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//! Note encryption for Zcash transactions.
//! This crate implements the [in-band secret distribution scheme] for the Sapling and
//! Orchard protocols. It provides reusable methods that implement common note encryption
//! and trial decryption logic, and enforce protocol-agnostic verification requirements.
//! Protocol-specific logic is handled via the [`Domain`] trait. Implementations of this
//! trait are provided in the [`zcash_primitives`] (for Sapling) and [`orchard`] crates;
//! users with their own existing types can similarly implement the trait themselves.
//! [in-band secret distribution scheme]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#saplingandorchardinband
//! [`zcash_primitives`]: https://crates.io/crates/zcash_primitives
//! [`orchard`]: https://crates.io/crates/orchard
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
// Catch documentation errors caused by code changes.
// TODO: #![deny(missing_docs)]
use core::fmt::{self, Write};
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
extern crate alloc;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use chacha20::{
cipher::{StreamCipher, StreamCipherSeek},
use chacha20poly1305::{aead::AeadInPlace, ChaCha20Poly1305, KeyInit};
use cipher::KeyIvInit;
use rand_core::RngCore;
use subtle::{Choice, ConstantTimeEq};
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "alloc")))]
pub mod batch;
/// The size of a compact note.
pub const COMPACT_NOTE_SIZE: usize = 1 + // version
11 + // diversifier
8 + // value
32; // rseed (or rcm prior to ZIP 212)
/// The size of [`NotePlaintextBytes`].
/// The size of [`OutPlaintextBytes`].
pub const OUT_PLAINTEXT_SIZE: usize = 32 + // pk_d
32; // esk
const AEAD_TAG_SIZE: usize = 16;
/// The size of an encrypted note plaintext.
/// The size of an encrypted outgoing plaintext.
/// A symmetric key that can be used to recover a single Sapling or Orchard output.
pub struct OutgoingCipherKey(pub [u8; 32]);
impl From<[u8; 32]> for OutgoingCipherKey {
fn from(ock: [u8; 32]) -> Self {
impl AsRef<[u8]> for OutgoingCipherKey {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// Newtype representing the byte encoding of an [`EphemeralPublicKey`].
/// [`EphemeralPublicKey`]: Domain::EphemeralPublicKey
pub struct EphemeralKeyBytes(pub [u8; 32]);
impl fmt::Debug for EphemeralKeyBytes {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
struct HexFmt<'b>(&'b [u8]);
impl<'b> fmt::Debug for HexFmt<'b> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
for b in self.0 {
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{:02x}", b))?;
impl AsRef<[u8]> for EphemeralKeyBytes {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl From<[u8; 32]> for EphemeralKeyBytes {
fn from(value: [u8; 32]) -> EphemeralKeyBytes {
impl ConstantTimeEq for EphemeralKeyBytes {
fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> Choice {
/// Newtype representing the byte encoding of a note plaintext.
pub struct NotePlaintextBytes(pub [u8; NOTE_PLAINTEXT_SIZE]);
/// Newtype representing the byte encoding of a outgoing plaintext.
pub struct OutPlaintextBytes(pub [u8; OUT_PLAINTEXT_SIZE]);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum NoteValidity {
/// Trait that encapsulates protocol-specific note encryption types and logic.
/// This trait enables most of the note encryption logic to be shared between Sapling and
/// Orchard, as well as between different implementations of those protocols.
pub trait Domain {
type EphemeralSecretKey: ConstantTimeEq;
type EphemeralPublicKey;
type PreparedEphemeralPublicKey;
type SharedSecret;
type SymmetricKey: AsRef<[u8]>;
type Note;
type Recipient;
type DiversifiedTransmissionKey;
type IncomingViewingKey;
type OutgoingViewingKey;
type ValueCommitment;
type ExtractedCommitment;
type ExtractedCommitmentBytes: Eq + for<'a> From<&'a Self::ExtractedCommitment>;
type Memo;
/// Derives the `EphemeralSecretKey` corresponding to this note.
/// Returns `None` if the note was created prior to [ZIP 212], and doesn't have a
/// deterministic `EphemeralSecretKey`.
/// [ZIP 212]: https://zips.z.cash/zip-0212
fn derive_esk(note: &Self::Note) -> Option<Self::EphemeralSecretKey>;
/// Extracts the `DiversifiedTransmissionKey` from the note.
fn get_pk_d(note: &Self::Note) -> Self::DiversifiedTransmissionKey;
/// Prepare an ephemeral public key for more efficient scalar multiplication.
fn prepare_epk(epk: Self::EphemeralPublicKey) -> Self::PreparedEphemeralPublicKey;
/// Derives `EphemeralPublicKey` from `esk` and the note's diversifier.
fn ka_derive_public(
note: &Self::Note,
esk: &Self::EphemeralSecretKey,
) -> Self::EphemeralPublicKey;
/// Derives the `SharedSecret` from the sender's information during note encryption.
fn ka_agree_enc(
esk: &Self::EphemeralSecretKey,
pk_d: &Self::DiversifiedTransmissionKey,
) -> Self::SharedSecret;
/// Derives the `SharedSecret` from the recipient's information during note trial
/// decryption.
fn ka_agree_dec(
ivk: &Self::IncomingViewingKey,
epk: &Self::PreparedEphemeralPublicKey,
) -> Self::SharedSecret;
/// Derives the `SymmetricKey` used to encrypt the note plaintext.
/// `secret` is the `SharedSecret` obtained from [`Self::ka_agree_enc`] or
/// [`Self::ka_agree_dec`].
/// `ephemeral_key` is the byte encoding of the [`EphemeralPublicKey`] used to derive
/// `secret`. During encryption it is derived via [`Self::epk_bytes`]; during trial
/// decryption it is obtained from [`ShieldedOutput::ephemeral_key`].
/// [`EphemeralPublicKey`]: Self::EphemeralPublicKey
/// [`EphemeralSecretKey`]: Self::EphemeralSecretKey
fn kdf(secret: Self::SharedSecret, ephemeral_key: &EphemeralKeyBytes) -> Self::SymmetricKey;
/// Encodes the given `Note` and `Memo` as a note plaintext.
fn note_plaintext_bytes(note: &Self::Note, memo: &Self::Memo) -> NotePlaintextBytes;
/// Derives the [`OutgoingCipherKey`] for an encrypted note, given the note-specific
/// public data and an `OutgoingViewingKey`.
fn derive_ock(
ovk: &Self::OutgoingViewingKey,
cv: &Self::ValueCommitment,
cmstar_bytes: &Self::ExtractedCommitmentBytes,
ephemeral_key: &EphemeralKeyBytes,
) -> OutgoingCipherKey;
/// Encodes the outgoing plaintext for the given note.
fn outgoing_plaintext_bytes(
note: &Self::Note,
esk: &Self::EphemeralSecretKey,
) -> OutPlaintextBytes;
/// Returns the byte encoding of the given `EphemeralPublicKey`.
fn epk_bytes(epk: &Self::EphemeralPublicKey) -> EphemeralKeyBytes;
/// Attempts to parse `ephemeral_key` as an `EphemeralPublicKey`.
/// Returns `None` if `ephemeral_key` is not a valid byte encoding of an
/// `EphemeralPublicKey`.
fn epk(ephemeral_key: &EphemeralKeyBytes) -> Option<Self::EphemeralPublicKey>;
/// Derives the `ExtractedCommitment` for this note.
fn cmstar(note: &Self::Note) -> Self::ExtractedCommitment;
/// Parses the given note plaintext from the recipient's perspective.
/// The implementation of this method must check that:
/// - The note plaintext version is valid (for the given decryption domain's context,
/// which may be passed via `self`).
/// - The note plaintext contains valid encodings of its various fields.
/// - Any domain-specific requirements are satisfied.
/// `&self` is passed here to enable the implementation to enforce contextual checks,
/// such as rules like [ZIP 212] that become active at a specific block height.
/// [ZIP 212]: https://zips.z.cash/zip-0212
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `plaintext` is shorter than [`COMPACT_NOTE_SIZE`].
fn parse_note_plaintext_without_memo_ivk(
ivk: &Self::IncomingViewingKey,
plaintext: &[u8],
) -> Option<(Self::Note, Self::Recipient)>;
/// Parses the given note plaintext from the sender's perspective.
/// The implementation of this method must check that:
/// - The note plaintext version is valid (for the given decryption domain's context,
/// which may be passed via `self`).
/// - The note plaintext contains valid encodings of its various fields.
/// - Any domain-specific requirements are satisfied.
/// `&self` is passed here to enable the implementation to enforce contextual checks,
/// such as rules like [ZIP 212] that become active at a specific block height.
/// [ZIP 212]: https://zips.z.cash/zip-0212
fn parse_note_plaintext_without_memo_ovk(
pk_d: &Self::DiversifiedTransmissionKey,
plaintext: &NotePlaintextBytes,
) -> Option<(Self::Note, Self::Recipient)>;
/// Extracts the memo field from the given note plaintext.
/// # Compatibility
/// `&self` is passed here in anticipation of future changes to memo handling, where
/// the memos may no longer be part of the note plaintext.
fn extract_memo(&self, plaintext: &NotePlaintextBytes) -> Self::Memo;
/// Parses the `DiversifiedTransmissionKey` field of the outgoing plaintext.
/// Returns `None` if `out_plaintext` does not contain a valid byte encoding of a
/// `DiversifiedTransmissionKey`.
fn extract_pk_d(out_plaintext: &OutPlaintextBytes) -> Option<Self::DiversifiedTransmissionKey>;
/// Parses the `EphemeralSecretKey` field of the outgoing plaintext.
/// Returns `None` if `out_plaintext` does not contain a valid byte encoding of an
/// `EphemeralSecretKey`.
fn extract_esk(out_plaintext: &OutPlaintextBytes) -> Option<Self::EphemeralSecretKey>;
/// Trait that encapsulates protocol-specific batch trial decryption logic.
/// Each batchable operation has a default implementation that calls through to the
/// non-batched implementation. Domains can override whichever operations benefit from
/// batched logic.
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "alloc")))]
pub trait BatchDomain: Domain {
/// Computes `Self::kdf` on a batch of items.
/// For each item in the batch, if the shared secret is `None`, this returns `None` at
/// that position.
fn batch_kdf<'a>(
items: impl Iterator<Item = (Option<Self::SharedSecret>, &'a EphemeralKeyBytes)>,
) -> Vec<Option<Self::SymmetricKey>> {
// Default implementation: do the non-batched thing.
.map(|(secret, ephemeral_key)| secret.map(|secret| Self::kdf(secret, ephemeral_key)))
/// Computes `Self::epk` on a batch of ephemeral keys.
/// This is useful for protocols where the underlying curve requires an inversion to
/// parse an encoded point.
/// For usability, this returns tuples of the ephemeral keys and the result of parsing
/// them.
fn batch_epk(
ephemeral_keys: impl Iterator<Item = EphemeralKeyBytes>,
) -> Vec<(Option<Self::PreparedEphemeralPublicKey>, EphemeralKeyBytes)> {
// Default implementation: do the non-batched thing.
.map(|ephemeral_key| {
/// Trait that provides access to the components of an encrypted transaction output.
/// Implementations of this trait are required to define the length of their ciphertext
/// field. In order to use the trial decryption APIs in this crate, the length must be
pub trait ShieldedOutput<D: Domain, const CIPHERTEXT_SIZE: usize> {
/// Exposes the `ephemeral_key` field of the output.
fn ephemeral_key(&self) -> EphemeralKeyBytes;
/// Exposes the `cmu_bytes` or `cmx_bytes` field of the output.
fn cmstar_bytes(&self) -> D::ExtractedCommitmentBytes;
/// Exposes the note ciphertext of the output.
fn enc_ciphertext(&self) -> &[u8; CIPHERTEXT_SIZE];
/// A struct containing context required for encrypting Sapling and Orchard notes.
/// This struct provides a safe API for encrypting Sapling and Orchard notes. In particular, it
/// enforces that fresh ephemeral keys are used for every note, and that the ciphertexts are
/// consistent with each other.
/// Implements section 4.19 of the
/// [Zcash Protocol Specification](https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#saplingandorchardinband)
pub struct NoteEncryption<D: Domain> {
epk: D::EphemeralPublicKey,
esk: D::EphemeralSecretKey,
note: D::Note,
memo: D::Memo,
/// `None` represents the `ovk = ⊥` case.
ovk: Option<D::OutgoingViewingKey>,
impl<D: Domain> NoteEncryption<D> {
/// Construct a new note encryption context for the specified note,
/// recipient, and memo.
pub fn new(ovk: Option<D::OutgoingViewingKey>, note: D::Note, memo: D::Memo) -> Self {
let esk = D::derive_esk(&note).expect("ZIP 212 is active.");
NoteEncryption {
epk: D::ka_derive_public(&note, &esk),
/// For use only with Sapling. This method is preserved in order that test code
/// be able to generate pre-ZIP-212 ciphertexts so that tests can continue to
/// cover pre-ZIP-212 transaction decryption.
#[cfg(feature = "pre-zip-212")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "pre-zip-212")))]
pub fn new_with_esk(
esk: D::EphemeralSecretKey,
ovk: Option<D::OutgoingViewingKey>,
note: D::Note,
memo: D::Memo,
) -> Self {
NoteEncryption {
epk: D::ka_derive_public(&note, &esk),
/// Exposes the ephemeral secret key being used to encrypt this note.
pub fn esk(&self) -> &D::EphemeralSecretKey {
/// Exposes the encoding of the ephemeral public key being used to encrypt this note.
pub fn epk(&self) -> &D::EphemeralPublicKey {
/// Generates `encCiphertext` for this note.
pub fn encrypt_note_plaintext(&self) -> [u8; ENC_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE] {
let pk_d = D::get_pk_d(&self.note);
let shared_secret = D::ka_agree_enc(&self.esk, &pk_d);
let key = D::kdf(shared_secret, &D::epk_bytes(&self.epk));
let input = D::note_plaintext_bytes(&self.note, &self.memo);
let mut output = [0u8; ENC_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE];
let tag = ChaCha20Poly1305::new(key.as_ref().into())
[0u8; 12][..].into(),
&mut output[..NOTE_PLAINTEXT_SIZE],
/// Generates `outCiphertext` for this note.
pub fn encrypt_outgoing_plaintext<R: RngCore>(
cv: &D::ValueCommitment,
cmstar: &D::ExtractedCommitment,
rng: &mut R,
let (ock, input) = if let Some(ovk) = &self.ovk {
let ock = D::derive_ock(ovk, cv, &cmstar.into(), &D::epk_bytes(&self.epk));
let input = D::outgoing_plaintext_bytes(&self.note, &self.esk);
(ock, input)
} else {
// ovk = ⊥
let mut ock = OutgoingCipherKey([0; 32]);
let mut input = [0u8; OUT_PLAINTEXT_SIZE];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut ock.0);
rng.fill_bytes(&mut input);
(ock, OutPlaintextBytes(input))
let mut output = [0u8; OUT_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE];
let tag = ChaCha20Poly1305::new(ock.as_ref().into())
.encrypt_in_place_detached([0u8; 12][..].into(), &[], &mut output[..OUT_PLAINTEXT_SIZE])
/// Trial decryption of the full note plaintext by the recipient.
/// Attempts to decrypt and validate the given shielded output using the given `ivk`.
/// If successful, the corresponding note and memo are returned, along with the address to
/// which the note was sent.
/// Implements section 4.19.2 of the
/// [Zcash Protocol Specification](https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#decryptivk).
pub fn try_note_decryption<D: Domain, Output: ShieldedOutput<D, ENC_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE>>(
domain: &D,
ivk: &D::IncomingViewingKey,
output: &Output,
) -> Option<(D::Note, D::Recipient, D::Memo)> {
let ephemeral_key = output.ephemeral_key();
let epk = D::prepare_epk(D::epk(&ephemeral_key)?);
let shared_secret = D::ka_agree_dec(ivk, &epk);
let key = D::kdf(shared_secret, &ephemeral_key);
try_note_decryption_inner(domain, ivk, &ephemeral_key, output, &key)
fn try_note_decryption_inner<D: Domain, Output: ShieldedOutput<D, ENC_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE>>(
domain: &D,
ivk: &D::IncomingViewingKey,
ephemeral_key: &EphemeralKeyBytes,
output: &Output,
key: &D::SymmetricKey,
) -> Option<(D::Note, D::Recipient, D::Memo)> {
let enc_ciphertext = output.enc_ciphertext();
let mut plaintext =
[0u8; 12][..].into(),
&mut plaintext.0,
let (note, to) = parse_note_plaintext_without_memo_ivk(
let memo = domain.extract_memo(&plaintext);
Some((note, to, memo))
fn parse_note_plaintext_without_memo_ivk<D: Domain>(
domain: &D,
ivk: &D::IncomingViewingKey,
ephemeral_key: &EphemeralKeyBytes,
cmstar_bytes: &D::ExtractedCommitmentBytes,
plaintext: &[u8],
) -> Option<(D::Note, D::Recipient)> {
let (note, to) = domain.parse_note_plaintext_without_memo_ivk(ivk, plaintext)?;
if let NoteValidity::Valid = check_note_validity::<D>(&note, ephemeral_key, cmstar_bytes) {
Some((note, to))
} else {
fn check_note_validity<D: Domain>(
note: &D::Note,
ephemeral_key: &EphemeralKeyBytes,
cmstar_bytes: &D::ExtractedCommitmentBytes,
) -> NoteValidity {
if &D::ExtractedCommitmentBytes::from(&D::cmstar(note)) == cmstar_bytes {
// In the case corresponding to specification section 4.19.3, we check that `esk` is equal
// to `D::derive_esk(note)` prior to calling this method.
if let Some(derived_esk) = D::derive_esk(note) {
if D::epk_bytes(&D::ka_derive_public(note, &derived_esk))
} else {
} else {
// Before ZIP 212
} else {
// Published commitment doesn't match calculated commitment
/// Trial decryption of the compact note plaintext by the recipient for light clients.
/// Attempts to decrypt and validate the given compact shielded output using the
/// given `ivk`. If successful, the corresponding note is returned, along with the address
/// to which the note was sent.
/// Implements the procedure specified in [`ZIP 307`].
/// [`ZIP 307`]: https://zips.z.cash/zip-0307
pub fn try_compact_note_decryption<D: Domain, Output: ShieldedOutput<D, COMPACT_NOTE_SIZE>>(
domain: &D,
ivk: &D::IncomingViewingKey,
output: &Output,
) -> Option<(D::Note, D::Recipient)> {
let ephemeral_key = output.ephemeral_key();
let epk = D::prepare_epk(D::epk(&ephemeral_key)?);
let shared_secret = D::ka_agree_dec(ivk, &epk);
let key = D::kdf(shared_secret, &ephemeral_key);
try_compact_note_decryption_inner(domain, ivk, &ephemeral_key, output, &key)
fn try_compact_note_decryption_inner<D: Domain, Output: ShieldedOutput<D, COMPACT_NOTE_SIZE>>(
domain: &D,
ivk: &D::IncomingViewingKey,
ephemeral_key: &EphemeralKeyBytes,
output: &Output,
key: &D::SymmetricKey,
) -> Option<(D::Note, D::Recipient)> {
// Start from block 1 to skip over Poly1305 keying output
let mut plaintext = [0; COMPACT_NOTE_SIZE];
let mut keystream = ChaCha20::new(key.as_ref().into(), [0u8; 12][..].into());
keystream.apply_keystream(&mut plaintext);
/// Recovery of the full note plaintext by the sender.
/// Attempts to decrypt and validate the given shielded output using the given `ovk`.
/// If successful, the corresponding note and memo are returned, along with the address to
/// which the note was sent.
/// Implements [Zcash Protocol Specification section 4.19.3][decryptovk].
/// [decryptovk]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#decryptovk
pub fn try_output_recovery_with_ovk<D: Domain, Output: ShieldedOutput<D, ENC_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE>>(
domain: &D,
ovk: &D::OutgoingViewingKey,
output: &Output,
cv: &D::ValueCommitment,
out_ciphertext: &[u8; OUT_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE],
) -> Option<(D::Note, D::Recipient, D::Memo)> {
let ock = D::derive_ock(ovk, cv, &output.cmstar_bytes(), &output.ephemeral_key());
try_output_recovery_with_ock(domain, &ock, output, out_ciphertext)
/// Recovery of the full note plaintext by the sender.
/// Attempts to decrypt and validate the given shielded output using the given `ock`.
/// If successful, the corresponding note and memo are returned, along with the address to
/// which the note was sent.
/// Implements part of section 4.19.3 of the
/// [Zcash Protocol Specification](https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#decryptovk).
/// For decryption using a Full Viewing Key see [`try_output_recovery_with_ovk`].
pub fn try_output_recovery_with_ock<D: Domain, Output: ShieldedOutput<D, ENC_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE>>(
domain: &D,
ock: &OutgoingCipherKey,
output: &Output,
out_ciphertext: &[u8; OUT_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE],
) -> Option<(D::Note, D::Recipient, D::Memo)> {
let enc_ciphertext = output.enc_ciphertext();
let mut op = OutPlaintextBytes([0; OUT_PLAINTEXT_SIZE]);
[0u8; 12][..].into(),
&mut op.0,
let pk_d = D::extract_pk_d(&op)?;
let esk = D::extract_esk(&op)?;
let ephemeral_key = output.ephemeral_key();
let shared_secret = D::ka_agree_enc(&esk, &pk_d);
// The small-order point check at the point of output parsing rejects
// non-canonical encodings, so reencoding here for the KDF should
// be okay.
let key = D::kdf(shared_secret, &ephemeral_key);
let mut plaintext = NotePlaintextBytes([0; NOTE_PLAINTEXT_SIZE]);
[0u8; 12][..].into(),
&mut plaintext.0,
let (note, to) = domain.parse_note_plaintext_without_memo_ovk(&pk_d, &plaintext)?;
let memo = domain.extract_memo(&plaintext);
// ZIP 212: Check that the esk provided to this function is consistent with the esk we can
// derive from the note. This check corresponds to `ToScalar(PRF^{expand}_{rseed}([4]) = esk`
// in https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#decryptovk. (`ρ^opt = []` for Sapling.)
if let Some(derived_esk) = D::derive_esk(&note) {
if (!derived_esk.ct_eq(&esk)).into() {
return None;
if let NoteValidity::Valid =
check_note_validity::<D>(&note, &ephemeral_key, &output.cmstar_bytes())
Some((note, to, memo))
} else {