, timeoutSeconds) ) { "Some of the addresses didn't appear before $timeoutSeconds seconds timeout." } } private fun MacrobenchmarkScope.waitForAddressAppear( addressPattern: Pattern, timeout: Duration ): Boolean { return device.waitFor(Until.hasObject(By.text(addressPattern)), timeout) } // TODO [#808]: Add demo-ui-lib module (and reference the hardcoded texts here) // TODO [#808]: private fun MacrobenchmarkScope.gotoAddressScreen() { // Open drawer menu device.findObject(By.desc("Open navigation drawer")) // NON-NLS .clickAndWaitFor(Until.newWindow(), 2.seconds) // Navigate to Addresses screen device.findObject(By.text("Get Address")).click() // NON-NLS } private fun MacrobenchmarkScope.startLegacyActivityAndWait() { val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).apply { component = ComponentName(APP_TARGET_PACKAGE_NAME, APP_TARGET_ACTIVITY_NAME) } startActivityAndWait(intent) } }