package import import androidx.lifecycle.AndroidViewModel import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.model.LightWalletEndpoint import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.awaitClose import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharingStarted import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.WhileSubscribed import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.callbackFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.combine import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.filterIsInstance import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.filterNotNull import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.first import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flatMapLatest import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flowOf import import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.stateIn import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.toList import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds // To make this more multiplatform compatible, we need to remove the dependency on Context // for loading the preferences. class WalletViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) { private val walletCoordinator = WalletCoordinator.getInstance(application) /* * Using the Mutex may be overkill, but it ensures that if multiple calls are accidentally made * that they have a consistent ordering. */ private val persistWalletMutex = Mutex() /** * Synchronizer that is retained long enough to survive configuration changes. */ val synchronizer = walletCoordinator.synchronizer.stateIn( viewModelScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(ANDROID_STATE_FLOW_TIMEOUT), null ) val secretState: StateFlow = walletCoordinator.persistableWallet .map { persistableWallet -> if (null == persistableWallet) { SecretState.None } else { SecretState.Ready(persistableWallet) } }.stateIn( viewModelScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(ANDROID_STATE_FLOW_TIMEOUT), SecretState.Loading ) val spendingKey = secretState .filterIsInstance() .map { it.persistableWallet } .map { val bip39Seed = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { Mnemonics.MnemonicCode(it.seedPhrase.joinToString()).toSeed() } DerivationTool.getInstance().deriveUnifiedSpendingKey( seed = bip39Seed, network =, account = Account.DEFAULT ) }.stateIn( viewModelScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(ANDROID_STATE_FLOW_TIMEOUT), null ) @OptIn(ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class) val walletSnapshot: StateFlow = synchronizer .flatMapLatest { if (null == it) { flowOf(null) } else { it.toWalletSnapshot() } } .throttle(1.seconds) .stateIn( viewModelScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(ANDROID_STATE_FLOW_TIMEOUT), null ) val addresses: StateFlow = synchronizer .filterNotNull() .map { }.stateIn( viewModelScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(ANDROID_STATE_FLOW_TIMEOUT), null ) private val mutableSendState = MutableStateFlow(SendState.None) val sendState: StateFlow = mutableSendState /** * Creates a wallet asynchronously and then persists it. Clients observe * [secretState] to see the side effects. This would be used for a user creating a new wallet. * * Although waiting for the wallet to be written and then read back is slower, it is probably * safer because it 1. guarantees the wallet is written to disk and 2. has a single source of truth. */ fun persistNewWallet() { val application = getApplication() viewModelScope.launch { val network = ZcashNetwork.fromResources(application) val newWallet = application = application, zcashNetwork = network, endpoint = LightWalletEndpoint.defaultForNetwork(network), walletInitMode = WalletInitMode.NewWallet ) persistWallet(newWallet) } } /** * Persists a wallet asynchronously. Clients observe [secretState] * to see the side effects. This would be used for a user restoring a wallet from a backup. */ fun persistExistingWallet(persistableWallet: PersistableWallet) { persistWallet(persistableWallet) } /** * Persists a wallet asynchronously. Clients observe [secretState] to see the side effects. */ private fun persistWallet(persistableWallet: PersistableWallet) { val application = getApplication() viewModelScope.launch { val preferenceProvider = EncryptedPreferenceSingleton.getInstance(application) persistWalletMutex.withLock { EncryptedPreferenceKeys.PERSISTABLE_WALLET.putValue(preferenceProvider, persistableWallet) } } } /** * Asynchronously sends funds. Note that two sending operations cannot occur at the same time. * * Observe the result via [sendState]. */ fun send(zecSend: ZecSend) { if (sendState.value is SendState.Sending) { return } mutableSendState.value = SendState.Sending val synchronizer = synchronizer.value if (null != synchronizer) { viewModelScope.launch { val spendingKey = spendingKey.filterNotNull().first() runCatching { synchronizer.send(spendingKey, zecSend) } .onSuccess { mutableSendState.value = SendState.Sent(it.toList()) } .onFailure { mutableSendState.value = SendState.Error(it) } } } else { SendState.Error(IllegalStateException("Unable to send funds because synchronizer is not loaded.")) } } /** * Asynchronously shields transparent funds. Note that two shielding operations cannot occur at the same time. * * Observe the result via [sendState]. */ @Suppress("MagicNumber") fun shieldFunds() { if (sendState.value is SendState.Sending) { return } mutableSendState.value = SendState.Sending val synchronizer = synchronizer.value if (null != synchronizer) { viewModelScope.launch { val spendingKey = spendingKey.filterNotNull().first() kotlin.runCatching { synchronizer.proposeShielding(spendingKey.account, Zatoshi(100000))?.let { synchronizer.createProposedTransactions( it, spendingKey ) } } .onSuccess { it?.let { mutableSendState.value = SendState.Sent(it.toList()) } } .onFailure { mutableSendState.value = SendState.Error(it) } } } else { SendState.Error(IllegalStateException("Unable to send funds because synchronizer is not loaded.")) } } fun clearSendOrShieldState() { mutableSendState.value = SendState.None } /** * This method only has an effect if the synchronizer currently is loaded. */ fun rescanBlockchain() { viewModelScope.launch { walletCoordinator.rescanBlockchain() } } /** * This asynchronously resets the SDK state. This is non-destructive, as SDK state can be rederived. * * This could be used as a troubleshooting step in debugging. */ fun resetSdk() { walletCoordinator.resetSdk() } /** * This rewinds to the nearest height, i.e. 14 days back from the current chain tip. */ fun rewind() { val synchronizer = synchronizer.value if (null != synchronizer) { viewModelScope.launch { synchronizer.quickRewind() } } } /** * This safely and asynchronously stops the [Synchronizer]. */ fun closeSynchronizer() { val synchronizer = synchronizer.value if (null != synchronizer) { viewModelScope.launch { (synchronizer as SdkSynchronizer).close() } } } } /** * Represents the state of the wallet secret. */ sealed class SecretState { object Loading : SecretState() object None : SecretState() class Ready(val persistableWallet: PersistableWallet) : SecretState() } sealed class SendState { object None : SendState() { override fun toString(): String = "None" } object Sending : SendState() { override fun toString(): String = "Sending" } class Sent(val txIds: List) : SendState() { override fun toString(): String = "Sent" } class Error(val error: Throwable) : SendState() { override fun toString(): String = "Error ${error.message}" } } // TODO [#529]: Localize Synchronizer Errors // TODO [#529]: /** * Represents all kind of Synchronizer errors */ sealed class SynchronizerError { abstract fun getCauseMessage(): String? class Critical(val error: Throwable?) : SynchronizerError() { override fun getCauseMessage(): String? = error?.localizedMessage } class Processor(val error: Throwable?) : SynchronizerError() { override fun getCauseMessage(): String? = error?.localizedMessage } class Submission(val error: Throwable?) : SynchronizerError() { override fun getCauseMessage(): String? = error?.localizedMessage } class Setup(val error: Throwable?) : SynchronizerError() { override fun getCauseMessage(): String? = error?.localizedMessage } class Chain(val x: BlockHeight, val y: BlockHeight) : SynchronizerError() { override fun getCauseMessage(): String = "$x, $y" } } private fun Synchronizer.toCommonError(): Flow = callbackFlow { // just for initial default value emit trySend(null) onCriticalErrorHandler = { Twig.error { "WALLET - Error Critical: $it" } trySend(SynchronizerError.Critical(it)) false } onProcessorErrorHandler = { Twig.error { "WALLET - Error Processor: $it" } trySend(SynchronizerError.Processor(it)) false } onSubmissionErrorHandler = { Twig.error { "WALLET - Error Submission: $it" } trySend(SynchronizerError.Submission(it)) false } onSetupErrorHandler = { Twig.error { "WALLET - Error Setup: $it" } trySend(SynchronizerError.Setup(it)) false } onChainErrorHandler = { x, y -> Twig.error { "WALLET - Error Chain: $x, $y" } trySend(SynchronizerError.Chain(x, y)) } awaitClose { // nothing to close here } } // No good way around needing magic numbers for the indices @Suppress("MagicNumber") private fun Synchronizer.toWalletSnapshot() = combine( // 0 status, // 1 processorInfo, // 2 orchardBalances, // 3 saplingBalances, // 4 transparentBalance, // 5 progress, // 6 toCommonError() ) { flows -> val orchardBalance = flows[2] as WalletBalance? val saplingBalance = flows[3] as WalletBalance? val transparentBalance = flows[4] as Zatoshi? val progressPercentDecimal = (flows[5] as PercentDecimal) WalletSnapshot( flows[0] as Synchronizer.Status, flows[1] as CompactBlockProcessor.ProcessorInfo, orchardBalance ?: WalletBalance(Zatoshi(0), Zatoshi(0), Zatoshi(0)), saplingBalance ?: WalletBalance(Zatoshi(0), Zatoshi(0), Zatoshi(0)), transparentBalance ?: Zatoshi(0), progressPercentDecimal, flows[6] as SynchronizerError? ) }