package cash.z.wallet.sdk.transaction import android.content.Context import import import cash.z.wallet.sdk.db.PendingTransactionDao import cash.z.wallet.sdk.db.PendingTransactionDb import cash.z.wallet.sdk.entity.PendingTransaction import cash.z.wallet.sdk.entity.PendingTransactionEntity import cash.z.wallet.sdk.entity.isCancelled import cash.z.wallet.sdk.entity.isSubmitted import cash.z.wallet.sdk.exception.LightwalletException import cash.z.wallet.sdk.ext.ConsensusBranchId import cash.z.wallet.sdk.ext.twig import cash.z.wallet.sdk.service.LightWalletService import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import kotlin.math.max /** * Facilitates persistent attempts to ensure that an outbound transaction is completed. * * @param db the database where the wallet can freely write information related to pending * transactions. This database effectively serves as the mempool for transactions created by this * wallet. * @property encoder responsible for encoding a transaction by taking all the inputs and returning * an [cash.z.wallet.sdk.entity.EncodedTransaction] object containing the raw bytes and transaction * id. * @property service the lightwallet service used to submit transactions. */ class PersistentTransactionManager( db: PendingTransactionDb, internal val encoder: TransactionEncoder, private val service: LightWalletService ) : OutboundTransactionManager { private val daoMutex = Mutex() /** * Internal reference to the dao that is only accessed after locking the [daoMutex] in order * to enforce DB access in both a threadsafe and coroutinesafe way. */ private val _dao: PendingTransactionDao = db.pendingTransactionDao() /** * Constructor that creates the database and then executes a callback on it. */ constructor( appContext: Context, encoder: TransactionEncoder, service: LightWalletService, dataDbName: String = "PendingTransactions.db" ) : this( Room.databaseBuilder( appContext,, dataDbName ).setJournalMode(RoomDatabase.JournalMode.TRUNCATE).build(), encoder, service ) // // OutboundTransactionManager implementation // override suspend fun initSpend( zatoshiValue: Long, toAddress: String, memo: String, fromAccountIndex: Int ): PendingTransaction = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { twig("constructing a placeholder transaction") var tx = PendingTransactionEntity( value = zatoshiValue, toAddress = toAddress, memo = memo.toByteArray(), accountIndex = fromAccountIndex ) try { twig("creating tx in DB: $tx") pendingTransactionDao { val insertedTx = findById(create(tx)) twig("pending transaction created with id: ${insertedTx?.id}") tx = tx.copy(id = insertedTx!!.id) }.also { twig("successfully created TX in DB") } } catch (t: Throwable) { twig("Unknown error while attempting to create pending transaction: ${t.message}" + " caused by: ${t.cause}") } tx } override suspend fun applyMinedHeight(pendingTx: PendingTransaction, minedHeight: Int) { (pendingTx as? PendingTransactionEntity)?.let { twig("a pending transaction has been mined!") safeUpdate(pendingTx.copy(minedHeight = minedHeight)) } } override suspend fun encode( spendingKey: String, pendingTx: PendingTransaction ): PendingTransaction = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { twig("managing the creation of a transaction") var tx = pendingTx as PendingTransactionEntity try { twig("beginning to encode transaction with : $encoder") val encodedTx = encoder.createTransaction( spendingKey, tx.value, tx.toAddress, tx.memo, tx.accountIndex ) twig("successfully encoded transaction for ${tx.memo}!!") tx = tx.copy(raw = encodedTx.raw, rawTransactionId = encodedTx.txId) } catch (t: Throwable) { val message = "failed to encode transaction due to : ${t.message} caused by: ${t.cause}" twig(message) message tx = tx.copy(errorMessage = message, errorCode = ERROR_ENCODING) } finally { tx = tx.copy(encodeAttempts = max(1, tx.encodeAttempts + 1)) } safeUpdate(tx) tx } override suspend fun submit(pendingTx: PendingTransaction): PendingTransaction = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // reload the tx to check for cancellation var storedTx = pendingTransactionDao { findById( } ?: throw IllegalStateException("Error while submitting transaction. No pending" + " transaction found that matches the one being submitted. Verify that the" + " transaction still exists among the set of pending transactions.") var tx = storedTx try { // do nothing when cancelled if (!tx.isCancelled()) { twig("submitting transaction with memo: ${tx.memo} amount: ${tx.value}") val response = service.submitTransaction(tx.raw) val error = response.errorCode < 0 twig("${if (error) "FAILURE! " else "SUCCESS!"} submit transaction completed with" + " response: ${response.errorCode}: ${response.errorMessage}") tx = tx.copy( errorMessage = if (error) response.errorMessage else null, errorCode = response.errorCode, submitAttempts = max(1, tx.submitAttempts + 1) ) safeUpdate(tx) } else { twig("Warning: ignoring cancelled transaction with id ${}") } } catch (t: Throwable) { // a non-server error has occurred val message = "Unknown error while submitting transaction: ${t.message} caused by: ${t.cause}" twig(message) tx = tx.copy( errorMessage = t.message, errorCode = ERROR_SUBMITTING, submitAttempts = max(1, tx.submitAttempts + 1) ) safeUpdate(tx) } tx } override suspend fun monitorById(id: Long): Flow { return pendingTransactionDao { monitorById(id) } } override suspend fun isValidShieldedAddress(address: String) = encoder.isValidShieldedAddress(address) override suspend fun isValidTransparentAddress(address: String) = encoder.isValidTransparentAddress(address) override suspend fun cancel(pendingTx: PendingTransaction): Boolean { return pendingTransactionDao { val tx = findById( if (tx?.isSubmitted() == true) { false } else { cancel( true } } } override fun getAll() = _dao.getAll() // // Helper functions // /** * Remove a transaction and pretend it never existed. */ suspend fun abortTransaction(existingTransaction: PendingTransaction) { pendingTransactionDao { delete(existingTransaction as PendingTransactionEntity) } } /** * Updating the pending transaction is often done at the end of a function but still should * happen within a try/catch block, surrounded by logging. So this helps with that. */ private suspend fun safeUpdate(tx: PendingTransactionEntity): PendingTransaction { return try { twig("updating tx in DB: $tx") pendingTransactionDao { update(tx) } twig("successfully updated TX in DB") tx } catch (t: Throwable) { twig("Unknown error while attempting to update pending transaction: ${t.message}" + " caused by: ${t.cause}") tx } } private suspend fun pendingTransactionDao(block: suspend PendingTransactionDao.() -> T): T { return daoMutex.withLock { _dao.block() } } companion object { /** Error code for an error while encoding a transaction */ const val ERROR_ENCODING = 2000 /** Error code for an error while submitting a transaction */ const val ERROR_SUBMITTING = 3000 } }