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package cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.darkside.test
import androidx.test.core.app.ApplicationProvider
import androidx.test.platform.app.InstrumentationRegistry
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.Synchronizer
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.Account
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.BlockHeight
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.Darkside
import cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.ZcashNetwork
import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.internal.DarksideApi
import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.internal.new
import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.model.BlockHeightUnsafe
import co.electriccoin.lightwallet.client.model.LightWalletEndpoint
import io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.filter
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.first
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.map
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull
import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
class DarksideTestCoordinator(val wallet: TestWallet) {
alias: String = "DarksideTestCoordinator",
seedPhrase: String = DEFAULT_SEED_PHRASE,
startHeight: BlockHeight = DEFAULT_START_HEIGHT,
network: ZcashNetwork = ZcashNetwork.Mainnet,
endpoint: LightWalletEndpoint = LightWalletEndpoint.Darkside
) : this(TestWallet(seedPhrase, alias, network, endpoint, startHeight = startHeight))
private val targetHeight = BlockHeight.new(wallet.network, 663250)
private val context = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().context
// dependencies: private
private lateinit var darkside: DarksideApi
// dependencies: public
val validator = DarksideTestValidator()
val chainMaker = DarksideChainMaker()
// wallet delegates
val synchronizer get() = wallet.synchronizer
val send get() = wallet::send
// High-level APIs
* Setup dependencies, including the synchronizer and the darkside API connection
fun enterTheDarkside(): DarksideTestCoordinator = runBlocking {
// verify that we are on the darkside
try {
// In the future, we may want to have the SDK internally verify being on the darkside by matching the
// network type
// synchronizer.getServerInfo().apply {
// assertTrue(
// "Error: not on the darkside",
// vendor.contains("dark", true)
// or chainName.contains("dark", true)
// )
// }
} catch (error: StatusRuntimeException) {
"Error while fetching server status. Testing cannot begin due to:" +
" ${error.message} Caused by: ${error.cause} Verify that the server is running!"
* Setup the synchronizer and darksidewalletd with their initial state
fun initiate() {
darkside = DarksideApi.new(ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext(), LightWalletEndpoint.Darkside)
// fun triggerSmallReorg() {
// darkside.setBlocksUrl(smallReorg)
// }
// fun triggerLargeReorg() {
// darkside.setBlocksUrl(largeReorg)
// }
// redo this as a call to wallet but add delay time to wallet join() function
* Waits for, at most, the given amount of time for the synchronizer to download and scan blocks
* and reach a 'SYNCED' status.
fun await(timeout: Long = 60_000L, targetHeight: BlockHeight? = null) = runBlocking {
ScopedTest.timeoutWith(this, timeout) {
synchronizer.status.map { status ->
// whenever we're waiting for a target height, for simplicity, if we're sleeping,
// and in between polls, then consider it that we're not synced
if (targetHeight != null &&
(synchronizer.processorInfo.first().lastSyncedHeight?.let { it < targetHeight }) == true
) {
} else {
}.filter { it == Synchronizer.Status.SYNCED }.first()
// /**
// * Send a transaction and wait until it has been fully created and successfully submitted, which
// * takes about 10 seconds.
// */
// suspend fun createAndSubmitTx(
// zatoshi: Long,
// toAddress: String,
// memo: String = "",
// fromAccountIndex: Int = 0
// ) = coroutineScope {
// wallet.send(toAddress, memo, zatoshi, fromAccountIndex)
// }
fun stall(delay: Long = 5000L) = runBlocking {
// Validation
inner class DarksideTestValidator {
fun validateHasBlock(height: BlockHeight) {
runBlocking {
assertTrue(synchronizer.findBlockHashAsHex(height) != null)
assertTrue(synchronizer.findBlockHash(height)?.size ?: 0 > 0)
fun validateLatestHeight(height: BlockHeight) = runBlocking<Unit> {
val info = synchronizer.processorInfo.first()
val networkBlockHeight = info.networkBlockHeight
"Expected latestHeight of $height but the server last reported a height of" +
" $networkBlockHeight! Full details: $info",
networkBlockHeight == height
fun validateMinHeightSynced(minHeight: BlockHeight) = runBlocking<Unit> {
val info = synchronizer.processorInfo.first()
val lastSyncedHeight = info.lastSyncedHeight
"Expected to have at least synced $minHeight but the last synced block was" +
" $lastSyncedHeight! Full details: $info",
lastSyncedHeight!! >= minHeight
fun validateMaxHeightSynced(maxHeight: BlockHeight) = runBlocking<Unit> {
val lastSyncedHeight = synchronizer.processorInfo.first().lastSyncedHeight
"Did not expect to be synced beyond $maxHeight but we are synced to" +
" $lastSyncedHeight",
lastSyncedHeight!! <= maxHeight
fun validateBlockHash(height: BlockHeight, expectedHash: String) {
val hash = runBlocking { synchronizer.findBlockHashAsHex(height) }
assertEquals(expectedHash, hash)
fun onReorg(callback: (errorHeight: BlockHeight, rewindHeight: BlockHeight) -> Unit) {
synchronizer.onChainErrorHandler = callback
fun validateTxCount(count: Int) {
val txCount = runBlocking { synchronizer.getTransactionCount() }
assertEquals("Expected $count transactions but found $txCount instead!", count, txCount)
fun validateMinBalance(available: Long = -1, total: Long = -1) {
val balance = synchronizer.saplingBalances.value
if (available > 0) {
"invalid available balance. Expected a minimum of $available but found ${balance?.available}",
available <= balance?.available?.value!!
if (total > 0) {
"invalid total balance. Expected a minimum of $total but found ${balance?.total}",
total <= balance?.total?.value!!
suspend fun validateBalance(available: Long = -1, total: Long = -1, account: Account) {
val balance = synchronizer.processor.getBalanceInfo(account)
if (available > 0) {
assertEquals("invalid available balance", available, balance.available)
if (total > 0) {
assertEquals("invalid total balance", total, balance.total)
// Chain Creations
inner class DarksideChainMaker {
var lastTipHeight: BlockHeight? = null
* Resets the darksidelightwalletd server, stages the blocks represented by the given URL, then
* applies those changes and waits for them to take effect.
fun resetBlocks(
blocksUrl: String,
startHeight: BlockHeight = DEFAULT_START_HEIGHT,
tipHeight: BlockHeight = startHeight + 100
): DarksideChainMaker = apply {
fun stageTransaction(url: String, targetHeight: BlockHeight): DarksideChainMaker = apply {
darkside.stageTransactions(url, BlockHeightUnsafe(targetHeight.value))
fun stageTransactions(targetHeight: BlockHeight, vararg urls: String): DarksideChainMaker = apply {
urls.forEach {
darkside.stageTransactions(it, BlockHeightUnsafe(targetHeight.value))
fun stageEmptyBlocks(startHeight: BlockHeight, count: Int = 10): DarksideChainMaker = apply {
darkside.stageEmptyBlocks(BlockHeightUnsafe(startHeight.value), count)
fun stageEmptyBlock() = stageEmptyBlocks(lastTipHeight!! + 1, 1)
fun applyTipHeight(tipHeight: BlockHeight): DarksideChainMaker = apply {
lastTipHeight = tipHeight
* Creates a chain with 100 blocks and a transaction in the middle.
* The chain starts at block 663150 and ends at block 663250
fun makeSimpleChain() {
applyTipHeight(DEFAULT_START_HEIGHT + 100)
fun advanceBy(numEmptyBlocks: Int) {
val nextBlock = lastTipHeight!! + 1
darkside.stageEmptyBlocks(BlockHeightUnsafe(nextBlock.value), numEmptyBlocks)
applyTipHeight(nextBlock + numEmptyBlocks)
fun applyPendingTransactions(targetHeight: BlockHeight = lastTipHeight!! + 1) {
stageEmptyBlocks(lastTipHeight!! + 1, (targetHeight.value - lastTipHeight!!.value).toInt())
companion object {
* This is a special localhost value on the Android emulator, which allows it to contact
* the localhost of the computer running the emulator.
// Block URLS
private const val beforeReorg =
private const val smallReorg =
private const val largeReorg =
private val DEFAULT_START_HEIGHT = BlockHeight.new(ZcashNetwork.Mainnet, 663150)
private const val DEFAULT_SEED_PHRASE =
"still champion voice habit trend flight survey between bitter process artefact blind carbon truly provide dizzy crush flush breeze blouse charge solid fish spread"