package import android.content.Context import android.content.ContextWrapper import /** * A context class wrapper used for building our database classes. The advantage of this implementation * is that we can control actions run on this context class. This is supposed to be used only for * Android SDK level 27 and higher. The Room's underlying SQLite has a different implementation of * SQLiteOpenHelper#getDatabaseLocked() and possibly other methods for Android SDK level 26 and lower. * Which at the end call ContextImpl#openOrCreateDatabase(), instead of the overridden getDatabasePath(), * and thus is not suitable for this custom context wrapper class. * * @param context * @param parentDir The directory in which is the database file placed. * @return Wrapped context class. */ internal class NoBackupContextWrapper( context: Context, private val parentDir: File ) : ContextWrapper(context.applicationContext) { /** * Overriding this function gives us ability to control the result database file location. * * @param name Database file name. * @return File located under no_backup/co.electricoin.zcash directory. */ override fun getDatabasePath(name: String): File { twig("Database: $name in directory: ${parentDir.absolutePath}") return File(parentDir, name) } override fun getApplicationContext(): Context { // Prevent breakout return this } override fun getBaseContext(): Context { // Prevent breakout return this } }