
{{if .Command}}{{.Command.Name}} - {{end}}Bitcoin RPC


{{if .Command}}{{.Command.Name}} - {{end}}Zcash 1.1.1 RPC

{{if .Command}}


- This is a website, created out of frustration with uncomplete and outdated Bitcoin Core RPC documentation online. + Made by @karel_3d; license of the docs is MIT (see zcash repo), license of the scripts and webpage is also MIT ((C) 2018 Karel Bilek) (github repo)

- It was inspired by ChainQuery, which seems to be abandoned. These docs are even simplier, so they can be regenerated by anyone. -


- Made by @karel_3d; license of the docs is MIT (see bitcoin repo), license of the scripts and webpage is also MIT ((C) 2018 Karel Bilek) (github repo) -


- Bitcoin version: 0.16.0. -


- Note that the RPC is from a regtest node (for completeness), so it includes some additional calls that a regular node doesn't have. + Note it uses a regtest node, so it includes some additional calls that a regular node doesn't have.