Change Log ========== Version 1.0.0-alpha74 *(2021-06-21)* ------------------------------------ - New: Added workflow for automatically shielding funds. - New: Automatically recover from more network failure states. - New: Link to play store from the build number. - New: Hide available/total toggle when there are no pending funds. - New: Easter Egg to access the testnet faucets. - New: Updated checkpoints for mainnet and testnet. - Fix: Expand tappable area for showing the balance details. - Fix: Off by one error when calculating confirmations. - Fix: Do not show time in transaction details for pending transactions. Version 1.0.0-alpha72 *(2021-06-07)* ------------------------------------ - New: Address tabs with t-address support [Credit @herou]. - New: Ktlint support [Credit @nighthawk24] - New: Balance details screen [Credit @herou]. - New: Better balance information around unmined transactions. - New: Add toggle to show available v. total funds. - New: Auto-shielding via balance details screen. - New: 'Ask Later' on feedback popup. - Fix: Repaired QR scanning on older devices (below API 24). - Fix: Several of the most frequent crashes reported in bugsnag. - Fix: Corrected over-sized icon in history. - Fix: History no longer displays negative balance during initial sync. - Fix: Errors that prevented sync from working in some situations. - Fix: Improved support for smaller screens and older devices. Version 1.0.0-alpha67 *(2021-04-22)* ------------------------------------ - Fix: Crash after entering 24th seed word on certain devices - Fix: Correct errors on certain devices around biometrics. - Fix: Display information when invalid addresses are scanned. - Fix: Prevent memo for transparent transactions [Credit @mandeepbhalothia]. - Fix: Security finding: remove aparent logging [Credit @mandeepbhalothia]. - New: View more info for failed sends [Credit @herou]. - New: Switch away from google libraries for QR code parsing [Credit @herou]. - New: Ability to make testnet releases [Credit @herou]. - New: Updated design for wallet history [Credit @mandeepbhalothia]. - New: Added responsible disclosure document for vulnerabilities [Credit: @zebambam] - New: Update to latest SDK changes, including using one library instead of two. - New: Auto-shielding Easter Egg. - New: Periodically solicit user feedback. - New: Wallet restore improvements including 'clear' feature. - New: Rescan/Wipe feature for fixing wallet errors - New: Add ability to copy the contents of the memo. - New: Add ability to paste and parse an entire seed phrase at once - New: Basic support for QRs prefixed with zcash: - New: Made it easier to add vibration and leveraged it whenever text is copied. - New: Adds cleanup and removal of failed transactions. - New: Improved logic for determining the wallet birthday. - New: Capture performance metrics for scanning. - New: Additional messaging during a scan for better responsiveness. - New: Improved handling of critical errors. Version 1.0.0-alpha43 *(2020-12-20)* ------------------------------------ - Fix: Repaired the upgrade flow, which could not reorg because of missing birthday height - Fix: Repaired create wallet flow which was being covered by the loading screen Version 1.0.0-alpha42 *(2020-12-19)* ------------------------------------ - Fix: Correct race condition when launching the app - Fix: Display loading screen while waiting for app to initialize Version 1.0.0-alpha41 *(2020-12-19)* ------------------------------------ - New: Upgrade to the latest SDK. - New: Implements ZIP-313, reducing the default fee from 10,000 to 1,000 zats. - New: Adds authentication prior to viewing backup seed words. - New: Adds blockchair as the transaction explorer. - Fix: Authentication bugs on older devices that were preventing sends and mishandling cancels. - Fix: Users can now upgrade from seed-only prior versions without crashing or needing to restore. - Fix: Improved internal metrics for troubleshooting issues. Version 1.0.0-alpha37 *(2020-10-07)* ------------------------------------ - New: Localization in 5 languages Russian, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Korean. - New: Store and sync using just the ViewingKey. - New: Added QA build flavor for better testing. - New: Ability to change servers (thanks @Nighthawk!) - Fix: Critical bug in 3rd-party secure storage library impacting large strings. - Fix: Devices without PIN can use the wallet again. - Fix: Developer logs now work on all devices. Version 1.0.0-alpha34 *(2020-08-28)* ------------------------------------ - New: Implemented transaction detail view. - New: Updated receive screen and scan screen. - New: Added optional blockchain explorer with privacy warning. - Fix: Update key dependencies for performance. - Fix: Iterated on send flow with lots of improvements and fixes. - Fix: Trim improperly parsed characters from memos. - Fix: Keypad stops working when navigating back to home screen. - Fix: Prevent black screen after failed initialization. Version 1.0.0-alpha33 *(2020-08-13)* ------------------------------------ - New: Fully removed crashlytics, in favor of bugsnag. - New: Change the default lightwalletd server. - New: Switched to the latest SDK. Version 1.0.0-alpha32 *(2020-08-01)* ------------------------------------ - New: entirely revamped send flow - New: added biometric authentication support - New: add robust support for tx cancellation - New: support precise birthday heights for faster restore - New: switched to Reply-To standard for memos - New: improved feedback while scanning QRs - New: more compatible with memo reply-to formats - New: update to latest librustzcash crates - New: checkpoints - Fix: amount not clearing on return to home screen - Fix: address cursor resetting while typing - Fix: app crash when opening application logs - Fix: limit decimal places to 8 places - Fix: wallet history now scrolls to the top - Fix: consistent currency formatting - Fix: security finding around compromised file system Version 1.0.0-alpha31 *(2020-06-11)* ------------------------------------ - Source code now available on github! - New: Improved mnemonic phrase handling and correctness - Fix: mitigated several security findings - New: Integrated with latest SDK, now available on jcenter - New: Improved error handling in several areas - New: Built-in support for the Heartwood consensus branch - Fix: Wallet details screen now refreshes data - Fix: Seed phrase display error Version 1.0.0-alpha29 *(2020-06-10)* ------------------------------------ - Fix: Removed 3rd party mnemonic library due to restrictive license - New: Verify checksum for imported mnemonics and warn user - Fix: Validate address to mitigate security finding - New: Integrated with latest SDK, now available on jcenter - New: Improved error handling in several areas - New: Updated all dependencies - New: Built-in support for the Heartwood consensus branch - Fix: Wallet details screen was not refreshing values - Fix: Polling interval vulnerability Version 1.0.0-alpha25 *(2020-03-27)* ------------------------------------ - New: added full memo support - New: added feedback screen and related logging - New: added full wallet restore, including outbound txs, outbound recipients and inbound memos - New: show sender address in details list, when we can parse it from the memo - New: long press transaction details to copy related address - New: clarified UI for pending transactions - New: improved the handling of disconnected state - New: improved the behavior when returning from the background - New: changed doc format to html instead of markdown - New: iterated on button styles, including intial send button animation - Fix: last digit of amount no longer lingers when returning to home screen - Fix: database migration issues in certain versions - Fix: added more detailed logs around network failures for future troubleshooting - Fix: avoid negative numbers in the UI - Fix: occasional crashes while closing the camera - New: Simplified some SDK APIs so they are easier to use - New: added more checkpoints so new wallets initialize faster Version 1.0.0-alpha23 *(2020-02-21)* ------------------------------------ - Fix: reorg improvements, squashing critical bugs that disabled wallets - New: extend analytics to include taps, screen views, and send flow. - New: add crash reporting via Crashlytics. - New: expose user logs and developer logs as files. - New: improve feature for creating checkpoints. - New: added DB schemas to the repository for tracking. - Fix: numerous bug fixes, test fixes and cleanup. - New: improved error handling and user experience Version 1.0.0-alpha17 *(2020-02-07)* ------------------------------------ - New: implemented wallet import - New: display the memo when tapping outbound transactions - Fix: removed the sad zebra and softened wording for sending z->t - Fix: removed restriction on smallest sendable ZEC amount - Fix: removed "fund now" - New: turned on developer logging to help with troubleshooting - New: improved wallet details ability to handle small amounts of ZEC - New: added ability to clear the memo - Fix: changed "SEND WITHOUT MEMO" to "OMIT MEMO" - Fix: corrected wording when the address is included in the memo - New: display the approximate wallet birthday with the backup words - New: improved crash reporting - Fix: fixed bug when returning from the background - New: added logging for failed transactions - New: added logic to verify setup and offer explanation when the wallet is corrupted - New: refactored and improved wallet initialization - New: added ability to contribute 'plugins' to the SDK - New: added tons more checkpoints to reduce startup/import time - New: exposed logic to derive addresses directly from seeds - Fix: fixed several crashes Version 1.0.0-alpha11 *(2020-01-15)* ------------------------------------ - Initial ECC release Version 1.0.0-alpha03 *(2019-12-18)* ------------------------------------ - Initial internal wallet team release