package import android.content.Context import import import import import import import import import import import import import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.model.LightWalletEndpoint import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking /** * Simplified Initializer focused on starting from a ViewingKey. */ @Suppress("LongParameterList", "unused") class Initializer private constructor( val context: Context, internal val rustBackend: RustBackend, val network: ZcashNetwork, val alias: String, val lightWalletEndpoint: LightWalletEndpoint, val viewingKeys: List, val overwriteVks: Boolean, internal val checkpoint: Checkpoint, internal val saplingParamTool: SaplingParamTool ) { suspend fun erase() = erase(context, network, alias) @Suppress("TooManyFunctions") class Config private constructor( val viewingKeys: MutableList = mutableListOf(), var alias: String = ZcashSdk.DEFAULT_ALIAS ) { var birthdayHeight: BlockHeight? = null private set lateinit var network: ZcashNetwork private set lateinit var lightWalletEndpoint: LightWalletEndpoint private set /** * Determines the default behavior for null birthdays. When null, nothing has been specified * so a null birthdayHeight value is an error. When false, null birthdays will be replaced * with the most recent checkpoint height available (typically, the latest `*.json` file in * `assets/co.electriccoin.zcash/checkpoint/`). When true, null birthdays will be replaced with the oldest * reasonable height where a transaction could exist (typically, sapling activation but * better approximations could be devised in the future, such as the date when the first * BIP-39 zcash wallets came online). */ var defaultToOldestHeight: Boolean? = null private set var overwriteVks: Boolean = false private set constructor(block: (Config) -> Unit) : this() { block(this) } // // Birthday functions // /** * Set the birthday height for this configuration. When the height is not known, the wallet * can either default to the latest known birthday (in order to sync new wallets faster) or * the oldest possible birthday (in order to import a wallet with an unknown birthday * without skipping old transactions). * * @param height nullable birthday height to use for this configuration. * @param defaultToOldestHeight determines how a null birthday height will be * interpreted. Typically, `false` for new wallets and `true` for restored wallets because * new wallets want to load quickly but restored wallets want to find all possible * transactions. Again, this value is only considered when [height] is null. * */ fun setBirthdayHeight(height: BlockHeight?, defaultToOldestHeight: Boolean): Config = apply { this.birthdayHeight = height this.defaultToOldestHeight = defaultToOldestHeight } /** * Load the most recent checkpoint available. This is useful for new wallets. */ fun newWalletBirthday(): Config = apply { birthdayHeight = null defaultToOldestHeight = false } /** * Load the birthday checkpoint closest to the given wallet birthday. This is useful when * importing a pre-existing wallet. It is the same as calling * `birthdayHeight = importedHeight`. */ fun importedWalletBirthday(importedHeight: BlockHeight?): Config = apply { birthdayHeight = importedHeight defaultToOldestHeight = true } // // Viewing key functions // /** * Add viewing keys to the set of accounts to monitor. Note: Using more than one viewing key * is not currently well supported. Consider it an alpha-preview feature that might work but * probably has serious bugs. */ fun setViewingKeys( vararg unifiedViewingKeys: UnifiedViewingKey, overwrite: Boolean = false ): Config = apply { overwriteVks = overwrite viewingKeys.apply { clear() addAll(unifiedViewingKeys) } } fun setOverwriteKeys(isOverwrite: Boolean) { overwriteVks = isOverwrite } /** * Add viewing key to the set of accounts to monitor. Note: Using more than one viewing key * is not currently well supported. Consider it an alpha-preview feature that might work but * probably has serious bugs. */ fun addViewingKey(unifiedFullViewingKey: UnifiedViewingKey): Config = apply { viewingKeys.add(unifiedFullViewingKey) } // // Convenience functions // /** * Set the server and the network property at the same time to prevent them from getting out * of sync. Ultimately, this determines which host a synchronizer will use in order to * connect to lightwalletd. * * @param network the Zcash network to use. Either testnet or mainnet. * @param lightWalletEndpoint the light wallet endpoint to use. */ fun setNetwork( network: ZcashNetwork, lightWalletEndpoint: LightWalletEndpoint ): Config = apply { = network this.lightWalletEndpoint = lightWalletEndpoint } /** * Import a wallet using the first viewing key derived from the given seed. */ suspend fun importWallet( seed: ByteArray, birthday: BlockHeight?, network: ZcashNetwork, lightWalletEndpoint: LightWalletEndpoint, alias: String = ZcashSdk.DEFAULT_ALIAS ): Config = importWallet( DerivationTool.deriveUnifiedViewingKeys(seed, network = network)[0], birthday, network, lightWalletEndpoint, alias ) /** * Default function for importing a wallet. */ fun importWallet( viewingKey: UnifiedViewingKey, birthday: BlockHeight?, network: ZcashNetwork, lightWalletEndpoint: LightWalletEndpoint, alias: String = ZcashSdk.DEFAULT_ALIAS ): Config = apply { setViewingKeys(viewingKey) setNetwork(network, lightWalletEndpoint) importedWalletBirthday(birthday) this.alias = alias } /** * Create a new wallet using the first viewing key derived from the given seed. */ suspend fun newWallet( seed: ByteArray, network: ZcashNetwork, lightWalletEndpoint: LightWalletEndpoint, alias: String = ZcashSdk.DEFAULT_ALIAS ): Config = newWallet( DerivationTool.deriveUnifiedViewingKeys(seed, network)[0], network, lightWalletEndpoint, alias ) /** * Default function for creating a new wallet. */ fun newWallet( viewingKey: UnifiedViewingKey, network: ZcashNetwork, lightWalletEndpoint: LightWalletEndpoint, alias: String = ZcashSdk.DEFAULT_ALIAS ): Config = apply { setViewingKeys(viewingKey) setNetwork(network, lightWalletEndpoint) newWalletBirthday() this.alias = alias } /** * Convenience method for setting thew viewingKeys from a given seed. This is the same as * calling `setViewingKeys` with the keys that match this seed. */ suspend fun setSeed( seed: ByteArray, network: ZcashNetwork, numberOfAccounts: Int = 1 ): Config = apply { @Suppress("SpreadOperator") setViewingKeys( *DerivationTool.deriveUnifiedViewingKeys( seed, network, numberOfAccounts ) ) } /** * Sets the network from a network id, throwing an exception if the id is not recognized. * * @param networkId the ID of the network corresponding to the [ZcashNetwork] enum. * Typically, it is 0 for testnet and 1 for mainnet. */ fun setNetworkId(networkId: Int): Config = apply { network = ZcashNetwork.from(networkId) } // // Validation helpers // fun validate(): Config = apply { validateAlias(alias) validateViewingKeys() validateBirthday() } private fun validateBirthday() { // if birthday is missing then we need to know how to interpret it // so defaultToOldestHeight ought to be set, in that case if (birthdayHeight == null && defaultToOldestHeight == null) { throw InitializerException.MissingDefaultBirthdayException } // allow either null or a value greater than the activation height if ( (birthdayHeight?.value ?: network.saplingActivationHeight.value) < network.saplingActivationHeight.value ) { throw InitializerException.InvalidBirthdayHeightException(birthdayHeight, network) } } private fun validateViewingKeys() { require(viewingKeys.isNotEmpty()) { "Unified Viewing keys are required. Ensure that the unified viewing keys or seed" + " have been set on this Initializer." } viewingKeys.forEach { DerivationTool.validateUnifiedViewingKey(it) } } companion object } companion object : SdkSynchronizer.Erasable { suspend fun new(appContext: Context, config: Config) = new(appContext, null, config) fun newBlocking(appContext: Context, config: Config) = runBlocking { new( appContext, null, config ) } suspend fun new( appContext: Context, onCriticalErrorHandler: ((Throwable?) -> Boolean)? = null, block: (Config) -> Unit ) = new(appContext, onCriticalErrorHandler, Config(block)) @Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") suspend fun new( context: Context, onCriticalErrorHandler: ((Throwable?) -> Boolean)?, config: Config ): Initializer { config.validate() val loadedCheckpoint = run { val height = config.birthdayHeight ?: if (config.defaultToOldestHeight == true) { } else { null } CheckpointTool.loadNearest( context,, height ) } val saplingParamTool = val rustBackend = initRustBackend(context,, config.alias, loadedCheckpoint.height, saplingParamTool) return Initializer( context.applicationContext, rustBackend,, config.alias, config.lightWalletEndpoint, config.viewingKeys, config.overwriteVks, loadedCheckpoint, saplingParamTool ) } private fun onCriticalError(onCriticalErrorHandler: ((Throwable?) -> Boolean)?, error: Throwable) { twig("********") twig("******** INITIALIZER ERROR: $error") if (error.cause != null) twig("******** caused by ${error.cause}") if (error.cause?.cause != null) twig("******** caused by ${error.cause?.cause}") twig("********") twig(error) if (onCriticalErrorHandler == null) { twig( "WARNING: a critical error occurred on the Initializer but no callback is " + "registered to be notified of critical errors! THIS IS PROBABLY A MISTAKE. To " + "respond to these errors (perhaps to update the UI or alert the user) set " + "initializer.onCriticalErrorHandler to a non-null value or use the secondary " + "constructor: Initializer(context, handler) { ... }. Note that the synchronizer " + "and initializer BOTH have error handlers and since the initializer exists " + "before the synchronizer, it needs its error handler set separately." ) } onCriticalErrorHandler?.invoke(error) } private suspend fun initRustBackend( context: Context, network: ZcashNetwork, alias: String, blockHeight: BlockHeight, saplingParamTool: SaplingParamTool ): RustBackend { val coordinator = DatabaseCoordinator.getInstance(context) return RustBackend.init( coordinator.cacheDbFile(network, alias), coordinator.dataDbFile(network, alias),, network, blockHeight ) } /** * Delete the databases associated with this wallet. This removes all compact blocks and * data derived from those blocks. For most wallets, this should not result in a loss of * funds because the seed and spending keys are stored separately. This call just removes * the associated data but not the seed or spending key, themselves, because those are * managed separately by the wallet. * * @param appContext the application context. * @param network the network associated with the data to be erased. * @param alias the alias used to create the local data. * * @return true when one of the associated files was found. False most likely indicates * that the wrong alias was provided. */ override suspend fun erase( appContext: Context, network: ZcashNetwork, alias: String ): Boolean = DatabaseCoordinator.getInstance(appContext).deleteDatabases(network, alias) } } /** * Validate that the alias doesn't contain malicious characters by enforcing simple rules which * permit the alias to be used as part of a file name for the preferences and databases. This * enables multiple wallets to exist on one device, which is also helpful for sweeping funds. * * @param alias the alias to validate. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException whenever the alias is not less than 100 characters or * contains something other than alphanumeric characters. Underscores are allowed but aliases * must start with a letter. */ internal fun validateAlias(alias: String) { require( alias.length in ZcashSdk.ALIAS_MIN_LENGTH..ZcashSdk.ALIAS_MAX_LENGTH && alias[0].isLetter() && alias.all { it.isLetterOrDigit() || it == '_' } ) { "ERROR: Invalid alias ($alias). For security, the alias must be shorter than 100 " + "characters and only contain letters, digits or underscores and start with a letter." } }