
156 lines
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package cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.days
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.minutes
data class PendingTransaction internal constructor(
val id: Long,
val value: Zatoshi,
val fee: Zatoshi?,
val memo: FirstClassByteArray?,
val raw: FirstClassByteArray,
val recipient: TransactionRecipient,
val sentFromAccount: Account,
val minedHeight: BlockHeight?,
val expiryHeight: BlockHeight?,
val cancelled: Int,
val encodeAttempts: Int,
val submitAttempts: Int,
val errorMessage: String?,
val errorCode: Int?,
val createTime: Long,
val rawTransactionId: FirstClassByteArray?
) {
override fun toString() = "PendingTransaction"
sealed class TransactionRecipient {
data class Address(val addressValue: String) : TransactionRecipient() {
override fun toString() = "TransactionRecipient.Address"
data class Account(val accountValue: cash.z.ecc.android.sdk.model.Account) : TransactionRecipient() {
override fun toString() = "TransactionRecipient.Account"
companion object
// Note there are some commented out methods which aren't being removed yet, as they might be needed before the
// Roomoval draft PR is completed
// fun PendingTransaction.isSameTxId(other: MinedTransaction) =
// rawTransactionId == other.rawTransactionId
// fun PendingTransaction.isSameTxId(other: PendingTransaction) =
// rawTransactionId == other.rawTransactionId
internal fun PendingTransaction.hasRawTransactionId() =
rawTransactionId?.byteArray?.isEmpty() == false
fun PendingTransaction.isCreating() =
raw.byteArray.isNotEmpty() && submitAttempts <= 0 && !isFailedSubmit() && !isFailedEncoding()
fun PendingTransaction.isCreated() =
raw.byteArray.isNotEmpty() && submitAttempts <= 0 && !isFailedSubmit() && !isFailedEncoding()
fun PendingTransaction.isFailedEncoding() = raw.byteArray.isEmpty() && encodeAttempts > 0
fun PendingTransaction.isFailedSubmit(): Boolean {
return errorMessage != null || (errorCode != null && errorCode < 0)
fun PendingTransaction.isFailure(): Boolean {
return isFailedEncoding() || isFailedSubmit()
// fun PendingTransaction.isCancelled(): Boolean {
// return cancelled > 0
// }
fun PendingTransaction.isMined(): Boolean {
return minedHeight != null
internal fun PendingTransaction.isSubmitted(): Boolean {
return submitAttempts > 0
internal fun PendingTransaction.isExpired(
latestHeight: BlockHeight?,
saplingActivationHeight: BlockHeight
): Boolean {
val expiryHeightLocal = expiryHeight
if (latestHeight == null || expiryHeightLocal == null) {
return false
// TODO [#687]: test for off-by-one error here. Should we use <= or <
// TODO [#687]: https://github.com/zcash/zcash-android-wallet-sdk/issues/687
if (latestHeight.value < saplingActivationHeight.value || expiryHeightLocal < saplingActivationHeight) {
return false
return expiryHeightLocal < latestHeight
private const val EXPIRY_BLOCK_COUNT = 100
// if we don't have info on a pendingtx after 100 blocks then it's probably safe to stop polling!
internal fun PendingTransaction.isLongExpired(
latestHeight: BlockHeight?,
saplingActivationHeight: BlockHeight
): Boolean {
val expiryHeightLocal = expiryHeight
if (latestHeight == null || expiryHeightLocal == null) {
return false
if (latestHeight.value < saplingActivationHeight.value || expiryHeightLocal < saplingActivationHeight) {
return false
return (latestHeight.value - expiryHeightLocal.value) > EXPIRY_BLOCK_COUNT
private const val ERROR_CODE_MARKED_FOR_DELETION = -9090
internal fun PendingTransaction.isMarkedForDeletion(): Boolean {
return rawTransactionId == null && (errorCode ?: 0) == ERROR_CODE_MARKED_FOR_DELETION
private val smallThreshold = 30.minutes
private val hugeThreshold = 30.days
internal fun PendingTransaction.isSafeToDiscard(): Boolean {
// invalid dates shouldn't happen or should be temporary
if (createTime < 0) return false
val ageInMilliseconds = System.currentTimeMillis() - createTime
return when {
// if it is mined, then it is not pending so it can be deleted fairly quickly from this db
isMined() && ageInMilliseconds > smallThreshold.inWholeMilliseconds -> true
// if a tx fails to encode, then there's not much we can do with it
isFailedEncoding() && ageInMilliseconds > smallThreshold.inWholeMilliseconds -> true
// don't delete failed submissions until they've been cleaned up, properly, or else we lose
// the ability to remove them in librustzcash prior to expiration
isFailedSubmit() && isMarkedForDeletion() -> true
!isMined() && ageInMilliseconds > hugeThreshold.inWholeMilliseconds -> true
else -> false
fun PendingTransaction.isPending(currentHeight: BlockHeight?): Boolean {
// not mined and not expired and successfully created
return !isSubmitSuccess() && minedHeight == null &&
(expiryHeight == null || expiryHeight.value > (currentHeight?.value ?: 0L))
fun PendingTransaction.isSubmitSuccess(): Boolean {
return submitAttempts > 0 && (errorCode != null && errorCode >= 0) && errorMessage == null