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package cash.z.ecc.android.sdk
import android.content.Context
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.Synchronizer.Status.DISCONNECTED
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.Synchronizer.Status.STOPPED
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.Synchronizer.Status.SYNCED
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.Synchronizer.Status.SYNCING
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.block.processor.CompactBlockProcessor
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.block.processor.CompactBlockProcessor.State.Disconnected
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.block.processor.CompactBlockProcessor.State.Initialized
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.block.processor.CompactBlockProcessor.State.Stopped
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.block.processor.CompactBlockProcessor.State.Synced
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.block.processor.CompactBlockProcessor.State.Syncing
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.exception.CompactBlockProcessorException
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.exception.InitializeException
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.exception.TransactionEncoderException
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.exception.TransactionSubmitException
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.ext.ConsensusBranchId
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.ext.ZcashSdk
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.SaplingParamTool
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.Twig
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.TypesafeBackend
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.TypesafeBackendImpl
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.block.CompactBlockDownloader
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.db.DatabaseCoordinator
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.db.derived.DbDerivedDataRepository
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.db.derived.DerivedDataDb
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.ext.existsSuspend
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.ext.isNullOrEmpty
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.ext.tryNull
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.jni.RustBackend
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.model.Checkpoint
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.model.TreeState
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.model.ext.toBlockHeight
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.repository.CompactBlockRepository
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.repository.DerivedDataRepository
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.storage.block.FileCompactBlockRepository
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.transaction.OutboundTransactionManager
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.transaction.OutboundTransactionManagerImpl
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.transaction.TransactionEncoder
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.internal.transaction.TransactionEncoderImpl
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.Account
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.BlockHeight
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.PercentDecimal
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.Proposal
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.TransactionOverview
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.TransactionRecipient
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.TransactionSubmitResult
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.UnifiedSpendingKey
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.Zatoshi
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.ZcashNetwork
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.type.AddressType
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.type.AddressType.Shielded
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.type.AddressType.Transparent
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.type.AddressType.Unified
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.type.ConsensusMatchType
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.type.ServerValidation
import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.LightWalletClient
import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.model.LightWalletEndpoint
import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.model.Response
import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.new
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineExceptionHandler
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.SupervisorJob
import kotlinx.coroutines.cancel
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.combine
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.launchIn
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.map
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onEach
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import java.io.File
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds
* A Synchronizer that attempts to remain operational, despite any number of errors that can occur.
* It acts as the glue that ties all the pieces of the SDK together. Each component of the SDK is
* designed for the potential of stand-alone usage but coordinating all the interactions is non-
* trivial. So the Synchronizer facilitates this, acting as reference that demonstrates how all the
* pieces can be tied together. Its goal is to allow a developer to focus on their app rather than
* the nuances of how Zcash works.
* @property synchronizerKey Identifies the synchronizer's on-disk state
* @property storage exposes flows of wallet transaction information.
* @property txManager manages and tracks outbound transactions.
* @property processor saves the downloaded compact blocks to the cache and then scans those blocks for
* data related to this wallet.
class SdkSynchronizer private constructor(
private val synchronizerKey: SynchronizerKey,
private val storage: DerivedDataRepository,
private val txManager: OutboundTransactionManager,
val processor: CompactBlockProcessor,
private val backend: TypesafeBackend
) : CloseableSynchronizer {
companion object {
private sealed class InstanceState {
object Active : InstanceState()
data class ShuttingDown(val job: Job) : InstanceState()
private val instances: MutableMap<SynchronizerKey, InstanceState> =
ConcurrentHashMap<SynchronizerKey, InstanceState>()
private val mutex = Mutex()
* Convenience method to create new SdkSynchronizer instance.
* @return Synchronizer instance as CloseableSynchronizer
* @throws IllegalStateException If multiple instances of synchronizer with the same network+alias are
* active at the same time. Call `close` to finish one synchronizer before starting another one with the same
* network+alias.
internal suspend fun new(
zcashNetwork: ZcashNetwork,
alias: String,
repository: DerivedDataRepository,
txManager: OutboundTransactionManager,
processor: CompactBlockProcessor,
backend: TypesafeBackend
): CloseableSynchronizer {
val synchronizerKey = SynchronizerKey(zcashNetwork, alias)
return mutex.withLock {
).apply {
instances[synchronizerKey] = InstanceState.Active
private suspend fun waitForShutdown(synchronizerKey: SynchronizerKey) {
instances[synchronizerKey]?.let {
if (it is InstanceState.ShuttingDown) {
Twig.debug { "Waiting for prior synchronizer instance to shut down" } // $NON-NLS-1$
private fun checkForExistingSynchronizers(synchronizerKey: SynchronizerKey) {
check(!instances.containsKey(synchronizerKey)) {
"Another synchronizer with $synchronizerKey is currently active" // $NON-NLS-1$
internal suspend fun erase(
appContext: Context,
network: ZcashNetwork,
alias: String
): Boolean {
val key = SynchronizerKey(network, alias)
return mutex.withLock {
DatabaseCoordinator.getInstance(appContext).deleteDatabases(network, alias)
private val _status = MutableStateFlow<Synchronizer.Status>(DISCONNECTED)
var coroutineScope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.Main)
override val orchardBalances = processor.orchardBalances.asStateFlow()
override val saplingBalances = processor.saplingBalances.asStateFlow()
override val transparentBalance = processor.transparentBalance.asStateFlow()
override val transactions
get() =
combine(processor.networkHeight, storage.allTransactions) { networkHeight, allTransactions ->
val latestBlockHeight = networkHeight ?: backend.getMaxScannedHeight()
allTransactions.map { TransactionOverview.new(it, latestBlockHeight) }
override val network: ZcashNetwork get() = processor.network
* Indicates the status of this Synchronizer. This implementation basically simplifies the
* status of the processor to focus only on the high level states that matter most. Whenever the
* processor is finished scanning, the synchronizer updates transaction and balance info and
* then emits a [SYNCED] status.
override val status = _status.asStateFlow()
* Indicates the download progress of the Synchronizer. When progress reaches `PercentDecimal.ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT`,
* that signals that the Synchronizer is in sync with the network. Balances should be considered
* inaccurate and outbound transactions should be prevented until this sync is complete. It is
* a simplified version of [processorInfo].
override val progress: Flow<PercentDecimal> = processor.progress
* Indicates the latest information about the blocks that have been processed by the SDK. This
* is very helpful for conveying detailed progress and status to the user.
override val processorInfo: Flow<CompactBlockProcessor.ProcessorInfo> = processor.processorInfo
* The latest height seen on the network while processing blocks. This may differ from the
* latest height scanned and is useful for determining block confirmations and expiration.
override val networkHeight: StateFlow<BlockHeight?> = processor.networkHeight
// Error Handling
* A callback to invoke whenever an uncaught error is encountered. By definition, the return
* value of the function is ignored because this error is unrecoverable. The only reason the
* function has a return value is so that all error handlers work with the same signature which
* allows one function to handle all errors in simple apps. This callback is not called on the
* main thread so any UI work would need to switch context to the main thread.
override var onCriticalErrorHandler: ((Throwable?) -> Boolean)? = null
* A callback to invoke whenever a processor error is encountered. Returning true signals that
* the error was handled and a retry attempt should be made, if possible. This callback is not
* called on the main thread so any UI work would need to switch context to the main thread.
override var onProcessorErrorHandler: ((Throwable?) -> Boolean)? = null
* A callback to invoke whenever a server error is encountered while submitting a transaction to
* lightwalletd. Returning true signals that the error was handled and a retry attempt should be
* made, if possible. This callback is not called on the main thread so any UI work would need
* to switch context to the main thread.
override var onSubmissionErrorHandler: ((Throwable?) -> Boolean)? = null
* A callback to invoke whenever a processor is not setup correctly. Returning true signals that
* the invalid setup should be ignored. If no handler is set, then any setup error will result
* in a critical error. This callback is not called on the main thread so any UI work would need
* to switch context to the main thread.
override var onSetupErrorHandler: ((Throwable?) -> Boolean)? = null
* A callback to invoke whenever a chain error is encountered. These occur whenever the
* processor detects a missing or non-chain-sequential block (i.e. a reorg).
override var onChainErrorHandler: ((errorHeight: BlockHeight, rewindHeight: BlockHeight) -> Any)? = null
// Public API
* Convenience function for the latest height. Specifically, this value represents the last
* height that the synchronizer has observed from the lightwalletd server. Instead of using
* this, a wallet will more likely want to consume the flow of processor info using
* [processorInfo].
override val latestHeight
get() = processor.processorInfo.value.networkBlockHeight
override val latestBirthdayHeight
get() = processor.birthdayHeight
internal fun start() {
override fun close() {
// Note that stopping will continue asynchronously. Race conditions with starting a new synchronizer are
// avoided with a delay during startup.
val shutdownJob =
coroutineScope.launch {
Twig.debug { "Stopping synchronizer $synchronizerKey" }
instances[synchronizerKey] = InstanceState.ShuttingDown(shutdownJob)
shutdownJob.invokeOnCompletion {
_status.value = STOPPED
Twig.debug { "Synchronizer $synchronizerKey stopped" }
override suspend fun getNearestRewindHeight(height: BlockHeight): BlockHeight =
override suspend fun rewindToNearestHeight(height: BlockHeight) {
override suspend fun quickRewind() {
override fun getMemos(transactionOverview: TransactionOverview): Flow<String> {
return storage.getOutputProperties(transactionOverview.rawId).map { properties ->
if (!properties.protocol.isShielded()) {
} else {
runCatching {
txId = transactionOverview.rawId.byteArray,
protocol = properties.protocol,
outputIndex = properties.index
}.onFailure {
Twig.error { "Failed to get memo with: $it" }
}.onSuccess {
Twig.debug { "Transaction memo queried: $it" }
onSuccess = { it ?: "" },
onFailure = { "" }
override fun getRecipients(transactionOverview: TransactionOverview): Flow<TransactionRecipient> {
require(transactionOverview.isSentTransaction) { "Recipients can only be queried for sent transactions" }
return storage.getRecipients(transactionOverview.rawId)
// Storage APIs
// TODO [#682]: turn this section into the data access API. For now, just aggregate all the things that we want
// to do with the underlying data
// TODO [#682]: https://github.com/zcash/zcash-android-wallet-sdk/issues/682
suspend fun getTransactionCount(): Int {
return storage.getTransactionCount().toInt()
fun refreshTransactions() {
* Calculate the latest balance based on the blocks that have been scanned and transmit this information into the
* [transparentBalance], [saplingBalances], and [orchardBalances] flows.
suspend fun refreshAllBalances() {
suspend fun isValidAddress(address: String): Boolean {
return !validateAddress(address).isNotValid
// Private API
private fun CoroutineScope.onReady() {
Twig.debug { "Starting synchronizer…" }
// Triggering UTXOs and transactions fetching at the beginning of the block synchronization right after the
// app starts makes the transparent transactions appear faster.
launch(CoroutineExceptionHandler(::onCriticalError)) {
launch(CoroutineExceptionHandler(::onCriticalError)) {
var lastScanTime = 0L
processor.onProcessorErrorListener = ::onProcessorError
processor.onSetupErrorListener = ::onSetupError
processor.onChainErrorListener = ::onChainError
processor.state.onEach {
when (it) {
is Synced -> {
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
// do a bit of housekeeping and then report synced status
onScanComplete(it.syncedRange, now - lastScanTime)
lastScanTime = now
is Stopped -> STOPPED
is Disconnected -> DISCONNECTED
is Syncing, Initialized -> SYNCING
}.let { synchronizerStatus ->
_status.value = synchronizerStatus
Twig.debug { "Completed starting synchronizer" }
private fun onCriticalError(
unused: CoroutineContext?,
error: Throwable
) {
Twig.error(error) { "Critical error occurred" }
if (onCriticalErrorHandler == null) {
Twig.debug {
"WARNING: a critical error occurred but no callback is registered to be notified " +
"of critical errors! THIS IS PROBABLY A MISTAKE. To respond to these " +
"errors (perhaps to update the UI or alert the user) set " +
"synchronizer.onCriticalErrorHandler to a non-null value."
private fun onProcessorError(error: Throwable): Boolean {
Twig.debug { "ERROR while processing data: $error" }
if (onProcessorErrorHandler == null) {
Twig.debug {
"WARNING: falling back to the default behavior for processor errors. To add" +
" custom behavior, set synchronizer.onProcessorErrorHandler to" +
" a non-null value"
return true
return onProcessorErrorHandler?.invoke(error)?.also {
Twig.debug {
"processor error handler signaled that we should " +
"${if (it) "try again" else "abort"}!"
} == true
private fun onSetupError(error: Throwable): Boolean {
if (onSetupErrorHandler == null) {
Twig.debug {
"WARNING: falling back to the default behavior for setup errors. To add custom" +
" behavior, set synchronizer.onSetupErrorHandler to a non-null value"
return false
return onSetupErrorHandler?.invoke(error) == true
private fun onChainError(
errorHeight: BlockHeight,
rewindHeight: BlockHeight
) {
Twig.debug { "Chain error detected at height: $errorHeight. Rewinding to: $rewindHeight" }
if (onChainErrorHandler == null) {
Twig.debug {
"WARNING: a chain error occurred but no callback is registered to be notified of " +
"chain errors. To respond to these errors (perhaps to update the UI or alert the" +
" user) set synchronizer.onChainErrorHandler to a non-null value"
onChainErrorHandler?.invoke(errorHeight, rewindHeight)
* @param elapsedMillis the amount of time that passed since the last scan
private suspend fun onScanComplete(
scannedRange: ClosedRange<BlockHeight>?,
elapsedMillis: Long
) {
// We don't need to update anything if there have been no blocks
// refresh anyway if:
// - if it's the first time we finished scanning
// - if we check for blocks 5 times and find nothing was mined
val shouldRefresh = !scannedRange.isNullOrEmpty() || elapsedMillis > (ZcashSdk.POLL_INTERVAL * 5)
val reason = if (scannedRange.isNullOrEmpty()) "it's been a while" else "new blocks were scanned"
if (shouldRefresh) {
Twig.debug { "Triggering utxo refresh since $reason!" }
Twig.debug { "Triggering balance refresh since $reason!" }
Twig.debug { "Triggering transaction refresh since $reason!" }
// Account management
// Not ready to be a public API; internal for testing only
internal suspend fun createAccount(
seed: ByteArray,
treeState: TreeState,
recoverUntil: BlockHeight?
): UnifiedSpendingKey? {
return runCatching {
seed = seed,
treeState = treeState,
recoverUntil = recoverUntil
}.onFailure {
Twig.error(it) { "Create account failed." }
* Returns the current Unified Address for this account.
override suspend fun getUnifiedAddress(account: Account): String =
* Returns the legacy Sapling address corresponding to the current Unified Address for this account.
override suspend fun getSaplingAddress(account: Account): String =
* Returns the legacy transparent address corresponding to the current Unified Address for this account.
override suspend fun getTransparentAddress(account: Account): String =
* Creates a proposal for fulfilling a payment ZIP-321 URI
* @param account the account from which to transfer funds.
* @param uri a ZIP-321 compliant payment URI String
* @return the proposal or an exception
override suspend fun proposeFulfillingPaymentUri(
account: Account,
uri: String
): Proposal = txManager.proposeTransferFromUri(account, uri)
override suspend fun proposeTransfer(
account: Account,
recipient: String,
amount: Zatoshi,
memo: String
): Proposal = txManager.proposeTransfer(account, recipient, amount, memo)
override suspend fun proposeShielding(
account: Account,
shieldingThreshold: Zatoshi,
memo: String,
transparentReceiver: String?
): Proposal? = txManager.proposeShielding(account, shieldingThreshold, memo, transparentReceiver)
override suspend fun createProposedTransactions(
proposal: Proposal,
usk: UnifiedSpendingKey
): Flow<TransactionSubmitResult> {
// Internally, this logic submits and checks every incoming transaction, and once [Failure] or
// [NotAttempted] submission result occurs, it returns [NotAttempted] for the rest of them
var anySubmissionFailed = false
return txManager.createProposedTransactions(proposal, usk)
.map { transaction ->
if (anySubmissionFailed) {
} else {
val submission = txManager.submit(transaction)
when (submission) {
is TransactionSubmitResult.Success -> {
// Expected state
is TransactionSubmitResult.Failure,
is TransactionSubmitResult.NotAttempted -> {
anySubmissionFailed = true
message = "Upcoming SDK 2.1 will create multiple transactions at once for some recipients.",
replaceWith =
"createProposedTransactions(proposeTransfer(usk.account, toAddress, amount, memo), usk)"
@Throws(TransactionEncoderException::class, TransactionSubmitException::class)
override suspend fun sendToAddress(
usk: UnifiedSpendingKey,
amount: Zatoshi,
toAddress: String,
memo: String
): Long {
val encodedTx =
when (txManager.submit(encodedTx)) {
is TransactionSubmitResult.Success -> {
return storage.findMatchingTransactionId(encodedTx.txId.byteArray)!!
else -> {
throw TransactionSubmitException()
message = "Upcoming SDK 2.1 will create multiple transactions at once for some recipients.",
replaceWith =
"proposeShielding(usk.account, shieldingThreshold, memo)?.let { createProposedTransactions(it, usk) }"
@Throws(TransactionEncoderException::class, TransactionSubmitException::class)
override suspend fun shieldFunds(
usk: UnifiedSpendingKey,
memo: String
): Long {
Twig.debug { "Initializing shielding transaction" }
val tAddr = CompactBlockProcessor.getTransparentAddress(backend, usk.account)
val tBalance = processor.getUtxoCacheBalance(tAddr)
val encodedTx =
when (txManager.submit(encodedTx)) {
is TransactionSubmitResult.Success -> {
return storage.findMatchingTransactionId(encodedTx.txId.byteArray)!!
else -> {
throw TransactionSubmitException()
override suspend fun refreshUtxos(
account: Account,
since: BlockHeight
): Int {
return processor.refreshUtxos(account, since)
override suspend fun getTransparentBalance(tAddr: String): Zatoshi {
return processor.getUtxoCacheBalance(tAddr)
override suspend fun isValidShieldedAddr(address: String) = txManager.isValidShieldedAddress(address)
override suspend fun isValidTransparentAddr(address: String) = txManager.isValidTransparentAddress(address)
override suspend fun isValidUnifiedAddr(address: String) = txManager.isValidUnifiedAddress(address)
override suspend fun validateAddress(address: String): AddressType =
runCatching {
if (isValidShieldedAddr(address)) {
} else if (isValidTransparentAddr(address)) {
} else if (isValidUnifiedAddr(address)) {
} else {
AddressType.Invalid("Not a Zcash address")
}.getOrElse { error ->
AddressType.Invalid(error.message ?: "Invalid")
// TODO [#1405]: Fix/Remove broken SdkSynchronizer.validateConsensusBranch function
// TODO [#1405]: https://github.com/Electric-Coin-Company/zcash-android-wallet-sdk/issues/1405
override suspend fun validateConsensusBranch(): ConsensusMatchType {
val serverBranchId = tryNull { processor.downloader.getServerInfo()?.consensusBranchId }
val currentChainTip =
when (
val response =
) {
is Response.Success -> {
Twig.info { "Chain tip for validate consensus branch action fetched: ${response.result.value}" }
runCatching { response.result.toBlockHeight(network) }.getOrNull()
is Response.Failure -> {
Twig.error {
"Chain tip fetch failed for validate consensus branch action with:" +
" ${response.toThrowable()}"
val sdkBranchId =
currentChainTip?.let {
tryNull {
(txManager as OutboundTransactionManagerImpl).encoder.getConsensusBranchId(currentChainTip)
return ConsensusMatchType(
sdkBranchId?.let { ConsensusBranchId.fromId(it) },
serverBranchId?.let { ConsensusBranchId.fromHex(it) }
@Suppress("LongMethod", "ReturnCount")
override suspend fun validateServerEndpoint(
context: Context,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint
): ServerValidation {
// Create a dedicated light wallet client for the validation
// The single request timeout is changed from default to 5 seconds to speed up a possible custom server
// endpoint validation
val lightWalletClient =
context = context,
lightWalletEndpoint = endpoint,
singleRequestTimeout = 5.seconds
val remoteInfo =
when (val response = lightWalletClient.getServerInfo()) {
is Response.Success -> response.result
is Response.Failure -> {
return ServerValidation.InValid(response.toThrowable())
// Check network type
if (!remoteInfo.matchingNetwork(network.networkName)) {
return ServerValidation.InValid(
clientNetwork = network.networkName,
serverNetwork = remoteInfo.chainName
// Check sapling activation height
runCatching {
val remoteSaplingActivationHeight = remoteInfo.saplingActivationHeightUnsafe.toBlockHeight(network)
if (network.saplingActivationHeight != remoteSaplingActivationHeight) {
return ServerValidation.InValid(
clientHeight = network.saplingActivationHeight.value,
serverHeight = remoteSaplingActivationHeight.value
}.getOrElse {
return ServerValidation.InValid(it)
val currentChainTip =
when (val response = lightWalletClient.getLatestBlockHeight()) {
is Response.Success -> {
runCatching { response.result.toBlockHeight(network) }.getOrElse {
return ServerValidation.InValid(it)
is Response.Failure -> {
return ServerValidation.InValid(response.toThrowable())
val sdkBranchId =
runCatching {
}.getOrElse {
return ServerValidation.InValid(it)
// Check branch id
return if (remoteInfo.consensusBranchId.equals(sdkBranchId, true)) {
} else {
override suspend fun getExistingDataDbFilePath(
context: Context,
network: ZcashNetwork,
alias: String
): String {
return DatabaseCoordinator.getInstance(context).dataDbFile(
network = network,
alias = alias
).run {
if (!existsSuspend()) {
throw InitializeException.MissingDatabaseException(network, alias)
* Provides a way of constructing a synchronizer where dependencies are injected in.
* See the helper methods for generating default values.
internal object DefaultSynchronizerFactory {
internal suspend fun defaultBackend(
network: ZcashNetwork,
alias: String,
saplingParamTool: SaplingParamTool,
coordinator: DatabaseCoordinator
): TypesafeBackend {
return TypesafeBackendImpl(
coordinator.fsBlockDbRoot(network, alias),
coordinator.dataDbFile(network, alias),
saplingOutputFile = saplingParamTool.outputParamsFile,
saplingSpendFile = saplingParamTool.spendParamsFile,
zcashNetworkId = network.id
internal suspend fun defaultDerivedDataRepository(
context: Context,
rustBackend: TypesafeBackend,
databaseFile: File,
zcashNetwork: ZcashNetwork,
checkpoint: Checkpoint,
seed: ByteArray?,
numberOfAccounts: Int,
recoverUntil: BlockHeight?
): DerivedDataRepository =
internal suspend fun defaultCompactBlockRepository(
blockCacheRoot: File,
backend: TypesafeBackend
): CompactBlockRepository =
fun defaultService(
context: Context,
lightWalletEndpoint: LightWalletEndpoint
): LightWalletClient = LightWalletClient.new(context, lightWalletEndpoint)
internal fun defaultEncoder(
backend: TypesafeBackend,
saplingParamTool: SaplingParamTool,
repository: DerivedDataRepository
): TransactionEncoder = TransactionEncoderImpl(backend, saplingParamTool, repository)
fun defaultDownloader(
service: LightWalletClient,
blockStore: CompactBlockRepository
): CompactBlockDownloader = CompactBlockDownloader(service, blockStore)
internal fun defaultTxManager(
encoder: TransactionEncoder,
service: LightWalletClient
): OutboundTransactionManager {
return OutboundTransactionManagerImpl.new(
internal fun defaultProcessor(
backend: TypesafeBackend,
downloader: CompactBlockDownloader,
repository: DerivedDataRepository,
birthdayHeight: BlockHeight
): CompactBlockProcessor =
downloader = downloader,
repository = repository,
backend = backend,
minimumHeight = birthdayHeight
internal data class SynchronizerKey(val zcashNetwork: ZcashNetwork, val alias: String)