
135 lines
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package cash.z.ecc.android.lockbox
import android.content.Context
import cash.z.android.plugin.LockBoxPlugin
import de.adorsys.android.securestoragelibrary.SecurePreferences
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.CharBuffer
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.util.*
import javax.inject.Inject
class LockBox @Inject constructor(private val appContext: Context) : LockBoxPlugin {
private val maxLength: Int = 50
override fun setBoolean(key: String, value: Boolean) {
setChunkedString(key, value.toString())
override fun getBoolean(key: String): Boolean {
return getChunkedString(key)?.toBoolean() ?: false
override fun setBytes(key: String, value: ByteArray) {
// using hex here because this library doesn't really work well for byte arrays
// but hopefully we can code to arrays and then change the underlying library, later
setChunkedString(key, value.toHex())
override fun getBytes(key: String): ByteArray? {
return getChunkedString(key)?.fromHex()
override fun setCharsUtf8(key: String, value: CharArray) {
// Using string here because this library doesn't work well for char arrays
// but hopefully we can code to arrays and then change the underlying library, later
setChunkedString(key, String(value))
override fun getCharsUtf8(key: String): CharArray? {
return getChunkedString(key)?.toCharArray()
fun delete(key: String) {
return SecurePreferences.removeValue(appContext, key)
fun clear() {
inline operator fun <reified T> set(key: String, value: T) {
when (T::class) {
Boolean::class -> setBoolean(key, value as Boolean)
ByteArray::class -> setBytes(key, value as ByteArray)
CharArray::class -> setCharsUtf8(key, value as CharArray)
Double::class, Float::class, Integer::class, Long::class, String::class -> setChunkedString(key, value.toString())
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Lockbox does not yet support setting ${T::class.java.simpleName} objects but it can easily be added.")
inline operator fun <reified T> get(key: String): T? = when (T::class) {
Boolean::class -> getBoolean(key)
ByteArray::class -> getBytes(key)
CharArray::class -> getCharsUtf8(key)
Double::class -> getChunkedString(key)?.let { it.toDoubleOrNull() }
Float::class -> getChunkedString(key)?.let { it.toFloatOrNull() }
Integer::class -> getChunkedString(key)?.let { it.toIntOrNull() }
Long::class -> getChunkedString(key)?.let { it.toLongOrNull() }
String::class -> getChunkedString(key)
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Lockbox does not yet support getting ${T::class.simpleName} objects but it can easily be added")
} as T
* Splits a string value into smaller pieces so as not to exceed the limit on the length of
* String that can be stored.
fun setChunkedString(key: String, value: String) {
if (value.length > maxLength) {
SecurePreferences.setValue(appContext, key, value.chunked(maxLength))
} else {
SecurePreferences.setValue(appContext, key, value)
* Returns a string value from storage by first fetching the key, directly. If that is missing,
* it checks for a chunked version of the key. If that exists, it will be merged and returned.
* If not, then null will be returned.
* @return the key if found and null otherwise.
fun getChunkedString(key: String): String? {
return SecurePreferences.getStringValue(appContext, key, null)
?: SecurePreferences.getStringListValue(appContext, key, listOf()).let { result ->
if (result.size == 0) null else result.joinToString("")
// Extensions (TODO: find library that works better with arrays of bytes and chars)
private fun ByteArray.toHex(): String {
val sb = StringBuilder(size * 2)
for (b in this)
sb.append(String.format("%02x", b))
return sb.toString()
private fun String.fromHex(): ByteArray {
val len = length
val data = ByteArray(len / 2)
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
data[i / 2] =
((Character.digit(this[i], 16) shl 4) + Character.digit(this[i + 1], 16)).toByte()
i += 2
return data
private fun CharArray.toBytes(): ByteArray {
val byteBuffer = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(this))
return Arrays.copyOf(byteBuffer.array(), byteBuffer.limit());
private fun ByteArray.fromBytes(): CharArray {
val charBuffer = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(this))
return Arrays.copyOf(charBuffer.array(), charBuffer.limit())