package import android.content.Context import import import import import* import import import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.IO import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import import import kotlin.math.max /** * Facilitates persistent attempts to ensure that an outbound transaction is completed. * * @param db the database where the wallet can freely write information related to pending * transactions. This database effectively serves as the mempool for transactions created by this * wallet. * @property encoder responsible for encoding a transaction by taking all the inputs and returning * an [] object containing the raw bytes and transaction * id. * @property service the lightwallet service used to submit transactions. */ class PersistentTransactionManager( db: PendingTransactionDb, internal val encoder: TransactionEncoder, private val service: LightWalletService ) : OutboundTransactionManager { private val daoMutex = Mutex() /** * Internal reference to the dao that is only accessed after locking the [daoMutex] in order * to enforce DB access in both a threadsafe and coroutinesafe way. */ private val _dao: PendingTransactionDao = db.pendingTransactionDao() /** * Constructor that creates the database and then executes a callback on it. */ constructor( appContext: Context, encoder: TransactionEncoder, service: LightWalletService, dataDbName: String = "PendingTransactions.db" ) : this( Room.databaseBuilder( appContext,, dataDbName ).setJournalMode(RoomDatabase.JournalMode.TRUNCATE).build(), encoder, service ) // // OutboundTransactionManager implementation // override suspend fun initSpend( zatoshiValue: Long, toAddress: String, memo: String, fromAccountIndex: Int ): PendingTransaction = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { twig("constructing a placeholder transaction") var tx = PendingTransactionEntity( value = zatoshiValue, toAddress = toAddress, memo = memo.toByteArray(), accountIndex = fromAccountIndex ) try { safeUpdate("creating tx in DB") { tx = findById(create(tx))!! twig("successfully created TX in DB with id: ${}") } } catch (t: Throwable) { twig( "Unknown error while attempting to create and fetch pending transaction:" + " ${t.message} caused by: ${t.cause}" ) } tx } override suspend fun applyMinedHeight(pendingTx: PendingTransaction, minedHeight: Int) { twig("a pending transaction has been mined!") safeUpdate("updating mined height for pending tx id: ${} to $minedHeight") { updateMinedHeight(, minedHeight) } } override suspend fun encode( spendingKey: String, pendingTx: PendingTransaction ): PendingTransaction = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { twig("managing the creation of a transaction") var tx = pendingTx as PendingTransactionEntity try { twig("beginning to encode transaction with : $encoder") val encodedTx = encoder.createTransaction( spendingKey, tx.value, tx.toAddress, tx.memo, tx.accountIndex ) twig("successfully encoded transaction!") safeUpdate("updating transaction encoding") { updateEncoding(, encodedTx.raw, encodedTx.txId, encodedTx.expiryHeight) } } catch (t: Throwable) { val message = "failed to encode transaction due to : ${t.message} caused by: ${t.cause}" twig(message) safeUpdate("updating transaction error info") { updateError(, message, ERROR_ENCODING) } } finally { safeUpdate("incrementing transaction encodeAttempts (from: ${tx.encodeAttempts})") { updateEncodeAttempts(, max(1, tx.encodeAttempts + 1)) tx = findById(!! } } tx } override suspend fun submit(pendingTx: PendingTransaction): PendingTransaction = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // reload the tx to check for cancellation var tx = pendingTransactionDao { findById( } ?: throw IllegalStateException("Error while submitting transaction. No pending" + " transaction found that matches the one being submitted. Verify that the" + " transaction still exists among the set of pending transactions.") try { // do nothing if failed or cancelled when { tx.isFailedEncoding() -> twig("Warning: this transaction will not be submitted because it failed to be encoded.") tx.isCancelled() -> twig("Warning: ignoring cancelled transaction with id ${}. We will not submit it to the network because it has been cancelled.") else -> { twig("submitting transaction with memo: ${tx.memo} amount: ${tx.value}") val response = service.submitTransaction(tx.raw) val error = response.errorCode < 0 twig("${if (error) "FAILURE! " else "SUCCESS!"} submit transaction completed with" + " response: ${response.errorCode}: ${response.errorMessage}") safeUpdate("updating submitted transaction (hadError: $error)") { updateError(, if (error) response.errorMessage else null, response.errorCode) updateSubmitAttempts(, max(1, tx.submitAttempts + 1)) } } } } catch (t: Throwable) { // a non-server error has occurred val message = "Unknown error while submitting transaction: ${t.message} caused by: ${t.cause}" twig(message) safeUpdate("updating submission failure") { updateError(, t.message, ERROR_SUBMITTING) updateSubmitAttempts(, max(1, tx.submitAttempts + 1)) } } finally { safeUpdate("fetching latest tx info") { tx = findById(!! } } tx } override suspend fun monitorById(id: Long): Flow { return pendingTransactionDao { monitorById(id) } } override suspend fun isValidShieldedAddress(address: String) = encoder.isValidShieldedAddress(address) override suspend fun isValidTransparentAddress(address: String) = encoder.isValidTransparentAddress(address) override suspend fun cancel(pendingId: Long): Boolean { return pendingTransactionDao { val tx = findById(pendingId) if (tx?.isSubmitted() == true) { twig("Attempt to cancel transaction failed because it has already been submitted!") false } else { twig("Cancelling unsubmitted transaction id: $pendingId") cancel(pendingId) true } } } override suspend fun findById(id: Long) = pendingTransactionDao { findById(id) } override suspend fun markForDeletion(id: Long) = pendingTransactionDao { withContext(IO) { twig("[cleanup] marking pendingTx $id for deletion") removeRawTransactionId(id) updateError(id, "safe to delete", -9090) } } /** * Remove a transaction and pretend it never existed. * * @return the final number of transactions that were removed from the database. */ override suspend fun abort(existingTransaction: PendingTransaction): Int { return pendingTransactionDao { twig("[cleanup] Deleting pendingTxId: ${}") delete(existingTransaction as PendingTransactionEntity) } } override fun getAll() = _dao.getAll() // // Helper functions // /** * Updating the pending transaction is often done at the end of a function but still should * happen within a try/catch block, surrounded by logging. So this helps with that while also * ensuring that no other coroutines are concurrently interacting with the DAO. */ private suspend fun safeUpdate(logMessage: String = "", block: suspend PendingTransactionDao.() -> R ): R? { return try { twig(logMessage) pendingTransactionDao { block() } } catch (t: Throwable) { val stacktrace = StringWriter().also { t.printStackTrace(PrintWriter(it)) }.toString() twig( "Unknown error while attempting to '$logMessage':" + " ${t.message} caused by: ${t.cause} stacktrace: $stacktrace" ) null } } private suspend fun pendingTransactionDao(block: suspend PendingTransactionDao.() -> T): T { return daoMutex.withLock { withContext(IO) { _dao.block() } } } companion object { /** Error code for an error while encoding a transaction */ const val ERROR_ENCODING = 2000 /** Error code for an error while submitting a transaction */ const val ERROR_SUBMITTING = 3000 } }