package import android.os.Bundle import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import androidx.lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle import import import import import import import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.launch /** * Displays the viewing key and spending key associated with the seed used during the demo. The * seedPhrase defaults to the value of`DemoConfig.seedWords` but can be set by the user on the * HomeFragment. */ class GetPrivateKeyFragment : BaseDemoFragment() { private lateinit var seedPhrase: String private lateinit var seed: ByteArray /** * Initialize the required values that would normally live outside the demo but are repeated * here for completeness so that each demo file can serve as a standalone example. */ private fun setup() { // defaults to the value of `DemoConfig.seedWords` but can also be set by the user seedPhrase = sharedViewModel.seedPhrase.value // Use a BIP-39 library to convert a seed phrase into a byte array. Most wallets already // have the seed stored seed = Mnemonics.MnemonicCode(seedPhrase).toSeed() } private fun displayKeys() { // derive the keys from the seed: // demonstrate deriving spending keys for five accounts but only take the first one lifecycleScope.launch { viewLifecycleOwner.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) { @Suppress("MagicNumber") val spendingKey = DerivationTool.getInstance().deriveUnifiedSpendingKey( seed, ZcashNetwork.fromResources(requireApplicationContext()), Account(5) ) // derive the key that allows you to view but not spend transactions val viewingKey = DerivationTool.getInstance().deriveUnifiedFullViewingKey( spendingKey, ZcashNetwork.fromResources(requireApplicationContext()) ) // display the keys in the UI binding.textInfo.setText("Spending Key:\n$spendingKey\n\nViewing Key:\n$viewingKey") } } } // // Android Lifecycle overrides // override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? { val view = super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState) setup() return view } override fun onViewCreated( view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) displayKeys() } // // Base Fragment overrides // override fun onActionButtonClicked() { lifecycleScope.launch { copyToClipboard( DerivationTool.getInstance().deriveUnifiedFullViewingKeys( seed, ZcashNetwork.fromResources(requireApplicationContext()), DerivationTool.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_ACCOUNTS ).first().encoding, "UnifiedFullViewingKey copied to clipboard!" ) } } override fun inflateBinding(layoutInflater: LayoutInflater): FragmentGetPrivateKeyBinding = FragmentGetPrivateKeyBinding.inflate(layoutInflater) }